Barco XVS-2 User guide

User guide
XVS Operate
Reference manual
Sy ste m Manager
Product revision
Software version: 2.3
Barco nv Media
Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurne
Phone: +
Fax: +32
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Printed in Belgium
XVS-2 update
The following features are no longer supported by XVS-2. Any and all references to these features, related
setup, and hardware information should be disregarded.
- Standby operate including support for a separate Data Server.
- Content storage installation (for Operate systems only Operate, XML Blaster, Live Data, and Data Ser-
vices installs are needed and supported).
- Live video capture for both Operate and Playback systems.
- Digital Audio - support to play audio files or audio embedded in video files is still supported though as
analog audio.
May 2010
Barco provides this manual ’as is’ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not
limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Barco may make im-
provements and/or changes to the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time
without notice.
This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made
to the information in this publication; these changes are incorporated in new editions of this publication.
Copyright ©
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or translated. It shall not otherwise
be recorded, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system without the prior written consent of Barco.
Brand and product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks, registered trademarks or copyrights
of their respective holders. All brand and product names mentioned in this manual serve as comments or
examples and are not to be understood as advertising for the products or their manufactures.
Table of contents
1. Introduction .........................................................................................3
1.1 General information............................................................................................ 3
1.2 Start up.......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 System Manager window ..................................................................................... 4
1.4 Navigation between the modules............................................................................. 5
1.5 Short cut keys .................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Limitations on characters used in names.................................................................... 6
2. Generalactions inthe Contenttree ...........................................................7
2.1 Content Tree.................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Folders actions ................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Create a new folder ...................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Delete a folder ............................................................................................ 8
2.2.3 Rename a folder.......................................................................................... 9
2.3 Content tree Item actions ..................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Add (import) new content to the Content tree ......................................................... 9
2.3.2 Delete content, playlist or layout.......................................................................12
2.3.3 Rename content, playlist or layout ....................................................................13
2.3.4 Reimport content ........................................................................................13
2.4 Organizing the Content tree .................................................................................15
3. Display man agement an d Scheduling ......................................................17
3.1 The display management module...........................................................................17
3.2 Display management .........................................................................................18
3.2.1 Create new display......................................................................................18
3.2.2 Set a thumbnail and enter a description for a display ...............................................21
3.2.3 View Display properties.................................................................................22
3.2.4 Delete a display..........................................................................................23
3.2.5 New display in an automatic redundant playback system ..........................................23
3.3 Scheduling.....................................................................................................24
3.3.1 Send a layout to a display..............................................................................24
3.3.2 Schedule content on a display.........................................................................25 Schedule content on a display without recurrence.............................................25 Schedule content on a display with recurrence.................................................27
3.3.3 Recall content............................................................................................31
3.3.4 Properties of a scheduled content.....................................................................31
3.3.5 Remove a scheduled content from the schedule history............................................32
3.3.6 Sorting scheduled content..............................................................................33
3.3.7 Filter settings for scheduled content...................................................................34
3.4 Display management Calender View .......................................................................35
3.4.1 About Calender View....................................................................................35
3.4.2 Navigation in time .......................................................................................36
3.4.3 Selecting a time range..................................................................................38
3.4.4 Show scheduled item per channel.....................................................................39
3.4.5 Detail of a scheduled item..............................................................................40
3.5 Display management diagnostics ...........................................................................40
3.6 Display information ...........................................................................................41
4. Content .............................................................................................45
4.1 The Content window..........................................................................................45
4.2 Add new content ..............................................................................................46
4.3 Previewing a content .........................................................................................46
4.4 Content properties ............................................................................................48
4.5 Rename via Content properties .............................................................................48
4.6 Add description to a content item ...........................................................................49
4.7 Delete a content item.........................................................................................49
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Table of contents
5. Playlist ..............................................................................................53
5.1 The playlist window ...........................................................................................53
5.2 Create new playlist............................................................................................54
5.3 Add items to a playlist ........................................................................................55
5.4 Change duration of a content in a playlist ..................................................................58
5.5 Save a playlist.................................................................................................59
5.6 ’Save as’ a playlist ............................................................................................60
5.7 Delete a playlist ...............................................................................................61
5.8 Open an existing playlist .....................................................................................62
5.9 Edit a playlist ..................................................................................................63
5.9.1 Add a content item ......................................................................................63
5.9.2 Remove a content item .................................................................................63
5.9.3 Change the content order ..............................................................................65
5.9.4 Change playlist name...................................................................................68
5.9.5 Add a description........................................................................................69
6. LayoutEditor ......................................................................................71
6.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................71
6.2 The layout window ............................................................................................73
6.3 The Layout tree ...............................................................................................74
6.4 The Renderer..................................................................................................74
6.5 Create new layout.............................................................................................76
6.6 Open an existing layout ......................................................................................78
6.7 Add a layer to a layout........................................................................................79
6.8 Add a channel to a layer .....................................................................................81
6.8.1 Add channel via the layout tree........................................................................81
6.8.2 Draw a channel in the Renderer.......................................................................82
6.9 Add multiple channels to a layer ............................................................................83
6.9.1 Add channels via the layout tree.......................................................................83
6.9.2 Draw channels in the Renderer........................................................................85
6.10 Add Channel cluster ..........................................................................................86
6.11 Divide channel.................................................................................................87
6.12 Audio enabling ................................................................................................88
6.12.1 About audio ..............................................................................................88
6.12.2 Background audio.......................................................................................88
6.12.3 Channel specific audio..................................................................................90
6.13 Delete a channel, layer or cluster ...........................................................................92
6.14 Moving a Channel on a layer ................................................................................93
6.15 Change channel dimension..................................................................................95
6.16 Add an existing channel to a Channel Cluster .............................................................97
6.17 Move a channel to another layer ............................................................................98
6.18 Channel opacity ...............................................................................................99
6.19 Channel Border ............................................................................................. 100
6.19.1 Border color............................................................................................ 100
6.19.2 Border opacity ......................................................................................... 102
6.19.3 Border width ........................................................................................... 102
6.20 Z-order of a layer............................................................................................ 103
6.21 Change Z-order of a channel .............................................................................. 104
6.22 Rename a layer, cluster or channel ....................................................................... 105
6.23 Save a layout................................................................................................ 106
6.24 ’Save as’ a layout ........................................................................................... 107
7. Reporting .........................................................................................109
7.1 Create a Report ............................................................................................. 109
7.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 109
7.1.2 Using the Reporting Wizard.......................................................................... 109
2 R5976946 XVS OPERATE 14/03/2007
1. Introduction
1.1 General information
Introduction to XVS Operate System Manager
XVS Operate System Manager groups different software modules to create, organize and display mes-
sages, video animation, etc. in a custom layout on a display.
XVS Operate System Manager is the configuration and management tool of XVS. It is comprised of dif-
ferent modules, each with a specific focus:
The following modules are standard with XVS Operate System Manager:
• Display management: The main focus of this module is the definition of the different displays that
are controlled by XVS. It also allows to schedule layouts and contents on these displays. From here,
diagnostics information and reports about each display can be consulted.
• Content manag ement: This module allows to import external content into XVS. The content can then
be organized and categorized (in a folder structure). The content can also be preview
• Playlist creation: This module makes it possible chain different content items into a sequence.
• Layout editor: To enable the simultaneous displaying of different content in different regions of a dis-
play, layouts need to be defined. This module serves this purpose.
Each module has a specialized task. E.g. Display management enables display creation and scheduling
layouts and content on the display.
XVS Operate System Manager will increase crowd participation by displaying text messages, animations,
up-coming events, dates and time, phone numbers, games, advertisements, statistics, and much more.
1.2 Start up
How to start up?
1. Double click on the XVS Operate icon on the desktop (image 1-1)
click on Start → All Programs → Barco → XVS Operate → XVS Operate
The XVS Operate framework starts up. A splash screen appears. (image 1-2)
When the complete setup is finished, the red XVS Operate icon is added to the system tray.
2. Right click on the XVS Operate icon (a).
A pop-up menu appears.
3. Select System Manager (b). (image 1-3)
The System Manager window starts up. (image 1-4)
click on the System Manager icon of the XVS toolbar. (image 1-5)
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1. Introduction
Image 1-1
Desktop icon
Image 1-2
XVS Operate start up
Image 1-3
Start up Operate
Image 1-4
Start up window
Image 1-5
Start up System Manager via the toolb
The System Manager window starts up with the same look and feel as it was closed
1.3 System Manager window
The System Manager window changes when selecting one of the different modules.
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1. Introduction
The following modules are selectable:
• Display
• Content
• Playlist
• Layout
Content tree
The Content tree contains the complete workspace, which can be divided in folders. Content,
layouts, playlists, actions and messages can easily be organized within these folders to make
Right click pop-up menus can have submenus. When an item in the menu has a submenu, it is indicated
by an arrow at the right side of the item name. Move the cursor on that arrow to open the submenu. Make
your selection within that submenu.
1.4 Navigation between the modules
What is possible?
one module to another while the basic information such as the content tree is availab
le in all modules at
the same location.
The navigation can be done in two ways:
• via the navigation buttons in the toolbar
Via the navigation butto ns
The navigation bar contains a button for each of the available modules.
1. Click on the desired module button to activate that module. (image 1-6)
The module accordingly panes are updated. The menu and toolbar are updated accord
Image 1-6
System manager navigation buttons
Via the menu
1. Click Go. (image 1-7)
A drop down menu opens.
2. Select the desired module from the list.
The module panes are updated. The menu and toolbar are updated accord
R5976946 XVS OPERATE 14/03/2007
1. Introduction
Image 1-7
Navigation via menu
1.5 Short cut keys
Ctrl + Shift + D Create new display
Ctrl + N
Add new content
Ctrl + Shift + P Create new playlist
Ctrl + Shift + L Create new layout
Ctrl + F5 Go to Display module
Ctrl + F6 Go to Content module
Ctrl + F7 Go to Playlist module
Ctrl + F8 Go to Layout module
1.6 Limitations o
n characters used in names
To obtain a full functionality, use only English alpha-numeric characters (QWERTY keyboard set of char-
acters and numbers) for saving the names of displays, content, actions, message names and playlists.
The content of a message can contain any other language characters.
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2. General actions in the Content tree
• Content Tree
• Folders actions
• Content tree Item actions
• Organizing the Content tree
2.1 Content Tree
The following items can be found in the content tree:
Content type
Displayed Content, graphics
Displayed Content, movies
Possible actions
• Create folders
• Delete folders
• Import content
• Manage content such as rename an
d reorganize.
2.2 Folders actions
• Create a new folder
• Delete a folder
• Rename a folder
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2. General actions in the Content tree
2.2.1 Create a new folder
How to create
1. Right click on the top level of the content tree or on a subfolder in which the new folder will be created
(a). (image 2-1)
A pop-up menu appears.
2. Select New and move the cursor to the right (b).
3. Select Folder (c).
A new folder is created on the selected location with the default name New folder selected for editing
4. Change the name of the folder with the keyboard and press ENTER.
Image 2-1
Create new folder
2.2.2 Delete a folder
How to delete
1. Right click on the folder to be deleted (a). (image 2-2)
A pop-up menu appears.
2. Select Delete (b).
If the folder is empty, the folder will be deleted.
If the folder contains items, a warning window appears (c). That window will indicate how many items
would be deleted at the same time if Yes is pressed (folder + all
sub items of the folder).
3. Click Yes (d) to proceed with the delete operation.
Click No to cancel the delete operation.
Image 2-2
Delete folder
8 R5976946 XVS OPERATE 14/03/2007
2. General actions in the Content tree
Delete a sub-folder in the same way as you would delete a folder.
2.2.3 Rename a folder
How to rename?
1. Right click on the folder to be renamed (a). (image 2-3)
A pop-up menu appears.
2. Select Rename (b).
An edit box is set around the folder name (c).
3. Change the name of the folder with the keyboard (d).
4. Press ENTER to activate the new name.
Image 2-3
Rename folder
2.3 Content tree Item actions
• Add (import) new content to the Content tree
• Delete content, playlist or layout
• Rename content, playlist or layout
• Reimport content
2.3.1 Add (import) new content to the Content tree
Short cut key to add content : Ctrl + N.
Via the context menu
1. Browse in the Content tree to the desired folder, which wi
ll hold the imported content. (image 2-4)
If no folder is selected, the content is imported in the Workspace.
2. Right click in the desired location (a).
A pop-up menu appears.
3. Select New and move the cursor to the right (b).
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2. General actions in the Content tree
4. Select Content....
A dialog box appears to select the content to be imported (c).
5. Browse to the desired content file and click to select it (d).
Tip: Double clicking will add the selected content immediately.
Tip: To select a range of files, select the first one, then hold down the Shift key and select the last
one in the range. To select multiple non consecutive files, hold down the Ctrl key and click on
each file.
A preview is shown on the right side of the window.
6. Click on Open (e).
The content is imported in the content tree (f) and is available for scheduling or use in the Message
Editor or the Action Manager.
Image 2-4
Add new content via the context menu
Via the toolbar
1. Click on the arrow next to New (a). (image 2-5)
Note: When already in the content module, just click on the New button.
A drop down menu opens.
2. Select New → Content.. (b).
A dialog box appears to select the content to be imported (c).
R5976946 XVS OPERATE 14/03/2007
2. General actions in the Content tree
3. Browse to the desired content file and click to select (d).
Tip: Double clicking will add the selected content immediately.
Tip: To select a range of files, select the first one, then hold down the Shift key and select the last
one in the range. To select multiple non consecutive files, hold down the Ctrl key and click on
each file.
A preview is shown on the right side of the window.
4. Click Open (e).
The content is imported in the content tree (f) and is available for scheduling or use in the Message
Editor or Action Manager.
Image 2-5
Add new content via the toolbar
Via the menu
1. Click on File → New and select Content... (b). (image 2-6)
A dialog box appears to select the content to be imported (c).
2. Browse to the desired content file and click to select (d).
Tip: Double clicking will add the selected content immediately.
Tip: To select a range of files, select the first one, then hold down the Shift key and select the last
one in the range. To select multiple non consecutive files, hold down the Ctrl key and click on
each file.
A preview is shown on the right side of the window.
3. Click Open (e).
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2. General actions in the Content tree
The content is imported in the content tree (f) and is available for scheduling or use in the Message
Editor or Action Manager.
Image 2-6
Add new content via the menu
2.3.2 Delete content, playlist or layout
How to delete
1. Click on an item to be deleted. (image 2-7)
Tip: To select a range of files, select the first one, then hold down the Shift key and select the last
one in the range. To select multiple non consecutive files, hold down the Ctrl key and click on
each file.
2. Right click on a selected item.
A pop-up menu appears.
3. Select Delete.
The selected item is deleted.
When deleting multiple items, a warning message will be displayed which indicates the number of items
to be deleted. Click Yes to delete all selected items.
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2. General actions in the Content tree
Image 2-7
2.3.3 Rename con tent, pla ylist or layout
How to rename
1. Right click on an item to be renamed (a). (image 2-8)
A pop-up menu appears.
2. Select Rename (b).
An edit box appears around the selected item (c).
3. Enter the new name and press ENTER .
Image 2-8
Rename an item in the content tree
2.3.4 Reimport content
How to reimport
1. Right click on an content to be reimported. (image 2-9)
2. Select Reimport (a).
A dialog box appears to select the content to be reimported (b). Only the file with the same file extension
of the selected content are displayed. It is not allowed to reimport a content with another file extension.
3. Browse to the desired content file and click to select.
Tip: Double clicking will add the selected conten
t immediately.
4. Click open to reimport the file and replacing the current file.
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2. General actions in the Content tree
Image 2-9
Reimport content
Limitations on reimport
General limitations:
• Not possible to select a content type different than what the origina
l content file is (e.g. not possible
to select an avi when the original file was a bmp).
• If a file is reimporting, it is not possible to do another reimport of the same file. The files will be marked
with the Warning icon if they are currently being reimported.
• It is not possible to delete a file that is being reimported nor save it in content management.
• If you have barely finished reimporting a file and you try to reimport the same file again you will likely
get an error importing because the file is currently being synched to the playback systems and is thus
locked by the file system.
• It is not recommended to reimport a content that is currently being displayed on a playback because
while the content is synching it will not be playable and
you will have either black or the content prior
will be held for the contents duration.
Content preview:
• If a file is being viewed in content management and you start a reimport it will be removed from the
view. If you try to open a file in content management that is being reimported you will get an error
saying the file is locked and cannot be previewed.
for the Playlist Editor:
• If the file is in a playlist, the duration that th
e playlist has for the file will NOT be updated as this is a
user settable property and cannot be automatically changed without potentially undoing user choices.
An edit of the playlist is necessary if the content has to play for a different duration.
• Reimported items can be added to a playlist.
for the Message Editor:
• If a file is in a message that is currently ope
n it will be removed from the black edit window but not
from the message. When the reimport is done the file will again be shown in the edit window.
• It is not possible to add a content to a message that is currently being reimported. The drag has been
disabled in this case.
• Copy and pasting an item in the Message Editor while it is being reimported will not show that item in
the Edit Window until the reimport is finished. The item will appear in the message tree though and it
is possible to change its properties.
For the Action Manager:
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Barco XVS-2 User guide

User guide

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