Knauer Clarity 8.2.2 Extensions MS Owner's manual

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  • What is the MS Extension?
    Which libraries can be used for spectral search?
    How can the mean and background time intervals be set?
Clarity Extension ENG
Code/Rev.: M168/80D
Date: 4/1/2019
Phone: +420 251 013 400 DataApex Ltd.
Fax: +420 251 013 401 Petrzilkova 2583/13 158 00 Prague 5 The Czech Republic
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trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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Author: DM
MS Extension Table of Contents
1 MS - Mass Spectroscopy 1
2 Specification 2
3 Installation 3
4 Key Features 4
4.1 Basic principles and terms 5
5 MS Extension Description 6
5.1 MS Chromatogram window 6
5.1.1 MS Menu 9 MS Search 13 Add MS Spectrum to Library 22 Mean and Backgrounds 23 Create Spectrum Label 25
5.1.2 Result Table 28
5.1.3 Measurement Conditions - MS Method 30
5.1.4 Integration Table 37
5.1.5 Import MS Chromatogram 39
5.1.6 Export MS Chromatogram 42
5.1.7 Graph Properties - MS Spectra tab 44
5.2 Method Setup 46
5.2.1 Method Setup - MS Method 46
5.2.2 Method Setup - Integration 47
5.3 MS Calibration 48
5.4 Data Acquisition 49
5.5 Report Setup - MS 50
6 Clarity MS operation 52
6.1 Setting MS Instrument 53
6.2 Opening MS demo project 53
6.3 Setting MS Search position 53
6.3.1 Creating and filling your own library 54
6.3.2 Managing MS Library 55
6.4 Creating MS Method 56
6.4.1 Using Single Compound Search 57
6.4.2 Using Automatic Compound Search 57
6.4.3 Using Target Compound Search 58
6.4.4 Editing MS Method 58
6.5 Defining Reference m/z values 59
6.6 Creating of the MS Calibration 60
6.7 Importing MS Chromatogram 61
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MS Extension Table of Contents
To facilitate the orientation in the MS Extension manual and Clarity chromatography station,
different fonts are used throughout the manual. Meanings of these fonts are:
Instrument (blue text) marks the name of the window to which the text refers.
Open File (italics) describes the commands and names of fields in Clarity, parameters that can
be entered into them or a window or dialog name (when you already are in the topic describing
the window).
WORK1 (capitals) indicates the name of the file and/or directory.
ACTIVE (capital italics) marks the state of the station or its part.
The bold text is sometimes also used for important parts of the text and the name of the Clarity
station. Moreover, some sections are written in format other than normal text. These sections are
formatted as follows:
Note: Notifies the reader of relevant information.
Caution: Warns the user of possibly dangerous or very important information.
▌ Marks the problem statement or trouble question.
Description: Presents more detailed information on the problem, describes its causes,
Solution: Marks the response to the question, presents a procedure how to remove it.
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MS Extension 1 MS - Mass Spectroscopy
1 MS - Mass Spectroscopy
The Clarity MS Extension is an optional part of the Clarity
Chromatography Station (from version 5.0). It is intended for data
acquisition and evaluation of data measured on MS Detectors.
MS Extension is also compatible with Clarity Offline software.
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MS Extension 2 Specification
2 Specification
The MS Extension is an optional, fully integrated part of Clarity software.
It can be ordered as a part of new datastation or as an Extension to
existing datastation (p/n A38).
Note: MSExtension has higher demands on your PCconfiguration. We
recommend PC with SSDdrive installed. Please check recommended
PCconfiguration listed in the D016 Datasheet - Compatibility Table.
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MS Extension 3 Installation
3 Installation
The MS Extension is enabled by appropriate user code entered during
installation or later by using the Help - User Code command from the
Clarity main window.
To switch an Instrument to a mode where it can collect and evaluate MS
data, select the LC-MS or GC-MS option from the Instrument Type Setting
Instrument Type Setting dialog is invoked by clicking on the button in
the System Configuration dialog.
Options that are technically possible and have been purchased are
enabled by default. Otherwise they are automatically disabled.
Fig 1: Setting up the LC-MS Instrument
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MS Extension 4 Key Features
4 Key Features
The MS Extension brings the following features to the Clarity station:
MS Chromatogram window - standard Clarity Chromatogram window
was modified to display the spectral information too. The graph pane now
holds one more graph showing the spectrum at any given time or at a time
span, which is noted in the top-right corner in the legend area.
MS Method - MS method allows the user to select the extracted signals on
which the compounds will be identified and quantified. Each compound
may use different reference signals, so that more than one compound may
be identified in any part of the chromatogram.
Library search -Clarity MS Extension allows the user to use spectral
libraries for peak identification and/or compound confirmation.
NIST Libraries -Clarity uses the NISTLibrary format for storing spectra,
and works flawlessly with commercial NIST Libraries or those created by
the user.
Automatic Compound Search -Clarity allows to search any selected
signal automatically for the presence of spectra that are defined in the
spectral library.
The following standard Clarity features will also help the user to make the
best of the MS analysis in Clarity:
User calculations - the user can define custom calculations in the Result
Table and Summary Table. With the use of the integrated editor you can
create your own columns from the original ones and use individual
mathematical functions.
Reports - user selectable report sections, WYSIWYG formatting of Graphs
and Tables, and the possibility to report the spectral information for any
peak in the chromatogram.
Batch - automatic batch processing, display, export or print of any number
of chromatograms.
Summary Result Table - displays and prints selected results from all
simultaneously displayed chromatograms.
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MS Extension 4 Key Features
4.1 Basic principles and terms
Mass Spectrometry (MS ) is an analytical detection method that
determines the structure of compounds from the ions to which the
compound is fragmented.
m/z means Mass to Charge ratio. It is the value particular ions are divided
by. Most common usage is the usage of ions with the charge of +1 or -1,
making the m/z effectively just the mass of the ion.
MS Detector is the device serving for the Mass Spectrometry . It
generally composes of several parts - Sample Inlet,Ion Source where the
compounds entering the detector are fragmented to ions, Mass Analyzer
in which the particular ions are separated based on their m/z ratio and
Detector, where the ions are detected.
MS Spectrum is the basic information coming out of the MS Detector - it
is a set of data describing the relative intensities of ions of particular m/z
fragmented from the compound.
Raw Data is a matrix of the spectra and the retention time.
Total Ion Current (TIC) represents the total signal coming from the MS
Detector, in fact summing all the individual ion intensity values from each
spectra to single value.
Base Peak Intensity (BPI) is another interesting signal in the MS practice
- it represents the signal showing the intensity of the highest intensity ion
from each spectra.
Extracted Ion Current (EIC) is the signal over time of one single ion of
selected m/z, as gained from the Raw Data.
Raw Spectrum is a continuous spectrum (similar to the UV spectrum) of
the compound - individual data points are connected by a curve.
Stick Spectrum is a simplified version of the Raw Spectrum , where
"Peaks" made by small imprecission of the MS Detector are instead
represented by a single m/z value, so called Stick.
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
5 MS Extension Description
After installation, new functions of the MS Extension will be available.
Only features changed or added to the Clarity standard mode are listed
and described here.
5.1 MS Chromatogram window
On the GC- MS and LC- MS Instrument the standard Chromatogram
window was replaced by MS Chromatogram window. The functionality of
MS Chromatogram window differs slightly from the functionality of the
Chromatogram window, but most of the functions are common between
both windows.
Fig 2: MS Chromatogram window
Graph pane is divided into two parts in the MS Chromatogram window -
original graph as in standard Chromatogram window, and the spectrum
part displaying the spectrum at any given time or time interval. There is a
special mode called MS Offsetting for displaying the signals in the MS
Chromatogram window, allowing to offset different signals to the same
baseline level while keeping the ratios of the signals, which can be set in
the Graph Properties - Signals dialog invoked by using the Properties…
command from the local menu. This setting helps to eliminate the
background noise on some signals (notably TIC) for optical evaluation of
correct ion ratios. The settings for the behavior of the spectral graph can
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
be selected using the Graph Properties - MS Spectra dialog invoked by
using the Properties… command from the local menu.
Signals in MSExtension
The number of signals displayed in the graph will change contextually as
the user changes focus in the graph itself or in the Result Table. Each
peak in the MS Extension is defined by up to four EIC X - Reference m/z X
signals and a Quantification signal, which may be TIC, any of the
Reference signals, sum of those or even an external signal. Different
peaks may (and indeed will) differ in number of such defined signals and
in the signals themselves - the EIC - reference m/z for them will differ too.
Order under which the signals are displayed is defined by the signals set
in the System Configuration (and later Method Setup ) that were used
during the acquisition of the chromatogram. Standard signals defined in
the System Configuration and Method Setup dialogs will be displayed
first. Next, if a peak is selected, will be it's quantification signal, followed by
the signals of reference ions. If one of the reference ions is at the same
time used as a quantification signal, it will not be displayed for the second
time. Next in order will be any signals displayed by the user from the raw
The standard signals behave exactly as the users are used to in Clarity,
and they are saved when the chromatogram is saved. The rest of the
signals are so called "Temporary Signals" created according to the
information set in the MS Method and created always fresh from the raw
data when they are needed. If an MS chromatogram is opened on non-MS
Clarity Instrument, only the standard signals will be available for
inspection and work, but the temporary signals will not.
Result Table
Another major change in the MS Chromatogram window touches the
Result Table . On non- MSInstruments each signal has it's own Result
Table, whereas on MS Instrument, the Result Table is common through
all signals. The table header which normally changes color to match the
color of the active signal is black on MS Instrument regardless of the
signal selected.
The Result Table is a combination of two separate result tables - one
created according to the MS Method Table, second one created according
to the selected standard signal. The information on the signal used for this
purpose is stored in the header of the table and can be changed by using
the Result Table Signal option on the upper part of the Measurement
Conditions - MS Method tab.
Other changes in MS Chromatogram window
All changes in the MS Chromatogram window are described on particular
places - MS menu,Result Table,Measurement Conditions - MS Method
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
tab,Integration Table,Import Chromatogram and the Graph Properties -
MS Spectra tab.
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
5.1.1 MS Menu
Menu containing all commands available in the MS Extension.
MS Method Switches the display of the lower part of the MS
Chromatogram window to the Measurement
Conditions - MS Method tab.
Set NIST Libraries
Allows to set the correct location of the NIST
Libraries, if they are installed on the computer.
Clarity installation includes also basic NIST demo
libraries which are stored in the \UTILS\NIST\MS
SEARCH subdirectory of the Clarity working
directory (C:\CLARITY\BIN by default), which can be
used instead.
Note: It is necessary to select the folder where the library names are
displayed as subdirectories for Clarity to function.
Select Spectral Data Command for working with multiple spectra in a
single chromatogram. Opens a sub-menu allowing
to switch to different spectrum. The same action may
be also performed from the select-box in the MS
Prefer Spectral Data
from Method
Command for working with multiple spectra in a
single chromatogram. Sets whether for compounds
already present in the MS Method the spectrum
displayed will be the spectrum selected in the
Single Compound
Opens the MS Search dialog on the Single
Compound Search tab. More information on the
Single Compound Search tab can be found in the
chapter "MS Search" on pg 13.
Automatic Compound
Opens the MS Search dialog on the Automatic
Compound Search tab. More information on the
Automatic Compound Search tab can be found in
the chapter "MS Search" on pg 16.
Target Compound
Opens the MS Search dialog on the Target
Compound Search tab. More information on the
Target Compound Search tab can be found in the
chapter "MS Search" on pg 19.
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
Manage Libraries… Opens the MS Search external program which
allows to create user libraries, manage them and
copy compound spectra to them.
Add Spectrum to
Sends the selected spectrum to the MS Search
external program via Add MS Spectrum to Library
dialog described on pg 22.
Show Spectrum Allows to display a spectrum at any given time or
any time interval. Invoking this command locks the
cursor in the graph pane - just clicking on the time
shows the spectrum at that point, pressing Ctrl and
clicking twice allows to select the time interval
through which the spectrum will be averaged.
Add Reference m/z When you are in a MS Method Table row, using this
command locks the cursor in the spectrum graph.
Clicking on any m/z stick adds the given m/z ion as a
reference m/z for the compound. When all four
reference m/z ions are filled in, you need to delete
one of the four reference m/z ions before adding a
new one.
Add Compound w/o
Library Spectrum…
When invoked, locks the cursor in the chromatogram
graph pane. Clicking on any time will invoke the Add
Compound w/o Library Spectrum dialog described
in the section Add Compound w/o Library
Spectrum on pg 12
Add Selected m/z
Signal as Temporary
Using this function locks the cursor in the spectrum
graph. Clicking on any m/z will add the extracted
signal of that m/z to the chromatogram if maximum
signals in the chromatogram is not achieved yet.
Add Temporary m/z
Signal - Manually…
Using this function invokes the Add Temporary m/z
Signal Manually dialog described in the section Add
Temporary m/z Signal - Manually… on pg 12
allowing to extract the signal on any chosen m/z
from the raw data if maximum signals in the
chromatogram is not achieved yet. It is possible to
get a signal for the range of several defined m/z
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
Note: Maximum of 24 signals is allowed in any MS chromatogram. This
includes TIC, BPI, external signals, reference signals and any
extracted signals using Add Selected m/z Signal as Temporary
or Add Temporary m/z Signal - Manually… function, but not the
Quantification signal.
Remove All
Temporary m/z
Serves for removing the no-longer necessary
temporary added signals from the display in the MS
Chromatogram window. All temporary added
signals will be closed upon invoking this command.
Mean and
Command opening sub-menu with commands used
for setting the mean and background evaluation
Set Mean Calculation
Using this function locks the cursor in the MS
chromatogram graph. Clicking on any time point
sets the start of the mean calculation interval,
clicking for the second time selects the end of the
mean calculation interval. Both values are inserted
into the MS method of the chromatogram for the
given peak in the format specified in Mean and
Backgrounds dialog.
Set Background 1
Using this function locks the cursor in the MS
chromatogram graph. Clicking on any time point
sets the start of the background 1 interval, clicking
for the second time selects the end of the
background 1 interval. Both values are inserted into
the MS method of the chromatogram for the given
peak in the format specified in Mean and
Backgrounds dialog.
Set Background 2
Using this function locks the cursor in the MS
chromatogram graph. Clicking on any time point
sets the start of the background 2 interval, clicking
for the second time selects the end of the
background 2 interval. Both values are inserted into
the MS method of the chromatogram for the given
peak in the format specified in Mean and
Backgrounds dialog.
Configure Mean and
Opens the Mean and Backgrounds dialog used for
defining the defaults for mean calculation interval
and background intervals.
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
Create Spectrum
Command serving for creating labels in MS spectral
graph. Two options enable to create either Text
labels or Line labels (for more details see the
chapter Create Spectrum Label on pg 25).
Add Compound w/o Library Spectrum
Fig 3: Add Compound w/o Library Spectrum dialog
The dialog allows to enter a new row into the MS Method Table. Selecting
a unique Compound name is necessary.
Add Temporary m/z Signal - Manually…
Fig 4: Add Temporary m/z Signal - Manually…
The dialog invoked after using the Add Temporary m/z Signal -
Manually… command allows to extract the desired m/z signal from the raw
data. Any values complying with spectral precision are allowed to be
entered into the dialog, the values can be input as single values
separated by semicolon (;) or as a range using dash (-). E.g.: 45;62;100-
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description MS Search
MS Search dialog serves for setting the parameters for the search in
spectral libraries. Clarity can perform three types of search - Single
Compound Search,Automatic Compound Search and Target Compound
Single Compound Search
Single Compound Search tab serves for performing a simple search of a
single spectrum in one or more spectral libraries. It is invoked by using the
Single Compound Search command from the MS menu of the MS
Chromatogram window.
Fig 5: MS Search - Single Compound Search dialog
Search In Ret. Time
Either an exact retention time or an interval can be selected to search in.
The values can be input manually or by selecting in the graph. The
spectrum from the selected retention time will be compared with the
spectral libraries and results will be returned based on further setting, i.e.
Search Options and Background Subtraction.
Select From Graph
When this button is clicked, a mouse cursor will be focused into the graph,
where either an exact retention time can be selected by one click into the
graph, or a range of retention time can be selected: while holding the
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
CTRL key, first click into the graph to select the beginning of the desired
interval, and second click into the graph to select the end of the desired
Search Options
Section allowing to set several parameters for the spectral search.
Min Match Factor
Restricts the hits returned to Clarity from MS Search program to just
those with match factor higher than or equals to the value set in the
field. Valid numbers are whole numbers from 0 to 1000.
Max Hits
Restricts the number of hits returned from the MS Search program to
Clarity. Changing the value in the field only applies when the search
is invoked again. Valid values are whole numbers from 1 to 100.
Restrict m/z Range
Sets the range of m/z values that will be searched in the library
Use Selected m/z
lSearch Only Selected performs the search using only up to
four selected m/z values. Using this option searches the
libraries only for spectra containing the selected m/z ions with
non-zero intensities, giving best matches to compounds that
have the relative intensities of such sticks closest to ones in the
Note When the Restrict m/z Range together with
Search Only Selected are set, only those m/z
ions belonging to this restricted range are
lSearch All But Selected excludes from the search up to four
ions selected in the m/z 1..4 fields.
Background Subtraction
Up to two backgrounds can be selected to be subtracted from the
spectrum before the search. Such backgrounds can be input either as an
exact retention time or as an interval.
Select From Graph
When this button is clicked, a mouse cursor will be focused into the graph,
where either an exact time for background subtraction can be selected by
one click into the graph, or a range of time for background subtraction can
be selected: while holding the CTRL key, first click into the graph to select
the beginning of the desired interval, and second click into the graph to
select the end of the desired interval.
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
When invoked, the search in NIST Libraries is performed using the
external MS Search program. The MS Search being searched in can be
set in the MS Search program (menu options Options - Library Search
Options - Libraries tab), along with other search parameters.
Preview Spectrum in Library
When invoked, the selected spectrum will be shown in NIST Libraries
using the external MS Search program. More parameters can be set in
the MS Search program (menu Options - Library Search Options -
Libraries tab).
Caution: Parameters changes in the MS Search - Single Compound Search dialog
will not be applied until the Search or Preview Spectrum in Library button
is pressed once again.
Add Selected to Method
Adds the checked rows from MS Library Search into the MS Method table.
MS Library Search table
This table contains the results of the search from the MS Search program.
The table contains the Match ,Reverse Match ,Probability,Compound
Name,Library,ID,Formula,MW and CAS No. columns, as used in the MS
Search program.
Spectrum graph
The graph displays the overlay of the chromatogram signal as set in the
Search In Ret. Time field used for the library search and the library
spectrum of a compound selected in the MS Library Search table.
Standard operations (zooming, etc.) are allowed in the graph, it's format
(mainly peak tag format, overlay/head- to- tail mode, spectra colors) is
dependent on the settings on the Graph Properties - MS Spectra tab. It is
possible to open the tab using the context menu invoked by right-click in
the graph area.
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MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
Automatic Compound Search
Automatic Compound Search tab serves for performing an initial search
on a chromatogram where the user knows what he can expect. It is
possible to quickly fill the whole MS Method table by running an
Automatic Compound Search . The function is invoked by using the
Automatic Compound Search command from the MS menu of the MS
Chromatogram window.
Fig 6: MS Search - Automatic Compound Search dialog
Use Signal
Sets the signal on which the peaks will be detected and their spectra will
be matched with spectral libraries. It is possible to select any standard
signal including TIC , as well as external signals and signals extracted
from the raw data (in such case you have to select the desired m/z in the
appropriate field). While adding found compounds to MS Method, the
signal set in this combo box will be propagated to Quantify On column in
MS Method table.
Search In Ret. Time
By default the search interval is in the whole chromatogram. If needed,
such search interval can be specified in the from and to edit boxes,
enabled after unchecking the check box Whole Chromatogram . The
spectrum from the selected retention time will be compared with the
spectral libraries and results will be returned based on further setting, i.e.
Search Options.
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