MS Extension 5 MS Extension Description
be selected using the Graph Properties - MS Spectra dialog invoked by
using the Properties… command from the local menu.
Signals in MSExtension
The number of signals displayed in the graph will change contextually as
the user changes focus in the graph itself or in the Result Table. Each
peak in the MS Extension is defined by up to four EIC X - Reference m/z X
signals and a Quantification signal, which may be TIC, any of the
Reference signals, sum of those or even an external signal. Different
peaks may (and indeed will) differ in number of such defined signals and
in the signals themselves - the EIC - reference m/z for them will differ too.
Order under which the signals are displayed is defined by the signals set
in the System Configuration (and later Method Setup ) that were used
during the acquisition of the chromatogram. Standard signals defined in
the System Configuration and Method Setup dialogs will be displayed
first. Next, if a peak is selected, will be it's quantification signal, followed by
the signals of reference ions. If one of the reference ions is at the same
time used as a quantification signal, it will not be displayed for the second
time. Next in order will be any signals displayed by the user from the raw
The standard signals behave exactly as the users are used to in Clarity,
and they are saved when the chromatogram is saved. The rest of the
signals are so called "Temporary Signals" created according to the
information set in the MS Method and created always fresh from the raw
data when they are needed. If an MS chromatogram is opened on non-MS
Clarity Instrument, only the standard signals will be available for
inspection and work, but the temporary signals will not.
Result Table
Another major change in the MS Chromatogram window touches the
Result Table . On non- MSInstruments each signal has it's own Result
Table, whereas on MS Instrument, the Result Table is common through
all signals. The table header which normally changes color to match the
color of the active signal is black on MS Instrument regardless of the
signal selected.
The Result Table is a combination of two separate result tables - one
created according to the MS Method Table, second one created according
to the selected standard signal. The information on the signal used for this
purpose is stored in the header of the table and can be changed by using
the Result Table Signal option on the upper part of the Measurement
Conditions - MS Method tab.
Other changes in MS Chromatogram window
All changes in the MS Chromatogram window are described on particular
places - MS menu,Result Table,Measurement Conditions - MS Method
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