Kamstrup METERTOOL HCW Installation guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for METERTOOL HCW and LogView HCW, which are applications for configuring and reading Kamstrup meters. This guide provides instructions for registration, download, and installation, as well as setup instructions.. I'm ready to answer any questions you might have about these applications.
  • How do I obtain the installation files?
    What should I do before installing METERTOOL HCW?
    What should I do if the .zip file is blocked?
    What to do after the installation?
LogView HCW
- Registration, download and
Downlod nd insllion guide
2Kmsrup A/S • 58101211_GB_2019-05
METERTOOL HCW nd LogView HCW - Registrtion, downlod nd instlltion
1 Introduction
METERTOOL HCW nd LogView HCW re pplicions specificlly designed o configure nd red Kmsrup he, cooling nd
wer meers. The pplicions re herefore only vilble o Kmsrup cusomers nd reled service compnies nd i is
necessry o be regisered  Kmsrup o obin he insllion files. Anybody h does no fulfill hese requiremens, will be
rejeced during he regisrion process. To obin METERTOOL HCW or LogView HCW, follow he seps below o ge regisered,
downlod nd insll he pplicions.
2 Registration and login
1 Complee he regisrion form (if you hve lredy compleed he regisrion form nd received he usernme nd pss-
word, go o sep 3).
2 Wi for our service em o process your regisrion (my ke up o  few dys).
3 Once you hve obined he usernme nd pssword by e-mil, follow he insrucions for METERTOOL HCW, prgrph 4,
or LogView HCW, prgrph 5, depending on which pplicion you wn o downlod nd insll.
3 Before you install METERTOOL HCW
METERTOOL HCW hs o be inslled nd run by he sme user.
METERTOOL HCW hs o be inslled from nd on your locl disk.
4 METERTOOL HCW download and installation instructions
1 On he locl disk, cree  folder clled “METERTOOL HCW Downlod” (usully C:\METERTOOL HCW Downlod).
2 Log ino hps://fileservice.kmsrup.com, using he usernme nd pssword h you received by e-mil (direc link is no
working wih he browser Edge).
3 Click he ”METERTOOL HCW/” folder.
4 Click he “...zip” hyperlink nd sve he .zip file (lernively use he .RenmeToZip file if he firewll blocks he .zip file nd
renme he file o .zip).
5 Open he folder conining he newly downloded .zip file nd move he file o he “METERTOOL HCW Downlod” folder.
6 Exrc/unzip he .zip file by righ-clicking he file nd clicking “Exrc here” or by using  zip pplicion (if  zip pplic-
ion is no lredy pr of your Windows opering sysem, pplicions such s WinRAR re vilble for free).
7 Open he newly unzipped folder nd hen open he ”MeeroolHCW” folder.
8 Click he Seup.exe file o begin inslling METERTOOL HCW.
9 Accep he securiy wrning by clicking he ”Insll” buon.
10 Wi for he insllion o finish nd METERTOOL HCW will uomiclly be lunched (ccep ny wrnings from Windows
nd ccep he messge bou he opicl red-ou hed no being found, if necessry).
11 Wi for METERTOOL HCW o insll he dbses (METERTOOL HCW will resr nd he dbses re no upded  his
12 Insll he USB driver if i is no inslled lredy (ccep Windows wrnings, if needed).
3Kmsrup A/S • 58101211_GB_2019-05
METERTOOL HCW nd LogView HCW - Registrtion, downlod nd instlltion
13 Click he “Seings” buon in METERTOOL HCW nd click on “Upde dbse.
14 Upde he relevn dbses, if needed nd click “Exi” (METERTOOL HCW will resr).
15 Click he “Seings” buon in METERTOOL HCW nd click “Upde Progrm”.
16 Upde he progrm, if needed, nd click “Exi” (METERTOOL HCW will resr).
17 Connec  Kmsrup opicl red-ou hed o your compuer nd METERTOOL HCW is now redy for use.
If you experience problems with registration, download or installation of METERTOOL HCW, please contact:
5 LogView HCW download and installation instructions
1 On he locl disk, cree  folder clled “LogView HCW Downlod” (usully C:\LogView HCW Downlod).
2 Log ino hps://fileservice.kmsrup.com, using he usernme nd pssword h you received by e-mil (direc link is no
working wih he browser Edge).
3 Click he ”LogView HCW/” folder.
4 Click he “...zip” hyperlink nd sve he .zip file (lernively use he .RenmeToZip file if he firewll blocks he .zip file nd
renme he file o .zip).
5 Open he folder conining he newly downloded .zip file nd move he file o he “LogView HCW Downlod” folder.
6 Exrc/unzip he .zip file by righ-clicking he file nd clicking “Exrc here” or by using  zip pplicion (if  zip pplic-
ion is no lredy pr of your Windows opering sysem, pplicions such s WinRAR re vilble for free).
7 Open he newly unzipped folder nd hen open he ”LogViewHCW” folder.
8 Click he Seup.exe file o begin inslling he pplicion.
9 Accep he securiy wrning by clicking he ”Insll” buon.
10 Wi for he insllion o finish nd LogView HCW will uomiclly be lunched (ccep ny wrnings from Windows nd
ccep he messge bou he opicl red-ou hed no being found, if necessry).
11 Insll he USB driver if i is no inslled lredy (ccep Windows wrnings, if needed).
12 Click he “Seings” buon in LogView HCW nd click “Upde Progrm”.
13 Upde he progrm, if needed, nd click “Exi” (LogView HCW will resr).
14 Connec  Kmsrup opicl red-ou hed o your compuer nd LogView HCW is now redy for use.
If you experience problems with registration, download or installation of LogView HCW, please contact:
4Kmsrup A/S • 58101211_GB_2019-05
METERTOOL HCW nd LogView HCW - Registrtion, downlod nd instlltion