interactive text objects, 268
internal style sheet, 194
Internet browsers. See browsers
Internet Explorer, 153, 449
Internet Explorer Conditional Comments, 448–449
Internet Information Server (IIS), 372
Internet Information Services (IIS), 441
invisible elements, 58, 86, 289, 347, 435
Java Server Pages (JSP), 441
applying to Web page events, 160–161
Check Browser behavior, 162–163
Go To URL behavior, 164–165
inserting and managing, 5
Open Browser Window behavior, 166–167
Set Text of Layer behavior, 168–169
Show and Hide Layers behavior, 170–171
Swap Image behavior, 390–391
Validate Form behavior, 430–431
editing, 324–325
and Fireworks, 263
inserting, 59, 324–325
JPG file format, 260, 317
JSP (Java Server Pages), 441
jump menus, 326–327
keyboard shortcuts, 60, 328–329
keywords, in headings, 305
languages, 330
Layer dialog box, 169
drawing, 61, 212
and grids, 46, 300
inserting, 62
managing, 63
overlapping, 171
preferences, 87
Layers panel, 63, 171
layout block, 331
Layout category, Insert toolbar, 55
Layout mode, 64, 88, 332, 400, 401
layout tables, 300, 332–333
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 189
legend tag, 223
Library category, Assets panel, 65
Library items
in Assets panel, 65
creating and inserting, 334–335
editing and updating, 336–337
overview, 383
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 189
Link Checker, 66, 108, 239, 412
Link field, Properties inspector, 248, 341, 346, 406
linked pages, opening, in Design view, 71
absolute links, 66, 344–345
changing sitewide, 176–177, 238, 338
checking, 66, 103, 108, 234, 239, 339, 412
controlling appearance, 216–217, 220–221
to document inside site
creating relative links by browsing to file,
creating relative links by pointing to file,
setting page anchors, 346–347
to document outside site, 344–345
dummy links, 167, 357
to e-mail addresses, inserting, 29
relative links, 66, 340–343, 345
skip links, 208
target links, 406
that load pages inside a design using frames,
List category, CSS Styles panel, 226
list items, on forms, 290–291
list tags, 227
List Values dialog box, 290
lists, creating, 424–425
Local Info category, Site Definition dialog box, 108
Locate in Remote Site command, 348
Locate in Site command, 348–349
location map, 309
Lock icon, 378
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