MFJ-48 Upgrade Firmware Release 3.7
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UPGRADE FOR MFJ-1278 and 1278T
The MFJ-48 is the latest firmware upgrade for the MFJ-1278 and MFJ-1278T
Multi-Mode Data Controllers. This firmware eprom is
Release 3.7
. If the
MFJ-1278 has one of the Mailbox Memory Expansion board installed, MFJ-
56A, B, or C, user must use firmware Release 4.2 which is supplied with the
Mailbox Memory Expansion board. Except as noted information in this
instruction applies to firmware Release 3.7. Firmware Release 3.7 wil not
function with the MFJ-56A, B, or C Memory Expansion Board.
Release 3.7 features:
1. Supports 16 Gray Level FAX with the Multi-Gray Level modem installed.
2. Supports transmit and receive of 16 Gray Level and Color SSTV with the
Multi-Gray Level modem installed.
3. Enhanced mailbox that allows a separate callsign for the mailbox. The
Mailbox now stays ON all of the time during packet connects.
4. Other mailbox features are: Auto and manual mail forwarding, reverse
mail forwarding, remote sysop access, sysop paging, chat mode, mailbox
Ctext just to mention a few.
5. Dedicated Mars mode.
6. Improved Automatic Signal Analysis (ASA).
7. Host mode.
8. An echo-as-sent command is installed to allow echoing of each character
to the screen as its being transmit in CW, RTTY and ASCII.
9. Support for the Global Positioning System.
10. Packet CWID for Identification purposes while in Packet mode.
11. A new P-Persistance channel sharing feature
This firmware upgrade can be installed in any MFJ-1278 and MFJ-1278T
controller. This firmware can also be used in any MFJ-1278 or MFJ-1278T
with or without the Multi-Gray level FAX/SSTV modem installed. As
mentioned earlier at the beginning of this section, firmware Release 3.7 cannot
be used with an MFJ-1278 or MFJ-1278T with an MFJ-56A, B, or C installed.
It is
very important
that you read this instruction booklet concerning Release
3.7, before you install the firmware.
Upgrade of MFJ-1278 WITHOUT Multi-Gray Level Modem
If you have purchased the MFJ-48 and installed it in an MFJ-1278 or MFJ-
1278T that does not have a Multi-Gray Level Modem installed, you should be
aware that the features and commands related to the use of the Multi-Gray