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1. Answer a call: When a call comes through, the SportsBand will play a ringtone.
Press the Play/Pause (2) button to answer. During the call you can increase/decrease
the volume by pressing the Volume+ (3) or Volume– (1) buttons
2. End call: During a call, press the Play/Pause (2) button to end call
3. Re-dial: Whilst playing music, press the Play/Pause (2) button twice in quick
succession to redial the last phone number you called on your device
Other information
Your device will have an internal amplifi er and if it is playing digital fi les like MP3s,
it will also have an integrated DAC (Digital Audio Converter). If you turn the volume up
to 100%, your device will be sending a distorted signal. To avoid this and to get the best
quality from the SportsBand, we recommend you do not run your device any higher
than 95% volume. Some devices output higher than others so you may need to reduce
the volume if you experience distortion.
If you cannot connect the SportsBand to your device, please try the following:
1. Ensure that the SportsBand is charged, switched on, paired with and connected to
your device
2. Check the SportsBand is within 10 metres (30 feet) of your device and that there are
no obstructions (such as walls or other electronic devices) between the SportsBand
and the device
3. Only one device may be paired to the SportsBand at a time, so please ensure there
are no confl icting Bluetooth devices trying to connect to the SportsBand
4. If you receive an intermittent signal, please ensure the SportsBand is fully charged
before continuing use