HBMS8SS Building Management System Interface Module — Installation and Setup
In a Lighting Integrator system, relays
and their lighting loads may be
“smartwired” — or grouped for common
control — to one of eight channels in the
relay panel, or to the button of a dataline
switch. When there is no automation
module (either a Network Clock or BMS
Interface Module) in the network, relays
may be controlled manually by a wall
switch, automatically by a sensor, or by
an interface to some other system.
When the BMS Interface Module (or
Network Clock*) is added to the system,
the eight channels A-H have the capability
to become “global” — or system-wide
— automation groups. Relays grouped
to Channel A in Panel 01, and relays
grouped to Channel A in Panel 02, can be
controlled as a single global group.
An automation “scenario” can be
assigned to any channel. To choose a
scenario, ask the following questions:
• Is it an interior or exterior space?
• Do occupants turn lights on, or should
lights turn on automatically?
• Do occupants need to be warned when
lights are about to turn off?
• Should exterior light stays on all night,
or turn off after the building is closed?
On the HBMS8SS, each channel has
its own connection to an external
source — such as the HVAC system,
security system, or some other source
of scheduling input — with both input
contacts and status feedback contacts.
The input contacts are user-definable, and
through a simple contact closure provide
“Occupied” or “Unoccupied” status to
the BMS Interface Module. With this
information, the HBMS8SS will control
the lighting based on the smart scenarios
selected by the user.
Since there are a total of eight global
channels, careful thought must be given
to which groups of relays share common
scheduling and automation scenarios.
* Only one Network Clock or BMS
Interface Module can be used in a single
Lighting Integrator network to provide
smart control scenarios. If the HBMS8SS
module is the primary controller, an
HCLK8SS Clock Module should not be
connected to the dataline, but may be
used in Programming mode to program
dataline switches.
Each channel may be assigned any one
of four different automation scenarios as
Interior Lighting
Scenario 1:
Scheduled ON/OFF
(Interior Lighting)
Relays smartwired to channels assigned
this scenario will turn on whenever
the channel’s input contact signals.
“Occupied", and off when it signals
“Unoccupied.” As an option, the lights
will blink to alert occupants five minutes
before the lights turn off. Any HDLS
series dataline switch button controlling
affected relays will also begin to flash.
Pressing the switch button will stop the
flashing and start a timed delay for that
relay, overriding the off command.
An egress delay up to 4 hours may also
be set for the channel.
Data required by the BMS Interface
A Override time delay (in 10-minute
increments, up to 4 hours)
B Blink Warn? Yes/No
C Egress Time (in 10-minute increments,
up to 4 hours)
D Define “Occupied” for Input Contact
(Occupied = Open or Closed contact)
E Define Status Contact (Closed contact
= Any ON, All ON, All OFF, Any OFF)
Scenario 2:
Manual ON/Scheduled OFF
(Interior Lighting – Alternate)
Relays smartwired to channels assigned
this scenario will not turn on until turned
on by an occupant, even if the channel’s
input contact signals “Occupied.” During
"Unoccupied" periods, this scenario acts
the same as Scenario 1 and requires the
same data input.
Exterior Lighting
The following two scenarios for exterior
lighting appear automatically as menu
selections in the HBMS8SS when an
HPCU8SS Photocell Control Module is
connected to the system. Programming
scenarios for the channels is still done
through the HBMS8SS.
The Photocell Control Module receives
actual light level data from the HPSA
Photocell Sensor mounted on the
building’s roof and wired to the HPCU8SS.
(For testing, a simulated light level
function is available.)
For details on the Photocell Control
Module, refer to the installation
instructions HPCU8.
Scenario 3:
(Exterior Lighting – Security)
Relays smartwired to channels assigned
this scenario will turn on when it is
dark outside and turn off when it is
light. “Dark” is defined by the user in
footcandles. Typical settings for security
lighting are from 2 to 20 fc.
Data required by the BMS Interface
A Define “Dark” from 2 to 200 fc
B Define Status Contact (Closed contact
= Any ON, All ON, All OFF, Any OFF)
Scenario 4:
Dark ON/Scheduled OFF
(Exterior Lighting – Parking Lots,
Typical settings for Parking Lot lighting
are from 2 to 20 fc, and for Signage, 20 to
200 fc. Egress Time is the delay between
the Unoccupied signal and the time the
lights should actually turn off. It is used
to allow safe exit for the last building
Data required by the BMS Interface
A Egress Time (in 10-minute increments
up to 4 hours)
B Define “Dark” from 2 to 200 fc
C Define “Occupied” for Input Contact
(Occupied = Open or Closed contact)
D Define Status Contact (Closed contact
= Any ON, All ON, All OFF, Any OFF)