762 MIDI Effects
765 Transpose and Velocity on the Info Line
766 Using MIDI Devices
766 Program Change Messages and Bank Select
767 Patch Banks
767 MIDI Device Manager
773 Device Panels (Cubase Pro only)
776 MIDI Functions
776 Transpose Setup Dialog
777 Merging MIDI Events into a New Part
779 Dissolve Part Dialog
780 Bouncing MIDI Parts
781 Repeating MIDI Events of Independent Track
781 Extending MIDI Notes
781 Fixing MIDI Note Lengths
782 Fixing MIDI Note Velocities
782 Rendering Sustain Pedal Data to Note Lengths
783 Deleting Overlaps
783 Editing Velocity
784 Deleting Double Notes
784 Deleting Controller Data
784 Deleting Continuous Controller Data
784 Restricting Polyphonic Voices
785 Thinning Out Controller Data
785 Extracting MIDI Automation
786 Reversing the Playback Order of MIDI Events
786 Inverting the Order of Selected MIDI Events
786 Creating a Tempo Track from Tapping (Cubase
Pro only)
787 MIDI Editors
787 Common MIDI Editor Functions
803 Key Editor
814 Key Editor Operations
822 Basic Score Editor (Cubase Artist only)
829 Score Editor Operations (Cubase Artist only)
836 Drum Editor
849 Drum Editor Operations
852 Drum Maps
856 List Editor
865 List Editor Operations
870 In-Place Editor
873 Expression Maps (Cubase Pro only)
874 Articulations
874 Expression Map Setup Window
875 Creating and Editing Expression Maps
882 Inserting Articulations
885 Note Expression
886 VST Note Expressions
886 MIDI Controllers
891 Note Expression Inspector Section
894 Note Expression Tools
895 Controller Mapping
896 Recording
899 Note Expression Event Editor
905 Trimming Note Expression Data
905 Removing All Note Expression Data
905 Note Expression MIDI Setup Dialog
909 Chord Functions
909 Chord Track
910 Chord Events
917 Scale Events
918 Voicings
920 Converting Chord Events to MIDI
921 Controlling MIDI or Audio Playback Using the
Chord Track
924 Assigning Voices to Notes
925 Extracting Chord Events from MIDI
926 Recording Chord Events with a MIDI Keyboard
927 Chord Pads
927 Chord Pads Zone
930 Functions Menu
931 Chord Assistant
933 Chord Assignment
936 Swapping Chord Assignments
937 Copying Chord Assignments
937 Playing Back and Recording Chords
940 Player Setup
947 Chord Pads Setup Dialog
952 Chord Pads Presets
953 Creating Chord Events from Chord Pads
953 Creating MIDI Parts from Chord Pads
954 Logical Editor
954 Window Overview
955 Filter Conditions
964 Selecting a Function
965 Specifying Actions
968 Applying the Dened Actions
968 Presets
970 Project Logical Editor (Cubase Pro only)
970 Project Logical Editor Window Overview
971 Filter Conditions
980 Specifying Actions
983 Selecting a Function
984 Applying Macros
984 Applying the Dened Actions
984 Presets
986 Editing Tempo and Time Signature
986 Project Tempo Modes
986 Track Time Base
987 Tempo Track Editor
990 Tempo Track
991 Tempo Changes for Projects
996 Setting up a Fixed Project Tempo
998 Beat Calculator
998 Tempo Detection (Cubase Pro only)
999 Exporting a Tempo Track (Cubase Pro only)
1000 Importing a Tempo Track (Cubase Pro only)
1000 Process Tempo Dialog (Cubase Pro only)
1001 Process Bars Dialog (Cubase Pro only)
1002 Time Warp (Cubase Pro only)
1003 Set Denition from Tempo Dialog
1004 Time Signature Events
1006 Project Browser (Cubase Pro only)
1006 Project Browser Toolbar
1007 Project Structure
1007 Event Display
1010 Rendering Audio and MIDI
1010 Render Tracks Dialog
1013 Render Selection Dialog
Table of Contents