294 Remote controlling Cubase
294 Introduction
294 Setting Up
296 Operations
297 The Generic Remote device
301 The Remote Control Editor (Cubase
Elements only)
307 Apple Remote (Macintosh only)
308 MIDI realtime parameters
308 Introduction
308 The Inspector – general handling
309 The Inspector sections
314 Using MIDI devices
314 Background
314 MIDI devices – general settings and patch
320 MIDI processing
320 Introduction
322 Making your settings permanent
323 Dissolve Part
324 Repeat Loop
325 Other MIDI functions
329 The MIDI editors
329 Introduction
330 Opening a MIDI editor
331 The Key Editor – Overview
335 Key Editor operations
357 The Drum Editor – Overview
359 Drum Editor operations
361 Working with drum maps
365 Using drum name lists
365 Working with SysEx messages
367 Recording SysEx parameter changes
367 Editing SysEx messages
368 The Score Editor – Overview
370 Score Editor operations
380 Working with the Chord Functions
380 Introduction
380 The Chord Track
383 The Chord Track Inspector Section
387 The Chord Editor
388 Creating a Chord Progression from
Scratch (Chords to MIDI)
389 Extracting Chords from MIDI (Make
390 Controlling MIDI Playback with the Chord
Track (Follow Chords)
391 Editing tempo and signature
391 Background
391 Tempo and signature display
393 Editing tempo and signature
395 The Beat Calculator
397 Adjusting the audio to the project tempo
398 Export Audio Mixdown
398 Introduction
398 Mixing down to audio files
400 The Export Audio Mixdown dialog
402 The available file formats
408 Synchronization
408 Background
408 Timecode (positional references)
410 Clock sources (speed references)
411 The Project Synchronization Setup dialog
413 Synchronized operation
414 Working with VST System Link
417 Activating VST System Link
424 Video
424 Before you start
426 Preparing a video project in Cubase
428 Video files in the Project window
429 Playing back video
431 Editing video
432 Extracting audio from a video file
432 Replacing the audio in a video file
433 ReWire (not in Cubase LE)
433 Introduction
433 Launching and quitting
434 Activating ReWire channels
435 Using the transport and tempo controls
435 How the ReWire channels are handled in
436 Routing MIDI via ReWire2
436 Considerations and limitations
437 File handling
437 Importing audio
442 Exporting and importing standard MIDI
445 Exporting and importing MIDI loops
446 Customizing
446 Background
446 Using the Setup options
448 Customizing track controls
451 Appearance
453 Applying colors in the Project window
456 Where are the settings stored?
458 Key commands
458 Introduction
459 Setting up key commands
462 Setting up tool modifier keys
463 The default key commands
469 Index