8. Verify the firmware was updated. Refer to the documentation of each device for information
on viewing the latest firmware installed into the device just updated.
Method 2: Upgrade Firmware using SmartConnect and iTunes
Method 2: Download the firmware file from the Savant Website to a local PC or iOS device which
has iTunes installed. Through iTunes, the file can be transferred through SmartConnect directly to
the Savant device. Method 2 does not require internet access at the site. Method 2 requires the
SCA-CONF (30-pin) or SCA-CONFL (8-pin) Savant SmartConnect cable.
Macbook with iTunes and the firmware file for the device being upgraded loaded on it.
iPad®, iPhone®, or iPod® Touch with SmartConnect application from Apple iTunes store loaded on
(Requires an Apple iTunes Account).
Obtain Firmware File
1. Contact Savant Support Personnel and obtain a copy of the latest firmware file.
2. Download the file to your local PC.
Load Firmware file into Apps data in iTunes
1. Plug iOS device into PC. Open iTunes application on the PC.
2. From the iTunes menu bar, select the iOS device from the list of devices.
3. Once the device is selected, open the Apps tab.
4. From the Apps screen, scroll down to the File Sharing section. Under File Sharing are all the
Apps installed on the iOS device for file sharing. Locate the SmartConnect application and
select it.
5. Under the Connect Documents heading, click the Add button. Browse to the firmware
file and load it into the SmartConnect application. File is now ready to download from iPad,
iPhone, or iPod Touch to the device being updated.
6. Disconnect from iTunes and remove from PC.
Connect Savant Wireless Device to iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch
1. Plug a SmartConnect cable between the iOS device which has the SmartConnect build and
the SmartConnect connection on the front panel of the device being upgraded. If the
SmartConnect application doesn’t automatically open, tap the SmartConnect icon.
2. The application will open and display the SmartConnect application connected to a device.
For reference, the device being updated is the CLI-8000 SmartClimate Controller.
3. Tap the Firmware Version Update Available bar in the SmartConnect device screen and a
Firmware screen will appear displaying both the Current version of firmware installed and any
updated versions Available from either iTunes or through iCloud. The image below displays
the following:
Software version 1.2:20 is available through iTunes
SmartConnect Software Reference Guide
Copyright © 2014 Savant Systems, LLC