2 Transducers for Fishfinders
EMC Installation Guidelines
All Raymarineequipmentand accessoriesare designed to thebest
industry standardsfor use inthe leisuremarineenvironment.
Theirdesign andmanufactureconformstothe appropriate
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct
installation isrequired to ensure thatperformance isnot
compromised.Although every efforthas beentakento ensure that
theywillperform under allconditions,it is important tounderstand
whatfactorscould affectthe operationoftheproduct.
performance,but itis recognized thatitmay not bepossibleto meet
allofthese conditionsin allsituations.To ensurethe bestpossible
conditionsforEMCperformance withinthe constraints imposedby
any location,always ensurethe maximum separationpossible
betweendifferent itemsof electrical equipment.
For optimumEMC performance, it isrecommended that wherever
• Raymarineequipment and cables connected toit are:
• At least 1m (3ft) fromany equipmenttransmitting or cables
carrying radio signals,e.g.,VHF radios,cablesandantennas.
In the caseof SSBradios, the distanceshould be increased to
2 m(7 ft).
• More than2 m(7 ft) from the path ofa radarbeam. Aradar
beamcan normallybe assumedtospread 20degrees above
andbelowtheradiating element.
• The equipmentis supplied from a separatebattery fromthat used
forenginestart.Voltagedrops below 10 V (20 Vfor 10 kW open
arrayscanners)in the power supplyto our products,and starter
motortransients,can cause the equipmentto reset. Thiswillnot
damagetheequipment,butmay causethe lossofsome informa-
tionand may changethe operating mode.
• Raymarinespecified cablesare usedat alltimes. Cuttingand
mustbe avoidedunlessdoingsois detailedinthe documentation.
• Ifasuppressionferriteisattachedtoacable,thisferriteshouldnot
beremoved.Iftheferrite needs to beremoved during installation
itmustbereassembledin the same position.