Table of contents
Installer reference guide
EPGA11~16DAV3 + EAVH/X16S18+23DA6V+9W
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
4P556070-1 – 2018.10
Table of contents
1 General safety precautions 3
1.1 About the documentation .......................................................... 3
1.1.1 Meaning of warnings and symbols.............................. 3
1.2 For the installer.......................................................................... 4
1.2.1 General ....................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Installation site ............................................................ 4
1.2.3 Refrigerant .................................................................. 4
1.2.4 Brine............................................................................ 5
1.2.5 Water .......................................................................... 5
1.2.6 Electrical ..................................................................... 5
2 About the documentation 6
2.1 About this document.................................................................. 6
2.2 Installer reference guide at a glance ......................................... 7
3 About the box 7
3.1 Overview: About the box ........................................................... 7
3.2 Outdoor unit............................................................................... 7
3.2.1 To unpack the outdoor unit ......................................... 7
3.2.2 To handle the outdoor unit.......................................... 7
3.2.3 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit....... 8
3.2.4 To remove the transportation stay .............................. 8
3.3 Indoor unit ................................................................................. 8
3.3.1 To unpack the indoor unit ........................................... 8
3.3.2 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit......... 8
3.3.3 To handle the indoor unit ............................................ 8
4 About the units and options 9
4.1 Overview: About the units and options...................................... 9
4.2 Identification .............................................................................. 9
4.2.1 Identification label: Outdoor unit ................................. 9
4.2.2 Identification label: Indoor unit .................................... 9
4.3 Combining units and options ..................................................... 9
4.3.1 Possible options for the outdoor unit........................... 9
4.3.2 Possible options for the indoor unit............................. 9
5 Application guidelines 10
5.1 Overview: Application guidelines............................................... 10
5.2 Setting up the space heating/cooling system ............................ 10
5.2.1 Single room................................................................. 11
5.2.2 Multiple rooms – OneLWT zone ................................ 12
5.2.3 Multiple rooms – TwoLWT zones............................... 14
5.3 Setting up an auxiliary heat source for space heating............... 15
5.4 Setting up the domestic hot water tank ..................................... 16
5.4.1 System layout – Integrated DHW tank........................ 16
5.4.2 Selecting the volume and desired temperature for
the DHW tank.............................................................. 17
5.4.3 Setup and configuration – DHW tank.......................... 17
5.4.4 DHW pump for instant hot water................................. 17
5.4.5 DHW pump for disinfection ......................................... 18
5.5 Setting up the energy metering ................................................. 18
5.5.1 Produced heat............................................................. 18
5.5.2 Consumed energy....................................................... 18
5.5.3 Normal kWh rate power supply................................... 18
5.5.4 Preferential kWh rate power supply ............................ 19
5.6 Setting up the power consumption control ................................ 19
5.6.1 Permanent power limitation ........................................ 19
5.6.2 Power limitation activated by digital inputs ................. 20
5.6.3 Power limitation process ............................................. 20
5.7 Setting up an external temperature sensor ............................... 21
6 Preparation 21
6.1 Overview: Preparation............................................................... 21
6.2 Preparing the installation site .................................................... 21
6.2.1 Installation site requirements of the outdoor unit ........ 21
6.2.2 Additional installation site requirements of the
outdoor unit in cold climates ........................................ 22
6.2.3 Installation site requirements of the indoor unit ........... 22
6.3 Preparing water piping ............................................................... 23
6.3.1 Water circuit requirements ........................................... 23
6.3.2 Formula to calculate the expansion vessel pre-
pressure ....................................................................... 24
6.3.3 To check the water volume and flow rate .................... 24
6.3.4 Changing the pre-pressure of the expansion vessel.... 25
6.3.5 To check the water volume: Examples ........................ 25
6.4 Preparing electrical wiring .......................................................... 25
6.4.1 About preparing electrical wiring.................................. 25
6.4.2 About preferential kWh rate power supply ................... 26
6.4.3 Overview of electrical connections except external
actuators ...................................................................... 26
6.4.4 Overview of electrical connections for external and
internal actuators ......................................................... 26
7 Installation 27
7.1 Overview: Installation ................................................................. 27
7.2 Opening the units ....................................................................... 27
7.2.1 About opening the units ............................................... 27
7.2.2 To open the outdoor unit.............................................. 27
7.2.3 To open the indoor unit ................................................ 27
7.2.4 To open the switch box cover of the indoor unit .......... 28
7.2.5 To lower the switch box on the indoor unit................... 28
7.3 Mounting the outdoor unit........................................................... 29
7.3.1 About mounting the outdoor unit.................................. 29
7.3.2 Precautions when mounting the outdoor unit............... 29
7.3.3 To provide the installation structure ............................. 29
7.3.4 To install the outdoor unit............................................. 29
7.3.5 To provide drainage ..................................................... 29
7.3.6 To fix the fluorinated greenhouse gases label ............. 30
7.3.7 To prevent the outdoor unit from falling over ............... 30
7.4 Mounting the indoor unit............................................................. 30
7.4.1 About mounting the indoor unit .................................... 30
7.4.2 Precautions when mounting the indoor unit................. 30
7.4.3 To install the indoor unit............................................... 30
7.4.4 To connect the drain hose to the drain ........................ 30
7.5 Connecting the water piping....................................................... 31
7.5.1 About connecting the water piping............................... 31
7.5.2 Precautions when connecting the water piping............ 31
7.5.3 To connect the water piping......................................... 31
7.5.4 To connect the recirculation piping .............................. 32
7.5.5 To fill the water circuit .................................................. 32
7.5.6 To protect the water circuit against freezing ................ 32
7.5.7 To fill the domestic hot water tank ............................... 34
7.5.8 To insulate the water piping ......................................... 34
7.6 Connecting the electrical wiring.................................................. 34
7.6.1 About connecting the electrical wiring.......................... 34
7.6.2 About electrical compliance ......................................... 34
7.6.3 Precautions when connecting the electrical wiring ...... 35
7.6.4 Guidelines when connecting the electrical wiring ........ 35
7.6.5 Specifications of standard wiring components............. 35
7.6.6 To connect the electrical wiring on the outdoor unit..... 35
7.6.7 To connect the electrical wiring on the indoor unit....... 36
7.6.8 To connect the main power supply .............................. 37
7.6.9 To connect the backup heater power supply ............... 37
7.6.10 To connect the shut-off valve....................................... 38
7.6.11 To connect the electrical meters .................................. 38
7.6.12 To connect the domestic hot water pump .................... 38
7.6.13 To connect the alarm output ........................................ 38
7.6.14 To connect the space cooling/heating ON/OFF
output ........................................................................... 39
7.6.15 To connect the changeover to external heat source.... 39
7.6.16 To connect the power consumption digital inputs ........ 39
7.6.17 To connect the safety thermostat (normal closed
contact) ........................................................................ 39
7.7 Finishing the outdoor unit installation ......................................... 40
7.7.1 To finish the outdoor unit installation ........................... 40