Gedge Systems GS3100 Operating & Installation Manual

Operating & Installation Manual
GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
Op er ating & In stal la tion Man ual.
488 Church Street, Richmond, Victoria, 3121, Australia.
Phone +61 3 9429 8396. Fax +61 3 9429 8097.
Year 2000 Compliant
Issue 6 of November 2005 Copyright GS Systems Pty Ltd ABN 18737137544 All Rights Reserved
Gedge Systems - Melbourne - Australia Email: [email protected] page 2
GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
The contents, format and authorship of all material produced or printed by any medium,
by or on behalf of GS Systems Pty. Ltd., is the subject of strict proprietorship of and by
GS Systems Pty. Ltd., and cannot be copied, reproduced, plagiarized or used in part or in
whole either directly or indirectly by any party whatsoever without the prior written
consent of GS Systems Pty. Ltd. This publication, all of its parts and all matters derived
from it, forms part of such material.
Gedge Systems expressly disclaims all responsibility for the direct and indirect consequences to each and every
party whatsoever, in respect of the use or application of this product or any other Gedge Systems product if it
is used in any way whatsoever beyond or outside the specified purpose for which it was supplied.
Manuals issue 4 of January 2001 and later apply to GS3100 products fitted with software version 7 or
greater shipped January 2001 or later. The software version can be checked when power is first applied
by noting the displayed message “3100.7A” or “3100.7b”. The “7” part of the message is the software
version number, the “A” identifies the unit as a “standard” GS3100 and the “b” identifies the unit as one
fitted at the factory with the OPTIONAL MODBUS serial I/O.
Improvements introduced with version 7 are the addition of PLC compatible 8bit serial communications
and the simplification of the setpoint output settings.
Manual issue 5 did not include a complete list of all 20 MODBUS registers whereas issue 5a does.
This Manual issue 6 applies to all GS3100 shipped during or after November 2005 displaying, during
power up, the software version "3100_8A" or "3100_7b". No changes have been made to the operation
of the MODBUS version "3100_7b". However the standard version "3100_8A" has been expanded to
include an Optional Analog Output Card with 4-20mA and 0-10VDC. Also included are controls to
simulate Full Scale and Zero Analog Output to facilitate external equipment calibration without the need
to apply loads to the weighing system.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
72.1 In tro duc tion
72.2 Ap plying Power, Re tained & Cleared Set tings, Se rial I/O Con sid er ations.
82.3 Mes sages & their mean ing in clud ing the 3 meth ods of lock ing the GS3100's keys.
92.4 Front Panel Dis play
92.5 Front Panel Lamps
10 2.6 Key board Con trols
11 3.1 In stal la tion steps.
12 3.2 Un packing the GS3100.
12 3.3 Check the mains sup ply volt age on the rear of the GS3100.
12 3.4 Elec tri cal sup ply qual ity.
13 3.5 An a log Out put Option6HPF (High Pre ci sion Fast clock rate)
13 3.5.1 Phys i cal In stal la tion and Ad just ment.
13 3.5.2 An a log Out put Load Sim u la tion
14 3.5.3 Con nec tions and Spec i fi ca tion
15 3.6 In stalling an op tional se rial card into the GS3100 & Set ting its Baud Rate.
16 3.7 Se lecting Iso lated or Non-Isolated Op era tion of Se rial Op tion Cards 202, 207, 07 & 08.
16 3.8 Set ting the baud rate for the GS3100's stan dard RS- 232C se rial out put.
17 3.9 Con necting Load Cells.
18 3.10 Con necting to the Mains Sup ply.
18 3.11 Cal i bra tion and Setup keys - Ac cess and Use.
18 3.11.1 Gen eral.
18 3.11.2 Use of keys and ac cess to the set tings.
19 3.11.3 Use of the GS3100's keys for cal i bra tion and pro gram ming.
20 3.12 Dig i tal Setup - Pro gram ming the GS3100.
20 3.12.1 Ac cess ing Dig i tal Setup.
20 3.12.2 Dig i tal Setup Set tings.
21 Resolution in display divisions.
21 Decimal Places.
21 Count By.
21 Update Rate.
21 Standstill {not in motion}.
21 Zero Track.
21 Function Lock.
22 Set point Test.
22 Open/Closed.
22 Output.
22 MODBUS baud rate.
23 Serial Comms - Word Composition.
23 Stream Output.
23 Units.
23 Block Division Character.
23 Beginning and End Character.
24 3.13 De vice Num ber - its de scrip tion and in struc tions for set ting it.
24 3.14 Weight Units La bels
25 3.15 Weight Cali bra tion
25 3.15.1 Gen eral
25 3.15.2 Zero Out The Dead Load Off set
25 3.15.3 Span Cal i bra tion.
Table of Contents
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
26 3.16 Con necting the Stan dard RS- 232C Se rial Out put & the Set Point Con trol Out puts.
27 3.17 Elec tri cal Speci fi ca tion of the GS3100's Set Point Non- Latching Out puts.
28 3.18 Spike and Tran sient Sup pres sion of Switched Load Noise.
30 4.1 Se rial Data Word Com po si tion and Se rial Flow Con trol - XON/XOFF.
31 6 SERIAL OUTPUT OPTIONS - RS-422A, 20mA, Optically Isolated RS-232C
31 6.1 Avail able Se rial Out put Op tions, What they do and Why they are se lected.
31 6.2 Phys i cal In stal la tion, Baud Rate Se lec tion, Out put Se lec tion, Set up,For mat & Iso la tion.
32 6.2.1 Op ti cal Iso la tion, the Po si tion of Links LK1 on the Op tion Card & the need for a 9VDC Sup p ly.
32 6.3 Op tional Se rial Out put Cards - Out put and Power Sup ply Con nec tions.
33 7.1 Avail able Se rial In put/Out put Op tions, What they do and Why they are se lected.
33 7.2 Phys i cal In stal la tion, Baud Rate Se lec tion, In put/Out put Se lec tion, Set up & Iso la tion.
33 7.2.1 Iso la tion, the Po si tion of Links LK1 on the Op tion Card & the need for a 9VDC Sup ply.
34 7.2.2 Max i mum Baud Rate, De lay in Re spond ing and Tim ing. (Not ap pli ca ble to MODBUS)
34 7.3 De vice Num ber and Digi tal Setup Set tings for se rial I/O. (Not ap pli ca ble to MOD BUS.)
35 7.4 Op tional Se rial In put/Out put Cards - In put/Out put and Power Sup ply Con nec tions.
36 7.5 GS3100's Se rial I/O Lan guage.
36 7.5.1 Com mu ni ca tions Flow Con trol.
36 7.5.2 Avoid ing Mul ti ple GS3100s on the same RS-485 Bus “Talk ing” at the same time.
37 7.5.3 Time Out and Clear ing the Com mand Buffer.
37 7.5.4 Ac quir ing Zero and Miss ing Com mands.
38 7.5.5 Com mu ni ca tion Lan guage and Com mands.
38 General Command & Reply Structure.
38 ID Number Command.
39 Set Point Commands.
40 General Purpose Commands that Control the GS3100 and Ask for the Weight.
41 Requests for Information Commands.
42 Terminal Mode, the GS3100 transmitted key codes & two Useful Brief Commands.
45 Table of ASCII Characters that can be displayed by the GS3100 (includes their hex equivalent).
45 Table of Hexadecimal values for ASCII characters.
46 8.1 In tro duc tion.
46 8.2 Se rial Trans mis sion Modes, Speeds and Slave Num bers.
46 8.2.1 ASCII Mode
47 8.2.2 RTU Mode
47 8.3 MODBUS Func tions and Ex cep tion Re sponse.
47 8.4 Tim ing Con sid era tions.
47 8.4.1 Tim ing - ASCII mode ver sus RTU mode.
47 8.4.2 Tim ing - GS3100's time to Re spond.
48 8.4.3 Tim ing - Baud Rate
48 8.5 GS3100's 20 Hold ing Reg is ters.
50 8.6 Bat tery RAM - Ad di tional “MOD BUS3100" Op tion Fea tures.
50 8.7 MODBUS In stal la tion and Setup.
51 8.8 MODBUS Com mu ni ca tions Test ing/Dem on stra tion.
Table of Contents
The GS3100 is a high performance, high accuracy and high stability microprocessor based digital weight
indicator designed specifically as THE PERFECT Weigh/Batching Front End. The sensible size of the GS3100's
front panel, keyboard and display make it easy to read and use during manual operation and installation. The
very short case length and short cable connectors allow fitment into low cost small enclosures. The GS3100's
wide range of flexible settings will ensure its profitable application in a large number of applications, where it
really shines when used as the input device for Computer/PLC Controlled Batching and Weighing.
The GS3100 includes features NEVER SEEN BEFORE in weight indicators. It sets the benchmark by which
the usefulness of all other indicators used as “front ends” will be judged. Major features and benefits are:-
nNOW AVAILABLE (with version 8A) - Optional High Precision 14bit (1:16,000) 4-20mA and 0-10VDC
Analog Output using OPTION6HPF plus 100% & 0% Load Simulation for external equipment calibration.
nNOW AVAILABLE - MODBUS ASCII and RTU OUTPUT. The factory fitted Option “MODBUS3100"
provides full modbus RTU and ASCII serial I/O from 1200Baud to 19,200Baud with support for
multi-holding register read function 03 and single register write function 06. SLAVE number can be set from
01 to 99. By also selecting Option07 or Option08, users can choose the serial I/O level to suit their
application. Available I/O includes RS-232C; 20mA Current Loop; RS-422A or RS-485 MultiPoint. In
addition, the MODBUS option includes battery backed ram for tare, ID number and zero tracked value.
SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS. You can now easily select the serial word type best suited to your application
- choose either 7bit with Even parity or 8bit with no parity. Word type selection as required by the MODBUS
standard remains fully automatic for MODBUS protocols.
nA World First. The first Digital Weight Indicator to be designed “from the ground up” as a “front end” for
Computer/PLC Controlled batching. It has all of the features and none of the hassles of competing products
which have to be “shoe horned” into the job. It is tailored for the job and fits perfectly.
nComputer/PLCs can talk to “factory floor” operators, via the GS3100, ACROSS the WORLD. The in-built
advanced serial I/O language, using optional serial I/O cards, allows the GS3100's keyboard and display to be
used as the PLC/Computer operator's interface - whether it be on the factory floor or, via a modem, on the
other side of the World. The remotely situated PLC/Computer can completely control the GS3100. In
addition to weight, set point and ID information, it can also request a vast range of information, including
many of the GS3100's installed settings, its product designation, software version and much more.
nSerial I/O Controlled Stream Weight Data Mode. The GS3100's serial I/O language includes commands
which enable the remote Computer/PLC to turn-on and turn-off the GS3100's serial weight stream mode. This
allows the remote Computer to request “high speed” weight data during critical weighing/batching periods
AND to “put to sleep” the GS3100 during periods when high speed weight data is not required.
nGS3100 as the remote Operator input device for the Computer. All front panel key operations can be sent to
the remote Computer. Immediately the Computer puts the GS3100 into “terminal mode”, all operations of the
GS3100's front panel keys are sent to the Computer and not acted upon by the GS3100. During all of this
time, the GS3100 continues weighing and set point operations without interruption.
nGS3100 as a remote message display for the PLC/Computer. Immediately the Computer puts the GS3100 into
“terminal mode”, the GS3100's display is completely under the control of the Computer. It will display any
messages sent to it and so, can be used by the Computer to “talk to” the on-floor operator. During all of this
time, the GS3100 continues weighing and set point operations without interruption.
nStandard “no-extra cost” RS-232 Serial Output. For Computer/PLC controlled applications requiring only
serial weight data, the GS3100 is perfect. Its standard RS-232C 4800/9600 baud output can be programmed
to send weight information, OR, weight information including the status of the alarm set points as well as the
operator ID information.
nFull Range of Programmable Settings. The GS3100's extensive range of keyboard programmable settings
allows it to be “customized” to suit any application. The content of the serial output can be extensively varied
to suit the application. So, too, can the operation of the set points and access to the keyboard functions.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
nAs standard - Dual Optically Isolated Set points for High and Low Alarms - a vital safety measure. The dual
set points can monitor the weight, “in-the background”, while the Computer/PLC is controlling the batching
process. In the event of a fault with the Computer, or with related equipment, the set points can trigger alarms
or close down the plant.
nFull SIX wire load cell connection. The GS3100 automatically and accurately compensates for long load cell
cable runs typical in weigh/batching applications. Competitors “cheap” products, which use only FOUR wires
cannot compensate for long cable runs and can produce errors in excess of 10% of reading as a result.
nAssured and Guaranteed Accuracy and Stability. Every GS3100 spends at least ONE DAY in our thermal
chamber cycled between equivalent operating temperatures of -10oC and +40oC. Their accuracy and stability
are continuously monitored and recorded. If they don't meet our specifications 100%, they don't get shipped.
Typically, actual shipped performance is FIVE to TEN TIMES MORE STABLE than our published
specification - you can rely on it.
nHigh Speed TWENTY PER SECOND operation tuned to provide rapid response. Slower update rates can
also be programmed during installation if required.
nInstalls into small low cost enclosures - 150mm Body length and 180mm total depth with connectors allows
installation into a standard 200mm depth enclosure.
nOperator friendly via the use of a colour coded layout with FIFTEEN sensibly sized 12mm keys and a large
14mm display.
nEasy to use, the front panel lamps and descriptions are clear. The method of entering set points and other
information is natural and easy to remember.
nHighly Reliable with a design based on 15 years of weighing electronics equipment design. Complete
“in-house” manufacturing and testing assures a long trouble free life.
nLow additional equipment costs. Powerful optically Isolated 0.5Amp 45VDC solid state outputs allow direct
connection to alarm or feeder solenoids driven by a user supplied low cost power supply.
nNot a Panel meter. The GS3100 is a proper full function weight indicator. It is designed and manufactured
by Gedge Systems who has international weights and measures approvals for weight indicators and
nDisplay any weight to 199990. The wide ranging display of 6 digits allows virtually any weight to be
displayed. Weight settings include adjustable display resolution from 400 to 10,000 divisions in 100 division
steps, adjustable “count by” settings of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 with adjustable decimal point - all set up via the
keyboard with easy to understand and remember settings.
nEasy to calibrate. No internal potentiometers or gain/zero switches within the GS3100. Calibration is
automatic via the front panel keyboard using easy to follow steps.
nEasy connections via 100% “plug and socket” connections. Special “short length” cable connectors with metal
back shells supplied as standard to reduce the required panel depth. The panel mounting hardware is supplied
as a no extra cost standard item.
nAdded security - the GS3100 records attempts to access its settings. Calibration and programming can only be
accessed by a secure key sequence. Every failed attempt to access the GS3100's settings is recorded. So too
is every successful access attempt. This information is displayed when power is applied, and so can be noted
by installation and supervisory personnel - it can also be transmitted to a remote Computer/PLC using the
GS3100's I/O features.
nQuality Assured. All features, operations, displays, outputs as well as standard and options connectors have to
meet a 100% performance test before shipping.
nA full record of manufacture. Gedge Systems maintains a detailed and full record of every product
manufactured. This record includes all of the extensive manufacturing test sheets and procedures, all linked to
the product's serial number and invoice number. We are able to repair our products quickly and economically
and return them to you just as they were manufactured.
Gedge Systems - Melbourne - Australia Email: [email protected] page 6
GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
2.1 In tro duc tion
The following section describes the operation of the GS3100 using its own front panel display, keyboard and
lamps. The GS3100 can also be operated entirely by a remote Computer or PLC, via an optional serial input and
output card. This method of operation is described in the OPTIONS section of this manual and only mentioned
briefly in the following.
2.2 Ap plying Power, Re tained & Cleared Set tings, Se rial I/O Con sid er ations.
Retained and Cleared Settings & Serial I/O Considerations: When power is removed, the GS3100 retains all
of its settings, including all of the calibration and setup information, the two set point values and the key zero
value. The only exceptions are: the Tare value; any zero tracked value and the ID number, all of which are
cleared and set to zero when power is next applied. In addition, any “flags” which were set during serial I/O,
will also be cleared. This point is particularly important if the remote computer is “locking out” the GS3100's
keyboard. The “lockout” flag will be cleared and keyboard access enabled when power is re-applied. Further, if
the GS3100 was being operated in “terminal” mode, it resumes operation in its normal mode when power is
re-applied. Remote control schemes should include techniques to frequently poll the GS3100 to determine its
status and, if necessary, re-apply the key locking and terminal mode functions.
{The GS3100 also clears the above mentioned settings following a proper calibration or setup procedure. It does
not clear them, however, following an unsuccessful attempt to gain access to the GS3100's CAL function.)
Messages when power is applied: When power is applied, the GS3100 loads its retained settings, clears the
above mentioned settings and “flags”, and then verifies its configuration. It then displays the below sequence of
messages which are followed by a display of the gross weight:-
3100.8A This identifies the product as a GS3100, with software version 8 installed. The GS3100 is type A.
3100.7b This identifies the product as a GS3100, with factory installed “MODBUS3100" Option fitted.
Software version 7 installed. The GS3100 is type b.
888888 The GS3100 “turns on” all the bars of its display and all of its six lamps to verify that they are
working properly.
Blank This is a blank display with nothing shown. The GS3100 “turns off” all the bars of its display and all
of its six lamps to verify that they are working properly.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
FCA002 “FCA” stands for Failed Calibration Access. The number shown is the number of times that someone
has attempted to gain access to the GS3100's calibration and set up settings but have failed to do so. This
number may change during installation due to the accidental operation of the wrong key by installation
personnel. This is not a problem. The number should be noted down when installation is complete, as any
change after that will indicate that someone has attempted unauthorized access to the GS3100 settings.
SCA002 “SCA” stands for Successful Calibration Access. The number shown is the number of times that
someone has successfully gained access to the GS3100's calibration and set up settings. This number will
change during installation. The number should be noted down when installation is complete, as any change
after that may indicate that someone has gained unauthorized access to the GS3100 settings.
2.3 Mes sages & their mean ing in clud ing the 3 meth ods of lock ing the GS3100's keys.
The following messages may be displayed when power is applied, or during operation of the GS3100. The
explanation of the messages contains recommendations that should ONLY be carried out by personnel who are
fully qualified and authorized to do so.
Locd F Locked Key Function. This means that the key just operated has been locked out by the function lock
setting in Digital Setup during installation. See page 21.
Locd L Locked Keys “Lockout”. This means that the key just operated has been locked out by a remote
Computer or PLC sending a keyboard locking command to the GS3100. See page 40 and the factory installed
“MODBUS3100" Option. Locked Keys in terminal restricted mode. This means that the key just operated has been locked out
by a remote Computer or PLC which has placed the GS3100 into the “terminal” but does not want the GS3100
to transmit the keyboard key codes. See page 42.
too Hi. Too High. This message is displayed when a set point value is being entered if the key just operated
would cause the value to exceed 120% of the GS3100's installed capacity. The message is displayed for 1
second, followed by a 2 second display of the allowed maximum value for the set point. The value being
entered is then displayed. It should be changed to ensure it does not exceed the maximum allowed value.
Err1 Error 1. The GS3100's factory settings are damaged and the GS3100 cannot operate properly. It must be
returned to the factory for testing and repair. There is no “in the field” solution for this problem.
-—-—-— The gross weight on the scale or in the weigh hopper is greater than the set up and calibrated
capacity of the GS3100. This may occur briefly as the weight on the scale approaches, and, due to impact
loading, overshoots the full capacity of the scale. The scale or system installer should be contacted to remedy
this, as it may indicate the possibility of damage occurring to the load cells due to the load overshoot.
OFF The electrical signal from the load cells is greater than the allowed input to the GS3100. This indicates a
serious problem, because the allowed input to the GS3100 is very large, regardless of how it has been
calibrated. Possible causes are: damaged load cells due to overload, lightning strike or welding. Damaged load
cell cables for whatever reason. Damaged load cell circuit to the GS3100. Incorrect connection to the GS3100
of the load cell cables. A failure of the GS3100's load cell input. If the GS3100 displays weight when a star
bridge or load cell simulator is properly connected to it, the fault will be in the load cell circuit external to the
GS3100. Contact the scale or system supplier to investigate the fault.
-OFF The electrical signal from the load cells is negative and greater than the allowed input to the GS3100. If
the load cells are “sitting on a bench”, and have no load upon them, this may not be a serious problem, as it
may just mean that the load cells unloaded electrical output is more negative than is usual. Try loading the
load cells to see if the displayed message disappears. Alternatively, try swapping the signal cables as they may
be connected in a way that makes the electrical signal go negative on load rather than positive.
If it is not any of these, then this indicates a serious problem, because the allowed negative input to the
GS3100 is large, regardless of how it has been calibrated. Possible causes are: damaged load cells due to
overload, lightning strike or welding. Damaged load cell cables for whatever reason. Damaged load cell circuit
to the GS3100. Incorrect connection to the GS3100 of the load cell cables. A failure of the GS3100's load cell
input. If the GS3100 displays weight when a star bridge or load cell simulator is properly connected to it the
fault will be in the load cell circuit external to the GS3100. Contact the scale or system supplier to investigate
the fault.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
2.4 Front Panel Dis play
The GS3100's six digit display will normally
show the weight on the scale or weigh hopper,
with the Gross or Net lamp illuminated to indicate
the type of weight.
The display is also used while entering an ID
number or set point values. If this is the case, an 'i' will be displayed to the left of the number for ID entry. Set
point entry allows up to six digit numbers so the display will not include any messages while set points are
entered, but the lamps will tell you which set point it is.
In any event, the GS3100's display will always automatically return to a display of weight after 15 seconds of
inactivity when set point values or ID numbers are displayed.
Finally, the GS3100's display may contain none of these. Instead, it may contain a message that has been sent to
it from a remote computer or PLC (from across the room or across the world). If this is the case, the messages
and their meaning should be contained in the documentation supplied with your weigh batching systems. You
will need to contact your system supplier for details concerning this.
2.5 Front Panel Lamps
The GS3100's front panel contains six lamps as shown and described below:
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
The GROSS or NET lamps are only on when
weight is displayed. GROSS indicates that the
gross weight is displayed. NET indicates that
the displayed weight is the GROSS weight
minus a tare value (NET weight).
The COMMS lamp flashes when serial information is
received or transmitted by the GS3100. It only flashes
during the actual transmission, and so, if there are periods
of inactivity on the GS3100’s serial port, this lamp will be
When the GS3100 is in the “terminal” mode, this lamp will
be off for most of the time. It will flash briefly when the
GS3100’s keys are operated as the key code is transmitted
to the computer and, as the computer transmits information
to the GS3100. There may be a fault with the serial output
if this lamp does not flash when serial information is
supposed to be transmitted. Alternatively, the GS3100 may
The ENTRY lamp will be on as follows:-
During entry of an ID number or set point value.
During operation of the GS3100 in “terminal mode”,
under the complete control of a remote Computer or
PLC. When operated in this way, the ENTRY lamp
illuminates immediately the GS3100 is placed in the
“terminal mode” by a command from the remote
Computer/PLC. It remains on until a front panel key is
pressed, when it goes off. The key value is then sent
to the remote Computer/PLC which can then send an
acknowledgement message to the GS3100’s display.
Receipt of this message by the GS3100 causes the
ENTRY lamp to again be turned on.
This lamp is not directly controlled by the remote
Computer/PLC - its operation is automatic and is
controlled by the GS3100 based on the above
If the GS3100 is used in the “restricted terminal
mode” this lamp is always off as the GS3100’s keys
are not transmitted to the computer in this mode.
The set point lamps SP1 and SP2 will be OFF all of
the time that the GS3100 is operated in the “terminal
mode”. At all other times, they will be ON when the
weight is equal to the set point or greater than the set
point and OFF when the weight is lower than the set
point. {The GS3100’s control outputs are closed and
conducting current when the set point lamp is ON and
open circuit when the set point lamp is OFF.}
Lamp ON if weight >= setpoint
Lamp OFF if weight < setpoint.
SP1 or SP2 lamp will also be ON while a set point
value is being entered at the keyboard.
2.6 Key board Con trols
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
ZERO Zeros the gross weight and momentarily blanks the display to show that the operation was successful.
The ZERO key can be operated while NET weight or GROSS weight is displayed. Its operation has no effect
on any stored tare values and it does not switch from net to gross when operated in the net mode.
The ZERO key will not operate if it has been “locked out” during installation of the GS3100, or if the scale
is in motion, or the gross weight to be zeroed (including any value zeroed already) exceeds 2% of the installed
capacity of the weighing system.
The YES identity on the key is only for use and convenience during “terminal mode” operation.
PRINT Prints the weight or sends a print command to a remote Computer
or PLC. When the GS3100’s serial output has been installed to operate in the
printer mode, the display blanks and the COMMS lamp flashes following a
successful print operation. The GS3100 will not print if the scale is in motion.
The PRINT key is “buffered” for 2 seconds, and so, provided the scale
becomes still within this time, a print operation will occur.
If the GS3100 is sending stream weight data, the PRINT key operation
may also be sent, depending on the way the GS3100 is set up. If it is sent, the
COMMS lamp flashes and the display blanks briefly.
G/N The GROSS/NET key switches the weight display
between gross weight and net weight. During entry of set
point values or ID numbers it can be used to exit the
entry returning the GS3100 to its weight display mode
without saving the changes.
ENTER, ID#, SP1, SP2 and the numeral keys 0 to 9. These keys are used to display and to enter ID numbers
and set point values. To display a setting, operate the appropriate key - ID#, SP1 or SP2. The current value will
be displayed. If you do nothing for 15 seconds, the GS3100 will automatically return to its weight display. The
GS3100 continues to check its set points and to drive it’s serial output even while ID numbers and set point
values are being changed. To change a value, first display it, then key CLEAR while the current value is
displayed. This tells the GS3100 that you want to make a change and it immediately clears the display. You then
use the numeral keys to enter the new value and key ENTER again to save it. The GS3100 momentarily blanks
its display to signify a successful operation. If you try to enter a set point value that is too large, the GS3100 will
warn you with a message too Hi”. You can quit changing a value without affecting the existing setting by
keying G/N instead of the ENTER. When you key ENTER to save your new set point value, the GS3100
automatically adjusts the smallest increment to suit the GS3100’s set up and displays the adjusted value (for
example, it would make “3" a ”5" if the GS3100 was set up to count by 5).
TARE Acquires the gross
weight as a tare value and
switches the display to a net
weight of zero. Does not
operate if the scale is in
motion or if the function
has been “locked out”.
CLEAR During set point
and ID entry clears the
display to zero. CLEAR
must be operated after a set
point or ID# is displayed in
order to clear it and enter a
new value.
3.1 In stal la tion steps.
The list below shows each of the steps required for the installation of the GS3100. They are listed in the order in
which they should be carried out. The paragraphs that follow, which are presented in the same order as the list,
describe in detail each of the steps. The installation procedure is the same for the standard GS3100 and for the
GS3100 with the Optional ModBus I/O feature installed.
nUnpack the GS3100 and any option cards which have been supplied loose with it. Check the equipment for
damage in transit. Only proceed if no damage is found. Check that all of the items are present. Retain the
nCheck that the supply voltage identified on the rear of the GS3100 is correct. Do not connect to the mains
supply yet.
nRead the paragraph on page 12 concerning electrical supply quality. If a mains filter/conditioner is required
obtain it now.
nIf an Analog Output Option is to be fitted, install it now. The baud rate links on the motherboard are not used
and so can be left either in or out.
nIf a serial output or serial I/O option card is to be fitted, install it now. At the same time set the serial
transmission rate (baud rate) using the switches on the serial option card. Also remove the baud rate link
“LK2" situated at the front on the GS3100's motherboard. NOTE:- Operation of the Optional MODBUS serial
I/O feature also requires selection and installation of either an Option07 or Option08 Serial I/O card.
nIf the GS3100's standard RS-232C serial output is to be used, instead of an optional serial card, select the
baud rate now by positioning the link “LK2" in the 9600 baud or 4800 baud position. ”LK2" is situated at the
front of the GS3100's motherboard.
nConnect the load cell or cells to the GS3100.
nConnect the GS3100 to the mains supply and apply power. Check to ensure that there are no persistent error
messages before proceeding.
nRead the section describing the use of the GS3100's front panel keyboard during set up and calibration.
Particularly note the security key sequence needed to access the GS3100's calibration and set up settings.
nDecide on the appropriate Digital Setup settings and then program them into the GS3100.
nIf the GS3100's serial output is to be used set the Device Number.
nThe GS3100's front panel includes the unit of measure “kg”. If the units for this installation are not “kg”
attach the appropriate weight units label to front of GS3100.
nRemove all live loads and Zero the scale's dead load.
nApply an accurately known weight in the range of 50% to 100% of capacity to the scale or weigh hopper and
span calibrate the installation.
nConnect the external equipment to the GS3100 set point control outputs and, if required, to the standard or
optional serial output.
nCarry out a test to check the system's operation.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
3.2 Un packing the GS3100.
The GS3100 is shipped to you in a rugged carton which includes foam supports for the GS3100 to protect it
from damage in transit. Because of the protective nature of the packing and the very rugged and well designed
nature of the product, damage in transit is a very rare occurrence. However, if the product is dropped or thrown
hard enough, it will sustain damage despite the packing. Before proceeding, please carefully examine the
package and the GS3100 to check for any physical damage that may have occurred during shipping. If damage
is found, do not use the GS3100. Especially do not connect the GS3100 to the mains as fatal injury may
If no signs of external damage are visible, shake the GS3100 to ensure that extreme shock loads during shipment
have not dislodged any components. If there are loose components, do not use the GS3100. Especially do not
connect the GS3100 to the mains as fatal injury may result.
Only proceed if no damage is found, otherwise, put the GS3100 aside along with all of the packing and contact
your supplier, who will instruct you how to proceed. Label the GS3100 clearly so as to prevent anyone else from
applying power to it. The GS3100 shipment should comprises the following items. Check each item against the
GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End instrument.
Mains power cord with 90 connector.
This manual.
Weight units label kit.
Panel mounting slides kit comprising two slide assemblies.
Load cell cable connector, 9 pin female with “short” metal back shell.
Control & Serial cables connector, 9 pin male with “short” metal back shell.
If an optional serial or analog card was ordered it should also be included in the shipment.
If there are any shortages, contact your supplier, but first double check the shipping container as sometimes
items can be overlooked in the packing pieces. Do not dispose of the GS3100's shipping container. In the
unlikely event of a fault developing at some time in the future, you will need it, to ensure that the GS3100 can
be securely and safely shipped back to Gedge Systems for repair.
3.3 Check the mains sup ply volt age on the rear of the GS3100.
The GS3100 is designed to work correctly at certain specified nominal voltages and within specified frequencies
and voltage tolerances as contained in the “Technical Specification” section of this manual. The GS3100 is
usually supplied to operate at 240VAC 50Hz single phase unless specified on the purchase order. Alternative
nominal voltages that can be supplied for 50Hz or 60Hz single phase operation are 100/110/117/200/220VAC.
The rear panel of the GS3100 includes a label which identifies the mains voltage required. Check that this
matches the mains voltage that you intend to use. DO NOT PROCEED IF THE MAINS VOLTAGE IN
Do not apply power to the GS3100 just yet, as there are more installation steps to be carried out before power
should be applied.
3.4 Elec tri cal sup ply qual ity.
The GS3100 has been designed to operate properly on a normal mains electrical supply and incorporates modern
techniques of mains supply filtration and dropped cycle protection. There is a limit of mains supply noise,
dropped cycles and voltage variations beyond which the GS3100 will cease to properly operate. In this event
investigation will be required. Likely causes of inaccurate batching and weighing include a poor electrical supply
and inadequate attention to load cell and control cable shielding, ground paths, switched load spike suppression
or routing of power cables in close proximity to load cell or control cables. A poor mains supply problem may
be rectified by a mains power conditioner or un-interruptible mains supply conditioner. Other problems will
require a review of the entire installation.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
3.5An a log Out put Option6HPF (High Pre ci sion Fast clock rate)
3.5.1 Physical Installation and Adjustment.
This section includes details for the physical installation of Option6HPF as well as details of how to adjust its
4-20mA/0-10VDC Output and calibrate external equipment. Refer to the image on page 14 which shows the
Option card installed in a GS3100.
nRemove power from the GS3100. Remove the top cover. Remove the 25 pin option connector blanking plate
from the GS3100's rear panel.
nInstall the ribbon cable supplied with the serial card into the seven pin socket J3 located at the front left on
the GS3100 motherboard, ensuring that the coloured conductor on the edge of the ribbon cable is to the front
of the GS3100 when viewed from the front (this conductor connects to pin 1 of J3). The connector J3 is keyed
but take care not to offset the pins. Also, do not confuse this connector with the six pin connector J4 near the
middle of the motherboard.
nInstall the option board with the component side uppermost by screwing it to the GS3100's rear panel using
the jack screws and washers provided. The star washers must be used under the jack screws.
nConnect the ribbon cable connector to the J1 socket on the option board (support the board while doing this)
making sure the coloured conductor on the edge of the ribbon cable is to the front of the GS3100 when
viewed from the front (this conductor connects to pin 1 of J1 on the serial card). The connector J1 is keyed
but take care not to offset the pins.
nNow apply power to the GS3100. There is no need to connect a load cell to the GS3100 in order to adjust the
Option6HPF's analog output. If a load cell is connected there is no need to remove it as it will not affect the
adjustment procedure.
nIf not already selected, refer to Digital Setup on page 20 and the Output selection on page 22 and select
Analog Output (if this is not done the Load Simulation will not work).
nOption6HPF is a highly accurate and stable 14bit (1:16,000) D/AC driven 4-20mA and 0-10VDC Output. If
its output is received by external equipment with a 14bit (or greater) A/DC input then the external equipment
should have numeric agreement with the GS3100 in most practical weighing applications.
nOption6HPF is shipped from the factory with the 4-20mA signal adjusted for 4mA at zero load and 20mA at
100% Capacity. It should not require adjustment. If the 0-10VDC signal is to be used instead of 4-20mA it
will require a small adjustment.
nTo adjust Option6HPF and calibrate external equipment ensure the GS3100 and Option6HPF have warmed up
for about 30minutes to achieve thermal stability. Now use the GS3100's Analog Load Simulation (described in
the following) to simulate ZERO load and 100% Full Load and use the Zero and Span potentiometers on the
Option6HPF card to obtain the required output. The potentiometers are identified on the card as ZERO and
SPAN. They can be seen on the left of the card in the image on page 14.
nWhen all adjustments are complete replace the GS3100 top cover to finish the installation.
3.5.2 An a log Out put Load Sim u la tion
The GS3100 includes Load Simulation to make it easy to adjust the Analog Output of Option6HPF and to
adjust and calibrate external equipment that uses the analog signal. There is no need to connect a load cell to the
GS3100 in order to carry out load simulation. Also, it does not matter if a load cell is connected.
Following the procedure on page 18 place the GS3100 in its calibration mode with a display of CAL. Then
press the numeral 6 key. The GS3100 will display its Full Scale capacity (as set in Digital Setup) and will drive
its analog output Full Scale. This will be the 20mA and10VDC level. Use the SPAN potentiometer on the
Option6HPF board to obtain a precise 20mA OR 10VDC but first key 6 again to display ZERO load and adjust
the ZERO output to a precise 4mA OR 0VDC. (It is best to first adjust the zero then the span - the process
should be repeated a couple of times for best accuracy).
Successively keying 6 will cycle through Full Scale and Zero. When finished key numeral 1 (end cal) to
return the GS3100 to normal weighing.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
3.5.3 Con nec tions and Specification
Option6HPF is designed specifically for use in the GS3100 and "short
enclosure" GS products that use a high speed data bus on the
Motherboard. Its high stability components and 14bit (1:16,000) Digital
to Analog Converter will deliver an analog output capable of numeric
agreement between the GS3100 display and remote equipment.
When used in the GS3100, the analog output of Option6HPF is based
on displayed weight, this will be Gross or Net weight. In the event of an
error mesage being displayed by the GS3100, the analog output will be
driven to fullscale (20mA or 10VDC) on Overweight/+Offscale and
driven to zero (4mA or 0VDC) on -Offscale.
The table to the right shows the connections on the Options 25 pin D
female connector. A mating male cable connector is supplied with each
option. To minimize noise use a shielded cable with the shield grounded only at the GS3100 end by crimping it
between the metal backshells of the cable connector & connecting to Pin 1 Frame.
Range:- -4% to +104% Full Scale.
Analog Output:- 4mA to 20mA Active Source.
and 0VDC to 10VDC.
(both transmitted at all times)
Adjustment Range:- +/-3% on Zero and Span.
Accuracy/Resolution: 14bit (1:16,000)
External Load:- 1kOhm minimum V out.
700ohm Maximum I out.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
Option6HPF Connections.
No. Connection
1Frame (Shield)
13 + Voltage Output
11 - Voltage Output (ground)
9+ Current Output
7- Current Output (ground)
Fig 1 View of Option6HPF Installed in GS3100
Ribbon cable connecting J1 Option6HPF to J3 GS3100
Motherboard. The cable must not be twisted.
Option6HPF SPAN and ZERO
3.6 In stalling an op tional se rial card into the GS3100 & Set ting its Baud Rate.
The GS3100 includes, as standard, an RS-232C non-isolated serial output of 4800 or 9600 baud. If, instead, an
isolated serial output is required, or if RS-422 or 20mA current loop is needed for long cable runs, then the
GS3100 can be fitted with an optional serial output card. Alternatively, if the full power of the GS3100 is to be
obtained, the GS3100 can be fitted with a serial input/output card. All of these optional cards are described in
full in the serial option sections of this manual. This section only includes details for the physical installation of
option cards and for setting their baud rate and, where applicable, their output selection. For further details
concerning serial output options, refer to the section SERIAL OUTPUT OPTIONS” from page 31 of this
manual, and for SERIAL INPUT/OUTPUT OPTIONS” from page 33. To physically install a serial option
card proceed as below:-
nRemove power from the GS3100. Remove the top cover. Remove the 25 pin option connector blanking plate
from the GS3100's rear panel.
nInstall the ribbon cable supplied with the serial card into the seven pin socket J3 located at the front left on
the GS3100 motherboard, ensuring that the coloured conductor on the edge of the ribbon cable is to the front
of the GS3100 when viewed from the front (this conductor connects to pin 1 of J3). The connector J3 is keyed
but take care not to offset the pins. Also, do not confuse this connector with the six pin connector J4 near the
middle of the motherboard.
nInstall the option board with the component side uppermost by screwing it to the GS3100's rear panel using
the jack screws and washers provided. The star washers must be used under the jack screws.
nConnect the ribbon cable connector to the J1 socket on the option board making sure the coloured conductor
on the edge of the ribbon cable is to the right of the GS3100 when viewed from the front (this conductor
connects to pin 1 of J1 on the serial card). The connector J1 is keyed but take care not to offset the pins.
nRefer to the baud rate selection table and select the baud
rate required using the switches SW1(1) to SW1(3) on
the serial option board (the photograph over page shows
a typical baud rate switch SW1).
If using Option 07 or Option 08 set switch SW1(4) to
select the required output. For serial I/O cards, the baud
rate selected applies to both serial input to the GS3100
and serial output from the GS3100. The maximum
recommended baud rate for normal serial I/O with the
standard GS3100 is 4800baud. If the Optional
MODBUS3100 feature is fitted, Serial I/O up to
19.2kBaud can be selected in both MODBUS ASCII
SW1. See baud rate setting on page 22.
nOption cards 202, 207, 07 and 08 can be used either in
an isolated mode or a non-isolated mode. The isolated
mode requires the use of an external customer supplied
9VDC 100mA “plug-pak” power supply. The
non-isolated mode uses the GS3100's internal power
supply. If any of these cards are used, locate the links
LK1” on the serial card and place them in the required
position. See the photograph on the following page for
the typical appearance of these links.
nRemove the GS3100's baud rate link LK2” situated at the front left of the GS3100's motherboard. Failure to
remove this link will not damage the GS3100, however, serial communication will be impossible if it is left in
place. See over page for the location of the link.
nReplace the GS3100 top cover to complete the installation.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
Baud Rate Selection Table for ALL Gedge
Systems’ Serial Option Cards.
SW1(1) to (4) on the serial
Baud Rate 1234
600 off off off
1200 on off off
2400 off on off
4800 on on off
9600 off off on
19200 on off on
not used off on on
not used on on on
Option 07 20mA CLoop Serial Input. off
Option 07 RS-232C Serial Input. on
Option 08 RS-422A Serial Input/Output off
Option 08 RS-485 Multi-Point Serial I/O on
3.7 Se lecting Iso lated or Non-Isolated Op era tion of Se rial Op tion Cards 202, 207, 07 & 08.
Serial option cards 202, 207, 07 and 08 can be used in a non-isolated mode, operating from the GS3100's
internal power supply, or, in an isolated mode, using an external 9VDC 100mA “plug-pak” style of power
supply provided by the customer. Isolated operation provides the best interference immunity. Among other
things, it will, when properly applied, prevent a failure in the remote Computer/PLC from interfering with the
GS3100's operation and from damaging it.
The photographs of Option 08 shows the configuration and location of the
links “LK1" which are positioned to set ”isolated" or “non-isolated” operation.
While the position of the links among the different option cards differs, the
identity “LK1", configuration and marking remain the same.
Use the links to bridge pins 1 & 2 for
non-isolated operation and to bridge pins 2
& 3 for isolated operation.
To be certain of setting the links in the
correct position, refer to the details
concerning optical isolation on page 32
and on page 33 of this manual.
3.8 Set ting the baud rate for the GS3100's stan dard RS- 232C se rial out put.
If the GS3100's standard serial output is to be used, rather than an optional serial card, the baud rate must be
selected from the two choices available.
The GS3100's standard RS-232C serial output transmits at either 4800baud or
9600baud. The transmission rate is set by the position of a link, “LK2”, situated at
the front of the GS3100's motherboard. The circuit board is printed with the baud
rate selections. Place the link in the required position to select the baud rate suited
to your application.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
Fig 2 Option 207 Card showing SW1 and LK1
SW1 baud rate and output
selector switch.
Fig 3 Baud Rate Link
The photograph shows a section of the front of the
GS3100’s motherboard.
Place the link over the center and left pin for 9600baud
and the center and right pin for 4800baud. ( left and right
refer to the picture shown)
NOTE:- If an optional serial output card or serial I/O
card is installed THIS LINK MUST BE REMOVED.
3.9 Con necting Load Cells.
Load cells are connected to the GS3100 via a rear mounted 9
pin D male connector. A mating female cable connector is
provided. A high quality load cell cable with a braided shield
having twisted conductors must be used in order to minimize
interference. All cable extensions, including junction boxes,
must provide shield continuity. The table and connector drawing
below shows the load cell connections.
The shield MUST be connected to the back shell by crimping it
between the two shells, ensuring there is no gap between the
shells, AND it MUST also be connected to pin 6 or 9 of the
load cell connector.
WARNING. If the load cells are powered by the user's
excitation supply rather than the GS3100's supply the following
1. The GS3100's time and temperature stability specification and
noise specification are not guaranteed because they are affected
by the time and temperature stability and noise of the user's excitation supply.
2. The user's excitation supply must be isolated from ground and therefore fully floating. If this is not the case
then noise due to ground loops may occur. Even if the user's excitation supply is floating, the additional
distributed wiring and circuitry may introduce noise and it will be the user's responsibility to eliminate this.
3. The user must decide whether to use the GS3100's excitation ratio sense or not. If the sense is not used, the
installation will be sensitive to variations in the excitation supply across the load cell. These are caused by
changes in the resistance of the load cell cables and by time and temperature changes in the excitation supply.
The remote sense can be disabled by placing shorts at the GS3100's load cell connector. Short pins 3-5 and 4-8.
If remote excitation sense is used, the following apply:-
a. The sense wires must be connected to pins 5 and 8 as identified in the load cell connector table above.
b. The sense voltage level at the GS3100 must be 10VDC at calibration. Variations after calibration of
+0.2VDC to -2VDC is permitted and will result in automatic compensation of the load cell input.
c. Great care must be taken to ensure that the sense input to the GS3100 is an accurate reflection of the actual
excitation across the load cells. If it varies in any way where such variation is not an exact reflection of the
excitation across the load cells, then the automatically compensated load cell input will be in error.
COMMENT. High power radio transmitters in factories and vehicles is making the use of proper load cell
installation techniques MUCH more important than it has been in the past. Failure to strictly follow the
installation techniques provided in this manual for the load cell and any options WILL render the installation
unacceptably sensitive to interference and will void the warranty.
Before connecting the load cell ensure that the jack screws at the load cell connector on the rear of the
indicator have star washers beneath them and that they are screwed up tight. Also ensure that the entire load cell
cable has shield continuity and that a high quality BRAIDED shield is used. Also ensure that the shield is NOT
grounded at the load cell end, although, in some situations a ground at the load cell end has been found to
diminish interference. Do not proceed with the installation until the load cells have been properly wired and
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
Fig 4 Load cell connector, 9 pin female, cable side.
No. Connection
3 Positive Excitation. (+ Exc.)
4 Negative Excitation. (-Exc.)
Positive Sense.
This connection MUST be
made. If SIX wires are not
used then jumper this pin to
pin 3 positive excitation.
Negative Sense.
This connection MUST be
made. If SIX wires are not
used then jumper this pin to
pin 4 negative excitation.
2 Positive load cell Signal.
(+ Sig.)
1 Negative load cell Signal.
6 and 9 GS3100 Frame.
(Cable Shield)
3.10 Con necting to the Mains Sup ply.
The GS3100 may be connected to the local power supply directly, or through an isolation switch, but always in
compliance with the local electricity authority's codes of practice. In any event, the means must be made
available to remove power from the GS3100 during service or any activity involving access to the interior of the
Apply power to the GS3100. Check that the GS3100 displays the sequence of messages described in the
“Applying Power” section of this manual. If there are any persistent error messages refer to the section
“Messages and their meaning” and follow the advice given. Installation cannot proceed until the cause of all
persistent error messages has been dealt with.
3.11 Cal i bra tion and Setup keys - Ac cess and Use.
3.11.1 General.
To prevent unauthorized interference with the GS3100's weight calibration and settings, they can only be
accessed by strictly following the key and display sequence shown in the figure below.
To further enhance the GS3100's security, every failed attempt to access the settings, as well as every successful
attempt, is recorded. The number of attempts is displayed when power is applied. This information can also be
sent to a computer using the GS3100's optional serial I/O.
When you have finalized all of the settings, and calibrated the GS3100, you should display and note the number
of failed and successful access attempts. If problems occur in the future, this information will be useful to
determine the reason for any changed settings.
3.11.2 Use of keys and access to the settings.
To access the GS3100's calibration procedures and
Hold the ENTER key down and press the 6 key.
'YES' will be displayed.
Release both keys.
You must then press the 3 key within 2 seconds and
'[]' will then be displayed.
You now have up to 2 seconds to press the 9 key to
display the 'CAL' message.
When 'CAL' is displayed you have successfully
accessed the calibration and programming section of
the GS3100 and you now have up to 15 seconds to
select the operation you require.
Select Digital Setup; Cal Zero; Cal Span; Device
Number entry or Serial Diagnostics. Once you have
made this selection there is no time limit on making
your changes - make the changes you need while
taking as long as you require to do it.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
Fig 5 Key sequence for calibration access.
3.11.3 Use of the GS3100's keys for calibration and programming.
The GS3100's keys which are used for calibration and programming are shown in the drawing below. They
contain a letter or letters at the lower left to identify their use.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
When PRINT is keyed with “CAL
displayed the GS3100 display shows the
serial diagnostics screen.
When ZERO is keyed
while CAL” is
displayed the GS3100
immediately carries out
a dead load calibration.
END CAL is used to exit the set up and
calibration procedures. Its use is described in
each of the procedures in the following
sections of this manual.
whenever a displayed value or
setting is to be changed.
When SPAN is keyed while
CAL” is displayed the
GS3100 immediately
commences the span calibration
procedure by displaying the full
scale capacity of the indicator.
You can quit by keying END
CAL or continue as described
further on in this manual.
When DIGITAL SETUP is keyed with
“CAL” displayed the GS3100 enters the
digital setup routine and displays the first
3.12 Dig i tal Setup - Pro gram ming the GS3100.
The Digital Setup selections tell the GS3100 how to operate. They should be programmed before weight
calibration. The table below only identifies the settings and includes a recommendation for each. However, the
values for the weight calibration related settings of “display divisions”, “decimal point” and “count by” will
depend solely on the weight to be displayed. For an explanation of the settings and the range of values that can
be selected see the following pages.
Table of Digital Setup Settings & Suggested Settings
Settings. Comments
d 3000 Display divisions - select the required number for the weight to be displayed.
dP 0.0 Decimal places - select the required number for the weight to be displayed.
Cb 1 Count by - select the required number for the weight to be displayed.
UP 20 Update rate in updates per second.
S 9d Standstill (not in motion) condition in display division changes per second.
Otr OFF Zero track rate for automatic zero maintenance in display division changes per second.
FL. non Front panel keyboard function lock. Used to disable front panel keys.
St gg Set point test setting. Select gross or net as the weight to be used to operate the set points.
This setting uses the gross weight for both set points.
OC oo THIS SETTING APPLIES ONLY TO GS3100s fitted with software version 6 or earlier.
Output condition when the set points are tripped. This setting has both set point outputs ON for weight below the set point,
going OFF as the weight rises above the set point.
Out.C1 The type of serial output required or Analog Output. Select printer (P), or continuous (C)
data streams or, if an optional serial I/O card is used, select serial I/O (io1). If the Optional
“MODBUS3100" is installed, MODBUS RTU or MODBUS ASCII format can be selected.
br. 19.2 MODBUS baud rate. Only displayed if the previous selection is MODBUS RTU or ASCII.
The baud rate switches on the serial I/O card Option08 or Option07 MUST be set to the
value selected for this setup setting. The settings below do not apply to MODBUS serial I/O
and will not be displayed if a MODBUS selection is made.
SC7b E NEW-THIS SETTING APPLIES TO GS3100s fitted with software version 7 & higher.
Serial Comms word composition. Either 7bit Even parity or 8bit No parity.
Str c1 Stream data selection only required when the GS3100 is used in serial I/O mode.
Un 02 Printed units of measure (kg, t etc). Only required for printer outputs.
bd 06 Block division character inserted between sections of the serial output data string.
bE 02 Beginning and end character sent at the beginning of a data transmission and at the end.
3.12.1 Accessing Digital Setup.
Digital setup selections are programmed by first accessing the “CAL” display and then keying DS” for Digital
setup. Once the settings are displayed the INCREASE, DECREASE and SELECT DIGIT keys can be used to
change the settings, the DIGITAL SETUP key to advance to the next setting and the END CAL key to save the
settings and return the GS3100 to the normal weighing mode.
3.12.2 Digital Setup Settings.
The tables on the following pages list each of the digital setup settings together with symbol examples of the
settings. The settings are listed in the order in which they are displayed by the GS3100 as the “Digital Setup”
key {which is key 8} is operated.
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GS3100 Weigh/Batching Front End
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Gedge Systems GS3100 Operating & Installation Manual

Operating & Installation Manual

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