Dear Custom er,
Please read th is user m anual carefully before using your
h air drier, paying particular attention to th e safety
notes on th is and th e follow ing page! K eep th e user
m anual safe for future reference and also to pass on to
any subseq uent ow ner.
A. M odel description
1 Push - on nozzle
2 Folding h andle
3 ON/OFF sw itch w ith tw o fan speeds
4 H anger
Safety notes
Th is appliance corresponds to accepted tech nological
standards w ith regards to safety and to th e Germ an Ap-
pliance Safety Law . As m anufacturers, w e neverth eless re-
gard it as our duty to fam iliarise custom ers w ith th e
follow ing safety considerations.
General safety
• Th e h air drier m ay be connected only to a pow er
sock et carrying a voltage and freq uency m atch ing
th e inform ation on th e m odel rating plate!
• Th e appliance can be used on eith er 120 or 230
volts. Before plugging in, please ch eck carefully th e
voltage of th e place w h ere th e appliance is being
used. You can adjust th e appliance to th e desired
voltage w ith a coin.
• Caution! Do not use th is h air drier near
bath s, h and basins or oth er w ater- con-
taining vessels!
• Th ere is a residual risk even w h en th e
h air drier is sw itch ed off. Rem ove th e h air drier
plug from th e pow er sock et after use and before
• Never try to rem ove th e plug from th e sock et by
pulling on th e lead!
• Th e installation of a residual current circuit break er
(RCD) w ith a rated trigger current of less th an 30
m A in th e dom estic pow er supply provides addition-
al protection. Seek advice from a q ualified electri-
• Periodically ch eck th e m ains lead for dam age!
• Defective line cord sh ould be replaced by official ser-
vice dealers, using special tools only to avoid h azard.
• Repairs to th is appliance m ay only be carried out
by q ualified service engineers. Considerable
danger m ay result from im proper repairs. If re-
pairs becom e necessary, please contact th e Cus-
tom er Care Departm ent or your auth orised dealer.
Ch ild safety
• Th is appliance is not intended for use by persons (in-
cluding ch ildren) w ith reduced ph ysical, sensory or
m ental capabilities, or lack of experience and k now -
ledge unless th ey h ave been given supervision or in-
struction concerning use of th e appliance by a
person responsible for th eir safety.
• Th ese instructions m ust be observed and explained
to ch ildren.
• Ch ildren sh ould not use th e h air drier unsupervised.
• Ch ildren sh ould be supervised to ensure th at th ey
do not play w ith th e appliance.
Points to observe w h en operating th e h air
• If th e h air drier falls into w ater, im m ediately re-
m ove th e plug from th e m ains sock et. Do not, un-
der any circum stances, reach into th e w ater!
H ave th e appliance ch eck ed by an electrician!
• Th e h air drier m ust not be used w et or w ith w et
h ands.
• Do not direct any spray can or w ater m ister into
th e h air drier.
• For safety reasons, sw itch th e drier off w h enever
you put it dow n.
• Th e air outlet grille becom es h ot during operation.
Th is is norm al, and results from th e proper function
of th e appliance!
• Th e air intak es and outlets m ust never be covered.
• Clean th e air intak e grille periodically to rem ove
any block ages. Do not allow h air near th e air intak e.
• If th e air flow is block ed w h ile th e h air drier is operat-
ing (e.g. by dirt or fluff), th e integral overh eat cut-
out autom atically sw itch es th e appliance off. Once it
h as cooled dow n (after a few m inutes) it autom atic-
ally sw itch es back on.
• Th e pow er lead m ust not com e into contact w ith
th e air outlet during operation.
• Th e m anufacturer can accept no liability for any
loss or dam age arising from im proper use of th e