Zanussi ZAB1416 User manual

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Montage de r W ande inh e it.....................................................................1
Staubs auge r ve rw e nde n........................................................................ 1
Ge rät re inige n......................................................................................3
W ich tige r H inw e ise zum Ents orge n von Batte rie n.....................................3
Batte rie n e ntne h m e n.............................................................................3
Aus Um w e lts ch utzgründe n k e in Ve rpack ungsm ate rial w e gw e rfe n.............5
Mounting of w all unit............................................................................ 1
Us ing th e vacuum cle ane r.....................................................................1
Cle aning th e appliance .........................................................................3
Im portant instructions for th e dis pos al of batte rie s ...................................3
Re m oving th e batte rie s ..........................................................................3
For th e sak e of th e e nvironm e nt do not th row aw ay pack aging m ate rial...5
Montage de la s tation m urale ................................................................2
Utilis ation de l'aspirate ur.......................................................................2
Ne ttoyage de lappare il.........................................................................4
Instructions im portante s conce rnant lélim ination de s batte rie s .................4
Re trait de s batte rie s ...............................................................................6
Par re s pe ct de le nvironne m e nt, ne je te z pas le s m atériaux de m ballage ..6
D uvar ünite s inin m ontajı........................................................................2
Şarjlı e l sürge s ini çalıştırm a................................................................2
Cih azı te m izle m e .................................................................................. 4
Bataryaların atılm asıyla ilgili öne m li yöne rge le r...................................... 4
Bataryaların çık arılm as ı.........................................................................6
Ç e vre ye zarar ve rm e m e k in am balaj m alze m e le rini atm ayın.................6
A Lade anze ige
B W andm ontage e inh e it m it
Ne tzk abe laufnah m e
C EIN/AU S-Sch alte r
D Staubbe h älte r
E Lade ge rät
ABB. 1
Montage de r W ande inh e it
D ie Einh e it e igne t s ich zur se nk re ch te n
W andm ontage am Ge h äuse . Ge w äh rle is te n,
das s die s e s o in de r Näh e e ine r Ste ck dose
m ontie rt is t, dass s ie je de rze it e rre ich bar ist.
Se nk re ch te r Abs tand zw is ch e n Sch raube nm itte n
72 m m , Sch raube ndurch m e s se r 3,5 m m .
Übe rsch üs s ige s Kabe l h ine in s ch ie be n und
Lade ge rät m it Ste ck dos e ve rbinde n.
Staubsauge r ve rw e nde n
D ie se s Produk t ist nur für de n Einsatz im
H aush alt ge e igne t.
D ie Ne tzs pannung m uss m it de m Type nsch ild
am Lade ge rät übe re ins tim m e n.
Ak k ustaubsauge r bis zum Ansch lag in
W ande inh e it drück e n. Vor de r e rste n
Inbe trie bnah m e de s Staubsauge rs is t e ine Lade ze it
von e tw a 24 Stunde n e rforde rlich . D ie
Batte rie ze lle n k önne n nich t übe rlade n w e rde n. D as
Ge rät sollte be i Nich tge brauch im m e r im
Lade ge rät be lasse n w e rde n. W e nn die Batte rie be i
volle r Ladung nur für e ine n Be trie b von w e nige r als
ach t Minute n re ich t, k ann die s am W ide rstand
be im Lade n lie ge n, de r sich be i aus sch lie ßlich
k urzze itige r Nutzung de s Staubsauge rs aufbaut. In
die se m Fall Batte rie vollständig lade n und
Staubsauge r ve rw e nde n, bis die Batte rie
vollk om m e n e ntlade n ist. Ansch lie ße nd Batte rie
w ie de r auflade n. Be i Be darf Vorgang w ie de rh ole n.
Z um Sauge n m us s de r Ak k ustaubs auge r vom
Lade ge rät ge nom m e n w e rde n. Ke ine fe uch te n
ode r glüh e nde n Ge ge nstände e insauge n.
Aus s ch lie ßlich originale s Lade ge rät für die s e s
Mode ll ve rw e nde n.
W ich tig: Staubsauge r m öglich st nich t be i e ine r
Raum te m pe ratur unte r 0 °C und übe r 40 °C lade n.
D as Lade ge rät e rw ärm t sich be im Lade vorgang.
D ie s is t vollk om m e n norm al.
D ie rote Lade anze ige le uch te le uch te t, s olange
sich de r Ak k ustaubs auge r in de r
W andm ontage e inh e it be finde t.
D as Ge rät darf von Kle ink inde rn ode r
Be h inde rte n nur unte r Aufs ich t ve rw e nde t
w e rde n. Kle ink inde r m üs se n be aufs ich tigt
w e rde n, um zu ge w äh rle is te n, das s die s e m it
de m Ge rät nich t s pie le n.
A Ch arge indicator ligh t
B W all m ounting unit w ith
m ains -cable h ous ing
C O N/O FF sw itch
D D ust containe r
E Ch arge r
Mounting of w all unit
Th e unit is suitable for w all m ounting on h ousing
in a ve rtical position. Ensure th at is it m ounte d
so it is re adily acce ss ible , ne ar a plug s ock e t.
Ve rtical dis tance be tw e e n scre w ce nte rs 72 m m ,
scre w diam e te r 3,5 m m . Pus h in surplus cable
and conne ct ch arge r to plug sock e t.
Using th e vacuum cle ane r
Th is product is inte nde d for h ous e h old us e only.
Ch e ck th at your s upply voltage is th e sam e as
th at state d on th e rating plate of th e ch arge r.
Push re ch arge able vacuum cle ane r into th e w all
unit until it can fe lt e ngaging. A ch arging tim e of
approx. 24 h ours is ne ce s s ary be fore us ing th e
cle ane r for th e firs t tim e . Th e re is no dange r of
ove rch arging th e batte ry ce lls. Th e appliance
sh ould be le ft pe rm ane ntly on th e ch arge r w h e n
not in use . If th e batte ry, w h e n fully ch arge d,
las ts le s s th an 8 m inute s , th is m ay be due to
som e re s istance to ch arging, w h ich builds up
w h e ne ve r your vacuum cle ane r is be ing us e d for
a sh ort tim e only. In such a cas e , you s h ould
ch arge th e batte ry fully and th e n us e th e vacuum
cle ane r until th e batte ry is com ple te ly e m pty.
Th e n re ch arge th e batte ry. Re pe at th e proce s s if
ne ce s s ary.
D uring vacuum ing, th e batte ry-ope rate d vacuum
cle ane r is to be se parate d from th e ch arge r.
Ne ve r vacuum any dam p or glow ing obje cts.
Us e only original ch arge r de s igne d for th is
m ode l.
Im portant: Avoid ch arging your vacuum cle ane r
w h e n th e room te m pe rature is be low C or
above 40 °C.
Th e ch arge r ge ts w arm during th e ch arging
cycle , th is is com ple te ly norm al.
Th e re d ch arge indicator ligh t w ill re m ain on as
long as th e batte ry vacuum cle ane r is s uspe nde d
in th e w all m ounting.
Th e appliance is not inte nde d for us e by young
ch ildre n or infirm pe rs ons w ith out supe rvis ion.
Young ch ildre n s h ould be supe rvis e d to e ns ure
th at th e y do not play w ith th e appliance .
72 m m
3,5 m m
D e utsch English
Für die Entsorgung gibt e s zw e i
Möglich k e ite n:
Ab gabe be i de r lok ale n
Giftm ülle nts orgungss te lle
Ab gabe be i e ine m Progre ss Se rvice ce nte r
Aus Um w e ltsch utzgründe n k e in
Ve rpack ungsm ate rial w e gw e rfe n.
D e r Karton k ann be i Ste lle n für
Papie rre cycling e nts orgt w e rde n.
D e r Kuns ts toffbe ute l aus Polye th yle n (PE)
k ann be i Ste lle n für PE-Re cycling e ntsorgt
w e rde n.
D ie Filte rte ile be s te h e n aus Polystyrol (PS).
Sie e nth alte n k e ine FCK W s . Sie k önne n be i
Ste lle n für PS-Re cycling e nts orgt w e rde n.
D ie lok ale Um w e ltsch utzbe h örde bie te t
Inform atione n zu Sam m e l- und Re cyclings te lle n.
D as Sym bol an Produk t ode r Ve rpack ung
w e is t darauf h in, dass das Produk t nich t m it de m
norm ale n H aus m üll e nts orgt w e rde n darf. Es
m us s stattde ss e n be i de r e nts pre ch e nde n
Sam m e lste lle für Re cycling von Ele k tro- und
Ele k tronik s ch rott abge ge be n w e rde n. D urch die
ordnungsge m äße Ents orgung de s Produk ts
k önne n ne gative Folge n für Um w e lt und
Ge s undh e it ve rm ie de n w e rde n. D e taillie rte
Inform atione n zum Re cyce ln de s Produk ts bie te n
die Ge m e inde , die Mülle nts orgung ode r de r
H ändle r, be i de m das Produk t ge k auft w urde .
Th e re are tw o possible w ays of disposing it:
Tak e it to th e toxic w aste dis pos al facility
provide d by your local auth ority.
H and it in at one of th e Progre ss Se rvice
Ce nte rs .
For th e sak e of th e e nvironm e nt do not
th row aw ay pack aging m ate rial.
Th e cardb oard box can be tak e n to pape r
re cycling facilitie s .
Plastic bag m ade of polye th yle ne (PE) can be
tak e n to re cycling facilitie s of PE colle ction
de pots .
Th e filte r parts are m ade of Polys tyre ne (PS).
Th e y do not contain any CFCs . Th e y can be
tak e n to re cycling facilitie s of PS colle ction
de pots .
Your local D e partm e nt for th e Environm e nt w ill
be able to give you advice as to w h e re colle cting
de pots and re cycling facilitie s are available .
Th e sym bol on th e product or on its
pack aging indicate s th at th is product m ay not be
tre ate d as h ous e h old w as te . Inste ad it sh all be
h ande d ove r to th e applicable colle ction point
for th e re cycling of e le ctrical and e le ctronic
e q uipm e nt. By e nsuring th is product is dis pos e d
of corre ctly, you w ill h e lp pre ve nt pote ntial
ne gative conse q ue nce s for th e e nvironm e nt and
h um an h e alth , w h ich could oth e rw is e be cause d
by inappropriate w as te h andling of th is product.
For m ore de taile d inform ation about re cycling of
th is product, ple ase contact your local city office ,
your h ous e h old w aste dis pos al s e rvice or th e
sh op w h e re you purch as e d th e product.
ABB. 2. - ABB. 3.
Ge rät re inige n
Staubde ck e l und Staub be ute l re ge lm äßig
re inige n!
Staubs auge r vor de m Re inige n ste ts aus s ch alte n.
Z um Re inige n de s Filte rs k ann e in norm ale r
H aush alts s taubsauge r ode r k alte s W as s e r
ve rw e nde t w e rde n.
Vor de m W ie de re inse tze n de s Filte rs prüfe n, ob
die s e r volls tändig trock e n is t.
Ge rät nie m als oh ne Filte r in Be trie b ne h m e n.
Vorsich t! Be i e ine m Fe h le r m üss e n
Ak k us taubsauge r und Lade ge rät ge prüft bzw .
be i Be darf ge w e ch s e lt w e rde n. Re parature n an
Ele k troge räte n dürfe n nur von e ine m ge s ch ulte n
Ele k trik e r durch ge füh rt w e rde n. U nsach ge m äße
Re parature n k önne n de n Anw e nde r h oh e n
Ge fah re n auss e tze n. Be i e ine m Fe h le r de s
Staubs auge rs an de n Ele k troh ändle r ode r dire k t
an das Progre s s Se rvice ce nte r w e nde n. Ne ue
Staubbe ute l sind be im Ele k troh ändle r ode r be im
Progre s s Se rvice ce nte r unte r de r Artik e lnum m e r
Me nalux GR19 Te xtilfilte r e rh ältlich .
D ie se s Ge rät e rfüllt folge nde EC Norm e n:
Nie drig-Spannungs -Norm 2006/9 5/EC
EMC Norm 89 /336/EEC und Ergänzung
9 2/31/EEC sow ie 9 3/68/EEC
W ich tige r H inw e ise zum Entsorge n von
Batte rie n
D e r Progre s s Ak k ustaubs auge r is t m it NIMH
Batte rie n aus ge s tatte t, die ggf. um w e lts ch ädlich e
Stoffe e nth alte n. W e nn die Batte rie n ge w e ch s e lt
w e rde n m üss e n, sollte die s vom H ändle r de s
Progre s s Se rvice ce nte rs durch ge füh rt w e rde n, da
h ie rbe i ge w äh rle is te t is t, das s die alte n Batte rie n
m öglich s t um w e ltfre undlich e nts orgt w e rde n.
Auch w e nn de r Kunde die Batte rie n s e lb st
w e ch s e lt, m üss e n die alte n Batte rie n
ordnungsge m äß e nts orgt w e rde n. Auf k e ine n
Fall dürfe n alte Batte rie n ode r Ge räte m it alte n
Batte rie n m it de m norm ale n H ausm üll e nts orgt
w e rde n.
Batte rie n e ntne h m e n:
Nach Entfe rne n de s Filte rs re s tlich e s
Gum m iband abne h m e n und zw e i
Kontak tabde ck unge n von Kontak tlas ch e n an de r
Batte rie e ntfe rne n.
Mit Batte rie vors ich tig um ge h e n. Ggf. e nth ält
die s e e ine Re s tladung, die be im Ü be rbrück e n
de r Kontak te Sch äde n h e rvorruft. D ah e r sollte
die Batte rie in e ine m Kuns ts toffbe ute l
transportie rt w e rde n.
FIG. 2. - FIG.3.
Cle aning th e appliance
D e tach dus t cap and dust bag fre q ue ntly!
Alw ays sw itch off your vacuum cle ane r be fore
cle aning it.
To cle an th e filte r you can use your norm al
h ous e h old vacuum cle ane r or cold w ate r.
Mak e sure th e filte r is com ple te ly dry be fore
re ins e rting it in pos ition.
Ne ve r us e th e appliance w ith out th e filte r.
Caution! IN case of a de fe ct both th e storage
batte ry-pow e re d vacuum cle ane r and th e
ch arging unit m us t be ch e ck e d of if ne ce s s ary
re place d.
Re pairs to e le ctrical appliance s s h ould only be
pe rform e d by a traine d e le ctrician. Im prope r
re pairs m ay place th e us e r at se rious ris k . If your
vacuum cle ane r h as a fault, ple ase contact your
e le ctrical re taile r or th e Progre s s s e rvice ce ntre
dire ct.
You can obtain spare dust bags from your
e le ctrical re taile r or via th e Progre s s s e rvice
ce nte r unde r Part No. Me nalux GR19 Te xtilfilte r.
Th is appliance conform s w ith th e follow ing
EC D ire ctive s :
Low Voltage D ire ctive 2006/9 5/EC
EMC D ire ctive 89 /336/EEC w ith
am e ndm e nts 9 2/31/EEC and 9 3/68/EEC
Im portant instructions for th e disposal of
batte rie s
Th e Progre s s cordle s s vacuum cle ane r is
e q uippe d w ith NIMH batte rie s containing
com pone nts w h ich can h arm th e e nvironm e nt. If
th e batte rie s h ave to be re place d, w e
re com m e nd th at th is sh ould be carrie d out by
th e de ale r of th is Progre ss Se rvice Ce ntre as th is
w ill guarante e th at th e old batte rie s are dis pose d
of in a m anne r w h ich doe s a m inim um of h arm
to th e e nvironm e nt.
Eve n if you re place th e batte rie s yourse lf, th e old
one s m ust s till be dis pos e d of prope rly. Th e y
m us t on no account find th e ir w ay into th e
ordinary dus t bin, nor m us t th e appliance if old
batte rie s are still inside it.
Re m oving th e batte rie s:
Afte r re m oving th e filte r, tak e th e re taining
rubbe r band off and re m ove th e tw o contact
caps from th e contact tags on th e batte ry.
Ple as e h andle th e batte ry care fully th e re m ay
be a s m all re s idual ch arge in it w h ich could
cause dam age if its contacts are bridge d
toge th e r. It is th e re fore advis able to trans port th e
batte ry in a plas tic bag.