Progress PC4435 User manual

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44xx 02 03 11
PC4485 Trio
PC4410 PC4413 PC4414 PC4414S PC4425 PC4435
Vacuum Cleaner Operating Instructions
Gebrauch sanw eisung
Aspirateur traîneau M ode d'em ploi
Stofzuiger Gebruik saanw ijzing
Aspirado de polvo Instrucciones de uso
Ele k trik li s ürge
Kullanm a k ılavuzu
Aspirator Instrucţiuni de utilizare
w w w .progre ss
w w w .progre ss -cle ane rs .com
PC4480 PC4482 PC4483 PC4484 PC4485Trio
44xx 02 03 11
PC4485 Trio
PC4410 PC4413 PC4414 PC4414S PC4425 PC4435
Vacuum Cleaner Operating Instructions
Gebrauch sanw eisung
Aspirateur traîneau M ode d'em ploi
Stofzuiger Gebruik saanw ijzing
Aspirado de polvo Instrucciones de uso
Ele k trik li s ürge
Kullanm a k ılavuzu
Aspirator Instrucţiuni de utilizare
w w w .progre ss
w w w .progre ss -cle ane rs .com
PC4480 PC4482 PC4483 PC4484 PC4485Trio
1. Suction inle t
2. D ustbag full indicator
3. Variable pow e r control
4. O n/off sw itch
5. Cable re w ind button
6. W h e e l
7. D ustbag com partm e nt
8. Carrying h andle
9 . Com partm e nt ope n button
10. H ose
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l
11. Te le scopic tube *
12. Me tal tube s (2x) *
13. D ual purpose floor nozzle
14. U ph ols te ry nozzle
15. Com bination cre vice nozzle / brus h
16. Turb o nozzle *
17. H ard floor nozzle *
18. D us tbag
19 . Ve rtical park ing
20. H orizontal park ing
21. Tools on board
Re ad th is instruction book le t care fully.
Be fore using th e appliance , ch e ck th at th e m ains pow e r voltage corre sponds to th e voltage sh ow n on th e rating plate .
D o not s w itch th e appliance on if it appe ars to be faulty in any w ay or it h as a dam age d cord or plug. D o not try to re pair th e
appliance by yours e lf. For re pairs or acce ss orie s , contact Ele ctrolux Custom e r Se rvice s .
Alw ays re m ove th e plug from th e pow e r sock e t w h e n th e appliance is not in use and be fore carrying out any cle aning or
m ainte nance ope rations.
Ne ve r le ave th e appliance unatte nde d w h e n it is sw itch e d on. Ke e p th e appliance out of re ach of ch ildre n.
Th is appliance is for dom e stic us e only. Use as de scribe d in th is instruction book le t.
D o not pull th e appliance by th e cord. D o not unplug by pulling on th e cord. D o not us e th e cle ane r w ith a dam age d cable . If
th e cable dam age d, it sh ould be re place d at a se rvice ce nte r.Th is is not cove re d by th e w arranty.
D o not use appliance on w e t surface s or to vacuum liq uids , m ud, ash and burning cigare tte butts. D o not vacuum up any h igh ly
flam m able or e xplosive substance s or gase s.
D o not vacuum up ve ry fine dust from plaste r, ce m e nt, cold cinde rs, flour or ash .
Th e s e m ate rials can caus e se rious dam age to th e m otor - a dam age w h ich is not cove re d by th e w arranty.
D o not unplug th e vacuum cle ane r w ith w e t h ands.
D o not ope rate th e vacuum cle ane r too close to h e ate rs and radiators, stove s e tc.
Be fore you start using th e vacuum cle ane r, ple ase re m ove large or sh arp obje cts from th e floor to pre ve nt dam age to th e dustbag.
Be fore placing into ope ration m ak e ce rtain th at th e filte rs are in th e prope r position.
Be fore using th e appliance , unw ind a s ufficie nt le ngth of cable and inse rt th e plug into th e pow e r sock e t. A YELLO W m ark on
th e pow e r cable sh ow s th e ide al cable le ngth . D o not e xte nd th e cable be yond th e RED m ark .
Pre s s th e O N/O FF button to sw itch th e appliance on. It is advisable to se t th e pow e r control to MIN be fore sw itch ing th e
appliance on.
To re w ind th e pow e r cable , pre ss th e re w ind button w ith foot, and guide th e cable w ith h and to e nsure th at it doe s not w h ip
causing dam age .
By m oving th e variable pow e r control, th e suction pow e r can be adjuste d.
Sound le ve l : 83 dB(A)
RECO MMEND ED D UST BAG: Me nalux CT153 / D CT153 / 1000 is th e approve d dust bag for your Progre ss vacuum cle ane r.
Me nalux brande d dustbags and filte rs are strongly re com m e nde d by Progre ss. Th ose h igh q uality bags and filte rs w ill e nsure a
long life tim e of your Progre ss vacuum cle ane r. For m ore inform ation about Me nalux products, ple ase visit our w e bsite :
w w w .m e .
Th e Me nalux dustbag m ust be re place d if th e w indow of th e dustbag full indicator is com ple te ly re d w h e n th e cle ane r is
ope rating at m axim um pow e r and th e nozzle is raise d from th e floor.
Alw ays ope rate th e cle ane r w ith th e dustbag installe d.
If you forge t to attach th e dustbag or attach it in th e w rong m anne r, th e dus t cove r m ay not close com ple te ly.
22 Afte r re m oving th e fle xible h ose , ope n th e front cove r.
23 Re m ove th e dustbag and inse rt a ne w one .
24 Adjust th e uppe r part of th e dustbag into th e dustbag com partm e nt.
22 Close th e cove r by pre ssing dow n until it click s .
If you do not find Me nalux at your store , ple ase call:
GB: 8 706 055 055
IRL: 14 09 07 50.
Filte rs sh ould be re place d at le ast tw ice a ye ar or w h e n th e y be com e visibly soile d.
Alw ays ope rate th e cle ane r w ith Me nalux filte rs ins talle d to avoid re duce d suction.
D isconne ct from e le ctrical outle t be fore ch anging th e filte rs.
D o not use a w ash ing m ach ine to rinse filte rs.
Cle aning th e m otor filte r
23,25 Pull dustbag upw ard and re m ove th e m otor prote ction filte r.
26 Rinse th e filte r unde r tap w ate r and dry it com ple te ly.
25 Put th e filte r back into th e cle ane r.
Re placing / cle aning th e e xh aust filte r
27 O pe n th e filte r grill to re m ove th e e xh aust filte r.
28 Tak e th e filte r out of its place .
28,27 Put a ne w filte r into its place , th e n close th e filte r grill.
27,29 O pe n th e filte r cove r and re m ove th e e xh aus t filte r from th e grill.
26 Rinse th e filte r unde r tap w ate r and dry it com ple te ly.
29 ,27 Place th e filte r back into th e grill and close th e filte r cove r.
Re com m e nde d filte rs:
- Me nalux Motor Filte r: D 24.
- H EPA e xh aus t filte r: 407 135 653/1 *
- Me nalux Microfilte r: D 09 *
Atte m pt to re cycle pack aging m ate rial and old appliance s .
Th e cardboard pack aging can be place d in th e w aste pape r colle ction.
D e posit th e plastic bag m ade of polye th yle ne (PE) at th e PE colle ction point for re cycling.
Re cycling th e Appliance at th e e nd of its life
D e posit th e polystyre ne foam at th e PS colle ction point for re cycling.
Th e plastic com pone nts all carry a m ate rial ide ntification m ark ing s o th at, lik e th e oth e r m ate rials, th e y can be re cycle d at th e
e nd of th e life of th e appliance .
Ple ase inq uire w ith your local auth ority.
Block e d air flow and dirty filte rs:
Th e cle ane r stops autom atically if a block age occurs in th e nozzle /tube /h ose or if th e filte rs are block e d w ith dirt.
D isconne ct from m ains and allow th e cle ane r to cool for 20-30 m inute s. Re m ove block age and/or cle an filte rs.
Re start th e cle ane r.
Th is appliance conform s w ith th e follow ing EC D ire ctive s:
Low Voltage D ire ctive 2006/9 5/EC
EMC D ire ctive 89 /336/EEC w ith am e ndm e nts 9 2/31/EEC and 9 3/68/EEC
Th e sym bol on th e product or on its pack aging indicate s th at th is product m ay not be tre ate d as h ouse h old w aste .
Inste ad it sh all be h ande d ove r to th e applicable colle ction point for th e re cycling of e le ctrical and e le ctronic e q uipm e nt. By
e nsuring th is product is dispose d of corre ctly, you w ill h e lp pre ve nt pote ntial ne gative conse q ue nce s for th e e nvironm e nt and
h um an h e alth , w h ich could oth e rw ise be cause d by inappropriate w aste h andling of th is product. For m ore de taile d
inform ation about re cycling of th is product, ple ase contact your local city office , your h ouse h old w aste disposal s e rvice or th e
sh op w h e re you purch ase d th e product.
* D e pe nding on th e m ode l