Pos: 24 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/B/Überschr ift 1: Beschre ibung @ 6\mod_1174482271453_75.docx @ 76889 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 25 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Üb erschr iften/ Überschr iften 1. 1/A/Übers chrif t 1.1: Aufba u und Arbeits prinz ip @ 15\mod_1245311386403_75.docx @ 390861 @ 2 @ 1
Design and Operating Principle
Pos: 26 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Aufbau und Arbeitsprinzip Grubenheber @ 26\mod_1326283956510_75.docx @ 1152235 @ @ 1
These manually operated hydraulic, combined hydraulic / pneumatic or pneumatic
pit jack / axle and transmission jacks are lifting devces for lifting vehicles and
power trains. The pit jacks can be moved in the longitudinal and transverse
direction on a chassis, the axle and transmission jack using a chassis running on
the ground using rollers.
The pump unit includes load valves, suction valves and overload valves. High and
low pressure hand pumps are installed according to the type as per the list of
spare parts. The self-closing countersunk screw is also mounted on the pump
block. An overload system is installed for automatic venting.
The load carrying equipment consists of a supporting plate attachment (support
plate / gearbox support). For more specific loading points on vehicles, other
adaptors from our range of accessories can be attached.
In hydraulic-pneumatic pit jacks with rapid lift control, the oil in the tank is
pressurised with compressed air. The oil is thus displaced and the piston rises
quickly to the point of load.
In the version using an air motor (LM), the motor is positioned on the right on the
high pressure side. It is powered by compressed air and pumps the oil.
Pos: 27 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 F ahrgeste lle Grub enheb er (Tex t) @ 26\mod_1326364640435_75.docx @ 1504345 @ @ 1
are installed in a suspended position.
are freely movable. They are designed for usage in
workshop pits and beneath vehicle lifts to raise and lower heavy components.
With the
-type, the jack is permanently mounted to the carriage, with the
type it is additionally movable in one direction inside the carriage.
UI / U / FI / F-type carriages
are designed exclusively for usage in workshop pits.
The carriage is kept in its running tracks by means of deflector rollers. The jack is
additionally movable in a transversal direction inside the carriage.
The rollers run either directly on the floor or on rails or steel profiles. The running
surface must be level, solid and clean. The slope of the floor must not exceed 2
Pos: 28 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Übers chrifte n 1.1/ D/Üb erschr ift 1.1: Druckl uftv ersorg ung @ 19\m od_1266323861249_75.docx @ 741779 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 29 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Dr uckluf tversorg ung Grubenheber ( außer 5504) @ 26\mod_1326364584601_75.docx @ 1504301 @ @ 1
Connect pneumatically controlled jacks to a suitable compressed air supply. They
may only be operated with dry, lubricated air; install a service unit in the
compressed air line close to the equipment. Centralised systems in the
compressor are not enough.
Pos: 30 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UEL LER UM BR UCH S ei ten umb ruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1