Manual recording function buttons
First ofall, you use the company,s products thanks! please read
before using this manual, the proper use ofthis product.
Inordertobetterservice, the contents ofthis manual may change.
Be-cause ofproduct performance and functionality changes thaioccur
\ ill nor do [urthernotice.
1, appearance, key
i.1. qockcr Dcicfinrio,r: MINt j I,tN I rsD rout(ct 0.rh,hrt 2 ) thr (.uDDecUno a
co,nputcr or chrrgdr. n dtrru (r0nntbr 0n(t chnr{tils. il,,tcel rri,niU,il,. ,."?1.
storc t,l$. xt,,r08c !onrorn, lhoro prnorronoirriJ
^1.4. cnmcru: ( Exhil'rr I ), u;d rn itcl uivi(too irstrilj^
r.3wilcn nl0ch,tre8l
Presx and lunr kc) { K I ) Inril. ilhrt lhc cJnr6rfl iyntctrr iIrri.rtrTsrion i red lishr_ rhe
machinc egun n) rhtrkc), rhc itritiJt coNftoto, tlil,r, ",i i,ch,, ,;;;;;;i^;"";;;;'";
sna(rng. !ntcr tho dctlulr unnroru, eurnorr, rourl io!r,d,irr srsndbv mode. an;r rhe
Door r, any rrulc, totr8 frcilil rho pow!r hilron (t( I ) srvc rtr; Iite an; .hurdo$ r I red
rrgnt,rrslcil 2 trflros, wlitc th6 nl0chltro lofl I ihock 2) 1. nrilc ss ilchitrs: Ihe
mu.hrncxusqurcl0cccHilorh6iltodolililotlrn(ttilils ltoolArLc.,n,ri,ti?:ri^n,h"
modcl con he K L K2 rwr,-t'trrroDdirour rcc6ii. h,n""li,i.,,",+.*,i.ri,? -'"'
4. camcrq n)trdc wficn rhc ilu!hitro ti rurno(t i;1, ,;i;;,i ii,",i ii:;J;i;;;",i r,
prcBn tfic powor hurrotr ( K I ). rod trBhr. rh0 o,nctritro n"r,iiii,, ,niii. eri", i",iJi
rnrt,atrzrt,ur, lnng rcd ti8hr, rhcD rhc (unortr trl ttro doirrrtr rtn.ramcra mod.e
cumlru nodc, rEco(lrilt rn,xt6 rliltoi lotrI by K2 tor, rho rnucnrne slon sh".k I
occn urrotlg lIcnr rn tho crnr0rtr, Drcii ,,K2 ,,lov to \or rhc (utr(nl iob sratus
m.cxrn!vibroUon2.whrloltrcrodlrlhthltnkjts,,tllroi,,ul rhoirorers,,Kt,,tFr
rncnruchrncuyhoildtriltrqtrilkothrcctlnroi,whrtcthorc,lti!hlfla"h;slL,meq '
longcr. lhcn ruvo thc lilo iltrd ilop lfio cuiltoh. hrul ro trrnci., nroAe. camera noa.
rctordtng ntodc iltnndby. ln ilrdcr lo idcIto tho DrDrct viltriln ,rfdo.umenr"_ cahcra
evcry r r rnlrilior to rtrvo u lito, huvc rhd tilo wrlt rorilrlr unJ.r a v,deo re.ordins
Notc: In lhc vidco, ttrc ilrrir hur n lool rocrudrnl turrtrr,,r
5. cuilcru Nrrlc: Inicil lhc TIi cilrd dlxhlhrt 1),lnx,l. ny{r(nr rnir rJt i/arion is
compl0le. lho uilrt i{ itr rhc dctuulr uilnroh nk\lo. !trrnoitr rililJc. recordine mode
srdrc: shori trh0h,Srunhr(t by kcy K2, K2 pcr {hur I hy il l(cy, rhc machine iibrarion
ilnre, rco trgxl lturho{ trnd d Dhototruph it(il..d, h,!et ro rtrc dcrautr camera mode,
c0tr)rrtr modc. tcrt nrodc I ucrditrr srinilhy,
q ro!,1d rcco(Ing:'l hri Dructrrn! hili u iaprruto roc({{iilr. Irseil rhe l} catd
( ExDrh,r J l, h(rn. flyilcilt inttrillrzdtion ti uiltrtDlctcd, prcri "X t - tev. rne -r"tin. ^
rhoil cudhqtrtrhc xrx trnrcr, whil6 tho rod lirht Ilnrhcr h Ln)(.. oI t,;hl. lhen rhe
,1r0.h,tro will cnldr lIo r6cofttlng th6. Shoil pror\ ,,K2 , huililr to vre; currenr ioh
stalur. m0cDrtro vrhrilluil 6. duul-lunU, I lurlior rrx iltrt. *I.r I nrcss ,.Kl,.kev. rie
m0cIrnc n sfinil ou,1hrltrrkc throo hnlor, whito t[6 rod ti!Ir rl;.hes J r,mes ionser.
0t Irrrs ilnrc ilvc I[c ttlc und rron rocoftllilg un(i rotu"r ru.r,,,"r" .oa". cameri
modo, rccordtnr n$do iluDJh!
,mchnrc rs cqurppcd wilh u USlt oxtoliion ctrhle, cnnnc(t rtc m;uhrne s USB Dorr
lErnrDil l ), 1[d ottrcr ond und th6n controcilo ydur l,( t,slt rnrerrace. rhis lim;
a compurcr drs[in$ st0ilod to work. yilil u(il ho vcr y ohr tv rcu rr,rcuet rte co;D;is.
'rrnsmr, copy. shun.hrwcnj,tril, It.uorrtod vldo., t,ito ot.rhrts machrn; are: * Dr,ie \
DCIM \ lol DsCtM. Nccd io uniMrtril rho utrrr. Dto,-" "t,cl ,," il" rui"_ ,iii"
.orncr oldrc ruskbur rcon nrol'rto.tovr(or. In whri:1, "rt*Ai"r,lit" *.* "Oi"'
sn\rugc devr.c. to ha s0ib lo utrptug rh6 {yrroil rcurutrr/or rhLi har dwdre. lhen
drrconnccr rhe m0uhitrc fronr thc conrputcr
Nolo. A!rrilrhnB l,' rhc compurer configur.tron or !y$em differences. rdenlifv [e
rlmc ol'llill Kc nrohrtc dist is stishr ty direretrr. Dteii. t" ""iii"i a,i,i'", iirl,i.llir
ol (.!o7[o [cil nol l,' JrnrioS camera, so as not ro affecr thi rrphr comoriLer
ltrdsrr0 tsuil!rilintr. if not rden!ity Dao Zhanq Sh,iian Mobiie drsk in,6 rc-
lIrotl, ltrllll ililr rcrogni/e the hardware. nake suriyour operaring sysiem,
dilvcrr. I rllll int.r h(c (abte rs the rhinssnormatr io 6,a* rb "uoia'ad*."ii, rr"
mI0[rrr! ot orxilIxtcr, ptease connecl in strict accordatrce w,lh soecrficdion;
unr'8dlnl l[!.flril(hinc. thc cooncctron Dull firsL use rle rrme ctjmes wll U.iit
0rt0nrh'[ (nxtc ril intrnccr rhe usB porr {Fxbibir ty, ana rnen m""eiteJ roili
oomruror I rN tt t,,,r r, ilntoad r ne. *hen prompred. ,.y;;;;;iinji l!.-.li,i ii.l.,i""
litlr llt!.yilutri ". thc ttrsr arsonnecirne cbmpurer side ol the ilSB rhen
0ll!illttctl ilnd.thc [ru(hine.onoecred lo LSB. tNote: This coo tidenrial USB
c0nfrcutlrilt til ttr( ,,t'l st.rc to enter rhe,, Removable Drsk .,)
B,coltntrtsr woh(rilrcra tuncLion: Firet\ounusliosralonlour comDulerCD-
RoM ttr!tildsd w'rr rrc camera inside rhe'd,iv; in;co l""lii.i illi,"i*"t i'-
your uou|lUrut, I un rtrc.CD.,n Lhe STK02N 2.4 €xe ro ,nrruil rn..r..ru aiirii, ''
06DaIr (t tv0r tilitillt(J s ell aner the camera caD use a computer. Bool wrrh o;
wlllorl l'l,r{'rlir,ilx\.connecredroIhecompuier.LhemacirrneiotorhepCCamera
(w.n00D, tlod(, ,n lr,s mode. you can easity video chat with trend.
ill(rtrllturlluldrr,rnJmorc.Openthewebcampicrure Double-clickMvComnrtr.r
'- lilotrlorliltrtiliilltrcmachineor compulerdamaee.mustbesurcilvio
rooofil0ilue wltl th(. r,rms connection oftoadrng ail untoddins machines. first
uln{ lo uonn!r I I ri I,([ Bixu comes wrth usB extender cabte t; v6,,r I JsR .^;, ^f
lhl. urll lluntr L. nilil rhen connecr ro I he compute, rSe oon. ,niord,; .i..""'
promIrod, y"tr r in :illilv remove lhe device trom rte syirem.,, rne riroia;sconnecr
lh. oonUriltor rxh, rlrhr USB. rhen disconnecr and rn. rir.ti,..""""ir.a i" diS.'
crmEr[ ltilurr,,rr
rn fltl[!nFrult].t,rhrum polymer barery. no memory effect, can be uqed wrth $ ith
lnc 0n{t10, Dilt.ttr( inirial use The first five, aDd rhe; charee tne barrerv ro M ",,i "r
0rPr0rry, tn,il il.ilo dctivate lhe ba[erv maximum capaciiy, access to-srandard
yJ-,lllr ll,:,,, r,r,rrder ro ma^im,ze b;,rery energy sioragi capacrq oreach
0hrrp. Ftonic i,rt.t iil rhc I'ehr indicareq tuji charg;at* t-0.;i,urejc.,irouia ro
ol,lllrrlUl0{ ln,rrilcrtoavoiddamagiogrhemachineorcomDUter.oleasernsricr
!000rd{Ius *lr[ !\.cil ications lo connect, uoinstall rhe maihine. rhe connectio.
murl nnt (io r[e r,nrc comes wirh UsB exreosron c"bt. r" ".""";,it;aiii;;;'
(Urhlhlr I t. ilr,,t rI(il (onnecred ro tbe charser. iom;;i;;u;rii;;;; ;;;Iil"
0ll!rrnlarl llc rlrnrg(.r or computer rerninal. USB, and lhen disconoect trom lhe
hroltlne ooiltrrrrcd tlsR
l,0,lltolnn!uIinFci. prorideadocumeorcameraLodisplalthevideorecordrne
llm. nl rhli,nrrrril. you ma) need ro ser ihe acrudl ri.;. il;;r.;',i",ii"-,i-li iliii"
Moilrh.lhrerrcro.k ren.s'econas serasrorious,rocoonec;,ri"*,lii,iiiii.'?,ia
d;it iiif:;:fl..":",,,;,*?:;r,*lt l;:1i,",:xrix ""
lowcrorro), llr (\r.nsioo ,'. rxr',. You can also desktop Surtr in accoraance w,il rn.
muhoit,tsru,hcil,bove..uch a rorde, and rhen;o;vi;;a,,i i.iJiiliii.iij.pii,
nour-mrnure.secondssepararedbysprco8.Thonruvril Ati.;rrhetrtesarek;nrc;f.
ll "^"+lnii,t" li i'J;llT,f iiilhli,iiltro" ril c'I irnc dnd k r ime v;u si
Rcd Ijghr ba! been swirched flash: card i, pluss6d ril, or rhc cord rs damased
r amera Ea(eD margrn rs low. Lhe rcd Iisht will IuNh rhoul I seconds "
u$ng rDe camera. ptease charge before uBc.
lmproperop€ralionoflhecameraduetoocctdonrnlor.rh!,rLpe!r.t realonto
sop respoodins wheD you-press rhe K t, K2 koy, rcrrrn y"ur Jompurer before use.
, unilo, \,,(:rbeDarreryil lhererspowcr,ptounoctrnrgc;rhcsarni,mebyKl,K2
keV. turn the Dower ofl r.hnn,
4.(1 3IFcrrd 5.(2 l.crrcr,
I : camera. ) usB. r Tf card. 4. K r kev. 5: K2 key. 6MIC. Lght oansmission hotc
2. Introdxchnn
Thisprodmt;s rh-e ftsr high-definition digital canerawith a sepsraie
recording€il camerd funcrrons VtNt DV. rn "i.a ...ory. yo, "u, iut . nln,u,
and hish-de,inilon {reen. rhis producr is srmpte. smtt ,,ia "*qr,rir, U"'rri, r,r
and praclrcdt. easy ro carry. is home securiry. education. essenri;t arcs\ ^ftifc,
utility, well all rhe cxsromere
I Ir rs equipped tr irh vrbrarion funcr'on Third. insrructronr
I shows rherarious comn..enh
l.l. rhe rndrcaror shows rratus rtrdicaror{icon o,share a hote wirh lhe MIC
Power:,red ligbr. s hite rhe mschiDe beean ro shake. in(iatiTc Afrcr s tong rcd trghr.
tbe Sacbine sropped shakrnq.
Shurdoun' long eafl hqudte-machine twice. rhe red tighr soes our USB srJtus tnreil
USB mrchinevibmtion, read. wrire, U dhk, the red Iightflash.
Video mode: Srail Recordins. .hoil shock machrne 2:red liehr fld\hes 2 rrmcs. trshK
off Vrde. P,"se
Iong,red lighr flashes 3 times, rhe mactrine sbort+hock 3.
Pholo raLeap,(,ureotihrredtighrflashesereryrrme:mr(hrnevibraironrrme,crmera
wa,rrng tbr: , ton8 red liebt
RecodiDg:.machire v,bralron rir rrmes. jighN flash o I imes aner trghls o,f. into rhe
reco.drng fov power red tiehb flash
l,lrhe builon dscriprro: K I [ey: ior boor. shurdou n. sound recording.
K2 [ey: lbrphoro, vrdeo.
ilorq;res qp Krr6.2 by tp,iEArenErrwl(whq ite qehine cas€ of
q#r. Bb4$in6fliitmthi<tsr.dil]- i
No video: ca;d is pluseed or dam!{ed.
N_or asiuciald compmtr: Make su-rc your opcrrt iIl *yrtLru. dfl\ crs, USB
rnrerrace caDte rs tbe thrnss are normal
\o di"k sprce caprcily. TF card rs ptugScd ur dililrilrctt.
t_ourrh.tbereterdnrparametersproJocl:r!lilodpilr;rntotch \VI\ide.formar[{_
rlfC \^ideo encoding Video Resoluiion 640 . 4f,0. z:o . ln,r, r:So - Si0Vd; '
vrdeo lirme rate 30lps Mainslream opcrutrtrg iyilonr (ilnrcs wjrh olavbact
sorrware or vrdeo player softwarc Picturo lhntrrit Jt,(t I 280 . e60 i,h"-,^ 5M "i,
lrnage rdlro ol 4:1 Supporr sysrcn for WiDdowi [rd/200t, rn 200] .,.,_.M f";;..,
( apaciry 200mAb About e0 mrnurcs workirr uilro ( hilrsr;s.,,li"a;ta-;ii4itii
capacrry I'rhrum polymer barcry lypc nowor
. )pe! r r rcalrons ma) upgrade. updrtc wrlt chnnro, trlcnic nrr\ ail rn kind
v. Noreq sel usage scenarios: plcaso slflctly rhldoly rolcvrilr l0w" ard
rcgurar,ons. rbrs producr may not bc usod lor uny ilatill ptrr p,,sc. or peril
rhebanery: wilhrherncreas;duseollimo.bnilirvtrl"hi,h;.".H",1"".d r^";
lcrmrsnorused.pleasetutjychar8cdbotoroui6.' pt"v",,rn.i",rit.lrrii.*"r
,lightly Iess tban rhe nominat c0p;cily, ru I nunnut
l. 'le securily: Tlis producr is non-prot'oniluilul {oilto (lovi(c. rnlernal {or,,. nf
documenI does nol guarantee the intcgrlty Ind r.tuilrv, rtcnsc irnmeararetvin te
compurerororbersroragedevic€tobrclutryolrtnrDrirrrrrt.rlcr. vraeoouit;r,,
r nrs prcoucl ,s non-protessionat vidoo oriulpmoilr. rouonling d,cumcnrsioes;or
g.uamnreetDeresutrswlltme€tyourcxporttrtlonr, (,!r!ilili,trrcmDerarure:0_4nr
Humrdrl): l0"i -80u;. do noi place wct work onvlnrnirronr. riic nroaucr i" n"r
warerproot ,ttumrnance: Plesse lir cnvri(rnnlonti, ,, nor rtoujc rne cameia
otrccrn to lhe sun and otherstrorg lltht soureo. tlto onrrc,il n,n.,.,,,..a
L reanrn€: Do tror in a dusr) envrronmont so trs to rvurit rlurr tunu,n,nario" nrrn.
rens ano orne' componenN atlbct rhe c0morn !l l6ctr. rlto lorr errr wroe oaner nr
Srass crorn lo $rpeorl: to keepctean. OrhorDroil!rr I,lrc nrodu.r rs n.!"i.i""
crcclron,cproduc6,pleasedonorsubjcctrilofltirrnj.firL;k,"rhruri<in Oonoi
srronsmasnetrcorelecrricfietd. DtspoMt I'lonroriirrrrtrnicrvrrorrnenui-'
nrorect'on. do nor arbitranly discard thc prodlcr. piillllhil thc thr,wrno;i;hir
nroduclrnrhe rr.etoarojdexplosio[. Addruonrl rnthrntctron rther u;kn;;
r\sues contacr ,our tocaj dealer.