FL-720 FL-720
To the customer:
or service company perform the installation. Please be warned that we shall bear no responsibility
whatsoever for any accidents or injuries that occur from improper installation or handling.
Afterinstallation,donothang downfromtheprojectororceilingmountwith6-axisadjustment
(HAS-404U). An injury or damage could occur due to the projector falling, the bracket becoming bent,
or other breakage.
Donotinstallinlocations exposedtolargeamountsofhumidity,dust,orcigarettesmoke,locations
Once installation is completed, store this manual and the accessories in a safe location.
Be careful when handling the small parts. They could be ingested by children or pets. If a part is
ingested, seek medical attention immediately.
To the installer:
Before performing the mounting design and construction work, verify that the weight of the projector
(The strength can no longer be guaranteed
projector ceiling mount because the case could break or the projector could fall, resulting in an injury
or other accident.
they are not damaged.
correctly by following all safety precautions.
■Donotinstallinlocations whereoilisused.Oilcanadhereduetooilsmokeorothersubstances,
can result in an injury due to parts falling from the ceiling or elevated locations.
Periodic Inspection
As a general guideline, inspect the points below once per year in the same way as the set unit.
1. Check that the screws of the ceiling mount brackets and adjustment locations are not loose.
2. Inspect that the ceiling mount brackets, adjustment parts, set unit, and other parts are not broken or damaged.