Messages - Parameters

Krone Messages - Parameters Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the supplement to operating instructions for the KRONE mower conditioner, specifically models BiG M 450 CR 10m Stufe 5, BiG M 450 CV, BiG M 450 CR, and BiG M 450 CV Stufe 5. This document provides essential information about error messages, their meanings, and how to address them, as well as important safety information. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you have regarding this document and the operation of your mower conditioner.
  • What should I do if I see an error message?
    What is FMI?
    Where can I find the safety instructions?
Enclose this document with the operating instructions of the
Supplement to operating
Document number: 150001731_02_en
Version: 20/11/2023
Mower conditioner
Software version: D2515020084500114
Error messages, information messages and parameters
Table of contents
Mower conditioner
Supplement to operating instructions 150001731_02_en
1 Information on this document ..................................................................................................3
1.1 Validity .........................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Significance of the document.......................................................................................................3
1.3 Re-ordering ..................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Applicable documents..................................................................................................................3
2 Safety ..........................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Meaning of the supplement to the operating instructions ............................................................4
3 Error messages..........................................................................................................................5
3.1 Possible error types (FMI)............................................................................................................5
3.2 Error list........................................................................................................................................6
4 Information messages...........................................................................................................129
4.1 Information list..........................................................................................................................129
5 Parameter ...............................................................................................................................143
5.1 Parameter list...........................................................................................................................143
6 Index........................................................................................................................................164
Information on this document 1
Validity 1.1
Mower conditioner
Supplement to operating instructions 150001731_02_en 3
1 Information on this document
1.1 Validity
This document is valid for:
BM105-25 (BiG M 450 CR 10m Stufe 5) BM105-17 (BiG M 450 CR)
BM105-14 (BiG M 450 CV) BM105-24 (BiG M 450 CV Stufe 5)
1.2 Significance of the document
This is an important document. It is addressed to the user and contains safety-relevant
Prior to starting work, read the complete document and observe its contents.
1.3 Re-ordering
If this document has become completely or partially unusable or if another language is required,
you can request a replacement document by quoting the document number indicated on the
cover sheet. The document can additionally be downloaded via KRONEMEDIA or via the
Technical Information Center (TIC).
KRONE Media Technical Information Center (TIC)
1.4 Applicable documents
To ensure that the machine is used safely and as intended, observe the following further
applicable documents.
Operating instructions of the respective machine
2 Safety
2.1 Meaning of the supplement to the operating instructions
Mower conditioner
Supplement to operating instructions 150001731_02_en
2 Safety
Risk of injury due to non-observance of relevant safety instructions
If the relevant safety instructions are not observed, persons may be seriously injured or killed.
In order to avoid accidents, the relevant safety instructions in the operating instructions
must be read and observed.
Risk of injury due to non-observance of safety routines
If the relevant safety routines are not observed, persons may be seriously injured or killed.
In order to avoid accidents, the safety routines in the operating instructions must be read
and observed.
Depending on the machine type, the basic safety instructions can be found in the chapter
“Safety”, “Basic Safety Instructions” or in the chapter “Safety” of the machine operating
2.1 Meaning of the supplement to the operating instructions
The supplement to the operating instructions is an important document and a part of the
machine. It is aimed at the user and contains safety-relevant information.
If the supplement to the operating instructions is not observed, people may be seriously injured
or killed.
Read in full and observe the “Safety” chapter of the corresponding operating instructions
before using the machine for the first time,see Page3.
Before working, also read and observe the respective sections of the corresponding
operating instructions,see Page3.
Keep the supplement to the operating instructions ready to hand for the user of the machine.
Hand over the supplement to the operating instructions to subsequent users.
Error messages 3
Possible error types (FMI) 3.1
Mower conditioner
Supplement to operating instructions 150001731_02_en 5
3 Error messages
1 Error number 3 Error description
2 Brief description of the error 4 Selection "Hide message until restart"
5 "Close" key
Structure of an error number
The error number is structured as follows, for example:
Error "TRM-521000-19"
TRM 521000 19
Control unit SPN (Suspect Parameter
Number) = error number
FMI = type of error, see
Acknowledging error message
Press to acknowledge the error message.
ÆThe error message is no longer displayed. The error message is displayed again if the fault
occurs again.
Or: click on "Hide message until restart"(4) and press .
ÆThe error message is no longer displayed. If the malfunction occurs again, the error
message is not displayed again. The error message is displayed again only after a restart.
Eliminate the error, see Page6.
Active errors and the error history can be displayed in the "Errors" menu on the terminal.
3.1 Possible error types (FMI)
There are different types of errors which are shown under the term FMI (Failure Mode
Identification) with an appropriate code.
FMI Meaning
0 The upper limit value was greatly exceeded.
1 The lower limit value was far below the required one.
2 The data is not permitted.
3 There is an overvoltage or a short circuit to supply voltage.
3 Error messages
3.2 Error list
Mower conditioner
Supplement to operating instructions 150001731_02_en
FMI Meaning
4 There is an undervoltage or a short circuit to ground.
5 A cable is broken or amperage is too low.
6 There is a short circuit to ground or amperage is too low.
7 The mechanics do not respond or the expected result was not achieved.
8 The frequency is not permitted.
9 There is an abnormal update rate.
10 There is an abnormal rate of change.
11 The error cause is unknown.
12 There is an internal error.
13 The values of the calibration are outside the value range.
14 Particular instructions are required.
15 The upper limit value has been reached.
16 The upper limit value has been exceeded.
17 The lower limit value has been reached.
18 The lower limit value has not been reached.
19 There is a CAN communication failure.
20 The data deviates upwards.
21 The data deviates downwards.
31 The condition has been fulfilled.
3.2 Error list
Overview of the control units
Abbreviation Explanation
CE Central electrical system
DRC Drive control
KMC KRONE Machine Controller
TRM Terminal
CL Control lever
FM Function module
KP Keypad
LMB-ECU Motor control module
NM Navigation module
SCS Steering column switch
LC Light control unit
2CE [}8]
2DRC [}13]
Error messages 3
Error list 3.2
Mower conditioner
Supplement to operating instructions 150001731_02_en 7
2KMC [}21]
2TRM [}53]
2CL [}59]
2FM1 [}64]
2FM3 [}69]
2KP1 [}73]
2KP2 [}75]
2LMBECU2 [}77]
2NM [}120]
2SCS [}122]
2KP4 [}124]
2LC [}126]
Error list
Software version: D2515020073100025_000,
Control unit: CE
Page 1
Error number Error text Description Figure
CE-520192-19 CAN communication - Malfunction
CE-520198-12 Control unit - Internal Error EEPROM error
CE-520199-12 Control unit - Internal Error RAM error
CE-520200-12 Control unit - Internal Error ROM error
CE-520202-2 Control unit - Logic error electronics EEPROM error
CE-520203-3 Supply voltage - Overvoltage The supply voltage +UE is above 30 V.
CE-520203-4 Supply voltage - Undervoltage The supply voltage +UE is below
17.5 V.
CE-520223-12 Control unit - Internal Error Internal temperature higher than 105
CE-520300-5 Fuse F42 - Ground fault
CE-520301-5 Fuse F23 Diesel engine relay for
Smart Components - Ground fault
CE-520302-5 Fuse F26 Voltage converter switch-
on signal - Ground fault
CE-520303-5 Fuse
- F13 ACC evaporator blower fan/
- F14 LMB-ECU2: ignition stage 2
- F28 KMC, light control unit: ignition
stage 2
- F29 Steering column, armrest,
function module, camera system:
ignition stage 2
- F30 DRC: ignition stage 2
- Ground fault
One or more of these fuses indicate a
ground fault.
Page 2
Error number Error text Description Figure
CE-520304-5 Fuse
- F15 Krone diagnostics socket:
ignition stage 1
- F16 Radio, CB radio: ignition stage
- F17 Driver's seat: ignition stage 1
- F18
- F19 Cigarette lighter
- F31 Armrest
- F32
- F33
- Ground fault
One or more of these fuses indicate a
ground fault.
CE-520305-5 Fuse F38 - Ground fault
CE-520306-5 Fuse
- F93 Function module: electronics
- F94 KMC: electronics supply
- F95 Diagnostic socket: OBD
- F96 Steering column, armrest,
ladder lighting momentary switch:
electronics supply
- F97 Ignition lock
- Ground fault
One or more of these fuses indicate a
ground fault.
CE-520307-5 Fuse F35 - Ground fault
CE-520308-5 Fuse F36 - Ground fault
CE-520309-5 Fuse F37 - Ground fault
CE-520310-5 Fuse F20 - Ground fault
CE-520311-5 Fuse F21 - Ground fault
CE-520312-5 Fuse F25 Terminal: supply voltage -
Ground fault
CE-520313-5 Fuse F27 Steering column, radio:
background lighting - Ground fault
CE-520316-5 Fuse F34 - Ground fault
Page 3
Error number Error text Description Figure
CE-520320-5 Fuse
- F98 DRC, Motor Control Module:
electronics supply
- F99 Diagnostics socket: ISOBUS
- F100
- F101
- F102
- Ground fault
One or more of these fuses indicate a
ground fault.
CE-520322-5 Fuse F12 - Ground fault
CE-520326-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
keypad 4
CE-520327-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
function module 1
CE-520329-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
function module 3
CE-520331-19 CAN communication - Malfunction Faulty configuration status function
module 1
CE-520333-19 CAN communication - Malfunction Faulty configuration status function
module 3
CE-520335-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
traction drive
CE-520336-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
KRONE Machine Controller
CE-520337-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
Steering Column Switch
CE-520338-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
CAN communication problem with
Light Control Unit
CE-520339-19 CAN communication - Malfunction Monitoring of reversing alarm
CE-520340-19 CAN communication - Malfunction Monitoring of front lighting
CE-520341-19 CAN communication - Malfunction Monitoring of direction indicator
CE-520342-4 Switch/momentary switch S33
Momentary foot switch left - Short
circuit to ground
Short circuit to supply voltage or the
momentary foot switch was actuated.
Page 4
Error number Error text Description Figure
CE-520343-4 Switch/momentary switch S34
Momentary foot switch right - Short
circuit to ground
Short circuit to supply voltage or the
momentary foot switch was actuated.
Error list
Software version: D2515020073700017_300
Control unit: DRC
Page 1
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-628-12 Control unit - Internal Error Inform service to check DRC control
DRC-520301-3 Valve K5 Drive pump forward - Short
circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520301-5 Valve K5 Drive pump forward - Cable
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520301-6 Valve K5 Drive pump forward - Short
circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520302-3 Valve K6 Drive pump backward -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520302-5 Valve K6 Drive pump backward -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520302-6 Valve K6 Drive pump backward -
Short circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520303-3 Valve K4 Wheel motor rear right -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520303-5 Valve K4 Wheel motor rear right -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520303-6 Valve K4 Wheel motor rear right -
Short circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520304-3 Valve K3 Wheel motor rear left -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520304-5 Valve K3 Wheel motor rear left -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520304-6 Valve K3 Wheel motor rear left -
Short circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520305-3 Valve K2 Wheel motor front right -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520305-5 Valve K2 Wheel motor front right -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520305-6 Valve K2 Wheel motor front right -
Short circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
Page 2
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-520306-3 Valve K1 Wheel motor front left -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520306-5 Valve K1 Wheel motor front left -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520306-6 Valve K1 Wheel motor front left -
Short circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520307-3 Valve Q36 Parking brake - Short
circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520307-5 Valve Q36 Parking brake - Cable
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520307-6 Valve Q36 Parking brake - Short
circuit to ground or overload
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520308-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
Control lever information missing
DRC-520309-3 Sensor B29 Pressure pump MA -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520309-4 Sensor B29 Pressure pump MA -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520309-5 Sensor B29 Pressure pump MA -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520310-3 Sensor B30 Pressure pump MB -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520310-4 Sensor B30 Pressure pump MB -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520310-5 Sensor B30 Pressure pump MB -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520311-3 Supply voltage - Overvoltage On-board voltage UE+ or UL+ over 30
DRC-520311-4 Supply voltage - Undervoltage On-board voltage UE+ or UL+ below 17
DRC-520314-2 Sensor B37 Wheel motor rear right -
Cable break, short circuit, or sensor
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
Page 3
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-520315-2 Sensor B36 Wheel motor rear left -
Cable break, short circuit, or sensor
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
DRC-520316-2 Sensor B35 Wheel motor front right -
Cable break, short circuit, or sensor
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
DRC-520317-2 Sensor B34 Wheel motor front left -
Cable break, short circuit, or sensor
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
DRC-520318-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
Rotational speed information missing
DRC-520319-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
Control lever information missing
DRC-520320-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
Keypad information missing
DRC-520321-19 CAN communication - CAN
disturbance between control units
Release information missing
DRC-520322-3 output - Short circuit to UB There is a short circuit in the wiring
DRC-520323-3 Sensor B18 Steering angle rear axle
- Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
DRC-520323-4 Sensor B18 Steering angle rear axle
- Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
DRC-520323-5 Sensor B18 Steering angle rear axle
- Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor. Anti-lock
braking system and traction control
system deactivated.
DRC-520324-3 Switch/momentary switch S69 seat
switch - Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520324-4 Switch/momentary switch S69 seat
switch - Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520324-5 Switch/momentary switch S69 seat
switch - Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520326-12 Control unit - Internal Error
Page 4
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-520327-3 Sensor B32 Druck Betriebsbremse -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520327-4 Sensor B32 Druck Betriebsbremse -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520327-5 Sensor B32 Druck Betriebsbremse -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520328-3 Sensor B33 Brake pedal angle -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520328-5 Sensor B33 Brake pedal angle -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520329-2 Brake pedal angle - Logic error
Pedal travel and brake pressure
outside the standard limits
DRC-520330-3 Sensor B31 Swivel angle pump -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520330-4 Sensor B31 Swivel angle pump -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520330-5 Sensor B31 Swivel angle pump -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520331-3 Sensor B17 Brake accumulator
pressure - Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520331-4 Sensor B17 Brake accumulator
pressure - Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520331-5 Sensor B17 Brake accumulator
pressure - Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520332-3 Signal device P5 Reversing alarm -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective lamp
DRC-520332-5 Signal device P5 Reversing alarm -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective lamp
DRC-520334-3 Sensor B19 Parking brake pressure -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520334-4 Sensor B19 Parking brake pressure -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
Page 5
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-520334-5 Sensor B19 Parking brake pressure -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520335-2 Parking brake - Logic error
The pressure to release the parking
brake was not detected. The parking
brake is applied. Machine not ready to
start. Check hand lever position of
hydraulic hand pump.
DRC-520336-2 Pump actuation - Logic error
The movement of the captive washer
deviates from the control. Machine not
ready to start.
DRC-520337-11 Speed sensor rear right 2WD -
General disturbance
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520339-3 Operation unit A5.A3 Main mode
switch - Short circuit to ground or
short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520340-2 swivel plate - Logic error electronics Movement of pivoting discs detected
without control. Machine not ready to
DRC-520341-2 Parking brake - Logic error
Unauthorised pressure was detected
on the parking brake. The parking
brake is released. Check hand lever
position of hydraulic hand pump. The
machine is not secured against rolling
DRC-520342-3 Valve Q64 Block autopilot on right -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520342-4 Valve Q64 Block autopilot on right -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520342-5 Valve Q64 Block autopilot on right -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520343-3 Valve Q65 Block autopilot on left -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520343-4 Valve Q65 Block autopilot on left -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520343-5 Valve Q65 Block autopilot on left -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520344-3 Valve Q62 Steer autopilot on right -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520344-4 Valve Q62 Steer autopilot on right -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
Page 6
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-520344-5 Valve Q62 Steer autopilot on right -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520345-3 Valve Q63 Steer autopilot on left -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520345-4 Valve Q63 Steer autopilot on left -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520345-5 Valve Q63 Steer autopilot on left -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective valve
DRC-520347-3 Sensor B20 Steering pressure -
Short circuit to UB
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520347-4 Sensor B20 Steering pressure -
Short circuit to ground
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520347-5 Sensor B20 Steering pressure -
Cable break
Cable break or short circuit in the
wiring or defective sensor
DRC-520348-2 Automatic steering system - Logic
error electronics
Steering movement contrary to control
DRC-520349-2 Startup conditions - Logic error
DRC-520350-11 Reaction Power Off - General
DRC-520351-11 Reaction quick-stop forward -
General disturbance
DRC-520352-11 Reaction quick-stop backward -
General disturbance
DRC-520353-31 Reaction stop ramp
DRC-520354-31 Reaction limited operation
DRC-520356-16 Diesel max. - Upper limit value
DRC-520358-7 Switch/momentary switch S1 Ignition
lock - Logic fault mechanics
Cable break and short circuit in the
wiring or defective relay
Page 7
Error number Error text Description Figure
DRC-520359-5 Actuator M1 Starter - Cable break Cable break and short circuit in the
wiring or defective relay
DRC-520360-18 Charge pressure - Lower limit value
below minimum
There is a fault in the pipework or the
drive pump is defective.
DRC-520361-2 Machine configuration - Logic error
A wrong machine configuration has
been detected. Install a parameter set
that corresponds to the machine type.
DRC-520362-7 seat switch - Logic fault mechanics Check function of seat switch
DRC-520363-2 Cruise control - Logic error
Brake actuation identified
DRC-520368-19 Sensor B142 Vehicle inclination -
CAN disturbance between control
Acceleration sensor time-out
DRC-520369-11 Sensor B142 Vehicle inclination -
General disturbance
Fault on acceleration sensor
DRC-520370-19 CAN disturbance between control
AST-KMC message time-out