The new mx-24s is presented in a sophisticated, er-
gonomically effi cient hand-held case which offers ma-
ximum operating convenience and ease of transport.
It represents a further development of the mc-24
PROFI, of which many thousands are already in use
by highly successful modellers. The system’s opera-
ting convenience has been further improved: the pro-
gramming procedure is now even easier, using just
four buttons and a digital 3-D ROTARY control knob
which operates on two levels. As with its smaller sis-
ter, the mx-22, the new transmitter is easy to use
even for the inexperienced modeller.
We have called upon the experience and feedback of
many pilots in handling and using the mc-24 PRO-
FI to create new ideas which have been incorporated
into the overall software design of the mx-24s.
The GRAUPNER software team, collaborating with
renowned top-level pilots from all over the world, and
professional and competition pilots in a vast range of
model fl ying areas, has worked ceaselessly to pro-
duce this pioneering further development of high-end
transmitter software. Teamwork and thorough testing
in national and international competitions and events
of all disciplines have helped to create this new sys-
tem, based on the world-wide success of the mc-24
radio control system, without in any way overlooking
the requirements of beginners.
The mx-24s is equipped as standard with all controls
and switches required for operating up to twelve ser-
vos, which means that fans of scale models and mul-
ti-function model boats will not fi nd themselves run-
ning short of functions or control options.
Another standard feature is a DSC socket for connec-
ting a receiver directly to the transmitter, allowing wor-
king systems to be checked without the transmitter
radiating an RF signal. The same socket can also be
used for Trainer mode operations and for controlling
fl ight simulators.
The familiar modulations of PPM18, PPM24, PCM20
and SPCM 20 are now complemented by two new
transmission modes:
• PPM10 for Pico-size receivers in indoor models,
fun-fl y aircraft, small helicopters, RC cars and
other models fi tted with a maximum of fi ve servos.
This transmission mode features a reduced cycle
rate, giving extremely fast response times.
• APCM24 is for the demanding pilot who wishes to
operate his models with up to twelve servos, and
is designed to satisfy exacting demands on pre-
cision and identical timing of all servos – e. g. in
high-speed models.
A new RF SYNTHESIZER module eliminates the
need for plug-in crystals on the 35 / 35B MHz band
and the 40 / 41 MHz band. The channel you wish
to use is set by software, and is available for use as
soon as you answer a security query. An important in-
novation in terms of safety considerations is the en-
tirely new integrated dual-conversion scanner, which
can be used when the transmitter is switched on to
check whether a particular channel is already in use
at your fl ying site.
In terms of hardware, the generously sized LCD
screen now features backlighting which makes the
display much easier to read, especially under unfa-
vourable lighting conditions. An EEPROM (Electrical-
ly Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) su-
persedes the Lithium data back-up battery which has
been necessary until now.
The structure of the transmitter software has been
further refi ned: all the important adjustment facili-
ties in each menu are now displayed on the graphic
screen in a form which is virtually self-explanatory.
However, if you encounter a problem and the manual
is not to hand, the integral Help menu can provide ad-
ditional assistance at the press of a button.
The mx-24s provides forty model memories, each of
which can store model settings for up to eight fl ight
phases. Flight phases can be called up in fl ight simply
by operating a switch, so that you can try out different
settings quickly and without risk. This feature can be
exploited for test purposes as well as for varying fl ight
parameters in different phases of fl ight.
mx-24s: the new generation of radio control technology
Amongst the new features of the software are:
• “Auto-Trim” function: the model is brought to the
desired fl ight attitude using the two dual-axis
sticks. At the moment the auto-trim switch is ope-
rated, the software notes the deviations of the
sticks from the neutral position, and sets them as
the new trim values.
• “Swashplate limit”: this option limits the swashpla-
te defl ection when the roll (aileron) and pitch-axis
(elevator) sticks are moved to their end-points si-
The software package is rounded off by a range of
new, thoroughly practical features, such as a button
pad lock, a variable warning threshold for the trans-
mitter battery and a simplifi ed method of switching
between electric motor and airbrake control.
This manual describes each menu in detail, and also
provides dozens of useful tips, notes and program-
ming examples to complement the basic informati-
on. More general modelling terms, such as Transmit-
ter controls, Dual-Rates, Butterfl y and many others,
are all explained in the manual, which also includes a
comprehensive index at the end. The section on pa-
ges 44 … 56 includes a quick-access overview of the
essential operating procedures in tabular form.
Please read the Safety Notes and the Technical In-
formation. We recommend that you start by che-
cking all the functions as described in the instructions.
When you have programmed a model it is important
to ensure on the ground that all the programmed set-
tings are correct before committing the model to the
air. Always handle your radio-controlled model with
a responsible attitude to avoid endangering yourself
and others.
All of us in the GRAUPNER team wish you every suc-
cess and many years of pleasure with your mx-24s,
which is a radio control system of the very highest
Kirchheim-Teck, April 2008