DMP Plus Series Network Ports and License (Continued)
For information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the
Extron Safety and Regulatory Compliance Guide on the Extron website.
© 2020 Extron — All rights reserved. www.extron.com
All trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Worldwide Headquarters: Extron USA West, 1025 E. Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92905, 800.633.9876
License Information
The following table lists the licensed third-party software packages used by all DMP Plus Series products
NOTE: Licensed third-party software packages are subject to change without notice.
License Information
Package License Package License
ExtJS 4 Sencha Commerical License libssh2 BSD
alsa-lib LGPLv2.1 libusb LGPLv2.1
alsa-utils GPLv2 libxml2 MIT
aufs2-util GPLv2 libxslt MIT
avahi LGPLv2.1 lighttpd BSD-3c
bstrlib BSD-3c linux GPLv2
busybox GPLv2 linux-pam BSD-3c
bzip2 bzip2 license lldpd ISC
can-utils BSD-like minicom GPLv2
cjson MIT mtd GPLv2
cracklib LGPLv2.1 ncurses MIT with advertising clause
devmem2 GPLv2 netsnmp Various BSD-like
eudev GPLv2 (programs), LGPLv2.1 nginx BSD-2c
expat MIT ntp ntp license
flex FLEX openssh BSD-3c BSD-2c Public Domain
gnupg GPLv2 openssl OpenSSL or SSLeay
i2c-tools GPLv2, GPLv2 (py-smbus) pcre BSD-3c
ifplugd GPLv2 pexpect ISC
iproute2 GPLv2 popt MIT
iptables GPLv2 psmisc GPLv2
keyutils GPLv2 LGPLv2.1 pyexchange Apache-2.0
libassuan LGPLv2.1 pylibssh2 LGPLv2.1
libcgicc LGPLv2.1 python3 Python software foundation
libcurl ISC python-evdev New BSD License
libdaemon LGPLv2.1 python-serial Python
libdnet BSD-3c python-websocket-client LGPLv2.1
libevent BSD-3c, OpenBSD pytz MIT
libfcgi fcgi license qt LGPLv2.1 with exceptions
libffi MIT resiprocate The Vovida Software License
libglib2 LGPLv2 socat GPLv2
libgpg-error LGPLv2.1 spawn-fcgi BSD-3c
libgpgme LGPLv2.1 sqlite Public domain
libnice MPLv1.1 strace BSD-3c
libnl LGPLv2.1 tcpdump BSD-3c
libnspr MPLv2.0 tzdata Public domain
libnss MPLv2.0 uboot GPLv2
libpcap BSD-3c webrtc BSD-3c
libsocketcan LGPLv2.1 xinetd xinetd license
libsrtp BSD-3c zlib zlib license
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