HDR1, EOV1, EOF1 labels
Note: The formats and contents of these labels are identical except
for the block count. The formats are shown in table 1-3.
Table 1-3.HDR1, EOV1, and EOF1 labels (ANSI) tapes
Field Description
Label identifier 1-3 1 This is the 3-character identifier HDR, EOV, or EOF.
Label number 4 2 This is the number 1.
File identifier 5-21 3 This may be made up of any of the characters defined
in the ANSI Standard X3.27—1969 as “a” characters.
Set identification 22-27 4 This identifies the set of files to which this belongs and
may be any of the characters defined in the ANSI
Standard X3.27—1969 as “a” characters. The
identification is the same for all files of a multi-file set.
File section number* 28-31 5 This number is 0001 for the first header label of each
file. This applies to the first or only file on a volume
and to subsequent files on a multi-file volume. The
field is incremented by 1 on each subsequent volume
of the file.
File sequence number 32-35 6 This is a 4-digit numeric field that specifies the
sequence number of files within the volume or set of
volumes. Within all the labels for a given file, this field
contains the same number.
Generation number (optional) 36-39 7 This is a 4-digit numeric field that specifies the
sequence number of files within the volume or set of
volumes. Within all the labels for a given file, this field
contains the same number.
Generation version (optional) 40-41 8 This is a 2-digit numeric field that specifies successive
iterations of the same generation. The generation
version number of the first attempt to produce a file is
Creation date 42-47 9 This consists of a space, followed by two numeric
digits for the year, followed by three numeric digits for
the day (001 to 365) within the year.
Expiration date 48-53 10 This field has the same format as field nine. An
“expired” file is one in which today's date is equal to,
or later than, the date given in this field. If this
condition is satisfied, the remainder of this volume
may be overwritten. To be effective on multi-file
volumes, the expiration date of a file must be less
than or equal to the previous “expire from” date of all
previous files on the volume.
* Fields 3, 5, and 12 are used by the operating system.