Carlisle Ransburg - MicroPak 2e User manual

  • Hello! I've read the service instruction for the Ransburg MicroPak 2e controller, focusing on configuring its Remote Option. This document details the steps for setting up the remote operation mode, including accessing configuration settings, password protected system settings and the importance of selecting compatible settings combinations. I am ready to answer your questions about the MicroPak 2e controller and its remote configuration.
  • What is the purpose of the Remote Option Parameter?
    What software versions of MP2e support the Remote Option Parameter?
    What is the default value for the System Password?
SI– 16—08
December — 2016
MicroPak 2e
Instrucons for “Remote Opon” Configuraon Seng
The purpose of the Remote Opon Parameter is to provide a simple, easy to disnguish, means of seng MP2e
system I/O behavior when the MP2e is operang in “Remote” Mode. The Remote Opon Parameter will be
available in MP2e so$ware versions 1.1.07 and above.
The following list of steps explains how a user can access the Remote Opon Parameter.
1) Boot the MP2e system by seng the Remote/Local switch to Local and turning on AC power to the MicroPak
2e Controller (MP2e). This causes the controller to boot-up and pause, waing for the user to select either Run,
Configuraon or Diagnoscs on the Atomizer display (right display of two as you look at the MP2e from the
front). The Atomizer Display should look as follows:
2) Enter Configuraon Mode by using the Up and Down arrow pushbu8ons to move the cursor to enclose the
Configuraon opon (→Configuraon←), then pressing the SET pushbu8on.
3) Now the High Voltage Screen (the le$ screen out of the two as you look at the MP2e unit from the front) will
look as follows:
Press the SCREEN bu8on unl you reach the Configuraon Mode screen that deals with interlocks:
Move the cursor (→ ←) to enclose the number at the end of the line where the Remote Opon Parameter is
listed. Hit the set bu8on.
4) You will now be prompted to enter a System Password. The default value for the System Password is 7735. If
you need instrucons on how to set this password, refer to the MP2e Service Manual LN-9625-00.2 Page 24.
5) Once you have entered the system password, you will be returned to the configuraon screen that deals with
interlocks (shown on the previous page of this document). You can now set the numeric value for the Remote
Opon Parameter. To determine which number (1-5) is the correct opon for you, refer to the table shown be-
The configuraon opons that have been set for your system at the factory will dictate the MP2e Re-
mote Opons that are available for you to choose from. In the Remote Opons Table above, the
“Configuraon Opons” columns with the purple header illuminate some of the quesons that need to
be answered before Remote Opons are made available to you. These quesons include:
1) Do you have a Single Bell Controller (SBC) or a Control Pak (CP)?
2) Do you have an Atomizer MIO Board configured as Enabled ?
3) Do you have a Discrete IO Board (DIO) configured as Enabled ?
Cell entries in the columns with the purple header show the acceptable answers to these quesons for
the Remote Opon of interest.
Once you have idenfied which Remote Opons are available to you based on your factory configura-
on, you may choose from among them according to the instrucons found in steps 1-5 above. The
Remote Opon Parameter that you choose will be master to the other system sengs shown in the
Remote Opons Filtering Table in the “System Opons” columns with the green header. This ensures
that related system parameters are set to compable and consistent seng combinaons. Cell entries
in the columns with green headers show the sengs that system opons will be set to when corre-
sponding Remote Opons are chosen. In the instances where there are two opons shown in one cell -
for example: “Dis or Int” - you may use the methods described in the MP2e Service Manual (LN-9625-
00.2) to choose how you would like these I/O signals configured.
If you enter a numeric value for the Remote Opon Parameter that is not supported by your Factory Set
Configuraon as shown in the columns above with the purple header, your entry will not be accepted.
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Form No. SI-16-08
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6) Once you have entered the proper number for the Remote Opon you desire (method of entry idencal for
entering other numeric values on the MP2e screens – see MP2e Service Manual LN-9625-00.2 for more infor-
maon) use the le$ and right arrow bu8ons so that the cursor brackets “Save” (→Save←) and hit the SET
pushbu8on. You should now be looking at the configuraon screen that deals with interlocks again, only with
your proper Remote Opon number bracketed by the cursor.
Using the arrow keys as usual, move the cursor so that it brackets “Save_Changes” (→Save_Changes←) and hit
the SET bu8on. You should now be looking at the Run Mode Screens shown below.
7) To exit Configuraon Mode, use the SCREEN pushbu8on to advance to a Configuraon Mode screen has a
“Save_Changes” opon such as the example shown below.