Bell Cup Assembly
Bell cups are made of high strength Titanium or Aluminum.
Serrated and non-serrated cups are available in 55mm,
65mm and 81mm. See ordering matrix for exact size and
material combination availability.
Air Bearing Turbine Assembly
The air bearing turbine assembly with bell cup is mounted
to the air manifold assembly with a turbine retaining ring.
Air Manifold Assembly
The atomizer extension is angled at 60° for robot applications.
The uid feed tube and ber optic turbine speed emitter are
threaded into the front of the manifold. The turbine, uid,
and air manifolds are separated from the bell plate assembly
by the atomizer extension.
Bell Plate Assembly
The bell plate assembly is designed to be at ground potential
when mounted to the robot plate component within the tubing
bundle assembly. The air and uid ports are compactly
oriented for use in robotic applications. The interior air
supplies are ported through the color coded tubing directly
to the air manifold assembly. On the exterior side of the bell
plate, the ports are provided with O-ring seals so that the
atomizer can be quickly mated and secured to the robot plate.
Robot Plate
The robot plate is a component of the tubing bundle assembly
and intended to be permanently mounted to the robot. A
wrist adapter is also available, which matches the robot’s
mounting conguration. The incoming air lines, uid lines,
and ber optic cable are connected at the robot plate. The
bell plate of the atomizer assembly is secured to the robot
plate with a threaded retaining ring.
Break-Away Feature (Optional)
The RMA-570 can be converted to have a break-away
feature. By replacing the six (6) stainless steel screws with
six (6) special designed plastic screws (77524-00). This
feature minimizes the damage to the atomizer, robot, etc. If
a collision occurs, the six (6) plastic break-away screws fail
and the atomizer will break free. This will leave the break-
away ring and the mounting ring attached to the robot. (The
applicator will fall to the booth grate or oor.)
Power Supply and Controls
The high voltage cascade (74793-XX) is located outside
the RMA-570 and is controlled by the MicroPak control unit.
The low voltage output of the MicroPak is multiplied by the
cascade to the high voltage level required. The high voltage
is supplied to the atomizer by a high voltage cable (A10560-
XX or A13685-XX). A low voltage cable interconnects the
cascade and MicroPak control. The MicroPak format is
designed to t in a conventional 19-inch or 10-inch rack and
requires a 28 V power input at a maximum 6 amps.
The MicroPak is designed to electronically limit current to
provide safe operation in a spray booth. The voltage and
current draw of the atomizer are continuously displayed
on the MicroPak control panel. Voltage and over current
limits are adjustable on the front of the MicroPak. MicroPak
internal safety circuits will shut down the system on over-
current and cable faults.
LECU5004 (MicroPak)
The MicroPak format is designed to t in a conventional
19-inch or 10-inch rack and requires a 28 V power input at
a maximum 6 amps.
The MicroPak 2e Single Bell Controller (A13613-XX), is a
free standing unit which provides voltage to a remotely located
cascade and closed loop speed control for atomizer units.
The MicroPak 2e High Voltage Controller uses a combination
of proven high voltage generation technology including
microprocessor-based control with diagnostic and
communication functions. A variable voltage output is used to
supply a cascade that amplies the voltage to a high value.
It also uses both current and voltage feedback information
to maintain the desired set point. The processor circuitry
provides the maximum in applicator transfer efciency,
while maintaining the maximum safety.
The MicroPak 2e Atomizer Controller builds upon previous
control technology and tightly integrates the MicroPak 2e
Atomizer Controller with the MicroPak 2e High Voltage
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