User guide
Energy mesurement
MULTICAL® 603 functions s follows:
The flow sensor registers the volume of wter tht circultes through the system in cubic
metres (m3).
The temperture sensors plced in inlet nd outlet register the cooling, i.e. the difference
between inlet nd outlet tempertures.
MULTICAL® 603 clcultes the energy consumption on the bsis of the volume of wter
nd the temperture difference.
Redings in the disply
When one of the rrow keys ( or ) is ctivted, new primry reding is displyed.
The primry key is used for retrieving historicl redings nd verge vlues nd for
returning to primry redings.
Four minutes fter the ltest ctivtion of ny front key, the disply utomticlly chnges
to energy consumption.
Consumed ccumulted
het energy
Number of operting
Dte of lst sving of
monthly dt Consumed ccumulted
het energy t the lst
sving of monthly dt
Followed by monthly
energy counts.
Accumulted volume of
the consumed district
heting/cooling wter
Dte of lst sving of
monthly dt Accumulted
district heting/
cooling wter t
the lst sving of
monthly dt
Followed by
monthly energy
Operting hours with
Accumulted product of degrees in
inlet nd volume in cubic metres
(E8 is used s the bsis for
the clcultion of the verge
Summrised product of degrees
in outlet nd volume in cubic
(E9 is used s the bsis for
the clcultion of the verge
The verge inlet temperture
of this yer
Current differentil temperture
Current outlet temperture
Current therml power
The verge inlet
temperture of this
Note! The verge
temperture of the month
is reset on the trget dte
every month.
The verge outlet
temperture of this
Note! The verge
temperture of the month
is reset on the trget dte
every month.
The highest registered
therml energy of this
Followed by monthly mx
The verge outlet temperture
of this yer
Current inlet temperture