Tektronix MSO3000 Series User manual

User manual
MSO/DPO2000, MSO/DPO3000, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscope
Demo 2 Board
Instruction Manual
MSO/DPO2000, MSO/DPO3000, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscope
Demo 2 Board
Instruction Manual
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Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously
published material. Specications and price change privile ges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
FilterVu and Wave Inspector are trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
For safety information on your oscilloscope, refer to its user manual.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , MSO/DPO3000, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes . . ............................... 1
Demo I: Acquiring a Signal...................................................................................................... 2
Demo II: Using Vertical Controls................................................................................................ 6
Demo III: Using Horizontal Controls ............................................................................................ 8
Demo IV: Using Run/Stop Controls............................................................................................. 9
Demo V: Using Trigger Controls................................................................................................ 9
Demo VI: Using Cursors ....................................................................................................... 12
Demo VII: Taking Measurements.............................................................................................. 14
Demo VIII: Saving a Screen Image. . .......................................................................................... 17
Giving Demos of Advanced Oscilloscope Features ...................................................................................... 21
Overall Package................................................................................................................ 21
MSO/DPO4000 Series Performance .......................................................................................... 22
MSO/DPO3000 Series Performance .......................................................................................... 23
MSO/DPO2000 Series Performance .......................................................................................... 24
Wave Inspector Demos ........................................................................................................ 25
Demo IX : Setting Up I
C Signals .............................................................................................. 26
Demo X: Using the Wave Inspectors Zoom and Pan Functionality .......................................................... 31
Demo XI: Using the Wave Inspectors Search Functionality.................................................................. 37
Demo XII: Using Serial Triggering and An alysis .. ............................................................................ 42
Demo XIII: Sear ching Serial Signals.. ......................................................................................... 55
Demo XIV: Monitoring and Decoding RS-232 Signals........................................................................ 59
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l i
Table of Contents
Demo XV: Triggering on a Serial Data Pattern (e.g. RS-232) ................................................................ 67
Demo XVI: FilterVu (MSO/DPO2000) ......................................................................................... 70
Giving Demos of MSO Features .......................................................................................................... 79
Ease of Use .................................................................................................................... 79
Performance.................................................................................................................... 79
Tour the MSO Front Panel ..................................................................................................... 81
Demo XVII: Setting up Digital Channels (MSO2000, MSO3000 , and MSO4000 Models) ................................... 82
Demo XV III: Discovering Per-Channel Thresholds (MSO4000 Only) ........................................................ 89
Demo XIX: Labeling Channels (MSO2000, MSO3000, and MSO4000 Models) ............................................. 91
Demo XX: Exploring Parallel Buses (MSO2000, MSO3000, and M SO4000 Models) ....................................... 93
Demo XXI: Triggering on Parallel Bus Data Values (MSO200 0, MSO3000, and MSO4000 Models) . ...................... 99
Demo XXII: Searching for Parallel Bus Data Values (MSO2000, MSO3000, and MSO4000 Models) . .................... 102
Demo X X III: Zooming in on White Edges (MSO4000 Only) ................................................................. 104
Troubleshooting. .......................................................................................................................... 111
Locating Signals.......................................................................................................................... 112
ii Demo 2 Board Instruction Manual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000, MSO/DPO3000, and
MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
These instructions quickly guide you through basic controls and capabilities of the MSO/DPO2000, MSO/DPO3000, an d
MSO/DPO4000 series oscilloscopes. To learn about more a dvanced capabilities, read the corresponding oscilloscope us er manual.
NOTE. The MSO4000 and DPO4000 series oscilloscopes described in this manual require rmware version 2.XX o r higher. To
check the rmware version number, push the Utility front panel button and view the Version. If your oscilloscope uses rmw are
version 1.XX, download new rmware and update your oscilloscope using procedures described in your oscilloscope user manual.
NOTE. This manual is part of the Tektronix 020-2924 -XX Demo 2 board kit. The kit includes a Demo 2 board, this manual, and
a USB cable.
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 1
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Demo I: Acquiring a Signal
1. Connect the host side of the USB cable to
the U SB port on the lower-left corner of the
oscilloscope front panel or to either of
the two USB host ports on the rear panel
of some models.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the
device port on th e De mo 2 board.
3. The POWER LED will light on the Demo 2
2 Demo 2 Boa rd Instruction M a nual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
4. Connect a probe to channel 1, such as
the P2221 with the MSO/DPO2000 or
the P 6139A with the MSO/DP O3000 or
MSO/DPO4000. Then connect the ground
lead of the probe to a point lab eled GND
on the Demo 2 board. Attach the p robe
tip to th e square pin on the Demo 2 board
labeled CN T CLK.
NOTE. CNT CLK is a clock used for a
synchronous counter.
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 3
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
5. Push Default Setup to put the oscilloscope
back to a kno wn starting point. In general,
this is a good thing to do any t im e you are
starting a new task.
6. Push Au toset.
Autoset automatically adjusts the
horizontal, vertical, and trigg er parameters
to give a usable display of the signal of
interest. You should now see several
cycles of the clock signal.
4 Demo 2 Boa rd Instruction M a nual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 5
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Demo II: Using Vertical Controls
1. Turn the front-panel channel 1 Vertical
Scale knob in both directions and observe
how the display changes. Also, notice the
channel 1 readout on the lower left of the
display shows the current volts/div setting.
Set the Vertical Scale to 1 V/div.
2. Turn the front-panel channel 1 Vertical
Position knob in both directions and
observe how the display changes. Position
the w avef orm in the center of the display.
6 Demo 2 Boa rd Instruction M a nual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
3. Push the front-panel channel 2 button to
turn on channel 2. Push it again to turn off
channel 2.
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 7
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Demo III: Using Horizontal Co ntrols
1. Turn the front-pa nel Horizontal Scale
knob in both directions and observe the
display. Also, notice the horizontal readout
indicating the current time/div setting. Set
the Horizontal Scale to 200 ns/div.
2. Turn the front-pa nel Horizontal Position
knob both directions and observe the
display. Notice that this affects the trigger
position icon (the big T on an orange
background). Return the trigger position
icon to cente r screen.
3. Take a look at the graphic shown above
the graticule. The long yellow bar
represents the overall acquisition wh ile
the gra y brackets indicate the portion of
8 Demo 2 Boa rd Instruction M a nual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Demo IV: Using Run/Stop Controls
1. Push the Run/Stop button. This stops
acquisitions with the last acquired
waveform on the display.
2. Push Single to have the oscilloscope
acquire a single waveform and then stop.
3. Push the Run/Sto p button again to restart
Demo V: Using Trigger Controls
1. Turn the Trigger Level knob in both
directions and observe the display. Turn it
far enough to move the trigger leve l off the
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 9
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Notice that the oscilloscope loses its stable
trigger and the waveform now appears to
randomly scroll b y.
2. Push the Force Trig button once and
notice that the oscilloscope shows a single
acquisition for a mome nt. This gives you
an idea of what the waveform looks like
so you can se t an appropriate and stable
10 Demo 2 Board Instruction Manual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
3. On the MS O /DP O 4000, push the Set to
50% button. This auto m atically sets t he
trigger level to the midpoint of the signal
for a stable trigger.
On the MSO/DPO20 00 and
MSO/DPO3000, push the Level
knob. This will set the trigger level to the
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 11
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Demo VI: Using Cursors
1. Push the front-panel Cursors button.
Two vertical bar cursors now appear in
the graphic above the graticule. The
corresponding cursor readout displays
the time of each cursor relative to the
trigger and amplitude along with the deltas
between the cursors.
2. Using the multipurpose a and b knobs,
bring the cursors on screen.
12 Demo 2 Board Instruction Manual
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
Hint: To m ove the cursors faster, turn off
ne mode by pushing the Fine button,
if lit, on the front panel between the two
multipurpose knobs.
3. Place one cursor at the midpoint of the
rst falling edge. Place the other cursor at
the midpoint of the second falling edge to
measure the signal’s period. The cursor
readout should show a difference between
the cursors of approximately 800 ns.
Hint: To move the cursors more slowly, turn
the ne mode back on by pushing the Fine
button, if unlit, on the front panel between
the two multipurpose knobs.
Demo 2 Board Instruction Manua l 13
Getting Started with the MSO/DPO2000 , M SO/DPO30 00, and MSO/DPO4000 Series Oscilloscopes
4. Push Cursors two more times to turn them
Demo VII: Taking Measurements
1. Push the front-panel Measure button.
2. Push the lower-bezel Add Measurement
Add Mea-
Cursors on
14 Demo 2 Board Instruction Manual
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Tektronix MSO3000 Series User manual

User manual

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