Tektronix MSO3000 Series User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Service Manual
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Service Manual
This document applies to rmware version 2.00 and above.
The servicing instructions are for use by qualied personnel
only. To avoid personal injury, do not perform any servicing
unless you are qualied to do so. Refer to all safety summaries
prior to performing service.
Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by Tektronix or its subsidiaries
or suppliers, and are protected by national copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication
supersedes that in all previously published material. Specications and price change privileges reserved.
TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc.
TekLink is a trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
Tektronix is an authorized licensee of the Compa ctFlas trademark.
Contacting Tektronix
Tektronix, Inc.
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P.O. Box 500
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For product information, sales, service, and technic al support:
In North America, call 1-800-833-9200.
Worldwide, visit www.tektronix.com to nd contacts in your area.
Table of Contents
General Safety Summary .......................................................................................... v
Service Safety Summary......................................................................................... vii
Preface .............................................................................................................. ix
Manual Conventions.......................................................................................... ix
Related Documentation ...................................................................................... ix
Operating Information
Operating Information ........................................................................................... 1-1
Theory of Operation
Theory of Operation.............................................................................................. 2-1
Block Diagram ............................................................................................... 2-1
Power Supply................................................................................................. 2-1
I/O Board ..................................................................................................... 2-2
Attenuator Board............................................................................................. 2-2
Main Board ................................................................................................... 2-2
Front-Panel Board ........................................................................................... 2-3
Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures .......................................................................................... 3-1
Required Equipment......................................................................................... 3-1
Overview of the Adjustment Process...................................................................... 3-1
Factory Adjustment Procedure ............................................................................. 3-2
Completing the Procedure .................................................................................. 3-6
Maintenance....................................................................................................... 4-1
Preventing ESD .............................................................................................. 4-1
Inspection and Cleaning..................................................................................... 4-1
Overview of Removal Procedures ......................................................................... 4-5
Removal Procedures......................................................................................... 4-6
Troubleshooting............................................................................................ 4-13
Troubleshooting Procedure ............................................................................... 4-14
Unpacking and Repacking Instructions ................................................................. 4-16
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual i
Table of Contents
Replaceable Parts List
Replaceable Parts List............................................................................................ 5-1
Parts Ordering Information ................................................................................. 5-1
Using the Replaceable Parts List........................................................................... 5-3
ii MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Oscilloscope module interconnections ........................................................... 2-1
Figure 3-1: Rear panel ........................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-2: U tility page menu.. .................. ........................................ .................. ..... 3-4
Figure 3-3:
Calibration selection ............................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-4: Factory information dialog ........................................................................ 3-5
Figure 3-5: Digital channel input (MSO only) ................................................................ 3-8
Figure 4-1: Locator for internal modules ...................................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-2: Reconnecting the fan cable........................................................................ 4-8
Figure 4-3: Fan cable dress...................................................................................... 4-8
Figure 4
-4: Disconnecting the main board .................................................................. 4-10
Figure 4-5: Display cable shield in place .................................................................... 4-12
Figure 5-1: Exploded view: rear case and rear chassis....................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-2: Exploded view: I/O and main boards ............................................................ 5-7
Figure 5-3: Exploded view: Front panel and power supply ................................................. 5-9
Figure 5-4: Exploded view: Front panel labels ............................................................. 5-11
re 5-5: Exploded view: Main board shield and attenuator board .................................... 5-13
Figure 5-6: Exploded view: Front chassis and LCD assembly............................................ 5-15
Figure 5-7: Exploded view: front panel board and front case............................................. 5-17
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual iii
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Table 4-1: External inspection check list ...................................................................... 4-3
Table 4-2: I
nternal inspection check list ....................................................................... 4-4
Table 5-1: Replaceable parts list: Rear case and rear chassis ............................................... 5-4
Table 5-2: Replaceable parts list: I/O and main boards ...................................................... 5-6
Table 5-3: Replaceable parts list: Front panel and power supply ........................................... 5-8
Table 5-4: Replaceable parts list: Front panel labels ....................................................... 5-10
Table 5-5: Replaceable parts list: Attenuator................................................................ 5-12
Table 5-6
: Replaceable parts list: Front chassis and LCD ................................................. 5-14
Table 5-7: Replaceable parts list: Front panel and front case ............................................. 5-16
Table 5-8: Replaceable parts list: Standard accessories................................................... 5-18
Table 5-9: Replaceable parts list: Optional accessories ................................................... 5-18
iv MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual
General Safety Summary
General Safet
Review the fo
llowing safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to
this product or any products connected to it.
To avoid pot
ential hazards, use this product only as specied.
Only qualied personnel should perform service procedures.
To Avoid Fi
re or Personal
Use Proper Power Cord. Use only the power cord specied for this produc t and
certied for the country of use.
Connect and Disconnect Properly. Do not connect or disconnect probes or test
leads while they are connected to a voltage source.
Ground the Product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor
of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output
terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid re or shock hazard, observe all ratings
and markings on the product. Consult the product manual for further ratings
information before making connections to the p roduct.
Connect the probe reference lead to earth ground only.
Do not apply a potential to any terminal, including the common terminal, that
exceeds the maximum rating of that terminal.
Power Disconnect. The power cord disconnects the product from the power source.
Do not block the power cord; it must remain accessible to the user at all times.
Do Not Operate Without Covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect that there i s damage to this
product, have it inspected by qualied service personnel.
Avoid Exposed Circuitry. Do not touch exposed connections and components
when power is present.
Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.
Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.
Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to the manual’s installation instructions for
details on installing the product so it has proper ventilation.
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual v
General Safety Summary
These terms may
appear in this manual:
WARNING. Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result
in injury or loss of life.
CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in
damage to this product or other p roperty.
Symbols and Terms on the
These terms may appear on the product:
dicates an injury hazard immediately acces sible as you read
the marking.
indicates an injury hazard not immediatel y a ccessible as you
read the marking.
N indicates a hazard to property including the product.
The following symbol(s) may appear on the p roduct:
vi MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual
Service Safety Summary
Service Safet
y Summary
Only qualie
d personnel should perform service procedures. Read this Service
Safety Summary and the General Safety Summary before performing any service
Do Not Service Alone. Do not perform internal service or adjustments of this
product unless another person capable of rendering rst aid and resuscitation is
Disconnect Power. To avoid electric shock, switch off the instrument power, then
disconnect the power cord from the mains power.
UseCareWhenServicingWithPowerOn. Dangerousvoltagesorcurrentsmay
exist in
this product. Disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable), and
disconnect test leads before removing prote ctive panels, soldering, or replacing
To avoid ele ctric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual vii
Service Safety Summary
viii MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series D igita l Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual
This service manual provides information that you need to troubleshoot,
disassemble, and replace parts on the Tektronix MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series
Digital Phos
phor Oscilloscopes.
Manual Conventions
This manua
l uses certain conventions that you should become familiar with
before attempting service.
Throughout this manual, any replaceable component, assembly, or part is referred
to by the t
erm module.
A module is composed of electrical and mechanical assemblies, circuit boards,
nnecting cables, and user-accessible controls.
Replaceable Parts
This manual refers to any eld-replaceable assembly or mechanica l part
specically by its name or generically as a replaceable part. In general, a
ceable part is any circuit board or assembly, such as the hard disk drive, or a
mechanical part, such as the I/O port connectors, that is listed in the replaceable
parts list.
ols and terms related to safety appear in the General Safety Summary
Related Documentation
To read about Use these documents
Installation and Operation MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Oscilloscopes User
nual (available in 11 languages)
ecications and Performance
O3000 and DPO3000 Series Technical Reference
(PDF only)
Programmer Commands MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Programmer Manual
(PDF only)
Analysis and Connectivity Tools Getting Started with OpenChoice ® Solutions Manual
Installing and testing applications
Tektronix 3000 Series Application Module Installation
Instructions Manual
Oscilloscope calibrator Fluke Oscilloscope Calibrator Manual at
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual ix
x MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual
Operating Information
Operating Information
For information on installing and operating your MSO3000 or D PO3000 Series
Oscilloscope, refer to the MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Oscilloscopes User
This manual is available, in 11 languages, on the Web at www.tektronix.com.
MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual 1–1
Operating Information
1–2 MSO3000 and DPO3000 Series D igital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Service Manual
Theory of Operation
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Tektronix MSO3000 Series User manual

User manual
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