Whirlpool ADP 451 IX User manual

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ADP 451
To re view the sec tion on troublesho otingTip s
by yourse lf.
Dear Cu stom er ,
Please carefully readthismanualbeforeusing the
dishwasher,itwillhelp you to use and maintainthe
di shw a sher pro perl y.
Thi s ma nua l c on tain s sec t ion s on s afe ty In struct ion s,
Tr ou bl es hooti ng Tip s, etc .
The manufa ctu rer, f ollowing a p olicy ofc onstant
develo pmenta ndu pdati ng of the pr oduc t, may
make modi ficat ionswitho ut gi ving prior notice .
Di shw as h er F e at ure s.. ...... .. .. . .. . ... .. .. . ... . ... .. . .. . .. 3
A Wa te r S oft ener... ... ......... .... .. .... ... .. . ..... .....4 ..
At tentio n b efore o rafte r loading the D ish was her
Baskets................................. .........................9
FilteringSystem......................... ....................14
Caring for the Di shw asher..... ..... .......... . .........15.
How to use the 3 in 1function............................8
B L oad in g the S al t into the S often er...... ...... ... . .5
C Fill t heRi nseAid D ispenser..... ... ... .. .. .. 5 ... .. ...
D Function ofDetergent ............ .............6
Loadingth eupper .......... ......... ............9Ba sket
Loa dingtheLower ............................. ..10Basket
Cutlery Basket........................................... ...11
WashCycleTable.... ............... .......... ......... .....12
Turning on theAppliance....... .........................13
Change the Programme...... ........ ....... ..... ....13....
At theEnd ofthe WashCycle... ........................13
PositioningtheAppliance................... ..........16..
Wate r Co nnecti on. ... . ..... ... . ... ... ... .. .... ... .. ..... ..17.
A bout Power C o nnec ti on. ... . ..... ...... .... .... .... ... 1 6.
St art of dishwasher................ ................ ... ...18..
Beforecallingfor servi ce. ....... ........... ........ .....19.
Technicalinformation ................... ........... .....21..
Keepit to refer to itata laterdate.
Ifyo uc annot solv ethe pr obl emsby you rself ,
please ask f or t he helpo fprofe ssional tec hnician s.
This appliance must be grounded. I n the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric curr ent. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly g rounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us eo nly deter gent and rin se ad di tives
design ed for an aut oma tic dishwash er.
Ne ver use s oap,laun dr yde terg ent, orhand
wa shin gdeterg ent inyou rdishwash er. K eep
these produ cts out oft he re ach ofchild ren.
During installation,the powersupply mustnot
be excessively ordangerouslybent orflattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. The appl iance could tip
on or stand on
When lo ad ing ite ms t o be w ashed :
1)Locatesharp itemssothat theyarenotlikely
2 Warni ng : Kni ves and other u te nsils wi th
sha rp p oin t s mu st be l oaded i n t h e bask et
w it h their poi ntsdown orp lace din a
horizonta lposition.
When us ing you rdishw asher, you shoul d
preve ntplast ic items from comin gint oco ntact
wit ht hehe ating element .(This instru ction is onl y
applica ble to m achines with a vi sual h eating
ele ment.)
I fth es upply cord is dam aged ,it must be repl aced
by the m anufact urer or it sse rvic eag ent ora
si mi larly qual ifi ed per son i nor de rto avoi d a
hazar d.
Pl ease dispos e of pack ing m at erials pr oper l y.
U se the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washing compartmentwhen
removing an old dishwasher from service or di scarding it.
Dishwasher detergentsare stronglyalkaline, they
can be ext r emely dange r ous if s wallo w e d .Avoi d
contact with skin and eye sand ke ep children away
from the di shwasher w hent he d oor is op en.
Check that the detergent comparmentisempty
aft er compl etio no f th ew ash cycl e.
Th e app lian cei s to b eco nn ected tot hewater
mainsusingnew hosesetsandthatoldhose-sets
shoul d no t be reu sed.
The maximumnumber of placesettingstobe
was hed i s 9 .
The maximumpermissibleinlet water pressureis
1Mpa .
The minimumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended fo r use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
ment al capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
When u sin g your di shw asher, follow t he prec aut ions list ed b elow:
Th e doo rshould not be l eft o pen,
since th is co uld increase the ris k of trippi ng.
D ispo se o f t hedishwas herpac kag ing m aterial c orre ctly.
All pa ckaging material sca nbe r ec ycled.
Pl ast ic pa rts ar em ark edw ithth es tand ard i nternat ional abbrevi ations:
PE fo r po lyeth yle ne, e .g. s heet wrapping m ater ial
PS for polysty rene,e.g.paddingmaterial
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opyl ene, e.g. Sa lt fill er
AB S Acrylo nitri leB utad iene Sty rene, e.g .Contro l Pa nel .
Packaging materialcouldbedangerous for children!
Fo rdi spos ing of pa ckage a nd the a ppliance ple ase go to a r ecycling cen tre. There for e cut
offthe powersupplycableand mak ethe doorclosingdeviceunusable.
Cardboard packaging ismanufactured fromrecycled paper and shouldbe disposedinthe
w aste p ap erc ollect ion f or re cy cling .
By en surin gt his pr oduct i s disp osed of correctl y, you will hel ppr event po tentialn egati ve
con se que nces f or the envi ronm ent a nd human h eal th,w hic h cou ld o ther wise be c aused
byinappropriatewaste handlingof this product.
Fo rm ored etail ed infor mat iona bou trec ycli ngo fthis pro duct, please c on tact your loca l
ci tyof fice and your hou seh old w aste dis posal se rvic e.
DISPOSAL :Do not dis poseth is pr oduct as unsort ed m unicipal waste. C ollect ionof such
waste sep arate ly for spe cialtr eatment i s n eces sary.
Ba ck Vie w
Front view
Pr ogram i ndica tor l ights and but to n: To s elect
one o f the sev en a nd s how the wash ing pr ogram.
3in1 indicat or l igh t / 3in 1
function b utto n: To sel ect an d sh ow 3in1 .
Start and reset b u tton: To start the sele cted washing
progr am or re set the washi ng p rogram w hen the
machine is workin g.
Delay indicator lights: To show delay washing time 3 hours,
or 6 h ou rs, or 9 hou rs.
Salt and r inse aid warning light s: To sho w
when the salt containe r or dispense r n e ed to be
Powerindicat or light and s witch:To turn on/ off
and sho w the pow er supply.
Delay start button:ToPress this button to set the delayed
hours for wash ing up to 3 h ours , or 6 hours, or 9 h o urs.
Deterg entDis penser
Ri nse A id Dispenser
Inletpipe connector
Low er B aske t
Sp ra yA rms
Upp er B ask e t
Sa lt C ontainer
Dishwasher Features
Control Panel
beforeusing itforthe firsttime.
To getthe best performance fromyourdishwasher,read all operatinginstructions
11 12
Tray ass
4 5
Be fo re using you r dis hwa she rfor the first ti me:
Th e wat er soften er m ust be s et m anu al ly, usin gth ewa terhard nessdi al.
Th e wat er so ftener is des ign edto remove min era ls an dsalts from t he w ater, wh ich woul dha ve
a de trim enta lo r adverse effect on the ope ration of the app li ance.The h igher the
content of t hese mineral san dsa lts,the harde r your wat er is. The softe ner shou ld b e
adju sted acco rding t o the ha rdness o ft he wa ter in you rarea. Your loca lWaterA uthority
can advise you onthehardnessofthewaterinyourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her isdesig ned t oall owfor a dj ustment in the amo unt of sa ltco nsumed bas ed o nthe ha rdne ss of
the waterused.Thisis intendedtooptimiseandcustomisethelevelo f salt consumption.
1. Unscrewthecap fromthesaltcontainer.
2. There is ar ing o nthe con tai nerwi thana rrow on it (see fig ure
ontheside),ifnecessary, ro tate thering intheanticlockwise
direction fro mth e"-" Settingtowardthe" +"sign, basedo nthe
hardne sso f the wat erbe ing u sed.
It is recomm end edt hata dju stme nts should b e made i n
acco rd ance wit h t he f oll owin g sc h em e:
Contact yo urlocal w ater bo ardfor inf ormation on the har dness of your w ater su pply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~3 98~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
0~1 0
Clar ke
Clark: British degree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degr ee
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmo l/l
SelectorPo si tion
Salt consum pt ion
Aut o nomy
Pl eas e follo w the s teps bel ow f o radjus tmen t in salt con sum pt io n.
"+ "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No sa ltn eed adde d
45~60 80~1 07 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set t he wate rsof tener
B. Pour 1 2 li tre o fw ateri nsi dethe sal tco ntainer and then fil lwith d ishwash ersalt
C. Fi ll the rinse aid di sp en s er
D. Fill indetergent
nor mal fo r a s mall amount o f w ater t o co m e out o f the sa l t conta iner.Itis
1.The salt con tai ne rmust only be r efilled w hen t he sal twarn ingligh tin the cont rol pan elcomes on.
Depend ing on how wel l t hesalt diss olve s, th es alt warni ng li ght may st ill be on even tho ugh the
salt container is filled .
If there is n osa lt w arni ng light in the con trolpanel ( forso me Mode ls),you c an e stim ate wh ent o f ill
the s alti nto the so ftene r by th e cycles t hatthe di shwasher has run.
2. If there a re spi lls o fthe salt ,a soa kor a r apid pr ograms hould be ru nto remove the excessive sa lt.
Always u se the salt i ntended for u sewith di shwasher.
The sa lt c ontain er i slocat ed ben eath the lowe rbas ket and sh ould b efill eda sexpla ined i n th e
foll ow ing :
Only use salt spe cifi call y desi gne d f ort he usei nd ishwa shers! E very other type of
salt n ot specif ical ly de sig ned fo rtheu se in ad ishwas her, especial ly t able salt, wi ll
damage the w ater sof tener. I n c aseof d amages caused b ythe use o f un suit able
salt t he ma nufact ur er does notgi ve any wa rranty nor is liabl e for any damage scaused.
Only fil lwi thsal tjust b efore star ting one o f th eco mp lete washi ngp rograms.
This wi ll p reve ntany g rains of s alt or salty wate r, w hi ch may have b een spi lled,
remain ing on th e bottom o ft he machi nefor any pe riod of ti me, which may c ause
c o rr os ion.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the RinseAid Dispenser
Th er i nse aid i sr elea se dduri ngthe fi nal rin se to pr event wate rfro m f orming dr oplets o nyo ur dis hes, wh ich can l eave
spots and s treaks. It also improve sdryi ngby allow in g water t o roll off the d ishes .Your di shwasheris des igned to
usel iquid rin seaids. The rin se aid di spenser isl ocated i nsi de t he d oor nex t tot he detergent di spense r. To fill th e
dispenser,openthecapandpourthe rinse aidintothe dispenseruntil thelevel indicatorturnsc ompletelyblack.
Thevo lumeo fthe rins eaid contai neris abou t110 ml .
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse aid is aut oma tic ally a dded duri ng t helast r inse, ensur ing thor ough rinsi ng , and spo tand s treakfr ee drying.
Only use branded rinse aidfor dishwasher. Neverfilltherinseaiddispenserwithanyothersubstances
(e.g. Di shwasher cleani ng ag ent, liqu id d eterge nt ).Th is would damag ethe a pp li ance.
A Removethe lower basketandthenunscrew andremovethe cap fromthesaltcontainer.
B Before thefirstwash,fill 1lt.ofwater inthe saltcontainer of your machine.
C Pl ace the end of the fun nel ( su pplied) i nto the ho leand i ntroduce abou t 1kg ofsal t.
D Af ter f illi ng the co ntainer , scr ew th ecap t ightly b ac k clo ckwise.
E Usu ally, the salt warni ng li ght will st op bei ng il luminat ed with in 2 -6 days afte rth es alt c ont ain erha sbe en fi ll ed wi th
sal t.
F Imm ed iately a ft erf il lin gt hes alt into th esalt co ntain er, a w ashing pr ogram should be s ta rted (Wesu ggest to use t he
soak orrapid program).Otherwisethe filter system,pump or otherimportantpartsof the machinemay bedamaged
bysalty water.This isout of warranty.
To op ent he di spens er,t urn the c ap to the "op en" ( left) ar row an d l ift it o ut.
Po ur t he rin se ai d int o th e dispe nser,be ing ca refu l n ot to o verfi ll .
Replace the capb y inserti ngit a ligned w ith " open" arrow and t urningit to t he cl osed(righ t) arrow.
Adjusting RinseAid Dispenser
The ri nse aid dis penser ha ssix or f our s ett ings.Al ways star twith t hedi spe nser
set on "4". I fspots and p oor dr yin gare a p roble m, i ncr ea sethe amoun tof r inse
aid disp ensedb y r em oving the di spenser li dand rotat ing t he d ial to "5". If the
dishes s til l ar enotd rying pr operlyo r ar e show sp ots,adj ustth e di al to the next
highe r lev erun til your dishes a resp ot-f ree. The r ecom men ded setti ng is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Increase thedose if thereare drops of waterorlimespotsonthe dishes afterwashing.
Reduce i tifthere aresticky whitishstains on your dish esorabluishfilmon glasswareor
knife blades.
As t he ri nse aid d imin ishes, t he si zeof the black dot
ontherinse aidlevel indicator changes,asillustratedbelow.
1/ 4 full- Should refillto eliminate spotting
Em pt y
Adjust l ever
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth erei s no rinse- ai d warning ligh tin thec ontrol p anel, you can estimate the amount from the colo ur
ofth eopt ica ll ev el ind icator C loc ated next to the cap. When th erin se-a idc onta iner i sfu ll, the wh ole
indicato rwill be dark .As t her inse -aid dim inishes, t hes ize o fthe dar k dot decr ea ses. You shou ld n ever let
t he rinse ai d l ev el f a l l 1 / 4 full.
durin gthe nex twa sh. Don' tfor get t ore pla cethe cap be fore you clos edis hwa she rd oor.
Clean u p a n y rinse ai d spilled while du rin g fi ll i ng with a n abso rbe nt cl ot h to av oi d ex cessi v e f oam i n g
Deterge nt s w ith its chem ical ingred ients a re ne cessary to re mov e di rt,c rus hdirt an dtrans po rt it o ut of the di sh washer.
Mostof thecommerci al qualitydetergentsare suitableforthisp urpose.
D. Function of Detergent
The re ar e 3 s orts of deterge nt s
2.Withphos phate and wit hout chlo rine
3.Wit hou t ph osphate and with out chlor ine
C (R i nse - Ai din d ic ato r)
Amount of Detergent to Use
Proper U se o fDe terg ent
Use o nly deterge ntspeci ficall ym ade f or the u sei n dis hwas her s.K eep your det ergent fr esh and dry.
Don't putpowdereddetergent into the dispenseruntilyou'reready towash dishes.
Dishwash erde tergen t is co rrosive! Ta kecar eto keepi t out of reach ofc hildren.
Based ontheir chemicalcomposition,detergentscanbesplitintwo basic types:
The use of normal washingprogramsincombinationwithconcentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is g ood for your dish es ; these wa shp ro gr am sare spe cifically mat che d
to t he di rt-di ssol ving pro pert i es o ft he e nz ymes of the con cent rate ddeterg ent. For this reas on
normal washprogramsinwhichconcentrated detergentsareused canachievethe same
resultsthatcanotherwiseonlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergenttabletsofdifferentbrandsdissolve atdifferent speeds. For thisreasonsome
dete rgent t ablets ca nnot dissolve and dev elop the irf ul lcl eani ngpower dur ing s hort
prog ra ms.There fore please use l ong program swh enu sin gde terg entt able ts,t o
ensure the com pl ete re mova l of de ter g e n t re si du al s.
Th e disp ens er m us tb erefille dbe fore the start of each was hcycle f ollowing the instructi ons
provided in t he w ash cycle t able . You rdis hwa sher use sless de ter gent and rins eaid tha n
Conventionaldishwasher.Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is neededfor
anormalwashload. More heavily soileditems needmoredetergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tj us tb e for e star ting the dishwas her, othe rwis e it coul dge t da mp a nd w ill n ot
di s sol v e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Detergent Dispenser
Always a dd the d ete rgent just b efore star tingea chw ash cycl e.
Onlyuse branded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If the l id is close d: pr ess rele ase butt on.T he li dwill spri ng ope n.
conventional,alkaline detergentswithcausticcomponents
l ow a lk aline conc ent r at ed deter ge nt s wi th natur a l e nzy mes
Normally new pu lver ised det ergent is with out phos ph ate.T hus the wate rso ften er fu ncti on o f
phosph ate i s not give n. I n th i s ca se w e recom m e nd to fill sal t i n t h e salt co nta i n er e ven whe n
the h ard ne sso fwate ris o nly 6 dH. If dete rg entsw it ho ut ph osphate ar e usedin the case of h ard water
often whi te s pots appear on d ishe sa ndglasse s. In th is cas epl ease add mo re d eter gent to r each
better r esul ts . D ete rg en ts wit h o ut chlori n e d o only bleac h a lit t le. Str o ng and c olo u red sp ot s will no t
bere moved complete ly. I nth isca sep leas echoos ea p rogram with a hi gher tempera ture.
I fyou use 3i n1 ta ble ts in o ther pro gram s,t he a pp liance will not ac hieve ago odp erfo rm ance.
Only the 3in1 function (for the prog ram :i nt ensi ve/ Norm al/E co.) Can be used wit h 3in 1ta blet s.
Fillt hede ter gent disp enserw ithdeter gen t.
Th e mar k ing i n d i c ates th e dosing l e vels , as
i ll us tra ted o n t he r ight:
Th ep lace of main wash cyc le de terg ent plac ed ,
M IN me ans appr oximatel y2 0go f deter ge n t.
Th ep la ceo f pr e-wash cycle det erge ntplace d,
ap proximat ely5 go f det ergent
Pleaseo bserve t hem anu fact urer sdosing and stor age
Recommendationsasstatedonthedetergent packaging.
Close the lid and press untilit locks in place.
I f th e d i sh es are h eav i ly so il ed , pla c e an ad dit i o nal
detergen tdo sein the pre-w as hdeterg ent cham be r. Th isd etergen t will take effe ctdurin g the pre -washp hase.
Fill in Detergent
You f indin formatio nab ou t the a mo unt o f de terg en t forth esi ngle program me ont he last p age .
Pl ea sea ware, tha taccordi ng t othe lev elso iling and the specific har dness of wat er d iffer enc esar epo ssible.
Pleaseobserveth emanufacturer'srecommendationsonthe detergentpackaging.
When using 3i n1 com bination / co mpact D etergents ,pleas epa y att ention t o ma kes ure that
the size of the combi nation deterg ents fits t othe dispe nser so that combin ation
deterge ntsc anb e ea sily p utinto the di spense r, and the dispen ser would not b eb roken.
Your dish wa sher h as a 3i n1fu nct ionw hich nee dsno sal tand r inse aid b ut a 3 In 1 tablet.
This dishwas her c om esw itha 3in 1 tabl et co nt ainer as an a cce ssor y.
1.The figure below showshowto hangthe 3in1 tablet containeron theupperbasket.
2. Rot atet he uppers pra yeran dch ange the locat ion of the conta iner toe nsure the uppe rsp rayer isno t
obstructedby the 3in1 tabletcontainer. Refertothe figurebelow forreference.
3.Put the 3in1 tablet intothecontainer ,then startthe 3in1pro gram.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
For b est pe rforma nce of t h edish washe r,f oll ow the se lo ading gu ideline s. F eatures an d
appea rance of bask ets and cut ler yb askets ma y va ry from yo ur mod el.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off any la rgea mount sof leftov er fo od. Soft enr emnants of bur nt food in p ans .
It is n ot necess ary t o r in se the dishes un der runni ng wa ter.
Plac eobj ects int he dis hw ash erin foll owing way:
1.Item ss uch as c ups, gl asses, pot s/pans, etc. a reface d do wnw ards .
2.Curved i tems,o r on esw ith r ecesses, sho uldb el oaded as lant so t hat water can run of f.
3.All utensils arestackedsecurely andcan not tipover.
4.All uten sils are pl ace di n t he wa ytha tthe s pr ay a rms can rotat e fre ely d ur ingw ashing.
Ve rysma ll i tem s shou ld no tbe w ashed in t hedi shw ash era sthey c ould easil yfall ou tof t heb askets.
Bowl M Bowl L() ()
Glasse s
Dessert plate
Cup s
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The u pper rac k is designed to hol d more del icate and li gh ter d is hw are such as gl as ses , c offe e
and tea c up a nd sauc ers, as w ell as pl ates ,sm al lb ow ls an dsha llow pa ns(as lo ng a sthe yar e
not t oodi rty) .
Po sition the dishes a ndc ookware so t hat t hey do not g et m ove dby t he spray of wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting theUpperBasket
Th e hei ght o fthe up per b ask etca nb ea djuste din order to creat emo re sp ace f orlar ge u te nsils
bothfor theupper/lowerbasket.The heightof theupperbasketcanbe adjusted byplacingthe
wheels on di fferen t h eigh t of the r ails. Lo ngitems , serving cu tlery, salad serve rsa nd kn ives
should be pl aced o n the sh elf so t hat they d o not o bstruct t he r otati on o fthe s pr ay a rms.
Th e she lfca nb e fold ed b ac k or b eremove dw he n not re quired for use.
Loadingthe Lower Basket
Werecommendthatyouplace largeitems whicharemostdifficulttocleanintothelower basket:
pots, pans,lids,servingdishes and bowls, asshownin the figureto theright.
I t is p refer abl e to plac e ser vi ng dish es a nd li ds ont he s ide of the ra cksin ord erto avo id b locking
Pots, servingbowls, etc. must alwaysbeplaced top down.
D eep pot sshould bes lante dt o allo ww ater t of lowo ut .
Th eb otto m b aske t fea ture fold dow nt inero ws so t hatla rger orm ore pots andp ans c anbe lo aded .
1. Cutlery basket
2. Dessert plates
3. Soup plates
4. Dinner plates
5. Oval platter
6. Saucer
Cutlery Basket
Fo rwashi ng in th ed ishwashe r t he fol lowing cut ler y/di shes
Cutle ryw ith w ooden, hor n chi naor
mothe r-of-pe arlha ndles
Plas tic items t hata ren oth eatre sistan t
Older c utlery with glued p arts that are not
Pewte r or c ooper i tems
Steel i te mssubj ectto r usting
Items made from synthetic fibres
Do n ot p uti ni tems that are d irty o f c igarett eash, c and le wax, l acq uer or p aint.
If you b uy new dish es please mak es ure th atthey ar e su itable for d is hwa shers.
Somety pes of g lass es c an b ecome
dullaftera largenumbe rofwashes
Si l ver and al u minu m p a rts have a
tendenc yt o disc ol our du ri ng w ashin g
Glazed pa ttern s m a y f ad e i f mac h in e
was he d fr equently
Pleas e do not ov erl o ad your di s hwa sher.Th er e is onl y s pace for 9 st an dard d i s he s. D o no t
us ed ish that is no tsu itable fo r dis hwa sher s.Th isi simporta nt f orgo od resu ltsa ndf or
B efore lo adin gthe dishes , you sho uld:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte n re mnants of bu rntf ood in p ans
Dishesandcutlery mustnotimpedetherotationof thespray arms
Lo ad holl owi tems suc has cup s,g lass es, p ans etc. with the ope ning do wnwards s ot hat
w ater can not colle cti n the con tain ero r a d eep b ase
Are of limitedsuitability
Loading cutlery anddishes
When loading the dishes and cutlery, pleasenote :
Cutlery shoul d be pl aced i n the cut ler yb asket wi th th ehan dlesa tthe bott om. I f the rack has side b askets, the
spoons shoul d be loade dsep arat ely into the ap propri ate sl ots, es pecial lyl on g ute nsils sho ul d be pl aced in t he
horizont al po sition at the fron t of the u ppe rba sket a ss hown in the pi cture.
Always load sharput ensilswiththe sharp
po int d own!
1 2 3456 7
1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do no t le ave any item e xte nd th rough bot tom.
Knive san doth erutens ils w it h s harp poi nts
must be loade di n t heb asket w ith th eirpoint s
down or place din an h orizo ntal position .
Itisdangerousto openthedoor when washing,becausethehot watermaybe scaldedtoyou.Thedoorshouldnot be
Wash Cycle Table
Meaning: need to fill rinseinto t he Rinse-AidDispenser.
*En50242: This program is the testcycle, therinse-aid dispenser
set ti ng i s re com m ende d to b e set to p os it io n 6 .
In tensive
EN 50242
Fo rnorm ally soiled l oads ,
such as , p lates ,glasses
and lig htly soiled pa ns .
St andard daily cycl e.
Fo rtheheaviest soiledloads,
such as pots, pans, cas serole
dishes and di shes that h ave
beensitting withdried food
on them fora w hil e.
Ashor ter wash f or ligh tly
soiled l oads t hat do n ot
Pre -wash
For li ghtly soiled loa ds,
such as gl asses, cr ysta land
fine china.
Pre-wash 50
Wash (60 )
Rin se
Rin se (70 )
Dryi ng
Rin se
Pr e- w ash
Was h (4 0 )
Rinse (70 )
Wash (50 )
Rinse (60 )
Was h (4 0 )
Rinse (45 )
0. 81
13. 0
Ec o.
Fo rlightly soiled loa ds ,such
as pl ate s,glas ses,bowls and
ligh tly so iled pan s.
Wash (45 )
Rinse(60 )
To rinsedishes that you
pl an to w a sh la ter th at da y.
Ec o.
In tens i ve
3i n1
3i n1
Fornormally soiledl oads,
such as ,plates, glasses
and lightly soiledpans.
For lightlysoiledloads,such
as pl ates,g la sses,b ow ls and
F o r th e heaviest s o iled l oads ,
dishes anddishe sthat have
beensitting withdried food
onthemfor a while.
Pre- wa sh 60
Wash (70 )
Rinse (70 )
Pre- wa sh
Wash (50 )
Rinse (70 )
Pre-w ash
Wash (45 )
Rinse (70 )
14 8
12 8
15. 1
12. 7
12. 7
3i n1
3in 1
It is d an gerous to ope n th e door when w as hing , be c a use the hot water ma y scald you .
W h en the w orking cy cle has finished, t he buz zer of t he di s hwa she r wi l l s o u nd f or 8 sec o n d s , th en s t op. Tu r n off
t he a ppl iance usi ng the O N/ OFF b utt on,sh uto ff th ewa te rs upp ly and op en t he d oor ofth edi shw ashe r.
Wait for afew mi nutes b efore unlo adin gth edis hw asher t oa voi dha ndlin gth edishes and ut ensils w hile th ey
are s ti ll hot a ndm or e suscept ibl e to br eak age. The yw ill al sodr ybet ter.
SwitchOff the Dishwasher
The p rogram has en ded , o nly i fther eappears a 0 i nthe digi ta l disp la y( remaining prog ram time).
1.Sw itch off the di shwasher by pre ssingthe O N/OFF butto n.
2.Turnoff thewatertap!
Openthedoor carefully.
Hot dishes ar esensit iveto knocks. The dishes shou ld t heref orebe all owedto cool d ow n arou nd 15 mi nutes
before removingfromtheappliance.
Open t he d ishwasher 's door,leave i tajar and w ait a few minut es before r emoving t he dis hes. In this way t hey
will be cooler an dt he dr ying will b eimpr oved .
Itis normal that the di shw as her is wet in sid e.
Empty th el ower ba sket f irst a nd then the up pero ne.T hiswil lavoi dwater dr ipp ing f rom the uppe r Bas ketonto
the dis hes in the l ower one.
Turning On theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot toAdd a Dish?
will working after10 seconds.continue
If you open the door , the machine will pause. When you close the door , the machineduring a wash cycle
Start ing a cycle wash
1 D raw out the lowe ran dup per b asket, load the d ishe sa nd pu sht hem bac k.
It iscommendedtoloadthelowerbasketfirst,thentheupperone(seethe sectionentitled
Loadi n g the Di s hwa sher ).
2 P ou r in t he de t e r gent ( see t h e sec tion ent i t led Salt, De te rg ent an d Ri nseAid ).
3 I nsert the plu ginto the soc ket. The power s uppl yi s220- 240 VAC /50 HZ, the s pec ifica tio n of th e
s ocketis 10A 25 0VAC . M ake sure that t he wa ter su pp ly is turn edon to fu ll p ressure.
4 Cl ose t h e d oo r, pres s t he ON /OFF bu tton , and the ON/ OFF l ight will tur n on. Pre ss the pr ogr a m
b utton to sele ct a desi re dwash cyc le,A fter 3 secon ds, t he m ach ine will w or k.
Premi se:
1 Ac ycle that i s und erwa yca n on ly be m od ified if it h as only been r unning fo r a short
time . Othe rw ise, thed eterg ent may have a lrea d yb een relea sed, a nd thea pplian cemay
have al ready drai ned t hew ash w ate r. If t his is the case ,the deter gent dispense rmust
be ref ill ed (s ee th e section enti tled " Loa ding theD etergent " ).
2 Wh eny ou pr essthe s tart /r eset but to n mo re than 3 sec onds , you can cance lthe runn in g
programme andselectother programmes(see the sectionentitled"Startingawash cycle... " ).
3 Wh eny ou sele ct Int ensi ve /Norm al/Eco.Pro gr ammes, y ou can sel ectthe 3i n1fu nction .
Aforgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent cup opens.
Load the forgotten dishes.
Close the door, the dishwashe r will start running again
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arms stop working,you can open the door
comp letely.
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
The f ilter pre vent slar ger remn ant sof food or ot her objects f rom get ting i nsi deth ep um.
Theresiduesmay blockthefilter, inthiscasethey must be removed.
The fi lter syst em consi sts of a coar se f ilte r,a flat (Main f il ter )
A n da mi cro fil t e r(Fine fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trap ped in thisfilter arepulverizedbya
specia l jet ont hel owe r spr aya rma ndw ashe dd own tod rain .
Larg er it em s, s uc h as pi e c esof bo ne s or glas s, t ha t couldbl o ck
thedrainaretrappedin the coarse filter.To remove theitems
caugh t by t he fi lter, ge ntly s queeze the tap on th eto p of t his
Thisfilter holds soiland food residuesinthe sumpareaand
preventsitfrombeingredepositonthe dishes duringwashcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
For b es t perfo rm ance and re sults, the f il ter must b e cle aned re gular ly. t hisr eason, i t isa goo di dea t o
r emo ve th ela rger foo dpa rti cl estr app ed in the filte raft ere ach was hcy cle b yrin sing the sem ici rcular filte ran d
c up u nderru nnin gwa ter. To re move th efil terd evice, p ullth ec up ha ndle in t he u pwardd irect ion.
re mo vesf oodpart icle s fro mth ewa sh w ater,all owing it to be rec ycledd uring the cycl e.
T he dish was her mus t n e ver be used w i t ho ut th e f ilter s.
Imp ro per r ep lace men tof the f ilter may reduce the perform an ce level o ft he app lia nce
and damage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn t he filt erin ant i-cl ockwise d irection,
t hen li ft it up.
St ep 2 l ift the Main fil te rup
Step 3 lift theFine filter up
When following this procedure from step1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from S tep 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.
Th e cont rol p ane lcan be cleaned by using a lig htly dampen edc loth.
Aft ercle anin g,m ake sureto dry it tho roug hly.
For the ex t e rior, use a good appli ance po li s h wax .
Neveru ses harp object s,sco ur ing pa ds o rh arsh clean er s ona ny p ar to fthe di shwasher.
ProtectAgain st Freezing
1.Cutofftheelectricalpower tothedishwasher.
2.Tur noff th ewater su ppl yand disco nnect the water i nl etpipe from the w ater val ve.
3.Drainthewater from the inletpipe andwatervalve. (Useapanto catchthewater)
4.Reconnect the water i nl et pipe t ot he wa ter val ve.
5.Remove t hefil ter at the bott omo f the tub and use a spong eto soak up wate rin the sump.
pl ease t akefros tprotect io n m easures o nt he dishw asher in wint er. Ev ery fter wa shingcycle s,
pl ease op erate as f ollows
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Ins pect the filter sfo rblo ckin ga ftere very time t he di shwa sher has been used .
- By uns crewing the c oar se fi lter, you can r em ove t he filter syst em . Re movean yf oo dre mna nts and
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
Cleaningthe Filter
CleaningThe Door
To c le an th e co a rs e filt er and t he fin e fi lt e r, us e a cl ean i n g bru sh. Re as sem bl e t he f ilt er parts as shown i n th e figu res
on t he la st pa ge a nd r ein sert t he e nti re ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, pos itio ning it in it ss ea t and pres sing dow nwa rds.
Theentirefilter assembly shouldbe cleanedoncea week.
Whencleaning the filters, don't knock onthem. Otherwise, thefilters could be
contorted andtheperformanceofthe dishwashercouldbe decreased.
To cle an th ee dge around the door,you sho ul du seo nly a sof twarm, dam pcloth.
To avoi d pene trat iono f wa ter i nto t hedoor lock and el ect rica lcomponen ts,do not
usea spray cle aner of any ki nd.
Never u sea spr ay c lean ert ocl ean t he d oor panel asit m aydam age the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asiveag entsor some paper towels s hou ldnot b eus edb ecau seof th eri sko f
sc r a t c hi ng o r l eavin g s pot s on the st ainles s stee l s urf a ce.
Cleaning the SprayArms
It is necessary to cl ean th espray a rms regul arly in orde r to
remove the accum ulation of s calefr omthe hard water
and thus pre vent blocki ng of spray arm j etsan dbearin gs.
We Suggest to poke t heb locked spray ar mjets wit ha nee dle
to e nsure good washing effect.
I f you r dis hwa sher cannot w ork be cau se o f the i ce, pl e a se cont a ct pr ofe ssional s ervic e p er so ns.
Itisrecommend thatyourunawashcyclewiththe
dish washer e mptyan dt he nr emove th epl ugfro mt he
socket, turn o ff th ewa te r supply and l eave the door of
t he appli a n c e s l ight ly open. T h is wil l hel p t h e doo r
sealstolast longerandprevent odoursfromforming
withinth eappliance.
If the app lian cemust be move d, tr yt o keep i tin the
verticalposition. Ifabsolutely necessary,itcanbe
positi oned on its back .
dishwasher is foo dth atre mainstr appedin the seals .
Periodic clea ning with a d amp sponge wi llprev entt his
f r o m oc currin g.
Ensu rethe v oltage a ndfrequ en cyo f thep ow erbeing cor respond sto
t hos e on the rating pl ate . Onl yin ser t the p lug i nt o an elect rica lsocke t which is ea rthed
pr op erly. If th eel ectr ical sock et t o wh ich thea ppl iance mu stbe conne cte dis not
appropriate fortheplug, replace the socket, ratherthan usingaadaptors or thelikeas
they couldcause overheatingandburns.
Plea selook at th era ting lab el to know the r at ing v oltage and conn ect t he dishwash er to the app ro pr iate pow er s uppl y.
Use the r equ ired fuse 1 0 amp ,tim ed elay f use orc ircui tbre ak errec omm end ed and prov ide sepa rate circ uit s ervi ng
only this appl ia nce.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will redu ce the risk of
electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current. This appliance is equipped with a
cord having an equipment-earthing conductor and an earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an
appropriate outlet that is installed and earthed in accordance with all local standards and requirements.
Posi tion the ap pliance in t he desired l ocation. T he back should r estag ain stthe w all b ehin dit, and the side s,
along t he adj acen tca bi nets o rwal ls.T he d is hwasheris equippe dwi th water supply a nd drain hos es th atcan
be pos itio ned ei th erto t he r igh tor the l efts ide st o fac ilitate p rop er i nstallati on.
O nce the applian ceis pos itione dfor leve lling, the hei ght of the dishw asher
m ay be alter edv ia ad justment o f thescre wing leve lo fthe fe et. In any cas e,
th eappl ia nce sho uld not b einclin ed more than 2 .
Positioning theAppliance
About Power Connection
for personal safety:
Aft er ever ywa sh, turn offt hewa ter supp lyto the
applia nce and l ea veth e doo rs lightl yop en sot ha t
m oisturea nd odou rsa ren ottra pped i nside.
Befo re cleani ng or p erforming mainten ance, always
remove the p lugfr om the socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubberparts ofthedishwasher,
donotuse solventsor abrasivecleaningproducts.
O nly use a cloth w ith w arm so apy wat e r.
To re m ov e sp ots o r s t ain s from the sur f ace of t he
interi or, usea clothdampe ned wit hwater a na little
v inega r, o r a c lea ning pro duct mad es peci fical lyf or
After EveryWash
Remove the Plug
No SolventsorAbrasive Cleaning
Mov ing t heA ppliance
Whennot inUse foraLongTime
for pers onal safety:
C onne ct th ec old water supp ly hose t oa t hreaded 3/4 (inch ) conne ctor and m ake s ure
t hatit is f astened t ig ht ly in place.
I fthe wat erpipe sare n ew o r have n ot been use dfor ane xtended pe rio d of ti me , let the
w ate rrun to make sure th atthe water is clear. This pre cautioni s need ed to avoid th e
r isk o f t he w ater in letto be bl oc ked an dd amage thea pplian ce .
Th ew aters upplyto the app lianc eca na lso b eco nnected to th eho use hold hot water
line (su ch a s, c entral sy stem ,he atin gsy stem ),as lon gas it does no t e xce eda
temper ature of 60 C .In this case ,the wa sh c ycle time w ill be s hor tene db y abo ut 1 5
minutesandthe wash efficiency slightly reduced.
Th eco nnection mu stbe ma de to the hot water l inefo llowi ng the s ame procedu res as
describedi nthe section for thec onnection tothe coldwaterline.
Insert the dra inho se i nto a dra inpi pe w itha minimum di amet ero f 4c m,o r let it run into the sink ,making sure to
avoid bendingor crimping. Use thespecial plasticsupport that comes withtheappliance. The freeend ofthehose
must bea t a h eigh tbe tween 40 and 100 cm and mus tnot be im mer sed inw ate r.
Improper connec tion of the equipment earthi ng conductor can resul t in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified e lectrician or servic e representative if you are in d oub t whe ther the
appliance is properly earthed.
Do not modify the plug providedwiththe appliance. If theplug does not fit properly to the outlet,
please have a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet.
In or der to avoidth at there ismo re waterstaying inthe inlet hose, please c lose
theh ydrantafter using.(Notapplic able to appli ances without aqua-stop.)
Wa t e r O ut l et
Connect the wate rd rain hose. Th edr ainh ose mu stbe cor rect lyfit te dt o av oidwate r lea ks.
En sure tha tthe wate rinlet ho seis n ot ki nked or s quashed.
Water Connection
Thefollowingthingsshouldbe checked beforestarting the dishwasher.
Syphon Connection
Th ewast e conne ction mustb e at a he ight of be tween 50 cm (m inimum) and 100 c m(maximum)
from the botto mo f th e dis h.T he w ater drain ho ses houldb efix edby ah osec lip.
The con tentof this m anual is very helpful to the users.
Afterinstallation,pl ease make sure tokeep this manual.
Ifyo une eda dra inhose ext ension, make sure to use a sim ilar dra in hose .
Itmust b eno lo nger than 4 m etres; ot herwise the cle aning effectof the dishwas her coul d be reduced .
Thedishwasher is level andfixedproperly
T he inl et val ve is ope n
There isa leakage at theconnectionsofthe conducts
The wires are tightly connected
The poweris switched on
The i nlet and drai n hoses are kno tt ed
Allpackingmaterials and printingsshouldbe taken out fromthedishwasher