ADP 490 IX

Whirlpool ADP 490 IX, ADP 490 WH User guide

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  • What should I do when loading items to be washed?
    What should I do before I call for service?
    What should I do if the supply cord is damaged?
    What should I do when disposing of the dishwasher?
    What should I do if the rinse aid dispenser needs refilling?
To rev iew the section on troubleshooting Tips
will help you to solve some common problems
by yourself .
Dear Customer,
Please carefully read this manual before using the
dishwasher, it will help you to use and maintain the
dishwasher properly.
Pass it on to any subsequent owner of the appliance.
This manual contains sections on safety In structions,
Operating Instructions, Installation Instruc tion s and
Troubleshoo ting Tips, etc.
The manufacturer, following a policy of constant
development and updating of the product, may
make modifications without giving prior notice.
Keep it to refer to it at a later date.
If you can not solve the problems by yourself ,
please ask for the help of professional technicians.
Before Calling for Service
Read this Manual
1) Safety Information.....................................................29
2) Disposal .....................................................................30
3) Operating Instructions..............................................31
ControlPanel ............................................................... 31
DishwasherFeatures ................................................... 31
4) Prior using for the first time..................................... 32
AWaterSoftener........................................................... 32
BLoadingtheSaltintotheSoftener ................................. 33
CFilltheRinseAidDispenser ......................................... 33
DFunctionofDetergent ................................................. 34
Howtousethe3in1function............................................ 36
5) Loading the Dishwasher Basket.............................. 37
Attention before or after loading the Dishwasher
Baskets ....................................................................... 37
Loading the upper Basket ...........................................37
Loading the lowe Basket ............................................. 37
CutleryBasket.............................................................. 39
6) Starting a washing programme ............................... 40
Wash Cycle Table ....................................................... 40
Turning on the Appliance ............................................41
Change the Programme.............................................. 41
Att he End of the Wash Cycle ..................................... 41
7) Maintenance and cleaning ....................................... 42
Filtering System .......................................................... 42
Caring for the Dishwasher........................................... 43
8) Installation instruction..............................................44
Positioning the Appliance............................................ 44
About Power Connection ............................................ 44
Water Connection ....................................................... 45
Start of dishwasher ..................................................... 46
9) Troubleshooting Tips................................................ 47
Before calling for service............................................. 47
Technical information .................................................. 49
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of anelectric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipment-
grounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accorda n ce with
all local codes and ordinances.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it does not fit
the outlet. Ha ve a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
child away from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Us eonly det ergent and rins eadditiv es
design ed for an aut oma tic d ishwasher.
Ne ver u ses oap,laun dr yde terg ent, or h and
wa shin gdetergent in you r dishwa sher. K eep
these produ cts ou t of t he re ach of chi ldren.
During installation, thepowersupply mustnot
beexcessively ordangerouslybentorflattened.
Do no t tamper with controls.
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
on or stand on
When lo ad in g ite m s t o b e w ash ed :
1)Locatesharp itemssothat theyarenot likely
2 Warn ing: Knives and otherute nsils wi th
sh a rp p oin t s mu st be loa d ed in t he bask et
w ith their points d own or p lace din a
When using your dishwasher,you should
preve ntpl astic item s fro mcomin gint oco ntac t
wit hthe he ating element .(This instru ction is only
applica ble to m achines w ith a vi sualheat ing
ele ment.)
I fthe s upply cord i sd amaged, it mus tbe rep laced
by them anu facturer or it sse rvic eag ent or a
si mi larly qual ifi ed pe rson i nor de rt o avoi da
hazar d.
Pl ease d ispos e of pack ing m ater ials properl y.
U se the dishwasher only for its intended function.
Remove the door to the washing compartmentwhen
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding it.
Dishwasherdetergentsarestronglyalkaline, they
can be ext reme ly d anger ous i f s wa l lowe d.Avoi d
contact with skin and eyes an dke ep c hild ren away
from th e di shwasherwh en t he d oor is op en.
Check that the detergent comparmentisempty
aft er compl etio no f the wash cycle.
The app lian cei s to b eco nnected to t hewater
mainsusing new hosesets andthat oldhose-sets
should n o t b e reused.
The maximumnumb erof place settingstobe
was hed i s9 .
The maximumpermissibleinletwater pressureis
1Mpa .
The minimumpermissibleinletwaterpressureis
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
T his appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
mental ca pabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge ,unless they have been given supervision
o r instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
When using your dishwas he r, fol low the p r ecaut i ons list ed below:
Th e doo rsh ould not be l eft o pen,
since th iscould increase the risk of tr ipping.
ispo seo f t hed ishwas herpack aging m ater ial c orre ctl y.
All pa ckaging mate rials can be rec ycled .
Pl ast icparts a rem arked w ithth es tand ardint ernati onal a bbrevi ations:
PE fo r pol yethylene, e .g. s heet wrapping m ateria l
PS for polystyrene,e.g.paddingmaterial
PO M polyox ymethylene, e.g. pla stic c lips
PP pol ypr opyl ene, e.g .Salt filler
AB S Acr ylo nitr ileB utad ieneSty rene, e. g.Contro l Pa nel .
Packaging materialcouldbedangerousforchildren!
Fo rdi sposing ofpa ckagean d th ea ppliance ple ase got o a re cycling centre. The refore cu t
offthepowers upplycableandmakethe doorclosingdeviceunusable.
Cardboardpackaging ismanufactured fromrecycled paperand shouldbe disposedin the
w aste paper c ollect ion for r ecycling .
By en suring th ispr oducti s disp osed of corr ectly,you wil l help pr event po tentialn egative
con seque nces f or t hee nvi ronm ent and hum anh eal th,w hich could o ther wise be c aused
byinappropriatewaste handlingofthisproduct.
Fo rm ored eta iled informat iona bout rec ycli ngo f this prod uct ,please con tact your loca l
ci tyoff ice and your hou seho ldw aste dis posalser vic e.
DISPOSAL :Do no t dispose th is product as unsor ted m unicipal wa ste. C ollect ion of such
waste separa tely for spec ial tr eatment i s n ecessary.
Ba ck Vie w
Front view
Pr ogr am i ndicat or l ights and butto n: To sel ect
one o f the sev en a nd show the wash ing program.
3in1 indicator l ight / 3in1
function b utton: To select and sh ow 3in 1 .
Start and reset b u tton: To start the sele cted washing
progr am or r e set the washing p rogram when the
machine is workin g.
Power indicator light and switch:To turn on/off
and sho w the power supply.
Deterg entDis penser
Ri nse Ai d Dispenser
Inletpipe connector
Drain pipeconnector
Low er B aske t
Sp ra yArms
Upp er B ask e t
Sa ltCont ainer
Dishwasher Features
Control Panel
beforeusingit forthe firsttime.
Tog etthe best performance fromyourdishwasher,read all operatinginstructions
11 12
Tray ass
Befo re u sing you r dishwa sher for the first time:
Th e wat erso ften ermust be s et m anu ally, usin gth ew ater ha rdness di al.
Th ewat ersoften er is design edto r emove min era lsand sa lts from t hew ater,wh ich w ouldha ve
a detrim enta lo r adverse effe ct on theope ration of the app liance. T heh igh ert he
content ofth ese mineral san dsa lts, the harde ryour w ater is.The s oftener s hould be
adju sted accord ingt o the ha rdne ss o ft hewat erin you rar ea.Your loca lWaterA uthori ty
can advise youonthehardnessofthewaterinyourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
Th e dishwas her isde signed to al low f oradjus tmentin the amount of sa lt co nsumed bas ed ont he ha rd ness o f
thewaterused.Thisisintended tooptimiseandcustomisethelevelo f saltconsumption.
1. Unscrewthecapfromthesaltcontainer.
2. T herei s ar ing o nth e con taine rwi th a na rrow on it ( see fig ure
ontheside),ifnecessary, rotatethering intheanticlockwise
direction fro mthe"-" Setting towardthe"+"sign,based on the
hardne sso f the wat erbe ing u sed.
It is rec omm ende dt hat a djustme nts should b e m ade i n
acco rd ance wit hthe f oll owin g sc h em e:
Contact your local water boar dfor infor mation on the hardness of y our w ater su pply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
Clar ke
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degr ee
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmol/l
Salt consumption
Aut o nomy
(cycles/ 1kgs)
Pl eas e fol lo w the s teps bel ow f or a d justment in salt c ons um ptio n.
"+ "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No sa ltneed adde d
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set the w atersof tener
B. Pour 1 2 li tre of wa teri nside thesa ltco ntainer a ndt hen fil lwith d ishwash er sa lt
C. Fi ll the rins e aid d i spen s er
D. Fillindetergent
nor mal fo r a s mall amo unt o f w ater t o come out o f th e sal t conta iner.Itis
1.The salt con tai ner must onl y be refil led when the salt warning light in t he contr olpanel comes on.
Depend ing on how wel lthe s alt dissolve s,th es alt warnin glight may still be on even tho ugh the
salt container is filled.
If the rei sn osalt w arning light i n the con tr olpanel (fo rso meMode ls),you c anestim ate when to f ill
the s alti nto the so ftener by th ecycles that t he di shwasher has ru n.
2. If there a re spills of the salt ,a soak or a rapid pro gram s hould be run t oremove the excessive sa lt.
Always use the salt i ntende dfor u sew ith di shwasher.
The saltc ontain eris locat ed beneath the lowe rbas ket and sh ould b efill eda se xplained i n th e
foll ow ing:
Only use salt spe cifi cally designe dfort he usei ndi shwa shers! Every other type of
salt n ot speci fically de sig ned fo rtheu se in ad ishwas her, espe cially t able salt, will
damage the w ater sof tener. I n case of da mages caused by t he use o funsuit able
salt t he ma nufact ure rdoe s not g ive anywa rranty nor is liabl e for a ny damage scau sed.
Only fil lwi ths alt justb efo re starting one of theco mp let e washi ngp ro grams.
This will preve ntany g rains of s alt or sa lty wate r, wh ich ma yhave b een spilled,
remain ing on the bottom o ft he machine f or anype riodof t ime, whi ch may cau se
c o rr os io n.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the RinseAid Dispenser
Th er inse aid i srel ea se dduri ngthe fi nal rin se to pr eve nt water fro m for ming droplet s o ny o ur dis he s, whic h can leave
spots andst reaks. It al so improve sd rying by allow ing water to roll off thed ishes .Your di shwasheris des igned to
usel iquid r ins ea ids.The rin se aiddi spense risl ocated inside thedo or next tothe deter gentd ispenser.To fill the
dispenser,openthecapandpourthe rinse aidintothe dispenseruntilthelevel indicatorturnscompletelyblack.
Thevol umeof the rins eai d contai ner is about 110ml.
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is aut omat icall ya dded duri ng th el ast ri nse, ensuring thor ough rinsi ng, and spo tan ds treak f ree dryi ng.
Onlyusebranded rinseaidfor dishwasher. Neverfilltherinseaid dispenserwithanyothersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleani ng ag ent, liqu id d eterg ent).Th is would damag e the app lian ce.
A Removethe lower basket andthenunscrewandremovethecapfromthesaltcontainer.
B Before thefirst wash,fill1lt.ofwater inthe salt container of your machine.
C Pl ace th ee nd of the fun nel (su pplied) into the ho le and i ntroduce abou t 1kg ofsalt .
D Af terf il ling the co ntain er, sc rew th ecap t ightly back clo ckwise.
E Usu ally, the salt warni ng li ght will st op bei ng i llumi nat ed wit hin 2-6 days af te rth es alt c ont ain er ha sbe en fi lled wit h
sal t.
F Imm ed iately a fter f illin gt he s alt into the salt cont ainer, a washin g pr ogram should be sta rted ( Wes u ggest to use t he
soak orrapidprogram).Otherwisethe filtersystem,pump or otherimportantpartsof themachinemay bedamaged
bysalty water.This isoutofwarranty.
To op en t he di spenser, t urn t he cap to t he "ope n" (le ft) a rrow an dl ift it o ut.
Po ur t he rinse ai d int othe dis pen ser, be ing car eful n ot to o ver fill .
Replace the capb y inserting ita ligned with "open" arrow and turnin git to t heclosed (righ t) arrow.
Adjusting RinseAid Dispenser
The rinse aid dispe ns er has si x or four setti ngs.Alw ays sta rt wi th the d ispens er
set o n "4". I fsp ots and p oo r dr ying are a p roble m, incre ase t he amoun to fr inse
aid d ispensed b y removin g the d ispens erl id an dr otat ing t he d ial to "5". If t he
dishes st ill are notdr yi ng prope rlyo r are show sp ots, a dj ustth e di al to the n ext
highe r lev erun til y our dish es a re sp ot-f ree. The recom mend ed setting is "4".
(Factory valueis "4".)
Increase thedose if therearedropsof waterorlimespotsonthedishes afterwashing.
Reduceitiftherearesticky whitis hstains on your disheso rabluish filmon glasswareor
knife blades.
As th eri nse aid d iminishe s, t he siz eo f the black do t
ontherinse aidlevel indicatorchanges,asillustrated below.
1/4 full- Should refilltoeliminate spotting
Em pty
Adjust lever
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth erei s no r ins e-aid warnin g ligh t in thec ontr olp anel, you can estimat ethe am ount f rom the colo ur
oft he op tical level indicat or C loc ated ne xt to the c ap. When th e rin se-a idc ontai ner i sfu ll, the wh ole
indicato rwill bedark .As the r inse -aid dim inishes, th es ize o fthe dark do tde creases. You shou ldn ever l et
t he r inse ai d l evel fa ll 1 / 4 f ull.
durin gthe nex twa sh. Don' tfor gett ore plac ethe cap be fore you clos edis hwa sherd oor.
Clean u p an y rins e aid sp i lled whil e du rin g f ill ingw i th an ab sor be nt cl oth to av oi d exce ssi ve foam ing
Deterge nts w ith its chem ical ingredie nts a rene cess ary to r emove dirt ,c rus hdir tan d trans po rt it o ut of t he di shw as her.
Mostof the commercialqualitydetergentsare suitableforthisp urpose.
D. Function of Detergent
The re are 3 s orts of deterge nt s
2.With phosph ate and wit hout c hlorine
3.Wi thou tph osphate and without chlo rine
C ( Ri nse - Ai d in d ic ato r)
Amount ofDetergentto Use
Prop erU se o fDe terg ent
Use o nly deterge nts pecifical lym ade for t heu sei n dis hwa shers. K eep your det ergent fr esh and dry.
Don'tput powdereddetergent into the dispenseruntil you'reready towash dishes.
Dishwash erde tergent is co rrosive! Take care to kee pi t out of r each ofc hildr en.
Basedontheir chemicalcomposition,detergentscanbesplitintwobasictypes:
The useof normal washingprograms incombinationwith concentrated detergents
redu ces poll ution a nd is good for your dishes; these wa shp rog ram sare specif icall y mat che d
to th e di rt- diss olving pro pert i es o f t he e nz ymes of the conc ent rated de terg ent. For this reas on
normal wash programsin whichconcentrated detergentsareused canachievethesame
resultsthatcanotherwiseonlybe achievedusing intensive programs.
Detergenttabletsofdifferentbrandsdissolveatdifferentspeeds. Forthis reasonsome
dete rgen tta bletsca nnot dissolve and dev elop the irfu ll cl eanin gpo wer dur ing short
prog ra ms. There fore plea se u sel ong program swh enusin gd eterg ent t ablets, t o
ensure the com plete remova l of de ter g e n t r e si du als.
The disp ens erm ust b ere fi lled be fore the start of e ach was hcy clef ollowi ngthe inst ructions
provided i nt he w ash cyclet able . You rdis hwa sher uses le ssde tergent and rinse aid tha n
Conventionaldishwasher.Generally, onlyone tablespoon ofdetergent isneededfor
anormalwashload.Moreheavily soileditemsneedmoredetergent.Alwaysaddthe
dete rgen tj ust b e fore star ting the dishwas her, othe rwis eit coul dg e tda mp a nd w ill n ot
di s solv e pr ope r ly.
Concentrated Detergent
Always a dd the detergent just before st art ingeach w ash cycle.
Only usebranded detergentaidfordishwasher.
If thelid is cl osed: pr essrelease butt on.T he li d wi ll sp ring ope n.
conventional,alkaline detergentswith causticcomponents
l ow a lkalineconcent ra ted det er ge nts w it h nat ural enzy mes
Normally ne w pu lver iseddete rgent is with out phos pha te.T hus the water so ften erfu nction o f
phosphate is not gi ve n. I n th i s c a se w e r e com m e nd t o fil l sal t in th e sa l t co nta i ner e ven whe n
the h ardness o f wate ris only 6 dH. If dete rg ents w itho utph osphate ar e used in the case of hard water
often white s pots app ear ond ishe sa nd glasse s. I n this cas epl ease add mo re deter gent tor each
better r esu l ts . D ete rgen ts wit h o ut chlor ine d o on ly ble ac h a l i tt le. Stro ngand c olo u red spo t s w i ll no t
bere mo ved complete ly. I nt hisc ase p lease ch oos ea p rogram with ahi gher tempera ture.
I fyou use 3i n1 ta blets in o ther pr ograms, t he a ppli ancewill not achi eve a go odp erfo rmance.
Only the 3in1 fun ction (f or the prog ram :in t ensi ve/N orm al/E co.) Can be used wit h 3 in 1t ablet s.
Fillt he d eter gent dispenser w ithd eter gen t.
Th e m ark ing in d icates th e dos ing l e vel s , as
i ll us tra ted o n t he r ight:
Th ep laceof main w ashcyc ledeterg ent plac ed,
M IN me ans appr oximatel y2 0go f det ergen t.
Th epla ceo fpr e-washc ycle det erge ntp laced,
app roximat ely 5 go f det ergen t
Pleaseo bserve th em anufact urers do sing and storage
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
Close the lid and press untilit locks in place.
I f t h e d i shes are heavily s o i l ed , place an ad dit ional
detergen tdo sei n the pre-w ash detergent cha mber.This d etergen twill take effe ctd urin g the pre -washp has e.
Fill in Detergent
You f ind in formatio nab out the amount o f de terg ent for th esi ngle program me ont he last p age .
Pl eas eaw are, tha taccordi ng t othe lev els oiling and the spec ific har dness of wat er d iffer ence sar epo ssible.
Pleaseobservethemanufacturer'srecommendationsonthe detergentpackaging.
When us ing 3i n1combi nation / com pact D etergents ,pleas epa y atten tionto make s ure that
the size of the combinat ion detergents fits to the dispe nser so that combin ati on
deterge ntsc anb e ea sily p utinto the d ispense r, and the d ispen ser would not b eb roken.
Your dish was her h asa 3i n1f unctio nw hich needs n osa lta nd ri nse aidb uta 3In1 tablet.
This dishwasher c om esw ith a 3in 1tabl et containe ras an a cce ssory.
1.Thefigure below showshowtohangthe3in1 tabletcontaineron theupperbasket.
2. Rot ateth eup pers pray er an dch ange the locat ion o f the cont ainer to e nsure the uppe rsp rayer isn ot
obstructedby the 3in 1 tabletcontainer. Refertothefigurebelow for reference.
3.Put the3in1 tabletintothecontainer ,thenstart the 3in1pro gram.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function
rb est perfo rmance oft he d ishwashe r, f oll ow thes el oading gu ide line s. Feat ures and
appea rance of bask ets an d cut ler ybasket s may va ryfr omyo ur m od el.
Attention before or after Loading the Dishwasher Baskets
Scr ape off any large a mou ntsof le ftov erfo od. S often r emnan ts of b urnt food in p ans.
It isn ot necess ar yt o rin se the dis hes un der ru nning wa ter.
Plac eo bjects int he dis hwash erin follo wing way:
1.Item ss uch as c ups, glass es, pot s/pans, etc. a re f aced dow nw ards.
2.Curved item s,o r ones w ith rece sses, sho uldb el oaded as lant so that wa te rcan run off.
3.Allutensilsarestackedsecurelyandcannot tipover.
4.All utensi ls are pl ace di n the way tha tt he spray a rms can rota te fre ely d ur ingw ashi ng.
Ve ry sma ll i tem s shou ldno tbe washe d inthe d ishwash er a st hey c ould easily fa ll ou t of t heb aske ts.
Bowl M Bowl L() ()
Dessert plate
(Eg g )
Gravy ladle
Loading the Upper Rack
The u p per r ac k i s desi g n ed to hol d m ore del ic a t e and l ighter dishw are such as gl asses, c offe e
and t ea c up and sau cers, as well aspl ates ,sm all bowls and sh allow pa ns( as lo ng asthe yar e
not t ood irty).
Pos ition the dishes a ndc ookware so t hat t hey do not g et m ovedby t he spra yof wate r.
Upper wheels
Lower wheels
Adjusting theUpperBasket
Th eheight o fthe up per b ask et ca nbe a dj uste di n order to create mo re space for l arge u tensils
both for theupper/lowerbasket.Theheightof theupperbasketcanbeadjusted byplacingthe
wheels on di fferent heigh tof the r ails. Lo ng items ,ser ving cutl ery, sala dse rve rsan dknives
should be pl aced o n the shel fso t hat the ydo not o bstr uct t he rot ati on o f the s pr ay a rms.
Th eshelf ca nb efold edb ack or b er emoved w hen not required for use.
Loading the Lower Basket
Werecommendthatyouplacelargeitems whicharemostdifficultto cleanintothelower basket:
pots,pans,lids,servingdishes and bowls, asshownin the figureto theright.
I t is p refe rable to place se rving dis hes a nd lids ont he s ide o fthe ra cksi n order to avoi db locking
Pots, serving bowls, etc.must alwaysbeplaced topdown.
D eep pots sh ould bes lant edt o allow w ater tof low o ut.
Th eb otto mb aske t feature fold down ti ner ows sot hatl arger or m ore pot san dp ans can b elo aded .
1. Cutlery basket
2. D es sert plate s
3. S oup plates
4. D inner plates
5. Oval platter
6. S aucer
Cutlery Basket
For washi ng in th ed ishwashe r the fol lowing cutl ery/dis he s
Cutle rywith w ooden, h orn china or
mothe r-of-pe arlh andl es
Plas tic items that are n ot h eat re sistan t
Older c utlery w ith gl uedp arts that are not
Bond ed cutleryitemsordishes
Pewte r or c ooper item s
Steel ite mssu bject to r usting
Items madefrom synthetic fibres
Do n otp uti ni tems that are d irty o f c igar ette a sh,c andle wax, l acquer or pai nt.
If you b uy new dish es pl ease mak es ure th at they are su itable for d ishwashe rs.
Somety pes ofg lass es can b ecome
dullaftera largenumberofwashes
Si lver and alu minum p a rt s hav e a
tendenc yt o disc olou rdu ring w ashin g
Glazed pa ttern s may f ade i f machin e
was he d fr equently
Please do not ov er lo adyou r di s hwashe r. Th ere is on ly s pace for 9 st an dard d i s hes. Dono t
us ed ish that isno tsu itabl ef or dis hwasher s.Th isi sim portant f orgo od result sa ndf or
B efore lo ading the dis hes, you sho uld:
S ofte nre mna nts of bur ntf ood inpa ns
Dishesandcutlery mustnotimpedetherotationof thesprayarms
Lo ad holl owi te ms suc has cup s,g lass es, p ans etc. with the ope ning do wnwards so t hat
w ater can not coll ecti n the contain ero r a deep base
Are oflimited suitability
Loading cutleryanddishes
Whenloadingthe dishes andcutlery, pleasenote:
Cutlery should b epl aced in the cutl eryb aske twi th th eh andles a t t he bottom. If the rack has si de b askets, the
spoons shoul d b elo aded s eparat ely into the appr opri ate slots ,es peciall yl ong utensi ls sho uld be pl aced i n t he
horizont al po sition at the f ron tof the uppe r basket a ss how nin the pict ure.
Alwa ysl oad s harp utensi ls w ith the s harp
poin t dow n!
1 2 3456 7
1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do not le ave any item ex tend thro ugh bott om.
Knivesand other utensilswithsharp points
mustbe l oaded in th eba sket with th eir po ints
dow nor plac ed i nan hor izo nt al p osition.
Itis dangeroustoopenthedoor whenwashing,b ecausethehotwatermaybe scaldedtoyou.The doorshouldnot be
Wash Cycle Table
Meaning: need tofillrinse intotheRinse-AidDispenser.
*En50242: Thisprogram isthe testcycle, therinse-aid dispenser
set ti ng i s re c omm ende d t o be set to p os it io n 6 .
In ten s i v e
Fo rno rmall y soil ed l oads,
such as , plates,glasses
and lightly s oiled pans.
St andard daily cycle.
Fortheheaviestsoiled loads,
such as pots, p ans, casserol e
dishes and dishes that h ave
on them fora w hile.
Ashort er wash f or ligh tly
soiled l oads t hat don ot
Pre -wash
Pre-wash 50
Wash (60 )
Rinse (70 )
Dryi ng
Wash (50 )
Rinse (60 )
Was h (4 0 )
Rinse(45 )
0. 81
13. 0
Ec o.
For lightlysoiledloads,such
as plates, glasses,bowls and
ligh tly so ile d pa ns.
Wash (45 )
Rinse(60 )
Torinsedishes that you
pl an to w ash la ter th at day.
Ec o.
In ten siv e
3i n1
3i n1
Fornormally soiled loads,
suchas ,p lates, glasses
andlightly soiled pans.
For lightlysoiledloads,such
as pl at es ,gla sses,b owl sand
F o r th e he aviest s o iled loads ,
suchas pots,pans,casserole
dishesand dishe sthathave
onthem for a while.
Pre- wa sh 6 0
Wash (70 )
Rinse (70 )
Pre- wa sh
Wash (50 )
Rinse (70 )
Pre-w ash
Wash (45 )
Rinse(70 )
14 8
12 8
15. 1
12. 7
12. 7
3i n1
3in 1
It is d an gerou s to open th e door w hen w as hi ng , be c aus e the hot wat e r ma y s c ald y ou .
W h en the working c y cle has fini s hed, t he bu z zer o f the d i s hwa sh e r wi l l s o u nd fo r 8 secon d s , t h en stop . Tur n off
t he a ppli ance usi ngthe O N/O FFb utto n, sh uto ff th ewa ter s upp ly and op en the d oor of t he di shwashe r.
Wait for afew min utes b ef or e unlo ading th edis hwashe rto a voi dha ndlin gth edi shes and ute nsils wh ile th ey
are s ti ll h ot a ndm ore suscept ible to br eak age. Theywi llal sod ry be tter.
SwitchOffthe Dishwasher
The p rogram has en ded, only if there appears a 0 in t he digi tal display ( remaining prog ram time).
1.S witch offthe dishwa sher by pres singthe ON/OF F butto n.
Openthedoor carefully.
Hot dishes are sensitive to kn ocks.The di shes shou ld therefor eb ea llowed t ocool d own arou nd 15 minutes
beforeremovingfromthe appliance.
Open t hed ishwas her's door,leave it ajar and w ait a f ew mi nutes before rem oving the dishes. I n this way they
will be cooler an dt he dryi ng will be i mproved.
Itis norm althat t he dishw ashe ris wet in side.
Empty the l ower ba sketfirst and then t he up peron e.T his wil lavoid water dripp ing from the upper Bas ket on to
the dishes in th el ower on e.
TurningOn theAppliance
Change the Program...
Forgot toAdd a Dish?
will working after10 seconds.continue
I fyou open t he doo r , the mach ine w ill pause. When you close the d oor, the machi neduring a wash cycle
Start ing a cycle wash
1 D raw out the lowe ran dup perb asket, load thed ishe sa nd push t hem bac k.
It iscommendedtoloadthelowerbasketfirst,thentheupperone(seethe sectionentitled
Loadi ng th e Di s hwa sher ) .
2 Pou r in thed ete rg en t (see t h e se c tion ent i t led Sa lt, D ete r gent and Ri nseAid ).
3 I nsert the pl ug in tot he soc ket. The power s uppl yi s220- 240 VAC /50 HZ, the s pecifica tion of th e
s ocketi s 10A 25 0VAC . Make sure tha tthe water supply is turn edon tofu ll pr essure.
4 C l os e t h e door, pres s the ON / OFF bu t ton, and the ON/ OFF l ight will turn on . Pre sst h e pr ogr a m
b utton t o sele ct a desi redwash cyc le,A fter 3 se conds, t he m achi ne w ill work.
Premi se:
1 Ac ycle thatis und erway ca nonly be modifi ed if i th as on ly been r unning fo r a short
time . Othe rw ise, t hedet ergent ma yha ve a lread yb een relea sed, and thea pplian cem ay
have alr ead ydra ined t hewash w ater.If thi sis the ca se, t he detergen t dispense r mu st
be refill ed (se eth e section enti tled " Loa ding th eD etergent " ).
2 Wh eny ou pr esst hes tart /reset but ton mo re th an3 sec onds , you can cance lthe r unn in g
programmeandselectotherprogrammes(seethe sectionentitled"Startingawash cycle... " ).
3 Wh eny ou sele ct Intensi ve/Norm al/Eco.Pro gr ammes,y ou can sel ectthe 3 in1fu nction .
Aforgotten dish can be added at any time before the detergent cup opens.
Loa d the forgotten dishes.
Close the door, the dishwasher will start running again
after 10 seconds.
After the spray arms stop working,you can open the door
completely .
Open the door a little to stop the washing.
The fil ter prev ent sl arger remn ant sof food or o ther obj ects from gett ing inside th ep um.
Theresidues mayblockthefilter, inthiscasethey mustbe removed.
The fi lter system c onsi sts of a coarse f ilter,a flat (M ain f ilter )
A n da mi c ro fi lter( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped inthisfilter arepulverizedby a
specia ljet ont hel ower spr aya rma ndw ashe dd own tod rain.
Larg er it em s, s uc h as pi e c es of bones or gl as s, t hat coul d bl o ck
thedrainaretrappedinthe coarse filter.To removetheitems
caugh t by the fil ter, gen tly sque eze the tapo nth eto p of this
Thisfilter holds soilandfoodresiduesin the sumpareaand
preventsitfrombeingredepositonthe dishes duringwashcycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Thefilter efficiently
For best perfo rmance and res ults, the filte rmust b e cle aned re gula rly. t hisr eason, it isa goo di dea t o
r emove th el arger foo dpa rticl estr app edin the filte raft ere ach was hcyc leb yrin sing thes emicirc ular f ilte ran d
c up u nderr unnin gwa ter. Tore moveth ef ilt erde vice ,p ullth ecu phandle in t he u pwar dd irect ion.
re mo vesf ood part icle sfrom th ewa shw ate r, all owing it t obe rec ycle dd uring the cycle.
T he di sh was her mus t never be u sed wit hout the filter s.
Imp ro per replace mentof the f ilter may red uce the perform anc elev elof t he applian ce
St ep 1 Turn the filter i nant i-clo ckwise d irection,
t hen li f t it up.
St ep 2 l ift the Ma in fil te ru p
Step 3 lifttheF inefilterup
When following this procedure from step 1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from S tep 3 to Step 1, the f ilter system will be installed.
The cont rol pane lcan be clea ned by u sing a lig htly dampen edc loth .
Afte rcl eaning, make sureto dry i ttho roug hly.
For the ex t e rior, us e a go od appli anc e po lis h wax .
Neveruse s harp objects, scouring pa ds o rh arsh c lean ers ona ny part o fthe dis hwa sher.
ProtectAgain st Freezing
1.Cutofftheelectricalpower tothedishwasher.
2.Turnoff the wat ersuppl yan ddisco nnect the wat erinl etpi pe from the water valve.
3.Drainthewaterfromthe inletpipe andwatervalve. (Useapantocatchthewater)
4.Reconnect the water i nlet pipe to t he wate rval ve.
5.Remove the filte rat t he bott omof the tub and use a spong eto soak up water in the sump.
pl ease take fros tprotect io n measur eso nt he dishwasher in winter.Ev ery fter washi ngc ycles ,
pl ease op erate as follow s
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Inspec t t he filte rsfor blo ckin ga ftere ver ytime t he dis hwa sher has been u sed.
- By unscrew ing the c oar sefi lter, you can r emove t he filter syst em. Re movea nyf oo dr emna nts and
cleanthefilters underrunningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
CleaningThe Door
To cle an th e c o a rs e filter and t he fi n e fi l t e r, use a cl eani n g brus h . Re as se mble t hef il ter par t s as shown i n t h e f igu res
on t he last pa ge a nd r eins ert t he e ntire assem b ly in the dis hwa sher, pos itio ning i ti n it ss eat and pres sing dow nwa rds .
Theentirefilter assembly shouldbe cleanedoncea week.
Whencleaning thefilters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, thefilterscouldbe
contortedandtheperformance ofthe dishwashercouldbedecreased.
To cle an th ee dge around the d oor, you sho ulduse o nly a soft warm, damp cloth.
To avoi d pene trati ono f wa teri nto t hed oorlock and el ectrical componen ts,d o not
usea spray cle aner of any ki nd.
Never u sea spr ay cl eaner t ocl eant he door panel as it may damage the door loc k
and electricalcomponents.
Abr asive ag entso r som epaper towels s hou ldnot be u sed b ecau seo f th eri sko f
sc r a t c hi ng o r l eav i ng spot s on t he st ain less stee l sur f a ce.
Cleaning the SprayArms
It is nece ssary to clean the sp raya rms regularly in or der to
remove the a ccumulation of s calefr omt he hard water
and thus preve ntbl ocking of spray arm jet san dbear ings.
We Sug gest to poke the b locked spray arm jets wit ha needl e
to e nsure good washi ng effect.
I f y ou r dishwa she r cann ot w ork be cau se o f the ic e, ple a se cont a ct p r ofe ss io nal s erv ice p er so ns.
Itisrecommendthatyouruna washcyclewiththe
dish washer e mpt yan dthe nr emove th eplu gf rom the
socket, turn o ffth ewa ter supply and l eave the door of
t he app li a n c e s l i ght ly open. This wil l hel p t he doo r
withinthe appliance.
If the appliance must be mo ved,t ryto keepit in t he
verticalposition.Ifabsolutelynecessary, itcanbe
positi oned on its back.
dishwasher is f ood th atre mainstr appe din the seal s.
Periodic cleaning with a d amp sponge will prev entt his
f r o m oc cu rr ing.
Ensu rethe v oltage a ndfr equencyo f thep owe rbe ing cor respond sto
t hose on the rating plate. Only in sert the plug into an electrica ls ocke t which i sea rthed
pr op erly. Ifth eel ectrical sock et t owhich thea pplianc emu st b ec onne cte dis not
appropriate fortheplug, replacethe socket, ratherthan usingaadaptors orthelikeas
they couldcause overheating andburns.
Plea sel ook at th era ting label to know the rat ing volta ge and c onn ect t he d ishwasher to the appropr iate pow ers upply.
Use the r equired fuse 1 0 amp ,tim ede lay f use orc ircui tbr eake rrec ommend ed and prov ide separate circ uit s erving
only this app lianc e.
This appliance must be earthed. In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, earthing will reduce the risk of
electric shock by providing a path of least resistance for the electric current. Th is appliance is equipped with a
cord having an equipment-eart hing conductor and an earthing plug. The plug must be plugged into an
ap propriate outlet that is instal led and earthed in accordance with all local standards and requirements.
Posi tion the appli ance in the d esired l ocation.The back should r est ag ainst the w all b ehin di t, and the sides,
along the adj acent ca bi nets o rwal ls.T he dishwash er i s equippe dw ith water supply and d rain hos es th at can
be positio ned eith erto t he righ tor the l efts ides t o fac ilit ate p rop erin stal lation.
O nce the applian cei s pos itione df or leve llin g,the height of the dishw ashe r
m ay be alter edv iaad just ment o f the scre wing level o fthe fee t. In any case,
th eapplia nce should not b ei nclined mo re than 2 .
Positioning theAppliance
About Power Connection
for personal safety:
Af ter ever ywa sh, turn off t he w ater supp lyt o the
applia nce and leave t he door s light lyop en soth at
m oistu rea nd odou rsa reno tt ra ppe din side.
Befo re cleaning or p erformi ng mainten ance, always
remove the p lug f romt he socket.
Tocleanthe exteriorandrubber parts ofthedishwasher,
donot usesolventsor abrasivecleaningproducts.
O nly use a cloth w ith w arm so a py wate r.
To r em ove s pots o r st a ins f rom the sur f ace of t he
interi or, use a clothda mpened withwa ter a na little
v inega r, o r a c lea ning pro duct mad es peci fical lyfo r
After EveryWash
Remove the Plug
No Solvents orAbrasive Cleaning
Mov ing t heAp plia nce
WhennotinUse foraLongTime
for pers onal safety:
C onne ct thec old w ater supp ly hose to a thre aded 3/4 (inch ) conne ctor and mak e su re
t hatit isf astened tig ht lyin pl ace.
I fthe w at erpipe sar en ew o rhaven ot been use df or an e xtended period of t ime , let the
w ate rr un to make sure that the w ater is clear.Th ispre cautionis need ed to avoid the
r isk o f the wate rin letto be blocked and d amage thea pplian ce .
Th ewa ters uppl yto the applianc eca na lso b eco nnec ted to t he ho use hold hot water
line (su ch a s, c entral sy stem, heatin gsy stem),as lon gas it does no t e xceed a
temper ature of 60C. In this case ,th ew ash c ycle time w ill be shor tene dby abo ut 1 5
minute sandthewash efficiency slightlyreduced.
Th eco nnec tion must be m adeto t he hot wate rlin efo llowi ng t hes ame proce dures as
describedi nthe section for theconnectiontothe coldwaterline.
Insert the dra inh ose i nto a dra inpi pe w itha minimu mdi amet ero f 4c m,o r let it run i nto the sink, ma king sur eto
avoidbendingorcrimping.Use the special plastic supportthat comes withtheappliance.The free end ofthehose
must be a t a h eigh tbe tween 40 and 100 cm and mus tnot be i mme rsed i nw ater.
Improper connection of the equipment earthing conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly earthed.
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If the plug does not fit properly to the outlet,
please have a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet.
In order to avoidth at there ismore waterstaying inthe inlet hose, pleasec lose
theh ydrantafteru sing.(Notapplicable toappliances w ithout aqua-stop.)
Wa t e r O u t l e t
Connect the wate rd rain h ose.The drain hose mus tbe corr ect ly fit tedt o av oidw ate r lea ks.
Ensur e that the w aterinl ethos ei sn otkinked or s quashed.
Water Connection
Thefollowingthingsshould becheckedbeforestartingthe dishwasher.
Syphon Connection
Th ewaste conne ction must b e at a he ight of between 5 0 cm (min imum) and 100 cm ( max imum)
from the b otto mo fth e dis h.T hewater drainho ses houldb e f ixedby ah ose clip.
The content of this m anual is very helpful to the users.
Afterinstallation, pl ease make sure to keep this manual.
Ifyo une eda dra inh ose ext ension, make sure to use a sim ilar dr ain hose .
Itmust be no lon ger than 4metr es;ot herwise the cleaning effect of the dish was her could be re duced .
Thedishwasher is levelandfixedproperly
T he i nle t va lv ei s o pen
There is a leakageat theconnectionsofthe conducts
The wires are tightly connected
The poweris switchedon
The inle t an d dr ain ho ses a re k notte d
Allpackingmaterials andprintings shouldbe takenoutfromthe dishwasher
Fuse blown, or the
circuit breaker acted
Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any other
appliances sharing the same circuit with the dishwasher
Spil led rinse- aid
Always wipe up rinse-aid spills immediately.
Hard wat er minerals
The affec ted item s are
notcorrosion resistant.
The lid of the softer
is lo ose
knocking against
an item in a basket
Items of crockery
are loose in the
wash cabinet
This m ay be caused
by on-site installation
or the cross-section of
the piping.
A pr ogramme was not
run after dishwasher
salt was added.
Traces of salt have
gotten into the wash cycle.
To clean the interior, use a damp sponge with
dishwasher detergent and wear rubber gloves.
Never use any other cleaner than dishwasher
detergent for the risk of foaming or suds.
Always run the quick wash programme .
with out any cr ockery in the dishwasher and
without s electing the Turbo function (if present),
after adding dishw asher sal t.
Chec k the lip .Ensure the fix is fine.
Interrupt the programme, and rearrange the items
which ar e obstructing t he sp ay arm.r
Interrupt the programme,
and rearrange the items of crockery .
This has no influence on the dishwasher functi on.
if in doubt, contact a suitably qualified plu mber.
Detergent with
co lo urant was used
Make sure that the detergent is the one without
Improper detergent
Make sure the dishwasher is turned on and the door is
closed securely.
Check that the water supply is connected properly and
the water is turned on.
Make sure to close the door properly and latch it.
Make sure the power cord is properly plugged into the
wall socket.
Power supply is not
turned on
Error code:E1;
Water pressure is low
Door of dishwasher
not properly closed.
Kink in drain hose
Filt er clogged
Kitchen sink clogged
Check drain hose.
Check coarse the filter
(see section titled )" CleaningThe Filter "
Check the kitchen sink to make sure it is draining well.
If the problem is the kitch en sink not draining ,you m ay
nee d a plumber rather than a serviceman for dishwashers.
Use only the special dishwasher detergent to avoid
suds. If this occurs, open the dishwasher and let suds
evaporate.Add 1 ga llon of cold water t o the tub. Close
and lat ch the dishwasher, then Start the "soak" wash
cycle to drain out the water . Repeat if necessary.
Before Calling for Service
problem s
Gen eral
problem s