1. Example of DS3300 serial number label, product name, and machine type and model number
locations ..................................2
2. DS3300 hot-swap drive bays and bezels ......................7
3. Bezel (left side) ................................8
4. Bezel (right side) ...............................8
5. Rear view, single-controller model .........................9
6. Rear view, dual-controller model .........................10
7. Power-supply unit components for DS3300 .....................10
8. Airflow through the storage subsystem .......................11
9. Battery unit .................................11
10. DS3300 dimensions..............................13
11. DS3300 airflow ...............................15
12. Example of cold aisle/hot aisle rack configuration ...................16
13. DS3300 storage subsystem ports and controllers ...................23
14. Mini-SAS cable ...............................24
15. Example of a redundant drive path ........................26
16. One single-controller DS3300 and multiple single-ESM storage expansion enclosures .....28
17. One dual-controller DS3300 and one storage expansion enclosure ............29
18. One dual-controller DS3300 and two storage expansion enclosure ............29
19. One dual-controller DS3300 and three storage expansion enclosure ............30
20. Ethernet port locations on a dual-controller DS3300 ..................34
21. Host-agent (in-band) managed storage subsystems ..................35
22. Direct (out-of-band) managed storage subsystems ..................36
23. Single-host, single-controller configuration .....................37
24. Multiple-port, single-controller configuration .....................38
25. Multiple single-port hosts, single-controller configuration ................38
26. Multiple-host, multiple-port, single-controller, and redundant-path configuration ........39
27. Multiple-host, multiple-port, multiple-storage-subsystem configuration ...........39
28. Single-host, multiple-port, dual-controller configuration .................40
29. Multiple-host, multiple-port, dual-controller configuration ................40
30. Power-supply switches and connectors for the DS3300.................45
31. Power-supply LEDs ..............................50
32. Front LEDs and controls ............................51
33. Controller LEDs ...............................52
34. iSCSI LEDs.................................53
35. Removing a controller .............................64
36. Installing a controller .............................65
37. Removing and replacing a controller........................67
38. Removing the battery unit from the controller ....................68
39. Hard disk drive LEDs .............................70
40. Removing a drive ..............................71
41. Installing and removing a hard disk drive ......................72
42. Replacing a power-supply unit ..........................83
43. Removing and replacing a controller........................85
44. Removing a battery unit from the controller .....................85
45. Battery unit .................................86
46. Removing a controller .............................87
47. Removing the battery from the controller ......................87
48. Removing the DIMM from the controller ......................88
49. Installing the DIMM in the controller ........................88
50. Reinstalling the controller ............................89
51. Removing the bezels .............................90
52. Controller and power supply release tabs ......................91
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