2. 10/100/1000 Multiport Ethernet MAC Design Example
with 1000BASE-X/SGMII PCS and Embedded PMA
This design example demonstrates an Ethernet solution for Intel Agilex devices using
the Triple-Speed Ethernet IP. You can generate the design from the Example Design
tab of the Triple-Speed Ethernet IP parameter editor.
To generate the design example, you must first set the parameter values for the IP
variation you intend to generate in your end product. Generating the design example
creates a copy of the IP. The testbench and hardware design example use the copy of
the IP as the device under test (DUT). If you do not set the parameter values for the
DUT to match the parameter values in your end product, the design example you
generate does not exercise the IP variation that you intend.
Note: 1. The testbench demonstrates a basic test of the IP. It is not intended to be a
substitute for a full verification environment. You must perform more extensive
verifications of your own Triple-Speed Ethernet design in simulation and in
2.1. Features
• Generates the design example for Triple-Speed Ethernet Multiport Ethernet MAC
without Internal FIFO and PCS with LVDS I/O using multi-channel shared FIFO.
• Generates traffic at the transmit path and validates received data through the
transceiver LVDS I/O external loopback.
• Tx and RX serial external loopback mode through LVDS I/O.
• Supports only external loopback.
• Supports only four ports.
2.2. Hardware and Software Requirements
Intel uses the following hardware and software to test the design example in a Linux
• Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software
• ModelSim, VCS, VCS MX, and Xcelium simulators
Note: Hardware support is currently not available in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition
Software version 22.3.
741330 | 2022.12.09
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