Thermo Fisher Scientific TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant trained on the TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix user guide. I understand this document covers the use of this master mix for real-time PCR with various assays, including Gene Expression, MicroRNA, and Advanced miRNA Assays. It also describes procedures for single-tube assays, array plates, and array cards. I'm ready to answer your questions about these procedures and applications
  • What is the purpose of TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix?
    Which assays can be used with this Master Mix?
    What is included in the Master Mix?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix
For two-step real-time RT-PCR in gene expression experiments
or quantitative analysis
Catalog Numbers 4444556, 4444557, 4444558, 4444963, 4444964, 4444965
Publication Number MAN0025706
Revision A.0
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB | V.A. Graiciuno 8, LT-02241 | Vilnius, Lithuania
For descriptions of symbols on product labels or product documents, go to
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revision history: Pub. No. MAN0025706
Revision Date Description
A.0 9 November 2021 Pub. No. 4444605 Rev. D was converted to Pub. No. MAN0025706
Rev. A.0, with the following changes:
Updated storage temperatures.
Added QuantStudio 6 Pro and 7 Pro Real-Time PCR Systems.
Added information about recommended algorithms for data
Added instructions to dilute 60X assays, where applicable.
Added instructions to divide 20X assays before freezing to avoid
multiple freezethaw cycles.
Added algorithm recommendations for data analysis.
Updated polymerase activation time for TaqMan Gene Expression
Assays (singletube and TaqMan Array Plates).
Updated thermal cycling conditions for TaqMan Gene Expression
Assays and Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—single-
tube assays.
Updated PCR guidelines for TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—
TaqMan Array Cards.
Updated anneal/extend temperature for TaqMan Gene Expression
Assays and TaqMan Array Cards on the 7900HT Fast Real-Time
PCR Instrument.
Removed ramp rates from thermal cycling conditions for TaqMan
Gene Expression Assays—TaqMan Array Cards.
Removed use of template files to set up PCR reactions for
TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—TaqMan Array Cards. Added
import of setup files and thermal cycling conditions for this format.
Important Licensing Information: These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these
products, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
Trademarks: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. TaqMan is
a trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., used under permission and license. Microsoft and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. AmpliTaq is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
©2021 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 1 Product information .................................................. 6
Product description ............................................................. 6
Purpose of this guide ............................................................ 6
Contents and storage ............................................................ 7
Required materials not supplied .................................................. 7
Workflow ..................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 2 RT–PCR for TaqMan and Custom TaqMan Gene
Expression Assays—single–tube assays ........................................ 12
Perform reverse transcription .................................................... 12
Perform real-time PCR .......................................................... 12
Guidelines ................................................................ 12
Before you begin .......................................................... 12
Prepare the PCR Reaction Mix .............................................. 13
Prepare the PCR reaction plate .............................................. 13
Set up a plate document or plate file ......................................... 14
Run the PCR reaction plate ................................................. 15
Analyze data .................................................................. 15
Algorithms for data analysis ................................................. 16
CHAPTER 3 RT–PCR for TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—
TaqMan Array Plates ............................................................ 17
Perform reverse transcription .................................................... 17
Perform real-time PCR .......................................................... 17
Guidelines ................................................................ 17
Before you begin .......................................................... 17
Prepare the PCR Reaction Mix .............................................. 18
Prepare the PCR reaction plate .............................................. 18
Set up a plate document or plate file ......................................... 19
Run the PCR reaction plate ................................................. 20
Analyze data .................................................................. 20
Algorithms for data analysis ................................................. 21
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 3
CHAPTER 4 RT–PCR for TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—
TaqMan Array Cards ............................................................ 22
Perform reverse transcription .................................................... 22
Perform real-time PCR .......................................................... 22
Guidelines ................................................................ 22
Recommended amount of cDNA ............................................ 23
Before you begin .......................................................... 23
Prepare the sample–specific PCR Reaction Mix ............................... 23
Prepare the TaqMan Array Card ............................................ 23
Set up a card document or card file .......................................... 24
Run the TaqMan Array Card ................................................ 24
Analyze data .................................................................. 25
Algorithms for data analysis ................................................. 25
CHAPTER 5 RT–PCR for TaqMan MicroRNA Assays—single–
tube assays ........................................................................ 26
Perform reverse transcription .................................................... 26
Perform real-time PCR .......................................................... 26
Guidelines ................................................................ 26
Before you begin .......................................................... 26
Prepare the PCR Reaction Mix .............................................. 27
Prepare the PCR reaction plate .............................................. 27
Set up a plate document or experiment file ................................... 28
Run the PCR reaction plate ................................................. 29
Analyze data .................................................................. 29
Algorithms for data analysis ................................................. 30
CHAPTER 6 RT–PCR for TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays—single–
tube assays ........................................................................ 31
Perform reverse transcription .................................................... 31
Perform real-time PCR .......................................................... 31
Guidelines ................................................................ 31
Before you begin .......................................................... 32
Prepare PCR Reaction Mix .................................................. 32
Prepare the PCR reaction plate .............................................. 32
Set up a plate document or experiment file ................................... 33
Run the PCR reaction plate ................................................. 34
Analyze data .................................................................. 34
Algorithms for data analysis ................................................. 35
4TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
APPENDIX A Supplemental information ......................................... 36
Components of the TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix ........................... 36
AmpliTaq Fast DNA Polymerase ............................................ 36
Uracil-N glycosylase ....................................................... 36
dUTP .................................................................... 36
ROX Passive Reference dye ............................................... 36
Two–step real-time RT–PCR ..................................................... 37
About the 5' nuclease assay ..................................................... 37
TaqMan MGB probes ......................................................... 38
Enzyme activation time ......................................................... 39
APPENDIX B Best practices for PCR and RT-PCR experiments .............. 40
Good laboratory practices for PCR and RT-PCR ................................... 40
Use UNG to prevent false-positive amplification ................................... 40
Detect fluorescent contaminants ................................................. 41
APPENDIX C Safety ............................................................... 42
Chemical safety ................................................................ 43
Biological hazard safety ......................................................... 44
APPENDIX D Documentation and support ...................................... 45
Customer and technical support ................................................. 45
Limited product warranty ........................................................ 45
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 5
Product information
Product description
The Applied Biosystems TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix enables real-time PCR in any gene
expression experiment or quantitative analysis, including the following applications:
Pathogen detection
Dierential gene expression analysis
Viral load quantitation
MicroRNA quantitation
Microarray verification
The Master Mix can be used with any DNA target, including complementary DNA (cDNA) or genomic
DNA (gDNA). It can be used in the second step of a two-step real-time RT–PCR protocol for RNA
quantitation experiments. A cDNA template can be generated from RNA using one of our reverse
transcription kits prior to real-time PCR with the Master Mix. See details in “Required materials not
supplied” on page 7.
The Master Mix is supplied at a 2X concentration and contains the following components:
AmpliTaq Fast DNA Polymerase
Uracil-N glycosylase (UNG)
dNTPs with dUTP
ROX Reference Dye (passive reference)
Optimized buer components
For more information about each component, see “Components of the TaqMan Fast Advanced Master
Mix” on page 36.
The Master Mix is optimized for use with primers and TaqMan probes designed according to our
Purpose of this guide
This document describes how to perform two-step real-time RT-PCR using TaqMan Fast Advanced
Master Mix with the following assays or components:
TaqMan Gene Expression Assays (single-tube assays, array plates, and array cards)
Singletube assays
TaqMan Array Plates
TaqMan Array Cards
Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays
6TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays
TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
This guide provides general guidelines for analyzing data. Analysis can vary between applications. For
more information about procedures and data analysis, see the documentation for your instrument.
Contents and storage
Table 1 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix
Cat. No. Number of 20-µL reactions Amount Storage[1]
4444556 100 1 × 1 mL
4444557 500 1 × 5 mL
4444963 (2 × 4444557) 1,000 2 × 5 mL
4444964 (5 × 4444557) 2,500 5 × 5 mL
4444965 (10 × 4444557) 5,000 10 × 5 mL
4444558 5,000 1 × 50 mL
[1] See label for expiration date.
Required materials not supplied
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through "MLS" indicates that
the material is available from or another major laboratory supplier.
Table 2 Instrument, software, equipment, plates and accessories, and consumables
Item Source
Instrument, one of the following:
QuantStudio 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System[1]
Contact your local sales oce.
QuantStudio 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System
QuantStudio 3 and 5 Real-Time PCR Instruments[1]
QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System[1]
QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
QuantStudio 12K Flex Real–Time PCR System
StepOne Real-Time PCR System[2]
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System[1]
7500 Real-Time PCR System[1]
Chapter 1 Product information
Contents and storage 1
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 7
Table 2 Instrument, software, equipment, plates and accessories, and consumables (continued)
Item Source
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System[1]
Contact your local sales oce.
ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Real-Time PCR Instrument[1]
7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR Instrument
Compatible real–time PCR instruments from other suppliers may be
acceptable. Verify thermal–cycling conditions on other real–time PCR
Microsoft Excel (Optional, to create plate layout files for import)
Centrifuge with plate adapter MLS
Microcentrifuge MLS
Thermal cycler, or heat block or water bath set to 95°C MLS
Adjustable pipettors MLS
Laboratory mixer (vortex or equivalent) MLS
Tubes, plates, and other consumables
Plastics consumables
Pipette tips
Disposable gloves MLS
[1] Not compatible with TaqMan Array Cards.
[2] Not compatible with TaqMan Array Plates or TaqMan Array Cards.
Table 3 Reagents for reverse transcription
Item Source
Reagents for reverse transcription (all assays)
TE, pH 8.0, RNase-free AM9849
(Optional) RNase inhibitor N8080119
AM2684 (Cloned; 40 U/µL)
Nuclease-Free Water (not DEPC-Treated) AM9930
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials not supplied
8TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
Table 3 Reagents for reverse transcription (continued)
Item Source
Reagents for reverse transcription (TaqMan Gene Expression Assays)
High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit 4368814
4374966 (with RNase inhibitor)
High-Capacity RNA-to-cDNA Kit 4387406
SuperScript VILO cDNA Synthesis Kit 11754050
SuperScript IV VILO Master Mix 11756050
Reagents for reverse transcription (TaqMan MicroRNA Assays)
TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit[1] 4366596
TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
TaqMan Advanced miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit[2] A28007
[1] TaqMan MicroRNA Assays are optimized for use with the TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit. Assay performance cannot be
guaranteed with other reverse transcription kits.
[2] TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays are optimized for use with the TaqMan Advanced miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit. Assay performance
cannot be guaranteed with other reverse transcription kits.
Table 4 Assays
Item Source
TaqMan Assays
TaqMan Gene Expression Assays
Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays
Custom TaqMan probes and primers[1]
TaqMan Array Plates
96well Fast (0.1mL) TaqMan Array Plates and
96well Standard (0.2mL) TaqMan Array Plates
TaqMan Array Cards
TaqMan Array Card
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays
Custom TaqMan Small RNA Assays
TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays
[1] Synthesized to your sequence and choice of quencher and reporter dyes.
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials not supplied 1
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 9
Table 5 Kits and reagents for RNA isolation
Item Source
RNA isolation products
Supporting reagents
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials not supplied
10 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
Perform reverse transcription
Perform real-time PCR amplification
Prepare the PCR Reaction Mix
Prepare the PCR reaction plate or card
Set up a plate or card document, or experiment file
(or use the document provided with the cards or custom plates)
Run the PCR reaction plate or card
Analyze the data
Chapter 1 Product information
Workflow 1
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 11
RT–PCR for TaqMan and Custom
TaqMan Gene Expression Assays
—single–tube assays
Perform reverse transcription
Perform reverse transcription to obtain cDNA from RNA samples.
For information on reverse transcription kits, see Table 3 on page 8. For detailed guidelines and
instructions see TaqMan Gene Expression Assays User Guide—single-tube assays (Pub. No. 4333458).
Perform real-time PCR
Store the assays frozen.
Protect from light until use. Excessive exposure to light might aect the fluorescent probes.
Multiple assays can be run on one reaction plate. Include no-template controls (NTCs) for each
Before you begin
Dilute 60X assays to 20X working stocks with TE, pH 8.0, RNase-free.
Divide the solutions into smaller aliquots to minimize freeze–thaw cycles.
Note: The aliquot size depends on how many PCR reactions you will run.
Determine the total number of PCR reactions required, including replicates, for each sample.
Include a no-template control for each assay.
Note: We recommend four replicate reactions for each assay.
Thaw the Master Mix on ice, then mix thoroughly but gently.
Thaw the assays on ice, then vortex and briefly centrifuge to resuspend.
Thaw the samples on ice, then vortex and briefly centrifuge to resuspend.
12 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
Prepare the PCR Reaction Mix
1. Combine the following components in the quantities shown, multiplied by the number of reactions
Add 10% overage for pipetting loss. The minimum final dilution of RT Reaction Mix in PCR
Reaction Mix is 1:15.
Volume per reaction
Final concentration
384–well, 96–well
fast (0.1–mL) plates
96–well standard
(0.2–mL), 48–well
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master
Mix (2X) 5.0 µL 10.0 µL 1X
TaqMan Assay (20X) 0.5 µL 1.0 µL 1X
Nuclease-free water[1] 3.5 µL 7.0 µL
Total volume of PCR Reaction
Mix per reaction 9.0 µL 18.0 µL
[1] Adjust the volume of nuclease–free water for a larger volume of cDNA.
2. Vortex briefly to mix.
3. Centrifuge briefly to bring the PCR Reaction Mix to the bottom of the tube.
Prepare the PCR reaction plate
1. Transfer the appropriate volume of PCR Reaction Mix to each well of the plate.
2. Add cDNA template (1 pg to 100 ng in nuclease–free water), or nuclease–free water for NTC, to
each well.
384-well plate, 96–well fast (0.1 mL) plate: 1.0 µL
96–well standard (0.2 mL) plate, 48–well plate: 2.0 µL
Note: Adjust the volume of nuclease–free water in the PCR Reaction Mix for a larger volume of
3. Seal the reaction plate with optical adhesive film, then centrifuge briefly to bring the PCR Reaction
Mix to the bottom of the well.
4. Apply a compression pad to the plate, if required by your real-time PCR system.
Chapter 2 RT–PCR for TaqMan and Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—single–tube assays
Perform real-time PCR 2
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 13
Set up a plate document or plate file
See the appropriate instrument user guide for detailed instructions to program the thermal-cycling
conditions or to run the plate.
Note: The instrument must be configured with the block appropriate for the plate type.
1. Set up a plate document or plate file using the following conditions.
Real–time PCR system
(Optional) UNG
activation[1] PCR (40 cycles)
Anneal / extend
QuantStudio 6 Pro and 7 Pro
Real-Time PCR Systems
• QuantStudio 3/QuantStudio 5
Flex RealTime PCR System
QuantStudio 6 / QuantStudio
7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
QuantStudio 12K Flex Real–
Time PCR System
StepOne Real-Time PCR
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR
ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Fast RealTime PCR
2 minutes 20 seconds[2] 1 second 20 seconds
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR
7500 Real-Time PCR System
2 minutes 20 seconds[2] 3 seconds 30 seconds
[1] To activate AmpliTaq Fast DNA Polymerase.
[2] Enzyme activation can continue for up to 2 minutes without affecting the results. See “Enzyme activation time on page 39.
2. Select the appropriate block, if this option applies to your instrument.
3. Select the appropriate experiment type, if this option applies to your instrument.
4. Select TaqMan Reagents to detect the target sequence, if this option applies to your instrument.
Chapter 2 RT–PCR for TaqMan and Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—single–tube assays
Perform real-time PCR
14 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
5. Select a run mode.
Real-time PCR system Run mode
7500 Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Fast RealTime PCR System (384–well and 96–well standard
block modules)
QuantStudio 6 Pro and 7 Pro Real-Time PCR Systems
QuantStudio 3/QuantStudio 5 Flex RealTime PCR System
QuantStudio 6 / QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
QuantStudio 12K Flex Real–Time PCR System
StepOne Real-Time PCR System
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System
ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Fast RealTime PCR System (384–well and 96–well standard
block modules)
6. Enter the sample volume, if this option applies to your instrument.
384-well plate, 96–well fast (0.1 mL) plate: 10.0 µL
96–well standard (0.2 mL) plate, 48–well plate: 20.0 µL
Run the PCR reaction plate
1. Open the plate document or experiment file that corresponds to the reaction plate in the system
2. Load the reaction plate.
3. Start the run.
Analyze data
Data analysis varies depending on your real–time PCR system. See the instrument user guide for more
1. View the amplification plots for the reactions.
2. Use auto baseline and auto threshold settings, or set the baseline and threshold values to
determine the threshold cycles (Ct) for the amplification curves.
3. Use the relative standard curve method or the comparative Ct method to analyze data.
Chapter 2 RT–PCR for TaqMan and Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—single–tube assays
Analyze data 2
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 15
Algorithms for data analysis
Table 6 Algorithm recommendations for single–tube assays
Algorithm Recommendation
Threshold (Ct) Recommended.
Relative threshold (Crt)(Optional) Use for troubleshooting abnormal or unexpected results.
The relative threshold algorithm is available in the Relative Quantification application on Thermo Fisher
Connect (
Chapter 2 RT–PCR for TaqMan and Custom TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—single–tube assays
Analyze data
16 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
RT–PCR for TaqMan Gene
Expression Assays—TaqMan Array
Perform reverse transcription
Perform reverse transcription to obtain cDNA from RNA samples.
For information on reverse transcription kits, see Table 3 on page 8. For detailed guidelines
and instructions see TaqMan Gene Expression Assays User Guide—TaqMan Array Plates (Pub.
No. 4391016).
Perform real-time PCR
Store the plates away from light until use. Excessive exposure to light might aect the fluorescent
Before you begin
Determine the total number of PCR reactions.
One reaction corresponds to one well in the plate.
Thaw the Master Mix on ice, then mix thoroughly but gently.
Thaw the samples on ice, then vortex and briefly centrifuge to resuspend.
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 17
Prepare the PCR Reaction Mix
1. Combine the following components for the number of reactions required.
Add 10% overage for pipetting loss.
Volume per reaction
96–well fast (0.1–mL) plate 96–well standard (0.2–mL)
cDNA template + Nuclease-free water[1] 5 µL 10 µL
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix (2X) 5 µL 10 µL
Total volume of PCR Reaction Mix per
reaction 10 µL 20 µL
[1] 5–50 ng of cDNA diluted in nuclease–free water.
2. Vortex briefly to mix.
3. Centrifuge briefly to bring the PCR Reaction Mix to the bottom of the tube.
Prepare the PCR reaction plate
1. Transfer the appropriate volume of PCR Reaction Mix to each well of the plate.
96–well fast (0.1 mL) plate: 10 µL
96–well standard (0.2 mL) plate: 20 µL
Note: Adjust the volume of nuclease–free water in the PCR Reaction Mix for a larger volume of
2. Seal the plate with optical adhesive film, then centrifuge briefly to bring the PCR Reaction Mix to
the bottom of the wells.
3. Apply a compression pad to the plate, if required by your real-time PCR system.
Chapter 3 RT–PCR for TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—TaqMan Array Plates
Perform real-time PCR
18 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide
Set up a plate document or plate file
See the appropriate instrument user guide for detailed instructions to program the thermal-cycling
conditions or to run the plate.
Note: The instrument must be configured with the block appropriate for the plate type.
1. Import the setup file (SDS in TXT format) into the real-time PCR instrument or software.
2. Set up a plate document or plate file using the following conditions.
Real–time PCR system
(Optional) UNG
activation[1] PCR (40 cycles)
Anneal / extend
QuantStudio 6 Pro and 7 Pro
Real-Time PCR Systems
• QuantStudio 3/QuantStudio 5
Flex RealTime PCR System
QuantStudio 6 / QuantStudio
7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
QuantStudio 12K Flex Real–
Time PCR System
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR
ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Fast RealTime PCR
2 minutes 20 seconds[2] 1 second 20 seconds
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR
7500 Real-Time PCR System
2 minutes 20 seconds[2] 3 seconds 30 seconds
[1] To activate AmpliTaq Fast DNA Polymerase.
[2] Enzyme activation can continue for up to 2 minutes without affecting the results. See “Enzyme activation time on page 39.
3. Select the appropriate block, if this option applies to your instrument.
4. Select the appropriate experiment type, if this option applies to your instrument.
5. Select TaqMan Reagents to detect the target sequence, if this option applies to your instrument.
Chapter 3 RT–PCR for TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—TaqMan Array Plates
Perform real-time PCR 3
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide 19
6. Select a run mode.
Real-time PCR system Run mode
7500 Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Fast RealTime PCR System
QuantStudio 6 Pro and 7 Pro Real-Time PCR Systems
QuantStudio 3/QuantStudio 5 Flex RealTime PCR System
QuantStudio 6 / QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System
QuantStudio 12K Flex Real–Time PCR System
StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System
ViiA 7 Real-Time PCR System
7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System
7900HT Fast RealTime PCR System (384–well and 96–well standard
block modules)
7. Enter the sample volume, if this option applies to your instrument.
96–well fast (0.1 mL) plate: 10.0 µL
96–well standard (0.2 mL) plate: 20.0 µL
Run the PCR reaction plate
1. Open the plate document or experiment file that corresponds to the reaction plate in the system
2. Load the reaction plate.
3. Start the run.
Analyze data
Data analysis varies depending on your real–time PCR system. See the instrument user guide for more
1. View the amplification plots for the reactions.
2. Set the baseline and threshold values to determine the threshold cycles (Ct) for the amplification
curves, or select relative threshold under analysis settings to obtain (Crt) values.
3. Use the relative standard curve method or the comparative Ct method to analyze data.
Chapter 3 RT–PCR for TaqMan Gene Expression Assays—TaqMan Array Plates
Analyze data
20 TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix User Guide