1.3 13
CodeMeter Transfer and updates of licenses
5 Transferandupdatesoflicenses
When ordering licensed arcles, the corresponding CodeMeter licenses are always created by
iba AG rst, and are then ready for transfer to a CmContainer. These licenses are provided via
the WebDepot at hps://license.iba-ag.com
There are basically two ways to work with the WebDepot:
This checks whether license upgrades have been provided for an exisng CmContainer. If this is
the case, the upgrades can be transferred without accessing the cket number in a few steps.
A cket number in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX is provided. By entering this
cket number on the start page of the WebDepot, corresponding opons for transferring the
included licenses can be selected.
5.1 Usefulinformaonabouttransferringlicenses
The transfer of licenses to a CmContainer via cket is also referred to as acvaon. CodeMeter
Runme must be installed for license acvaons. If this is not the case, rst complete the instal-
laon, see ì Installaon and program start, page 7.
Three steps are necessary for each complete transfer:
1. License request
The current state of the CmContainer is transmied to the WebDepot.
2. Licenseupdate
The update contains the new state of the CmContainer. Each update is linked to a specic
CmContainer and can only be imported on this CmContainer.
3. Receipt
Aer imporng license updates, the receipt le contains the new state of the CmContainer.
The transfer of the receipt le to the WebDepot documents the compleon of the license
Depending on the type of license transfer (direct or le-based), the execuon of the above steps
■ Direct license transfer – online acvaon:
License request, license update and creaon/upload of the receipt le are performed
automacally by the system aer the start of the transfer, see ì Direct license transfer,
page 15
■ File-based license transfer – oine acvaon:
The license requests, license updates and creaon/upload of the receipt le must all be
handled by the user. The necessary steps are described in detail in the WebDepot and in this
manual, see ì File-based license transfer, page 18.