Directions for Use Operator Manual 10081913
4.1 General See Table 4-1.
4.2 Preparing Room for
Antimicrobial System
1. Remove sheets, blankets, pillow cases and similar items to
expose hard non-porous environmental surfaces to application
of UVC.
2. Remove or shield any medications or medication dispensing
systems or containers, such as IV fluid containers, water bottles,
saline bullets, etc.
3. Cover or remove all live plants prior to commencement of
antimicrobial cycle. Germicidal energy damages live plants.
4. Remove all visible soil loads from surfaces that are to be treated.
5. Identify high-touch objects, such as keyboards, TV remote
controls, phone keypads, etc. If possible, turn or “face” all high-
touch objects toward the PATHOGON system so surface to be
exposed to UVC is in direct line-of-sight with the unit.
Special Cleaning Instructions for Cleaning Prior to
Applications against Clostridium difficile spores
Personal Protection: Wear appropriate barrier protection such
as gloves, gowns, masks or eye covering.
Cleaning Procedure: Fecal matter/waste must be thoroughly
cleaned from surfaces/objects before UVC application with a
clean cloth, mop, and/or sponge saturated with a cleaning or
disinfectant product. Cleaning is to include vigorous wiping
and/or scrubbing, until all visible soil is removed. Special
attention is needed for high-touch surfaces. Surfaces in patient
rooms are to be cleaned in an appropriate manner, such as from
right to left or left to right, on horizontal surfaces, and top to
bottom, on vertical surfaces, to minimize spreading of the
spores. Restrooms are to be cleaned last. Do not reuse soiled
Infectious Materials Disposal: Materials used in the cleaning
process that may contain feces/wastes are to be disposed of
immediately in accordance with applicable standards and
regulations relative to infectious materials disposal.
6. When possible, move objects away from walls and all other
objects by up to 3’ (1 m).
Table 4-1. Application Diameter and Cycle Times*
Application Diameter Bacteria and Viruses C. difficile Spores
10 ft. (3 m) 4 minutes 11 minutes
18 ft. (5.4 m) 9 minutes 25 minutes
* See SECTION 8, EFFICACY DATA SUMMARY for performance data
supporting application conditions.