Step 2: 3D Printing
I tried out dierent types of transparent lament
Filamentworld transparent PLA: very good print quality but lowest transparency
XVICO transparent PETG: worst print quality, medium transparency
Fillamentum Crystal Clear: good print quality, best transparency
As you can see I got the best results with Fillamentum Crystal Clear, however, it took me a while to get there as this
lament can easily clog the nozzle of Prusa printers (see e.g. here, or here). As suggested in one of the forum posts the
problem was mostly solved by replacing the heat break. I still sometimes experience the typical clocking noise on my
extruder but the prints do not fail entirely.
Regarding the print settings, there are many tutorials on getting transparent prints (see e.g. here) and making 3D printed
objects watertight (e.g. here). Luckily, the requirements are somewhat similar so it is not impossible to achieve both.
After some experimenting I found the following adjustments to be useful
inll: 100%
nozzle temperature: 220°C
inll/perimeters overlap: 5%
cooling fans: o
print speed: 70%
ow rate: 110%
The gaskets were printed from Polymaker PolyFlex lament with 100% inll and 0.1mm layer height.
I did not do any post-processing except for some mild sanding. Coating the parts with epoxy might be a nice addition in
order to improve transparency and waterproofness.
1. Fillamentum Crystal Clear
2. XVICO transparent PETG
3. Filamentworld transparent PLA