HALion Sonic
HALion Sonic standalone
HALion Sonic can be used as a standalone application,
independently of any host application. In this case, you
can connect HALion Sonic directly to your audio hard-
• To
retain your HALion Sonic settings, you must save
them as a preset (click the disk symbol to the left below of
the HALion Sonic logo).
The Preferences dialog
When running HALion Sonic as a standalone application,
you can configure the application in the Preferences dia-
log. To open the Preferences dialog, proceed as follows:
• Click the Open Preferences button (the cogwheel sym-
bol) to the right of the audio output field.
• Right-click in the topmost section of the control panel
and select “Preferences” on the context menu.
The Preferences dialog has several pages in which you
can make the following settings:
• On the MIDI Routing page, use the MIDI Input Port pop-
up menu to specify a MIDI input. Use the Channel Filter
option to decide whether HALion Sonic should record
MIDI events on all MIDI channels, or only on one specific
channel. Use the “Filter 'All Notes Off' Controller” option
to avoid unwanted “All Notes Off” messages.
Such messages are sent by some keyboards when the user releases the
last key. This causes HALion Sonic to stop playback, even when the sus-
tain pedal is still in use.
• On the Audio Routing page, use the Audio Output Port
pop-up menus to assign different audio outputs.
HALion Sonic supports 32 channels: two Main channels (left and right)
and 15 additional stereo channels (left and right). You can assign differ-
ent audio outputs for each channel. Selecting an audio output on the
op-up menu maps the output to the corresponding channel.
If you press [Shift] and select an audio ou
tput, the front and rear channels
are set to incrementing audio output ports – e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, 6, 7, 8. If
you press [Alt]/[Option]-[Shift] and select an audio output, the audio out-
puts are assigned in pairs to the front and rear channels – e.g. 1, 2, 1, 2 or
5, 6, 5
, 6.
• On the Metronome page a number of settings can be
made regarding the use of a metronome:
Option Description
Mode Here you can turn the metronome
on and off or set it to
Count In mode.
Accent Activate this to accentuate the first beat of each bar.
Level Use this fader to adjust the volume level of the metro-
Connections Here you can select a separate stereo output for the met-
• On the General page, activate “Don’t prompt for confir-
mation when quitting HALion Sonic” if you want HALion
Sonic to close without prompting when quitting the pro-
• On
the ASIO Driver page, select your audio hardware
driver from the ASIO Driver menu.
If you plan to use several audio applications simultaneously, you may
want to activate the option “Release Driver when Application is in Back-
ground”. This will allow another application to play back via your audio
ardware even when HALion Sonic is running.
The input and output latency values for your audio hardware are dis-
played. “Latency” is the amount of tim
e it takes for your system to re-
spond to any messages that are sent to it. High latency results in a
noticeable delay between when you press a key and when you hear the
sound. Below the latency values, the sample rate that is set for the con-
nected audio hardware is displayed.
When you run HALion Sonic, there are several processes fighting for ac-
cess to processor time in your computer. The parameter “Audio Priority”
lows you to determine which processes have priority:
• Once you have selected the driver, open the Advanced
page to specify which inputs and outputs should be used
and name these. Click the Control Panel button to open
the control panel for the audio hardware and adjust the
settings as recommended by the audio hardware manu-
Click here to open the
Preferences dialog.