134 Quantizing MIDI and Audio
134 Introduction
134 Quantizing Audio Event Starts
134 AudioWarp Quantize (Cubase Only)
135 Quantizing MIDI Event Starts
135 Quantizing MIDI Event Lengths
135 Quantizing MIDI Event Ends
135 Quantizing Multiple Audio Tracks
(Cubase Only)
136 AudioWarp Quantizing Multiple Audio
Tracks (Cubase Only)
136 The Quantize Panel
142 Additional Quantizing Functions
143 Fades, crossfades, and envelopes
143 Creating fades
145 The Fade dialogs
147 Creating crossfades
148 The Crossfade dialog
149 Auto fades and crossfades
151 Event envelopes
152 The arranger track
152 Introduction
152 Setting up the arranger track
154 Working with arranger events
157 Flattening the arranger chain
159 Live mode
160 Arranging your music to video
161 The transpose functions
161 Introduction
161 Transposing your music
165 Other functions
169 Using markers
169 Introduction
170 The Marker window
173 The marker track
175 Exporting and importing markers
177 The MixConsole
177 Overview
179 Configuring the MixConsole
183 Keyboard Navigation in the MixConsole
185 Working with the Fader Section
190 Working with the Channel Racks
201 Linking Channels (Cubase only)
203 Metering (Cubase only)
205 Using Channel Settings
208 Saving and Loading Selected Channel
208 Resetting MixConsole Channels
209 Adding Pictures
210 Adding Notes
211 The Control Room (Cubase only)
212 Setting Up the Control Room Channels
214 Opening the Control Room
215 The Control Room Mixer
221 The Setup Pane
224 Cue Channels and Cue Sends
226 The Control Room Overview
226 Direct Monitoring and Latency
227 Audio effects
227 Overview
229 Insert effects
235 Send effects
240 Using the side-chain input
242 Using external effects (Cubase only)
242 Editing effects
243 Effect presets
248 Installing and managing effect plug-ins
252 VST instruments and instrument
252 Introduction
252 VST instrument channels vs. instrument
252 VST instrument channels
255 Instrument tracks
258 What do I need? Instrument channel or
instrument track?
258 Instrument Freeze
260 VST instruments and processor load
260 Using presets for VSTi configuration
264 About latency
265 External instruments (Cubase only)
266 Surround sound (Cubase only)
266 Introduction
267 Preparations
269 Using the SurroundPanner V5
277 Using the MixConvert V6 plug-in
(Cubase only)
278 Exporting a surround mix
279 Automation
279 Introduction
279 Working with automation curves
280 Enabling and disabling the writing of
automation data
280 Writing automation data
283 Editing automation events
285 Automation track operations
289 The Automation panel (Cubase only)
297 Automation Preferences
298 Hints and further options
299 MIDI controller automation