wenglor sensoric elektronische Geräte GmbH
Tettnang, GERMANY Fax +49(0)7542 5399-988 Sparkasse Bodensee DE24 6905 0001 0020 8166 74 SOLADES1KNZ
Geschäftsführer: Fabian Baur, Rafael Baur info@wenglor.com Volksbank Tettnang DE18 6519 1500 0156 7410 08 GENODES1TET
Registergericht Ulm HRB-Nr. 630872 www.wenglor.com
USt-IdNr. DE145372740, St.-Nr. 61022/00694
User Manual Statement
The weBLE_V1 Bluetooth low energy module (FCC ID: 2A3OLDC1392) is only approved for use by
wenglor sensoric GmbH in their own products and not intended for sale to third parties and therefore
wenglor sensoric has placed the instructions in the theory-of-operation exhibit folder using long-term
These user manual integration instructions are internal confidential manufacturing information.
wenglor sensoric GmbH
i. A. Stefan Winkler, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH)
Produktmanagement / Product Management
Tel.: +49 (0)7542 5399-0
Fax: +49 (0)7542 5399-983
Federal Communications Commission
valuation Division
Equipment Authorization Branch
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046
wenglor Straße 3, 88069 Tettnang