1. Attach the brush head to the SonicWave handle. The brush
head must face the same direction as the on/off switch
(Fig. 1).
2. Before brushing, rinse your mouth thoroughly, wet
the brush head to moisten, then apply toothpaste.
3. To avoid splashing, guide the brush head to your teeth
before switching SonicWave on. Place the brush in a
slanted position, 45º towards the gum line.
4. In order to adjust the sonic action to your own individual
sensitivity level, we’ve designed SonicWave with 7 different
speed levels to choose from. Scroll through the speeds by
continuously tapping the on/off button.
The lowest LED will illuminate from speeds 1-3, the middle
LED from speeds 4-6 and the top LED will illuminate for
speed 7, or the highest speed (Fig. 2).
Pressing the on/off button an 8th time will turn the unit off.
5. Guide the brush head from tooth to tooth, spending
a few seconds on the surface of each tooth. Gently wiggle
the tips of the bristles between teeth and gum line for
optimum performance.
6. Brush the gum lines as well as the teeth, starting with the
outside teeth and gums, followed by the insides and
finishing with the chewing surfaces.
7. Do not press too hard or scrub with SonicWave. The bristles
only need to lightly touch your teeth and gum line.
8. Brush your teeth in the pattern that you have been
instructed to use by your dentist or oral hygienist. The
SonicWave action will assist your own efforts and assure a
thorough cleaning.
9. The auto timer feature will automatically turn the unit off
after the 2 minute dentist recommended brushing time. You
NNoottee:: DDuurriinngg tthhee
ffiirrsstt ffeeww ddaayyss ooff uussee,,
yyoouurr gguummss mmaayy
bblleeeedd sslliigghhttllyy.. AAnnyy
bblleeeeddiinngg sshhoouulldd ssttoopp
wwiitthhiinn aa ffeeww ddaayyss.. IIff
yyoouurr gguummss ccoonnttiinnuuee
ttoo bblleeeedd ffoorr mmoorree
tthhaann aa ffeeww ddaayyss,,
ddiissccoonnttiinnuuee uussee aanndd
ccoonnssuulltt yyoouurr ddeennttiisstt..
Follow this procedure before you use SonicWave for
the first time.
1. Plug the charger base into a 110/120-volt outlet. Place SonicWave
handle into the base and allow it to charge for a full 24 hours
before using it for the first time.
2. The charging indicator light will show red when SonicWave is
correctly placed in the charger base. The indicator will go out
when SonicWave is removed from the base.
3. The optimum voltage for charging SonicWave is 110V. The
indicator may show a brighter red if the voltage is 120V, but this
will not affect the charging.
4. To maintain the unit’s full performance, it should always be
stored on the charging base when not in use.
Please note the following instructions for your
continued safety.
1. Contact your dentist before using SonicWave if you have had
oral or periodontal surgery.
2. Contact your dentist if excessive bleeding occurs or if bleeding
continues after the first week.
3. This product is designed for cleaning teeth and gums only.
DO NOT use for any other purpose.
NNoottee:: TToo aacchhiieevvee
ooppttiimmuumm ppeerrffoorr--
mmaannccee,, ssiimmppllyy gguuiiddee
SSoonniiccWWaavvee ffrroomm
ttooootthh ttoo ttooootthh.. GGeennttllyy
wwiiggggllee tthhee bbrriissttlleess
bbeettwweeeenn yyoouurr tteeeetthh
aanndd gguumm lliinnee ffoorr aa
ssuuppeerriioorr cclleeaanniinngg..