Festo CPX-FB40 Description

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Network protocol
Terminal CPX
Bus node CPX-FB40
Bus node CPX-FB40
2 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH
Translation of the original instructions
are registered trademarks of the respective tradema rk owners in
cer tain countries.
Identification of hazards and instructions on how to prevent them:
Hazards that can cause death or serious injuries.
Hazards that can cause minor injuries or serious material damage.
Other symbols:
Material damage or loss of function.
Recommendations, tips, referenc es to other documentation.
Essential or useful accessories.
Information on environmentally sound usage.
Text designations:
Activities that may be carried out in any order.
1. Activities that should be carried out in the order stated.
General lists.
Bus node CPX-FB40
Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English 3
1 Safety and requirements for product use 7......................................
1.1 Safety 7..................................................................
1.1.1 General safety information 7..........................................
1.1 .2 Intended use 7.....................................................
1.2 Requirements for product use 8...............................................
1.2.1 Technical prerequisites 9............................................
1.2.2 Qualification of specialists (personnel requirements) 9....................
1.2.3 Range of application and certifications 9................................
2 Installation 10..............................................................
2.1 General notes on installation 10................................................
2.2 Electrical connections and indicators 11..........................................
2.3 Mounting and dismantling 12..................................................
2.3.1 Mounting 12.......................................................
2.3.2 Dismantling 12.....................................................
2.3.3 Complying with degree of protection IP65/IP67 13.........................
2.4 Settings of the DIL switches on the bus node 14...................................
2.4.1 Removing and attaching the DIL switch cover 14...........................
2.4.2 Arrangement of the DIL switches 14.....................................
2.4.3 Setting the DI L switches 15...........................................
2.4.4 Setting the operating mode 15.........................................
2.4.5 Setting of the diagnostic mode (Remote I/O) 16...........................
2.4.6 Setting of the I/O mode (remote controller) 17............................
2.4.7 Setting the station number 17.........................................
2.5 Connecting to the network 18..................................................
2.5.1 General information about networks 18..................................
2.5.2 Over view of connection technology and network plugs 18...................
2.5.3 Cable specification 19................................................
2.5.4 Network connections 19..............................................
2.5.5 Setting the IP address 20.............................................
2.5.6 Webserver function 21...............................................
2.6 Power supply 21.............................................................
Bus node CPX-FB40
4 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
3 Commissioning 22...........................................................
3.1 Address assignment 22.......................................................
3.1.1 Bus node 23........................................................
3.1.2 Analogue modules 23................................................
3.1.3 Technology modules 24...............................................
3.1.4 Digital modules 25..................................................
3.1.5 Determination of the address assignment 27..............................
3.2 Addressing 28..............................................................
3.2.1 Basic rules for addressing 28..........................................
3.2.2 Example 1: CPX terminal with electronic modules VMPA1 and VM PA2 29........
3.2.3 Example 2: CPX terminal with electrical interface (CP interface) 30............
3.2.4 Example 3: CPX terminal with analogue module and pneumatic interface 31.....
3.2.5 Address assignment after extension/conversion 32........................
3.3 Ethernet POWERLIN K 33......................................................
3.4 Communication and device profiles 33...........................................
3.5 Devic e description 34........................................................
3.5.1 Dynamic device description (XDC file) 34.................................
3.5.2 Exporting XDC file with the CPX-FMT 35..................................
3.5.3 Generic device description (XDD f ile) 36.................................
3.6 Automation Studio controller software 37.......................................
3.6.1 General information on Automation Studio 37.............................
3.6.2 Dynamic configuration (Manufacturer-specific device profile) 38..............
3.6.3 Generic configuration in accordance with DS 401 43........................
3.6.4 Changing parameters in Automation Studio” 49..........................
3.7 Parameterisation 50.........................................................
3.7.1 Introduction to parameterisation 50.....................................
3.7.2 Methods of parameterisation 51.......................................
3.7.3 Parameterisation via the Festo Maintenanc e Tool (CPX-FMT) software 51.......
3.7.4 Parameterisation with the operator unit ( CPX-MMI) 51......................
3.7.5 Parameterisation via Ethernet POWERLIN K 52.............................
4 Diagnostics and error handling 53..............................................
4.1 Summary of diagnostics options 53.............................................
4.2 Diagnostics via LED displays 54.................................................
4.2. 1 Normal operating status 55...........................................
4.2. 2 CPX-spec ific LED displays 55...........................................
4.2. 3 Ethe r net-POWERLINK-specific LED displays 58............................
4.3 Diagnostics via status bits 59..................................................
4.4 Diagnostics via the I/O diagnostics interface 60....................................
4.5 Diagnostic s via Ethernet POWE RLINK 61.........................................
4.6 Error handling 62............................................................
Bus node CPX-FB40
Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English 5
A Technical appendix 63........................................................
A.1 Technical data 63............................................................
A.2 List of abbreviations 65.......................................................
B Object directory 66..........................................................
B.1 Object overview 66..........................................................
B.2 Abbreviations 66............................................................
B.3 Communic ation profile in acc ordance with DS 301 67...............................
B.4 Device profile for generic I/O modules in acc ordance with DS 401 72...................
B.5 Festo profile for CPX terminals (dynamic equipment configuration) 76..................
Bus node CPX-FB40
6 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
Notes on this documentation
This description includes specific information about installation, commissioning and diagnostics of the
CPX bus node for Ethernet POWERLINK as well as Ethe rnet POWERLINK-specific information regarding
parameterisation, commissioning, programming and diagnostics of a CPX terminal in an Ethernet
POWERLINK network.
Additional information on Ethernet POWERLINK c an be found in the Internet:
Produc t identification, versions
General basic information about the mode of operation, mounting, installation and commissioning of
CPX terminals can be found in the CPX system description ( P.BE-CPX-SYS-…).
Informat io n about additio nal CPX modules can be found in the description for the respective module.
All documents can also be found in the Internet ( www.festo.c om).
Please c onsult your regional Festo contact if you have any technical problems.
1 Safety and requirements for product use
Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English 7
1 Safety and requirements for product use
1.1 Safety
1.1.1 General safety information
The ge neral safety information in the corresponding chapters must be observed.
Special safety and danger warnings are written directly before the action instruction.
Damage to the product from incorrect handling
Switch off the supply voltage before mounting and installation work. Switch on
supply voltage only when mounting and installation work are completely finished.
Never unplug or plug in a product when powered!
Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
1.1.2 Intended us e
The module described in this document, in combination with a CPX terminal, permits connection as a
participant in an Ethernet POWERLINK network.
The module is intended for use in an industrial environment. Outside of industrial environments, e. g . in
commercial and mixed-residential areas, actions to suppress interference may have to be taken.
The module is intended exclusively for use in CPX terminals from Festo for installation in machines or
automated systems and may be used only in the following ways:
in perfect technical condition
in original status without unauthorised modifications, exc ept for the adaptations described in this
within the limits of the product defined through the technical data ( A.1 Tec hnical data).
1 Safety and requirements for product use
8 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
Electric shock
Injury to people, damage to the machine and system
For the electrical power supply, use only PELV circuits in accordance with
I EC 60204-1 ( Protective Extra-Low Voltage, PELV).
Observe the general requirements of IEC 60204-1 for PELV circuits.
Use only voltage sources which guarantee reliable electrical isolation of the operat-
ing and load voltage in accordance with I EC 60204-1.
Always connect all circuits for operating and load voltage supply U
and U
Through the use of PELV circuits, protection against electric shock (protection against direct and indir-
ect contact) is ensured in accordance with IEC 60204-1.
Observe the information on power supply as well as on the earthing measures to be c ar-
ried out in the CPX system description ( P.BE-CPX-SYS-…).
In the event of dama ge caused by unauth orised manipulation or other than intended
use, the guarantee is invalidated and the manufacturer is not liable for damages.
1.2 Requirements for product use
Make this documentation available to the design engineer, installer and personnel responsible for
commissioning the machine or system in which this product is used.
Make sure that the specifications of the documentation are always complied with. Consider also the
documentation for o ther c omponents and modules (e.g. CPX system description P.BE-CPX-SYS-…).
Take into c onsideration the legal regulations applicable for the destination, as well as:
regulations and standards
regulations of the testing organizations and insurers
national specifications.
1 Safety and requirements for product use
Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English 9
1.2.1 Technical prer equisites
General notes for the c orrect and safe use of the product, which must be observed at all times:
Comply with the c onnection and environmental conditions specified in the technical data of the
product ( A.1 Technical data) and of all connected c omponents.
Only compliance with the limit values or load limits permits operation of the product in accordance
with the relevant safety regulations.
Observe the notes and warnings in this documentation.
1.2.2 Qualification of specialis t s (personnel r equire ments)
This description is directed exclusively to technicians trained in control and automation technology,
who are experienced in:
installation, c ommissioning, programming and diagnostics of programmable logic controllers ( PLC)
and fieldbus systems
the applicable regulations for operating safety-engineered systems
the applicable regulations for accident protection and operational reliability
the documentation for the product.
1.2.3 Range of application and certifications
Standards and test v alues, which the product complies with and fulfils, can be found in the Technical
data” section ( Appendix A.1). The product-relevant EU directives c an be found in the declaration of
Certificates and declaration of c onformity on this product can be found at www.festo.com.
2 Installation
10 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
2 Installation
2.1 General notes on installation
Before c arrying out installation and maintenance work, switch off the following:
compressed air supply
operating voltage supply for the electro nics/sensors
loa d voltage supply fo r the outputs/valves.
In this way, you can avoid
uncontrolled movements of loose tubing
accidental movements of the connected actuator technology
undefined switching statuses of the electronics.
The CPX bus node contains electrostatically sensitive devices.
Therefore, do not touch any components.
Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
They will help you avoid damage to the electronics.
Ensuring degree of protection I P65/IP67
Use c onnection tec hnology with degree of protection I P65/IP67
( www.festo.com/catalogue, examples in Tab. 2.1).
Use cover caps to seal unused connections
( 2.3.3 Complying with degree of protection I P65/IP67).
2 Installation
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2.2 Electrical connections and i ndicators
On the bus node, you will find the following connections and displays:
1 Networ k- and CPX-specific LEDs
2 Network connection X1
3 Network connection X2
4 DI L switch cover
5 Service interface
for the operator unit
(CPX-MMI) or the adapter
for the
Festo Maintenance Tool (CPX-FMT)
1) M12 socket, D-coded, 4- pin
2) M12 socket, A-coded, 5-pin
3) Adapter NEFC-M12G 5-0.3- U1G5 for parameterisation via a
USB connection
Fig. 2.1
2 Installation
12 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
2.3 Mounting and dismantling
Electric shock
Injury to people, damage to the machine and system
Switch supply po wer off before assembly work.
2.3.1 Mounting
Material damage due to incorrect mounting
Select screws that are suitable for the material of the interlinking block:
plastic: Thread-cutting tapping screws
metal: S c rews with metric thread.
When ordering a single module without a CPX terminal, all required screws are supplied.
1. Check seal and sealing surface. Replace dam-
aged parts.
2. Push the module ca refully and without tilting
into the interlinking block up to the stop.
3. Turn the screws into the existing thread.
4. Tighten the screws in diagonally opposite se-
quence. Tightening torque: 0.9 1.1 Nm.
1 Screws
2 Module
3 Interlinking block
Fig. 2.2
2.3.2 Dismantling
1. Unscrew screws.
2. Pull the module without tilting out of the interlinking block.
2 Installation
Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English 13
2.3.3 Complying with degree of protection IP65/IP67
Use c onnection devices with degree of protection I P65/IP67 ( www.festo.com/catalogue,
examples in Tab. 2.1).
Use cover caps to seal unused connections.
Connection technology Cover cap
Network connection Plug NECU-M-S-D12G4-C2-ET ISK-M12
Service interface Connecting c able KV-M12-M12-
1) Connecting cable for operator unit (CPX-MMI)
2) Included in the scope of delivery
Tab. 2 . 1
2 Installation
14 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
2.4 Settings of the DIL switches on the bus node
In order to set the bus node, you must first remove the cover for the DIL switches.
The CPX bus node contains electrostatically sensitive devices.
Therefore, do not touch any components.
Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
They will help you avoid damage to the electronics.
2.4.1 Removing and attaching the DIL switch cover
Use an appropriate tool to remove or attach the DIL switch cover.
Observe the following notes when removing or attaching the DIL switch cover:
Disconnect the power supply before rem oving the cover.
Make sure that the seal is seated correctly when attaching the cover!
Tighten the two mounting screws with a max. torque of 0.4 Nm.
2.4.2 Arrangement of the DIL s witches
There are 3 DIL switches available for c onfiguring the bus node. They are located underneath the DIL
switch cover ( Section 2.4.1).
1 DI L switch 1:
operating mode “Remote I/O”
operating mode “Remote controller”
2 DI L switch 2:
diagnostics mode ( Remote I/O)
I/O mode (Remote c ontroller)
3 DI L switch 3:
station number (1 239)
1) The function is dependent on the set operating mode ( DIL switch 1)
Fig. 2.3
2 Installation
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2.4.3 Setting the DIL s witches
1. Switch off the power supply.
2. Remove the DI L switch cover ( 2.4.1).
3. Perform the required settings ( 2.4.4 2.4.7).
4. Attach the DI L switch cover again ( 2.4.1).
Parameterisation via DIL switch settings is taken over only when the power supply is
switched on.
2.4.4 Setting the operating mode
You set the operating mode of the bus node with DIL switch element 1.1 of DIL switch 1.
Operating mode
Setting DIL switch 1
Remote I/O operating mode
All functions of the CPX terminal are controlled directly by the
Ethernet POWERLI NK c ontroller or a higher-order PLC/I PC. The
bus node thereby takes over the connection to the Ethernet
POWERLINK network.
1.1: OFF
(factory setting)
Remote Controller operating mode
An FEC or CEC integrated into the CPX terminal controls all func-
tions of the CPX terminal, i.e. the FEC or CEC undertakes the I/O
control. The bus node thereby takes over the connec tion to the
1.1: ON
Tab. 2 . 2
Setting of the operating mode via DI L switch 1 has priority over all other settings.
2 Installation
16 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
2.4.5 Setting of the diagnostic mode (Remote I/O)
The diagnostic mode is available only in the remote I/O operating mode.
Diagnostic mode (remote I/O operating mode)
Setting DIL switch 2
I/O diagnostics interface and status bits are switched off 2.1: OFF
2.2: OFF
(factory setting)
I/O diagnostics interface is switched on
2.1: ON
2.2: OFF
Status bits are switched on
2.1: OFF
2.2: ON
Reserved 2.1: ON
2.2: ON
1) The I/O diagnostic interface occupies an additional 16 input and 16 output bits
2) The status bits occupy an additional 16 input bits
Tab. 2 . 3
The diagnostics mode reduc es the available address space.
When planning your CPX terminal, consider that the number of input and output bits
available for c ommunication is reduced with usage of the diagnostic mode.
Subsequent activation of the diagnostics mode requires a reconfiguration.
Observe that the CPX-internal I/O image can be displaced during subsequent activa -
tion of the diagnostics mode.
In this case, repeat the Ethernet POWE RLIN K network configuration.
2 Installation
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2.4.6 Setting of the I/O mode (remote controller)
The I/O mode is available only in the remote controller operating mode.
Number of I/O bytes (remote controller operating mode)
Setting DIL switch 2
8 byte I/8 byte O for communication of the bus node with the
2.1: OFF
2.2: OFF
(factory setting)
Reserved 2.1: ON
2.2: OFF
16 byte I/16 byte O for communication of the bus node with the
2.1: OFF
2.2: ON
Reserved 2.1: ON
2.2: ON
Tab. 2 . 4
2.4.7 Setting the station number
The station number is set binary coded using the DI L switch elements 3.1 to 3.8.
Station number
Setting DIL switch 3
Permissible station numbers: 1 239
Factory setting: 1
12 34 56 78
3.8: 2
3.7: 2
3.6: 2
3.5: 2
3.4: 2
3.3: 2
3.2: 2
3.1: 2
Tab. 2 . 5
Station 05
Station 38 Station 55 Station 106 Station 239
12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78
Tab. 2 . 6
2 Installation
18 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
2.5 Connecting to the network
2.5.1 General information about networks
Sub-assemblies with Ethernet interfaces should only be operated in networks if all con-
nected network components are supplied by PELV circuits or integrated power circuits
with equivalent protection.
Installation guideline s
The installation guidelines can be obtained via the POWERLINK user organisation
( http://www.ethernet-powerlink.org, EPSG Draft Standard DS 301, „Communication
Profile Specification“ „Physical Layer“).
Guarantee of real-time transmission
Use in your network hubs instead of switches and routers.
2.5.2 Overview of connection technology and network plugs
Faulty installation and h igh transmission rates may cause data transmission errors as a
result of signal reflections and attenuations.
Observe the cable specification ( Tab. 2.8).
Transmission errors can be caused by:
faulty screened c onnection
transmission over distances which are too long
unsuitable cables.
Connection technology
Network connectors
2 x M12-socket, D-coded, 4-pin,
corresponding to IEC 61076-2, SPEEDCON c ompatible
Plug NECU-M-S-D12G4-C2-ET
Tab. 2 . 7
2 Installation
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2.5.3 Cable specification
Use shielded Industrial Ethernet lines of category Cat 5 o r better.
The bus node supports the crossover det ection” function (Auto-MDI/MDI-X).
Patch cables or crossover cables can be optionally used for c onnecting th e bus node to
your network or a PC.
The circuitry of the network connections X1 and X2 is adjusted automatically.
Cable specification
Cable type Industrial Ethernet cable, screened
Transmission class Category Cat 5
Cable diameter 6…8mm
Wire cross section 0.14 0.75 mm², AWG 22
Connection length Maximum 100 m
1) Required for maximum connection length between the network participants
2) corresponding to specification for Ethernet networks, based on ISO/IEC 11801, ANSI/TIA/EIA-568
Tab. 2 . 8
When mounting the CPX terminal on a moving par t of a machine:
Provide the network cables with strain relief.
Observe the corresponding regulations of IEC 60204.
2.5 .4 Network connections
There are two 4-pin, D-coded M12 sockets on the bus node for the network connection. The sockets are
compatible with SPEEDCON plugs.
M12, 4-pin Pin
Connection [X1]/[X2]
Signal Ex planation
Transmitted data +
Received data +
Transmitted data
Received data
1) Functional earth is accomplished via the housing.
Tab. 2 . 9
Functional earth
The screened connection of the two network connections is connected to the earth
potential of the CPX terminal through an RC element.
Connect the earth connection on the left end plate of the CPX-terminal with the
eart h potential over a large surface.
2 Installation
20 Festo P.BE-CPX-FB40-EN 1408NH English
2.5.5 Setting the IP address
The I P address of the bus node consists of 4 octets: 192.168.100.[node I D]
The octets 1 3 are fixed and cannot be changed.
The octet 4 (node ID) is set through DIL switch 3 (fac tory setting: 1).
Permissible values: 1 239
IP address
192.16 8.100.005 192.16 8.100.038
12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78
12 34 56 78
Tab. 2.10
Subnet mask
The subnet mask is always
Gateway address
The gateway address is set at the factory to and can be changed via
CPX parameters or AS star tup parameters.