1.1 Copyright notice
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied, or disclosed to third parties,
nor used for any unauthorized purpose without written permission from ABB Switzerland Ltd.,
Medium Voltage Drives.
The hardware and software described in this manual is provided under a license and may be
used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
1.2 Equipment covered by this manual
This manual covers a standard drive and provides generic information on the drive. The manual
does not claim to cover all variations and details of the drive, nor to consider all eventualities
that may arise during installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the drive.
If the drive is adapted to specific customer needs or applications, and handling, installation
and operation of the drive are affected by these modifications, information on these
modifications is provided in the appropriate documentation (eg, layout drawings, wiring
diagrams, technical data, engineering notes).
If information is required beyond the instructions in this manual, refer the matter to ABB.
1.3 Structure of the user documentation
The complete set of user documentation of a standard drive consists of this manual and
supplementary documentation that is provided in the following appendices:
- Appendix A - Additional manuals
Appendix A provides manuals about additional equipment delivered with the drive (such as
project-specific options such as pulse encoder or fieldbus interfaces), or information on
modifications of the standard drive.
- Appendix B - Technical data
Appendix B contains the technical data sheets of the drive.
- Appendix C - Mechanical drawings
Appendix C provides the outline drawings of the drive. The drawings are generated
according to the customer-specific project.
- Appendix D - Wiring diagrams
• Appendix D contains the circuit diagrams with information on device identification,
cross-reference and device identification conventions. The diagrams are generated
according to the customer-specific project.
• “Setting of protective devices” is generated according to the customer-specific project.
- Appendix E - Parts list
The parts list is produced for each project and contains all information to
identify a component.
- Appendix F - Test reports and certificates
Appendix F provides the test reports of the drive. Quality certificates, and codes and
standards the drive complies with are added if necessary for the project.