Juniper Support Insights (JSI) Admin Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Juniper Cloud Administration Guide, and I'm ready to assist you with any questions about it. This document offers comprehensive guidance on managing organizations, users, sites, and devices within the Juniper Cloud environment. It details how to configure settings, invite users, manage inventory, monitor audit logs and configure webhooks for event notifications.
  • What is an organization in Juniper Cloud?
    What is a Super User role?
    How do I add users to an organization?
    What is an API token used for?
    What are webhooks?
    How to receive webhook notifications in Slack channel?
Juniper Cloud
Administraon Guide
Juniper Networks, Inc.
1133 Innovaon Way
Sunnyvale, California 94089
Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, and Junos are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc.
in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service
marks are the property of their respecve owners.
Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right
to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publicaon without noce.
Juniper Cloud Administraon Guide
Copyright © 2023 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related
limitaons through the year 2038. However, the NTP applicaon is known to have some diculty in the year 2036.
The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use
with) Juniper Networks soware. Use of such soware is subject to the terms and condions of the End User License
Agreement ("EULA") posted at hps:// By downloading, installing or using such
soware, you agree to the terms and condions of that EULA.
Table of Contents
About This Guide | v
Administraon Overview | 2
User Acvaon and Login | 4
Administraon Workow | 6
Organizaon Management
Organizaon and Sites Overview | 9
Add an Organizaon | 9
Delete an Organizaon | 10
Manage Organizaon Sengs | 11
Authencaon Methods Overview | 15
Manage Identy Providers | 16
Add an Identy Provider | 17
Edit an Identy Provider | 18
Delete an Identy Provider | 18
Manage Roles | 18
Add a User-Dened Role | 19
Edit a User-Dened Role | 20
Delete a User-Dened Role | 20
Manage API Tokens | 21
Add an API Token | 21
Edit an API Token | 22
Delete an API Token | 22
Congure Webhooks to Receive Event Nocaons in Slack Channels | 23
Link Your Juniper Networks Account to Your Organizaon | 26
Site Management
About the Sites Page | 28
Manage Sites | 29
User Management
About the Users Page | 33
Predened User Roles Overview | 34
Add Users to an Organizaon | 36
Invite Users | 38
Manage Users and Invites | 39
Edit User Role | 40
Reinvite a User | 40
Cancel an Invitaon | 41
Revoke a User | 42
Manage Your Juniper Cloud Account | 42
Inventory Management
About the Inventory Page | 46
Adopt a Device | 58
Adopt a Device to Juniper Cloud-hosted Applicaon | 58
Adopt a Device to JSI Service | 60
Assign a Device to a Site | 61
Audit Logs
Audit Logs Overview | 63
About the Audit Logs Page | 64
About This Guide
Use this guide to understand the various features that Juniper Cloud provides to the applicaons
running on Juniper Cloud. This guide provides overviews, workows, and procedures that help you
understand and manage the organizaons, users, and the sites congured in the applicaons running on
Juniper Cloud.
Administraon Overview | 2
User Acvaon and Login | 4
Administraon Workow | 6
Administraon Overview
Manage Organizaons | 2
Manage Sites | 3
Manage Users | 3
Manage Inventory | 3
Monitor Audit Logs | 4
Juniper Cloud is Juniper’s soware as a service soluon that hosts applicaons in the cloud and enables
these applicaons to interact with the devices in the network. Juniper Cloud is based on a modern
microservices-based architecture that ensures scalability, exibility, and maintainability. Juniper Cloud
provides the hosted applicaons, an easy to use user and organizaon management system that
supports mul-tenancy. The user management module in Juniper Cloud enables administrators to add
users and assign the required roles. An administrator with the Super User role can manage organizaons,
sites, and the users in the organizaon. The user who creates the organizaon is assigned the superuser
role in the organizaon, by default. Aer the organizaon is created, the Super User needs to congure
organizaon sengs, add sites, and then add users to predened roles according to the tasks the users
need to perform in the organizaon. This topic provides an overview of the tasks a superuser performs
in an organizaon.
Manage Organizaons
Aer you create an account in Juniper Cloud, you need to create an organizaon in the hosted
applicaon. An organizaon in Juniper Cloud represents a customer (for a service provider) or a branch
(for an enterprise). To manage an organizaon, you must log in to Juniper Cloud and then access the
organizaon. An organizaon may have mulple sites that represent the locaons where routers,
switches, and rewalls are installed. Aer creang an organizaon, the superuser needs to congure the
following features from the Sengs page to eciently manage the organizaon:
Authencaon methods to manage access to the organizaon
Identy providers (IdP) to enable single sign-on (SSO)
Roles for users at the organizaon-level, mapping to the predened roles
Session policy to me out sessions following a period of inacvity
API tokens to enable users to retrieve informaon through REST APIs
Password policy to secure users' access to the applicaons hosted on Juniper Cloud
Webhooks to view alerts and events nocaons in real-me
Juniper Networks account to view details of the devices associated with the account
For more informaon, see "Organizaon and Sites Overview" on page 9.
Manage Sites
Aer you create an organizaon, you need to create sites, which are the physical locaons within the
organizaon. Sites house the devices in a network, such as routers, switches, and rewalls. Aer sites
are created, a superuser can assign devices to those sites. The Sites page provides informaon about
sites, their locaon and mezone, and the site group to which the sites belong. A Super User can edit
site informaon or delete sites that are not in use.
For more informaon, see "About the Sites Page" on page 28.
Manage Users
To perform the various tasks in an organizaon, the superuser needs to add users to various predened
roles according to the tasks the users with those roles need to perform in the organizaon. Adding a
user to the organizaon is as easy as sending an e-mail invite to a user, and assigning a predened role in
the organizaon. Based on the tasks that a user needs to perform, superuser can assign the roles, such
as Super User, Network Admin, Observer, and Installer, providing role-based access to resources. A
superuser can add, modify, and delete users. An invite expires if the user doesn't accept the invite within
seven days of receiving the invite. For more informaon, see "About the Users Page" on page 33.
Manage Inventory
Inventory consists of the devices in the organizaon. The devices can be physical or virtual and are
grouped by type, such as routers, switches, and rewalls. Users with Super User and Network Admin
roles can onboard a device by using the Adopt Device opon and remove a device from Juniper Cloud
by using the Release Device opon. Adopng a device is the process of adding a device to Juniper Cloud
by a superuser or a network administrator to manage it in a browneld deployment. By releasing a
device, you remove the device from Juniper Cloud due to reasons such as a device reaching its end of
life. For more informaon, see "About the Inventory Page" on page 46.
Monitor Audit Logs
An audit log is a record of a sequence of user-iniated acvies such as accessing an organizaon, or
adding or deleng a user or a site. Audit logs are stored for 30 days. Audit logs are useful in tracking and
maintaining a history of users' acvies on the network. For more informaon, see "About the Audit
Logs Page" on page 64.
User Acvaon and Login
To access an applicaon in Juniper Cloud, you must create an account in Juniper Cloud and then,
acvate the account. Aer you acvate your account, you either create an organizaon or join an
organizaon through an invite.
Juniper Cloud iniates user acvaon when:
The rst user accesses the Web GUI without an invite.
The superuser invites you to an organizaon. Click the link in the invite and complete the login tasks.
Your login procedure depends on whether you are an exisng user with a Juniper Cloud account or a
new user without a Juniper Cloud account.
1. To log in as the rst admin user without an invite:
a. Access the GUI directly at hps://
NOTE: Juniper Networks recommends that you use Chrome 10.8, Firefox 107.0.1, or
Safari 16.1 browsers to access Juniper Cloud.
b. Click Create Account on the Juniper Cloud page.
c. Type your rst name, last name, e-mail address, and password on the My Account page.
The password is case sensive.
d. Click Create Account.
Juniper Cloud sends a vericaon e-mail to acvate your account.
e. Click Validate Me in the e-mail body.
The New Account page appears.
f. (Oponal) Click View Account to check your name and e-mail address.
g. Click Create Organizaon.
h. Type a unique name for your organizaon and click Create.
The New Account page appears.
i. Click the organizaon on the New Account page.
2. To log in as a new user with an invite:
a. Click Go to
in the e-mail body.
The Invite to Organizaon page opens in your default browser.
b. Click Register to Accept.
The My Account page appears.
c. Enter your rst name, last name, e-mail address, and congure a password.
The password can contain up to 32 characters, including special characters, based on the
password policy of the organizaon.
d. Click Create Account.
Juniper Cloud sends a conrmaon e-mail to acvate your account.
e. In your conrmaon e-mail, click Validate Me.
The New Account page opens in your default browser.
f. Click the organizaon for which you received the invite.
You can access the selected organizaon's GUI in the applicaon. The tasks you can perform in
this organizaon depends on your user role. See "Predened User Roles Overview" on page 34
for more informaon.
3. To access an invite as an exisng user:
a. Click Access
in the e-mail body.
The Invite to Organizaon page opens in your default browser.
b. Click Sign In to Accept.
The Juniper Cloud page appears.
c. Enter your username and click Next.
The Juniper Cloud login page appears.
d. Enter your password and click Log In.
The Invite to Organizaon page appears.
e. Click Connue.
The Select an Organizaon page appears.
f. (Oponal) You can click View Account to verify your account details and click Back to return to
the Select an Organizaon page.
g. Click the organizaon for which you received the invite.
You are logged in to the applicaon. The tasks you can perform depends on your role. See
"Predened User Roles Overview" on page 34 for more informaon.
Manage Your Juniper Cloud Account | 42
Administraon Workow
Aer you purchase a Juniper Cloud-hosted applicaon, you receive an e-mail from Juniper Networks
that contains instrucons to create an account in Juniper Cloud and access the applicaon.
Typically, the rst user who accesses the applicaon is an IT or system administrator (of a service
provider or an enterprise). The administrator is assigned the Super User role by default.
Aer logging in, the administrator must create an organizaon, which consists of users, devices, and
geographical sites in the network. Next, the administrator must perform administraon tasks. "Figure"
on page 6 shows the high-level sequence of tasks that IT or system administrators perform, starng
with account creaon.
Figure 1: Administrator Workow
The tasks that an administrator needs to perform are as follows:
1. Create and acvate your account in Juniper Cloud and log in to the applicaon.
See "User Acvaon and Login" on page 4.
2. Create an organizaon.
See "Add an Organizaon" on page 9.
3. Congure organizaon sengs—You must congure the following for your organizaon:
Password policy
Single sign-on (SSO) if you want to authencate and authorize users using a third-party Identy
Provider (IdP)
Integrate your Juniper Networks account with your organizaon
You can oponally congure other organizaon sengs such as session and inacvity meouts, API
tokens, and so on.
See "Manage Organizaon Sengs" on page 11.
4. Invite users to the organizaon—You can invite users in either of the following ways:
By assigning a role to a user and sending the user an invitaon to join the organizaon. The tasks
that a user performs depends on the assigned role. See "Invite Users" on page 38 to send invites
and "Manage Users and Invites" on page 39 to manage users and invites in an organizaon.
NOTE: Users must create an account in Juniper Cloud when they access the organizaon
By conguring a third-party identy provider (IdP) that authencates and authorizes users based
on the role mapped to each user. See "Manage Identy Providers" on page 16.
5. Create one or more sites—A site represents a geographical locaon with one or more devices in your
network. However, a device can be associated with only one site. See "Manage Sites" on page 29.
Aer you perform the inial administraon tasks, you can explore other tasks in the Administraon
menu such as inventory management and monitoring audit logs. See "About the Inventory Page" on page
46 and "About the Audit Logs Page" on page 64.
Organizaon Management
Organizaon and Sites Overview | 9
Add an Organizaon | 9
Delete an Organizaon | 10
Manage Organizaon Sengs | 11
Authencaon Methods Overview | 15
Manage Identy Providers | 16
Manage Roles | 18
Manage API Tokens | 21
Congure Webhooks to Receive Event Nocaons in Slack Channels | 23
Link Your Juniper Networks Account to Your Organizaon | 26
Organizaon and Sites Overview
An organizaon represents a customer (for a service provider) or a branch (for an enterprise). An
organizaon can have mulple sites represenng the locaons where routers, switches, and rewalls are
installed. While a site can have more than one device, a device can be associated with only one site.
You can group sites based on regions, funcons, or other parameters for ecient management of the
devices. "Figure" on page 9 represents the relaon between an organizaon, sites, and site groups. In
"Figure" on page 9, an organizaon has seven sites and three sites groups (Site Group 1, Site Group 2,
and Site Group 3). Site 3 and Site 4 are a part of Site Group 1 and Site Group 3 while Site 7 is part of Site
Group 2 and Site Group 3.
Figure 2: Organizaon, Sites, and Site Groups
Add an Organizaon
An organizaon represents the customer (for a service provider) or a branch (for an enterprise). You can
add an organizaon from:
The Login page when you log in to Juniper Cloud and access the applicaon.
The organizaon list (next to the Help icon) on the top right-corner of the applicaon GUI.
To add an organizaon:
1. Click Create Organizaon on the Login page or in the Organizaon drop-down list at the top-right
corner of the GUI.
The Create Organizaon page appears.
2. In the Organizaon Name eld, enter a name for the organizaon.
3. Click OK.
The organizaon appears in the organizaon list and on the Login page.
4. Click the organizaon to access the organizaon.
You are the superuser (Super User in Juniper Cloud)for an organizaon that you create. Aer you create
an organizaon, you can congure the organizaon sengs and invite users to access the organizaon.
For more informaon, see "Manage Organizaon Sengs" on page 11 and "Invite Users" on page 38,
Delete an Organizaon
You can delete an organizaon that you no longer manage or if you want to decommission the
organizaon. You must be a user with the Super User role to delete an organizaon.
CAUTION: You cannot restore an organizaon aer you delete it.
To delete an organizaon:
1. Log in to Juniper Cloud and navigate to Administraon > Sengs.
2. Click Delete Organizaon.
The Delete Organizaon page appears.
3. As a conrmaon for deleng the organizaon, enter the name of the organizaon in the
Organizaon Name eld.
4. Click Delete Organizaon.
The organizaon is deleted and the Juniper Cloud Login page appears.
Organizaon and Sites Overview | 9
Manage Organizaon Sengs
A superuser can congure the organizaon sengs and do the following tasks:
View organizaon name and organizaon ID and modify the organizaon name.
Add, modify, and delete identy providers.
Enable or disable the password policy for the organizaon and modify the password policy when the
password policy is enabled.
Modify the session meout policy for the organizaon.
Generate, edit, and delete API tokens for various roles in the organizaon.
Congure webhooks for the organizaon.
Add Juniper account to link Juniper Networks devices to the organizaon.
To congure and to manage organizaon sengs:
1. Click Administraon > Sengs in the navigaon menu.
The Organizaon Sengs page appears.
2. Congure or modify the organizaon sengs as needed. Refer to Table 1 on page 11.
3. Click Save to save the sengs.
Verify that the sengs are saved and close the Organizaon Sengs page.
Table 1: Organizaon Sengs Parameters
Field Descripon
Organizaon Name Name of the organizaon. You can edit the organizaon name here.
Organizaon ID The ID for the organizaon. The value is auto-generated. This is a read-only
Single Sign On (SSO)
Identy Providers View identy providers congured in the organizaon. Add, edit, or delete the
identy providers; see "Manage Identy Providers" on page 16.
Table 1: Organizaon Sengs Parameters
Field Descripon
Roles View roles congured for SSO. Add, edit, or delete the roles; see "Manage
Roles" on page 18.
Password Policy Enable or disable (default) password policy. If you enable the password policy,
congure the password policy parameters; see Table 2 on page 12.
Session Policy Congure the me, in minutes, aer which the logged in session with the
applicaon should meout; see Table 3 on page 13.
API Tokens Generate and view API tokens to authencate users when they retrieve data by
using REST APIs; see "Manage API Tokens" on page 21.
Webhooks Webhooks enable you to get nocaons when the events that you have
subscribed for occur. Click to enable or disable (default) webhooks. If you
enable webhooks, you must select the type of events for which you want to
receive nocaons; see Table 4 on page 13.
Juniper Account Integraon Add your Juniper Networks account to link your Juniper Networks devices to
the organizaon; see Table 5 on page 14.
If no Juniper Networks account is integrated, you can also link your Juniper
account from the Installed Base tab (Administraon > Inventory). For more
informaon, see "Link Your Juniper Networks Account to Your Organizaon" on
page 26.
Table 2: Parameters to Congure Password Policy
Field Descripon
Required minimum
password length
Enter the minimum number of characters that should be present in the password of a
user's account. Default is 8 characters.
Range: 8 to 32
Require special
Click to enable (default) or disable the use of special characters in the password.
Table 2: Parameters to Congure Password Policy
Field Descripon
Require 2-Factor
Click to enable or disable (default) two-factor authencaon for users accessing the
If you enable two-factor authencaon, a code is sent to an authencator app. A
user must enter the code in addion to the password to access an organizaon.
Table 3: Parameters to Congure Session Policy
Field Descripon
Session Timeout (minutes) Enter the number of minutes aer which the session should meout. Default is
20160 minutes.
Inacvity Timeout (minutes) Enter the number of minutes of inacvity aer which the session should
meout. Default is 0, indicang that the session does not me out because of
Range: 0 to 480 minutes
Table 4: Parameters to Congure Webhooks
Field Descripon
Name Enter the name of the server or applicaon to which nocaons for subscribed
events are to be sent.
URL Enter the URL of the server or applicaon where the nocaons in the form of
HTTP POST requests are to be sent when a subscribed event occurs.
You must congure webhooks to send nocaons to third-party applicaons,
such as Slack, when events you have subscribed to are triggered on the managed
To receive webhook nocaons in a format that is compable with Slack, you
need to congure an intermediary that can interact with the sending and
receiving applicaons. The recommended intermediary plaorm is Make. For
more informaon, see "Congure Webhooks to Receive Event Nocaons in
Slack Channels" on page 23.
Secret Enter the secret to validate that the nocaons received are from valid hosts.
Table 4: Parameters to Congure Webhooks
Field Descripon
Webhook Header
Header Key Enter a unique key that the webhook endpoint can use to authencate the event
Header Value Enter a unique value for the key.
Streaming API
Alerts Click to enable or disable (default) receiving nocaons when subscribed alerts
are generated on the managed devices.
Audits Click to enable or disable (default) receiving nocaons when an organizaon is
accessed or any seng in the organizaon is changed.
Device Status Click to enable or disable (default) receiving nocaons when the device status
changes due to events such as a link going up or down, or the device geng
disconnected from Juniper Cloud and so on.
Device Alarms Click to enable or disable (default) receiving nocaons when subscribed
alarms are generated on the managed devices.
Table 5: Parameters to Add Juniper Account
Field Descripon
Email Address The e-mail address associated with your Juniper Networks account.
Password The password associated with your e-mail address.
Authencaon Methods Overview
Benets of Single Sign-On | 15
Juniper Clouid provides dierent authencaon methods to authencate users.
You can use one of the following authencaon methods to log in to the applicaon GUI.
Juniper Cloud account—Users can create a Juniper Cloud account to access the applicaon GUI.
Social Sign-In—All users can enable Google social media sign-in (or single sign-on) on their user
account page.
Single Sign-On (SSO)—You can congure third-party Identy Providers (IdP) to authencate users in
the organizaon.
While users have the necessary permission to congure and use Juniper Cloud and social media sign-in
to log in, administrators can congure Single Sign-On for users in the organizaon. To use the Juniper
Cloud account to log in, individual users must create their user account in Juniper Cloud. Superusers can
create and manage users in an organizaon. User management includes inving users to join an
organizaon and revoking users' access to the organizaon. However, superusers cannot delete users.
You can use Google as an authencaon provider to sign in to the applicaon. Google sign-in uses
OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authencate users by verifying their Google account credenals. As an
alternave, superusers can congure IdP in the Organizaon Sengs page and map default roles in
Juniper Cloud to the IdP proles. Juniper Cloud supports Secure Asseron Markup Language (SAML 2.0)
for SSO authencaon using third-party IdPs. The IdP asserts a user's identy and allows the user to
access the web GUI based on the user's role. This enables a superuser to create a Juniper Cloud account
and authencate other users to the organizaon using IdP. If you congure IdP, you manage the user
account credenals in your organizaon.
Benets of Single Sign-On
Users can use a single account to log in to mulple plaorms and applicaons.