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IEEE-1284 compatible, HP-GL,
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Hewlett-Packard Company.
Macintosh is a product of Apple
Computer Inc.
Microsoft® and MS-DOS® are
registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft Windows is a
registered trademark of Microsoft
licensed trademarks of Pantone.
generated by the HP DesignJet
2000CP/2500CP printers are
four-color process simulations
and may not match PANTONE-
identified solid color standards.
Use current PANTONE Color
Reference Manuals for accurate
color. PANTONE Color
simulations are only obtainable
on this product when driven by
qualified Pantone-licensed
software packages. Contact
Pantone. Inc. for a current list of
qualified licensees.
PostScript® is a registered
trademark of Adobe Systems
QuickDraw™ is a trademark of
Apple Computer Inc.
UNIX® is a registered trademark
in the United States and other
countries, Iicensed exclusively
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in TrueType®
format is a product of Microsoft
Corporation. WingDings is a
trademark of Microsoft
Corporation and TrueType® is a
registered trademark of Apple
Computer, Inc."
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Safety Symbols
The product is marked with this
symbol when it is necessary for
you to refer the instruction
manual in order to protect against
damage to the product.
Hazardous voltage symbol.
The Warning symbol calls
attention to a procedure, practice,
or the like, which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could
result in personal injury. Do not
proceed beyond a Warning
symbol until the indicated
conditions are fully understood
and met.
The Caution symbol calls
attention to an operating
procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not correctly performed
or adhered to, could result in
damage to or destruction of part
or all of the product. Do not
proceed beyond a Caution
symbol until the indicated
conditions are fully understood
and met.
1.Pantone. Inc.’s check–
standard trademark for
color. ©Pantone. Inc. 1988
HP DesignJet Printers - Year 2000 Compliance
All HP DesignJet printer products including all
the HP software, hardware, firmware and
accessories for the HP DesignJet printers are
Year 2000 Compliant. HP DesignJet printers will
function with all the reliability and quality
associated with Hewlett-Packard as the transition
is made into the 21st century.
“Year 2000 Compliant Products” are products able to accurately process date
data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing and sequencing
dates, from, into and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries,
including leap year calculations, when used in accordance with its product
documentation, and provided all other products used in combination with the
product properly exchange data with it.
HP has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of out product testing.
However, because each customer’s enviroment is different from HP’s lab-
oratory test enviroment, it is the customer’s responsibility to validate the
Year 2000 readiness of these products in their own enviroment. Therefore,
information about the Year 2000 staus of HP products is provided “as is”
without warranties of any kind.
HP makes no representation or warranty respecting the accuracy or reliability
of information about non-HP products. Such information, if any, was
provided by the manufacturers of those products and customers are urged to
contact the manufacturer directly to verify Year 2000 readiness.
For further information on how HP is preparing for the approaching
millenium visit the HP Year 2000 Program web site: