FA00017-EN ver.1 04/2015
If the device receives a bus telegram to disarm the control unit/area, it forwards the disarming command to
the CP burglar alarm control unit; with this setting, the burglar alarm control unit can be disarmed with a bus
In both cases, on receipt of a telegram arming/disarming the area/control unit, the device forwards the
command to the control unit via serial line.
3.1.4 Malfunction and tamper objects
This allows you to enable the visibility and use of communication objects that provide a telegram message of
malfunctioning of and tampering with the burglar alarm control unit via telegram.
The values that can be set are as follows:
- disabled (default value)
- enabled
if the enabled value is selected, the communication objects become visible for sending messages relating to
any malfunctioning of or tampering with the burglar alarm control unit: Network malfunction, battery
malfunction and control unit malfunction (tamper).
Using the Network malfunction object, the device sends a message of any malfunctioning of the control
unit’s 230 V power supply network. If the 230 V power supply fails and the control unit battery is working
correctly, the device sends a bus telegram via this communication object with a logic value of “1”;
conversely, when the power supply is present or is reset, the device sends a bus telegram via this object
communication with a logic value of “0”. The message is sent on request and following a change of state.
Using the Battery malfunction object, the device sends a message of any malfunctioning of the control
unit’s battery. If the control unit battery is not connected or is flat and the 230 V power supply is present, the
device sends a bus telegram via this communication object with a logic value of “1”; conversely, when the
battery is connected correctly and is sufficiently charged, the device sends a bus telegram via this object
communication with a logic value of “0”. The message is sent on request and following a change of state.
Using the Control unit tamper object, the device sends a message of any tampering with the burglar alarm
control unit. If the tamper message is activated, showing that someone is tampering with the control unit, the
device sends a bus telegram via this communication object with a logic value of “1”; conversely, when the
tamper message is not activated, the device sends a bus telegram via this object communication with a logic
value of “0”. The message is sent on request and following a change of state.
3.1.5 Number of inputs/outputs to manage
The burglar alarm control unit can manage 64 inputs and 32 outputs; the KNX - Burglar Alarm interface is
able to support up to 64 inputs and up to 32 outputs, with a maximum of 64 communication objects in
With this parameter, you can define how many objects to dedicate to the inputs and consequently how many
to the outputs. The values that can be set are as follows:
- 32 inputs/32 outputs (default value)
- 33 inputs/31 outputs
- 64 inputs/0 outputs
Depending on the value set here, the configuration menus Inputs 1 .. 8, Inputs 9 .. 16 etc. and Outputs 1 ..
8, Outputs 9 .. 16 etc. and the communication objects Input state i and Output state notification j become
3.2 “Inputs 1..8” etc. menu
The number of menus displayed depends on the number of inputs enabled in the “Number of
inputs/outputs to be managed” parameter in the General menu; each menu contains a maximum of 8
inputs and related parameters (see photo 3.2).