Trane BMSC000AAA011200 Operating instructions

Operating instructions

This manual is also suitable for

Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and air-
conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment
by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury.When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and
on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.
SC System Controller
Daily Operations
November 2013
© 2013Trane All rights reserved BAS-SVU025A-EN
© 2013Trane All rights reserved
This document and the information in it are the property ofTrane and may not be used
or reproduced in whole or in part, without the written permission ofTrane.Trane reserves
the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its content without
obligation to notify any person of such revision or change.
Trane and its logo are trademarks ofTrane in the United States and other countries. All
trademarks referenced in this document are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices
Warnings, cautions, and notices are provided in appropriate places throughout this
Revision History
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury. It could also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property-damage only
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................6
How to Use This Guide ........................................... 6
Additional Resources ............................................ 7
Product Overview .................................................8
Tracer SC Model Numbers ........................................ 8
Tracer SC Components ........................................... 8
Tracer SC Accessories ........................................... 9
Tracer SC Service Parts .......................................... 9
Licensing and Hardware ......................................... 11
Setup Requirements ............................................ 11
Navigating the User Interface .......................................12
Applying the Table Filter ........................................ 13
Using the Actions Button ........................................ 14
The Navigation Tree ..............................................15
Using the Navigation Tree ....................................... 15
Drag a Tracer SC Component onto the Tree ....................... 16
Drag a Tree Component onto the Home Button .................... 16
Drag Tree Nodes to Other Locations ............................. 16
Rename Tree Nodes ..........................................16
Editing the Navigation Tree ...................................... 17
Adding a Custom Graphics Node to the Tree ......................17
Editing a Node on the Tree ..................................... 17
Adding a Custom Folder to the Tree ............................. 17
Deleting a Node from the Tree .................................. 17
Undoing a Change to the Tree .................................. 17
Redoing a Previously Undone Change to the Tree .................17
Reseting the Tree to Standard Configuration ...................... 17
Viewing Help for the Navigation Tree ............................ 17
Alarms and Events Log ............................................18
Taking Action on an Alarm ....................................... 18
Event Classes .................................................. 18
Reports .........................................................20
Create a Report ................................................ 21
Export a Report ................................................ 21
Data Logs .......................................................22
Scheduled Data Logs ........................................... 23
Creating a Scheduled Data Log ................................. 23
Triggered Data Logs ............................................ 23
Creating a Triggered Data Log .................................. 23
Spaces ..........................................................25
Space Status .................................................. 26
Equipment ......................................................27
Equipment Status .............................................. 28
Schedules .......................................................29
Optimal Start/Stop ............................................. 29
Creating a Schedule ............................................ 30
Exceptions and Calendars ....................................... 30
Points ..........................................................32
Point Types ................................................... 32
Point Overrides ..................................................34
Overriding a Point .............................................. 34
Using the Override Dialog Box ................................... 35
Systems ........................................................36
Area Application ............................................... 36
Variable Air Systems (VAS) Application ............................ 36
Chiller Plant Control (CPC) Application ............................. 36
Viewing System Status .......................................... 37
Tools ...........................................................38
Backup and Restore ............................................ 38
Custom Graphics ............................................... 39
Global Referencers ............................................. 39
Programs ..................................................... 39
System Logs .................................................. 39
Tracer ES IP Address ............................................ 39
Unit Controllers ..................................................40
Trane Unit Controllers Supported by the Tracer SC .................. 40
Non-Trane Unit Controllers Supported by Tracer SC ................. 40
LEDs and the 7-Segment Display ....................................41
Powering Up/Powering Down the Tracer SC ........................ 41
The LEDs and the 7-Segment Display .............................. 41
Interpreting the LEDs ......................................... 42
Interpreting the 7-Segment Display .............................. 43
Troubleshooting ..................................................44
Troubleshooting with LEDs and the 7-Segment Display ............... 44
Force Return to Factory Defaults .................................. 44
Troubleshooting Network Connections ............................ 45
PING ....................................................... 45
IPCONFIG ................................................... 45
Web Browser Security Settings ................................. 45
TheTracer SC Daily Operations Guide provides information and instructions for tasks that daily
operators typically perform in aTrane BAS using theTracer SC System Controller, such as
managing alarms and events, overriding setpoints, and running reports.
The following information is provided in this document:
Product overview (hardware, model numbers, licensing)
Navigating theTracer SC user interface, performing daily operator BAS tasks
Interpreting the LEDs and 7-segment display, troubleshooting
This guide does not cover programming and configuration. For more information on advanced
user tasks, refer to theTracer SC System Controller Installation and Setup Guide, BAS-SVX31-EN,
or access theTracer SC Help by clicking the help icon located on the global navigation bar.
How to Use This Guide
Although it is best practice to familiarize yourself with all aspects ofTracer SC, it is not necessary
to read this guide in any particular order or in its entirety.To quickly locate a specific task or topic,
simply refer to theTable of Contents on page 3.
The sections in this guide that describeTracer SC applications will begin with an overview of the
application (Alarms, Reports, for example) and an accompanying figure that shows the application
highlighted on the left-hand navigation bar (see Figure 1).
Note: If you are reading a copy of this document that was translated from English, please note that
all figures and illustrations in this guide are for navigational purposes only.The data and
text depicted is not relevant to the accompanying instructions.
Figure 1. Example of navigational elements
The application
currently in view is
highlighted on the
left-hand navigation
Additional Resources
Following is a list of relatedTracer SC documentation and training resources.
Tracer™ SC System Controller Installation and Setup Guide (BAS-SVX31-EN)
Describes detailed configuration for network settings, Ethernet network wiring, and IT security.
Tracer™ SC System Controller Installation Sheet (X39641154-01)
For mounting the enclosure and providing AC power.
Tracer™ SC online help
An online help system is included with theTracer SC user interface. Global help has a table of
contents and is searchable. Contextual help is specific to the information on each page.
Tracer™ BAS Operator Suite (Mobile App) Getting Started Guide
Describes how to obtain, download, install, and set up the mobile app.
MS/TP Wiring Best Practices and Troubleshooting (BAS-SVX051-EN)
Provides best practices, procedures, and troubleshooting for wiring BACnet unit controllers to a
Tracer SC system controller.
Tracer™ SC Air Systems Application Guide (BAS-APG007-EN)
Describes variable-air-volume strategies for variable air systems. It also include constant-volume
applications and area application strategies forTracer SC.
Tracer™ Graphical Programming (TGP2) Application Guide (BAS-APG008-EN)
Describes how to use theTGP2 editor and typical implementation strategies and best practices for
Tracer™TU Service Tool Getting Started Guide (TTU-SVN01-EN)
This document describes how to use theTracerTU service tool to
Transfer programs to the Tracer SC
Start theTracer Graphical Programming (TGP2) Editor and theTracer Graphics Editor from
Backing up and restoring firmware andTGP2 programs
Trane College of Building Automation
TheTrane College of Building Automation (TCBA) offers a comprehensive portfolio of technical
courses to help you effectively monitor and coordinate your HVAC equipment and systems.
Product Overview
TheTracer™ SC system controller (Tracer SC) serves as the central coordinator for all individual
equipment devices on aTracer building automation system.TheWeb-based interface of theTracer
SC system controller provides an easy and convenient way for building operators to access their
building automation system. Access is available from most PCs, tablets and smartphones that
meet system requirements.
Tracer SC Model Numbers
Tracer SC Components
TheTracer SC is equipped with the components shown in Figure 1.
Model number Description
BMSC000AAA011000 (current) Tracer SC with power supply module (PM014) with U.S. outlet, enclosure ordered separately
BMSC000AAA011100 (obsolete) Tracer SC system controller with power supply module (PM214) with U.S. outlet, in enclosure
BMSC000AAA011200 (obsolete) Tracer SC system controller with power supply module (PM214), in enclosure
Figure 1. Tracer SC components
USB service
tool port
SD card port (future)
EIA-232 serial connection
USB host (future)
Ethernet network connection 2 (supports
TCP/IP) (recommended for direct
connection to PC)
Ethernet network connection 1 (supports
BACnet and TCP/IP (recommended for
building network connection)
Power button
Status LED
7-segment display
Rotary switches
LonTalk service pin
Ethernet LEDs
LonTalk LEDs
LonTalk service LED
EIA-232 LEDs
Product Overview
Tracer SC Accessories
Tracer SC Service Parts
The service parts listed in Table 1 and Table 2 are available for theTracer SC.The numbers in the
tables correspond to those in Figure 2.
Note: Some of the service parts are the same for all models.
Description Order number
BACnet terminator 2 pack
(a)For information about this accessory, see BACnet MS/TP Wiring Best Practices (BAS-SVX051-EN).
Rover LonTalk interface adaptor
(b)For information about this accessory, see Rover Service Tool Installation, Operation, and Programming (EMTX-SVX01).
Table 1. Tracer SC model BMSC0 00AAA011000 (current)
Number in
Figure 2 Description Order number
1 Enclosure for DIN-mounted controllers (120 VAC, with outlet) X13651559010
2 Tracer SC module S3090058462
3 Power supply module X1365153801
(not shown) Enclosure for DIN-mounted controllers (230 VAC, no outlet) X13651560010
(not shown) Transformer service part S3090062462
4 IMC power cable S3090059562
(not shown)
Large enclosure for DIN-mounted controllers, 120 VAC, with outlet
(solid door)
(not shown)
Large enclosure for DIN-mounted controllers, 120 VAC, with outlet
(display-capable door)
(not shown)
Large enclosure for DIN-mounted controllers, 230 VAC, with outlet
(display-capable door)
(not shown)
Large enclosure for DIN-mounted controllers, 230
VAC, with outlet (display-capable door)
Table 2. Tracer SC models BMSC000AAA011100 and BMSC000AAA011200 (obsolete)
Number in
Figure 2 Description Order number
2 Tracer SC module S3090058462
3 Power supply module S3090058562
4 IMC power cable S3090059562
5 Cable assembly/modular terminal kit with U.S. outlet S3090059062
(not shown) Cable assembly/modular terminal kit S3090059162
6 Control panel cover (for models with U.S. outlet) S3090058962
(not shown) Control panel cover S3090058862
7 Enclosure S3090058762
Product Overview
Figure 2. Service parts for the Tracer SC
Product Overview
Licensing and Hardware
The number of devices that are supported is limited by the number within the application license.
The maximum amount is 240 devices in a single license. As ofTracer SC version 3.0, allTracer SCs
ship with a base license installed.The order number for an SC Application license is
BMCF000AAA0AE00 (15 devices).
To utilize the expanded communications functionality for multi-SC facilities, the following are
OneTracer SC with an Application license
One or moreTracer SCs with a Base license
Setup Requirements
The following are required for setup and normal operation:
Scenario 1: Single SC Facility
Tracer SC must have an application license in order to install equipment and facilitate control.
Ethernet port 1 must be used for communication over BACnet/IP.
BACnet MS/TP port network number cannot exceed 4193.
Scenario 2: Multi-SC Facility
OneTracer SC must have an application license in order to install equipment and facilitate
AdditionalTracer SCs do not require a license.
Ethernet port 1 must be used for communication between multiple SCs over BACnet/IP
Tracer SC Device IDs must be unique.
BACnet MS/TP port network number cannot exceed 4193.
Tracer SCs on separate subnets must have one BBMD per subnet.
UDP ports must be the same across all SCs in the facility.
Note: Both theTracer SC-App and theTracer SC-Base must be configured to communicate to each
other over BACnet/IP.They can reside on the same network subnet or on a separate subnet.
Scenario 3: Trane Intelligent Services (TIS)
No additional license required;Tracer SC isTIS-Ready out of the box.
ConfigureTracer SC Ethernet port 1 or 2 to communicate to the Internet.
TIS must be enabled.
For more information about Trane Intelligent Services, see TIS Technical Specifications”,
License Type TIS Ready Multi SC Ready BAS App
Base Up to 5 devices Yes N/A
Application Up to 120 devices Yes Up to 240 devices
Navigating the User Interface
TheTracer SC user interface (UI) is designed with common navigation elements across all pages.
These include the global navigation bar, the left navigation menu, contextual help, and the
navigation tree. Each of these elements is described below.
Global navigation bar
Contains shortcuts to the home page, alarm and event log, user preferences, administrative
functions, the “Configuration UI”, and the entireTracer SC help system.
Outdoor air conditions
This information area displays the current outdoor air temperature outside of your facility.
Context sensitive help
Click to open a help topic exclusi ve to the page in which you are viewing.
Printer icon
Click to print the page that you are viewing.
The Screen Expansion icon
click to temporarily hide the left navigation menu.To return to the default view, click the icon again.
Left navigation menu
Contains a list ofTracer SC applications and equipment.
Figure 1. Navigational elements on the Tracer SC user interface
Navigating the User Interface
The navigation tree
This component contains the logically ordered and grouped content of all the elements of your
HVAC system. It is a complex component that is built dynamically based on a number of variables
and dependencies related to the configuration of a facility, the content of the HVAC, and other
systems operating in the facility. For more information, see “The NavigationTree, p. 15.
Applying the Table Filter
Table filtering allows you to see only selected data by setting up rules and conditions.The option
to filter tables is available on the following pages:
Alarms and Events
Data Logs
Area, VAS, Chiller Plant (AlarmsTab)
To apply a table filter:
1. From one of the above mentioned pages, click the filter icon.The Filter dialog box appears.
2. From the Column drop-down
list, select a column on which to base your filter.
3. From the Condition drop-down
list, select a condition.
4. In the V
alue field, enter a value that the selected Column and Condition will filter.
5. Click Filter.The table displays results based on the applied filter.
6. Click the
button to add a rule. Up to three rules can be added to a filter.
7. Use the Matc
h drop-down list to include all rules or any rules.
To remove the filter, click Clear filter located directly above the first entry in the table on the page
you are viewing.
Example filter for Data Logs
Column = created by
Condition = is
Value = Area
Results:The above filter will only display data logs that were created by Area.
Navigating the User Interface
Using the Actions Button
The actions button is available onTracer SC pages in which certain actions can be
taken on selected items.
To delete a report (example):
1. Select a report from the Reports page.
2. Click the actions button and then select delete saved report.
Figure 2. Using the actions button
Actions button
Selected item
The Navigation Tree
The navigation tree contains the logically ordered and grouped content of all the elements of your
HVAC system.The navigation tree populates automatically when spaces, systems, points, and
equipment are installed.
Using the Navigation Tree
Click the arrow icon on the navigation tree to expand the tree and display the contents (Figure 1).
The navigation tree can be customized according to your preferences and facility needs.The tree
must be unlocked before any editing can be done. Click the chain link icon located at the bottom
of the tree. when clicked, the edit bar appears which contains a number of edit icons.
Note: The tree must be unlocked before any changes can be made. Click the chain link icon
located at the bottom of the tree to enable editing.To save edits made to the navigation
tree, lock the tree by clicking the chain link icon.
Figure 1. Expanding the navigation tree
Click the arrow
icon to expand
the tree
Edit bar
The Navigation Tree
Drag a Tracer SC Component onto the Tree
You can create nodes on the tree by dragging them from the title of a component onto the tree, as
shown in Figure 2. Click and drag a component from theTracer SC page onto the tree. An image
representing the component appears red, then green when it is dragged over a valid area.
Depending on where you locate the dropped image, the new node will appear under the node you
drop it onto.To save your changes, lock the navigation tree by clicking the chain link icon.
Drag a Tree Component onto the Home Button
Click and drag a component from the tree as shown below, or from the title of anTracer SC
component on the page to the Home button.To save your changes, lock the navigation tree by
clicking the chain link icon.
Drag Tree Nodes to Other Locations
Nodes can be dragged and dropped to other locations on the tree. When a node is dropped onto
another node that is currently not a folder, the node icon will then appear as a folder icon. Multiple
nodes can be selected at the same time by clicking on multiple nodes.To save your changes, lock
the navigation tree by clicking the chain link icon.
Rename Tree Nodes
Nodes on the tree can be renamed directly within the tree. Rename a node by “slow” clicking on
the tree node while in unlocked mode. Slow is defined as two clicks on the same node spaced
between 1 and 5 seconds apart. This places the name of the node in edit mode, in which the old
name can be deleted and the new one entered.To save your changes, lock the navigation tree by
clicking the chain link icon.
Figure 2. Creating nodes
Figure 3. Dragging components from the tree
The Navigation Tree
Editing the Navigation Tree
The navigation tree can be customized according to your preferences and facility needs.The tree
must be unlocked before any editing can be done.
Adding a Custom Graphics Node to the Tree
1. Click the custom graphics icon located on the navigation tree edit bar.The Add a Custom
Graphics Node to the Tree dialog
box appears.
2. Select a graphic from list. (A filtering option is available for your convenience).
3. Click next.
If the graphic is associated with a template, a tree with all the devices on the SC is displayed.
ou can then select the equipment with which to associate the graphic. If the graphic is not
associated with a template, a pane with the ability to save the graphic is displayed.
4. Save the graphic (template or otherwise).
Editing a Node on the Tree
1. Click to select one or more nodes on the tree.
2. Click the edit node icon
located on the navigation tree edit bar.The Edit Nodes dialog box
3. Select an action: Modify custom graphic assignment, or Reset custom node labels to default.
4. Follow the instructions in the dialog box to complete the action.
Adding a Custom Folder to the Tree
1. Click the add folder icon located on the edit bar. A new folder appears at the bottom of the
tree, or below a selected node.
2. Click once on the folder to place in edit mode, then rename the folder.
Deleting a Node from the Tree
1. Select a node or folder on the tree (text displays in bold when properly selected).
2. Click the delete icon
located on the navigation tree edit bar.
The selected item is deleted.
Undoing a Change to the Tree
While editing the tree, you can undo a change by clicking on the undo icon . Actions can be
undone back to the point where the tree was unlocked for editing.The undo icon will be active only
when there are actions that can be undone.
Redoing a Previously Undone Change to the Tree
While editing the tree, you can redo a previously undone change by clicking on the redo icon
. The redo stack is cleared once a new operation is performed.The redo icon will be active only
when there are actions that can be redone.
Reseting the Tree to Standard Configuration
You can reset the tree to its standard configuration by clicking on the eraser icon
Viewing Help for the Navigation Tree
Click the help icon to view help topics pertaining to the navigation tree.
Alarms and Events Log
The alarm handling capabilities ofTracer SC allow users to recei ve, view, acknowledge, and make
comments on building alarms and events.
The Alarms and Events page (Figure 1) contains a list of alarms and events that have been detected
by the system. Data displayed in the log includes when and where the event occurred and whether
operator acknowledgment is required.
To apply a filter to the table, see Applying theTable Filter, p. 13.
Taking Action on an Alarm
1. Click inside each row to select an alarm. Selected rows will be highlighted.
2. Click the actions button to refresh, add or view comments, acknowledge a comment, export the
alarm log, or delete all from the log.
Event Classes
Events can be assigned one of four severities.The severity icon appears in the severity column on
the Alarms and Events page.The severity column provides a way to sort the log according to the
severity of events and alarms.
Events that require tracking but are not defined as alarms. Examples include the notification that
a lighting system will soon be activated, or a user logging on to the system.
Figure 1. Alarms and Events page
Alarms and Events Log
Alarms that do not affect the operation of the system but may be of concern to a user. Examples
include custom system control events or a user override of system equipment.
Service Required
Alarms that require the attention of service personnel.These might include dirty filter notifications
or sensor failures.
These alarms require the immediate attention of service personnel. Critical alarms indicate a major
failure of equipment that might result in property damage or excessive tenant comfort issues.
Examples may include compressor failures or an emergency shutdown.
Reports provide useful information that can be used to make decisions about building operations.
TheTracer SC Reports page contains two tabs: Saved Reports and Scheduled Reports.
You can generate the following types of standard reports for Trane equipment:
Site reports
VAS commissioning reports
Points reports
Chiller reports
Reporting features include:
Creating scheduled reports
Scheduling reports to run during a specific date and time
Specifying file storage options for scheduled reports
Exporting reports to save onto your PC as CSV, HTML, or PDF files
To apply a filter to the table, see Applying theTable Filter, p. 13.
Figure 1. Reports page
  • Page 1 1
  • Page 2 2
  • Page 3 3
  • Page 4 4
  • Page 5 5
  • Page 6 6
  • Page 7 7
  • Page 8 8
  • Page 9 9
  • Page 10 10
  • Page 11 11
  • Page 12 12
  • Page 13 13
  • Page 14 14
  • Page 15 15
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  • Page 28 28
  • Page 29 29
  • Page 30 30
  • Page 31 31
  • Page 32 32
  • Page 33 33
  • Page 34 34
  • Page 35 35
  • Page 36 36
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  • Page 38 38
  • Page 39 39
  • Page 40 40
  • Page 41 41
  • Page 42 42
  • Page 43 43
  • Page 44 44
  • Page 45 45
  • Page 46 46

Trane BMSC000AAA011200 Operating instructions

Operating instructions
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