right page (1) of A60, short, en A31008-H5870-A1-1-7619 (19.09.2003, 16:13)
Siemens AG 2003, I:\Mobil\L55\A60_abgel._von_C60Lion\en\sug\_von_itl\A60K_LionLiteIVZ.fm
Table of Contents 1
VAR Language: English; VAR issue date: 08-August-2003
This is a short version of the operating instructions. You
can download the detailed version from the Internet at:
Safety precautions ..................... 2
Phone overview ......................... 4
Display symbols (selection) ....... 6
Getting started ........................... 8
Using the SIM card/battery ....... 9
Charging the battery .............. 10
Switching on/off, PIN ............... 11
Switching on your phone for the
first time ................................ 11
Strong reception signal .......... 12
Without a SIM card ................. 12
General information ................ 13
User guide ............................. 13
Menu Control ......................... 13
Standby mode ....................... 13
Security .................................... 14
Codes .................................... 14
Clear SIM card barring ............ 15
Making a phone call ................. 16
Text entry ................................. 19
Predef. texts .......................... 22
Phonebook ............................... 23
<New entry> .......................... 23
Call (search for an entry) ........ 23
Edit entry ............................... 23
Assign picture ........................ 24
Groups ................................... 25
Records/Durat/charges ............. 26
Voicemail/CB services .............. 27
SMS .......................................... 28
Surf & fun ................................. 30
Internet browser (WAP) ..........30
Games .................................... 31
Profiles ...................................... 32
Setup ........................................ 34
Ring tones ................................ 39
Extras ........................................ 40
Alarm clock ............................ 40
Calculator ...............................40
Stopwatch .............................. 40
SIM services
(optional) ...............................40
Fast access ................................ 41
Own stuff .................................. 42
Questions & Answers ............... 43
Customer Care .......................... 46
Care and
maintenance ............................ 48
Product data ............................. 49
Battery quality statement ........ 51
Guarantee certificate (UK) ....... 52
Guarantee certificate (IRL) .......53
Menu tree ................................. 54
Index ......................................... 58
Table of Con-
This is a short
version of the
You can
download the
detailed ver-
sion from the
Internet at: