1 Feed the 4-pair, unshielded twisted-pair
cable through the opening in the wall
2 Mount the wall plate to the electrical box
or low-voltage bracket.
3 Strip off approximately 2" of cable jacket
with an appropriate cable stripping tool
such as Pass & Semour Cat.# PSSTV.
4 Separate the cable pairs by color
(Blue/Blue-White, Orange/Orange-
White, Green/Green-White, and
IMPORTANT: Each wire pair must be
connected (terminated) to the correct
insulation-displacement contacts (see
Figure 1). Match the applicable color
code shown on the jack (either 568A or
568B, see Note 1).
6 Place each wire pair into the insulation-
displacement contacts on the back of
the jack.
7 Set the face of the jack module into the
track of the wall plate, frame (if using 2-
piece decorator plates), or against any
other stable surface (see Note 2).
8a If using a 110-type punchdown tool (for
example, Pass & Semour Cat.#
PSIHTV), terminate the Blue cable pair:
• Place the tool over each individual
wire. The cutting edge of the blade
must face the outside of the
insulation-displacement contacts (see
Figure 2).
• Punch each wire into place on the
• Repeat for Orange, Green, and
Brown cable pairs.
8b Alternative Termination (For USOC/Cat
5e): Proceed through Step 6. Place
stuffer cap over contacts. Using
channel-type pliers, firmly seat cap onto
contact block. Using diagonal cutters,
trim excess wire. Proceed with Step 10
(see Figure 3).
9 When the terminations are completed,
push the provided stuffer caps over the
insulation-displacement contacts.
10 Turn the jack over and insert it into the
wall plate (see Figure 4). Apply light
pressure until it snaps into place.
Note 1: For residential applications, follow
the 568A or “A” color-code shown on the
back of the jack.
Note 2: When terminating a jack module in
either 4-, or 6-outlet wall plates, we
recommend that a jack be installed in
the adjacent corner to provide support
during the punchdown operation.
TIP – For Best Performance, Handle
Network Wiring Cable Carefully!
In twisted-pair network cabling (such as
category rated cable), the wire pairs are
twisted together because this helps prevent
a type of interference called near-end
crosstalk (NEXT). Anything that disrupts the
twisting can reduce network performance.
When installing network cable, don’t bend it
sharply (a bending radius of 1 inch or more
is recommended). Don’t use too much
force to pull cable (no more than 25
pounds of pulling force). Don’t strip more
jacket than is necessary to make
connections (terminations) — and don’t
untwist cable pairs more than 1/2" from the
termination point.
MNM5: Cat 5 or 5e Jack Installation
Figure 2
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 4
Warranty Information
Watt Stopper/Legrand warranties its products to be
free of defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of five years. There are no obligations or
liabilities on the part of Watt Stopper/Legrand for
consequential damages arising out of or in
connection with the use or performance of this
product or other indirect damages with respect to
loss of property, revenue, or profit, or cost of
removal, installation or reinstallation.
2800 De La Cruz Boulevard
Santa Clara CA 95050
Technical Support: 800.879.8585
04369r2 3/2005
MNM2-G Cable Jack F Connector, pack-
MNM2-W age of 5
MNM4-G Speaker Post Jacks, color-
MNM4-W coded for left and right”
MNM5-G Data/Phone CAT 5e Jacks,
MNM5-W package of 5
MNA4-G Datacom Adaptor,
MNA4-W fits Miro MP series
MNA4-A Cover Plates,
accomodates four
Miro MNM
Datacom wiring
-G designates Miro Charcoal Gray
-W designates Miro Warm White
-A designates Light Almond