4.1 Input Source Selection
source selection for each of the DSPLLs can be made manually through register control or automatically using an internal state
Table 4.1. Manual or Automatic Input Clock Selection Control Registers
Setting Name Hex Address [Bit Field] Function
Si5347 Si5346
CLK_SWITCH_MODE_PLLA 0436[1:0] 0436[1:0] Selects manual or automatic switching mode for DSPLL
A, B, C, D.
0: For manual
1: For automatic, non-revertive
2: For automatic, revertive
3: Reserved
CLK_SWITCH_MODE_PLLB 0536[1:0] 0536[1:0]
In manual mode the input selection is made by writing to a register. If there is no clock signal on the selected input, the DSPLL will
automatically enter holdover mode if the holdover history is valid or Freerun if it is not.
Table 4.2. Manual Input Select Control Registers
Setting Name Hex Address [Bit Field] Function
Si5347 Si5346
IN_SEL_PLLA 042A[2:0] 042A[2:0] Selects the clock input used to synchronize DSPLL A, B,
C, or D. Selections are: IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3, correspond-
ing to the values 0, 1, 2, and 3. Selections 4–7 are re-
IN_SEL_PLLB 052A[3:1] 052A[3:1]
IN_SEL_PLLC 062A[2:0] —
IN_SEL_PLLD 072B[2:0] —
Automatic input switching is available in addition to the manual selection described previously. In automatic mode, the switching criteria
based on input clock qualification, input priority and the revertive option. The IN_SEL_PLLx register bits are not used in automatic
input switching. Also, only input clocks that are valid (i.e., with no active fault indicators) can be selected by the automatic clock switch-
ing. If there are no valid input clocks available, the DSPLL will enter Holdover or Freerun mode. With Revertive switching enabled, the
highest priority input with a valid input clock is always selected. If an input with a higher priority becomes valid then an automatic switch-
over to that input will be initiated. With Non-revertive switching, the active input will always remain selected while it is valid. If it becomes
invalid, an automatic switchover to the highest priority valid input will be initiated.
Table 4.3. Automatic Input Select Control Registers
Setting Name Hex Address Function
Si5347 Si5346
IN(3,2,1,0)_PRIORITY_PLLA 0x0438–0x0439 0x0438–0x0439 Selects the automatic selection priority for [IN3, IN2,
IN1, IN0] for each DSPLL A, B, C, D. Selections are:
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or never select. Default is IN0=1st,
IN1=2nd, IN2=3rd, IN3=4th.
IN(3,2,1,0)_PRIORITY_PLLB 0x0538–0x0539 0x0538–0x0539
IN(3,2,1,0)_PRIORITY_PLLC 0x0638–0x0639 —
IN(3,2,1,0)_PRIORITY_PLLD 0x0739–0x073A —
IN(3,2,1,0)_LOS_MSK_PLLA 0x0437 0x0437 Determines if the LOS status for [IN3, IN2, IN1, IN0] is
used in determining a valid clock for the automatic input
selection state machine for DSPLL A, B, C, D. Default is
LOS is enabled (un-masked).
IN(3,2,1,0)_LOS_MSK_PLLB 0x0537 0x0537
IN(3,2,1,0)_LOS_MSK_PLLC 0x0637 —
IN(3,2,1,0)_LOS_MSK_PLLD 0x0738 —
Si5347, Si5346 Revision D Reference Manual
Clock Inputs
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