5.2 Input Source Selection
source selection for each of the DSPLLs can be made manually through register control or automaticallly using an internal state
machine. Inputs IN3 and IN4 can only be made manually selected by DSPLL D.
Table 5.1. Manual or Automatic Input Clock Selection Control Registers
Setting Name Hex Address [Bit Field] Function
CLK_SWITCH_MODE_PLLA 0436[1:0] Selects manual or automatic switching
mode for DSPLL A, C, D.
0: For manual
1: For automatic, non-revertive
2: For automatic, revertive
3: Reserved
CONFIGx_CMOS_PLLD 07AA[5:4] and [2:0] Selects which 4 inputs (max) are used in
automatic clock selection
In manual mode the input selection is made by writing to a register clock. If there is no clock signal on the selected input, the DSPLL will
automatically enter holdover mode.
Table 5.2. Manual Input Select Control Registers
Setting Name Hex Address [Bit Field] Function
IN_SEL_PLLA 042A[1:0] Selects the clock input used to synchronize
DSPLL A, C, or D. Selections are: IN0, IN1,
IN2 corresponding to the values 0, 1, and
2. Note that for PLL A and PLL C the selec-
tions are IN0-IN2, while for PLL D the se-
lections are IN0-IN4.
IN_SEL_PLLC 062A[1:0]
IN_SEL_PLLD 072B[2:0]
When configured in automatic mode, the DSPLL automatically selects a valid input that has the highest configured priority. The priority
is independently configurable for each DSPLL and supports revertive or non-revertive selection. When the currently selec-
ted clock is no longer valid, the highest priority clock that is valid will be selected. All inputs are continuously monitored for loss of signal
(LOS) and/or invalid frequency range (OOF). By default, inputs asserting either or both LOS or OOF cannot be selected as a source for
any DSPLL. However, these restrictions may be removed by writing to the registers described below. If there is no valid input clock, the
DSP will enter either Holdover or Free Run mode depending on whether the holdover history is valid at that time or not.
Note: PLLA and PLLC have 4 available inputs IN0, IN1, IN2 and REF and all can be used in automatic selection. PLLD has 6 availa-
ble inputs IN0, IN1, IN2, REF, IN3 and IN4 of which 4 can be selected using automatic input control. If more than 4 clock inputs are
used in a PLLD application, then manual clock selection must be used.
Table 5.3. Automatic Input Select Control Registers
Setting Name Function
IN(3,2,1,0)_PRIORITY_PLLA Selects the automatic selection priority for [REF, IN2, IN1, IN0] for
each DSPLL A, C, D. Selections are: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or never se-
lect. Default is IN0=1st, IN1=2nd, IN2=3rd, REF never selected.
Si5348 Revision D Reference Manual
Clock Inputs (IN0, IN1, IN2, REF, IN3, IN4)
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